Personal advertisement

Personal advertisement

A personal or personal ad is an item or notice traditionally in the newspaper, similar to a classified ad but personal [disambiguation needed ] in nature. In British English it is also commonly known as an advert in a lonely hearts column.[1] With its rise in popularity, the World Wide Web has also become a common medium for personals, commonly referred to as online dating. Personals are generally meant to generate romance, friendship, or casual (sometimes sexual) encounters, and usually include a basic description of the person posting it, and their interests.

Due to newspaper prices being based on characters or lines of text, a jargon of abbreviations, acronyms and code words arose in personals, and have carried over to the internet.


List of single-letter abbreviations

The following are examples of single-letter abbreviations used in three-letter acronyms (TLAs).

First letter

The first letter describes the person seeking.

Middle letter

The middle letter represents the ethnicity of the person posting the ad. Can be replaced by 4, standing for for ("seeking", "desires", etc.).

Last letter

See also


Further reading

  • Francesca Beauman, Shapely Ankle Preferr'd: A History of the Lonely Hearts Ad 1695-2010, Chatto & Windus, 2011

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  • personal advertisement — (also informal personal ad) noun a private advertisement or message placed in a newspaper, especially one from someone seeking a sexual or romantic partner …   English new terms dictionary

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  • personal ad — noun A message or advertisement in a personal column • • • Main Entry: ↑personal * * * noun, pl ⋯ ads [count] : a short message in a special section of a newspaper, magazine, etc., that is written by someone who is interested in forming a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • personal — [pʉr′sə nəl] adj. [OFr < L personalis] 1. of or peculiar to a certain person; private; individual 2. done in person or by oneself without the use of another person or outside agency [a personal interview] 3. involving persons or human beings… …   English World dictionary

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  • personal ad — personal .ad n a short advertisement put in a newspaper or magazine by someone who wants a friend or ↑lover …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • advertisement — ad|ver|tise|ment S3 [ədˈvə:tısmənt US ˌædvərˈtaız ] n 1.) also ad informal advert BrE a picture, set of words, or a short film, which is intended to persuade people to buy a product or use a service, or that gives information about a job that is… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • personal — per|son|al1 [ pɜrsənl ] adjective *** ▸ 1 your own ▸ 2 private ▸ 3 aimed at one person ▸ 4 with direct relationship ▸ 5 done by someone themselves 1. ) usually before noun used about your own opinions or feelings: My own personal view is that… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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