- Self-powered lighting
Self-powered lighting is a generic term describing devices that emit light continuously without an external power source. Self-powered lighting is most frequently used on
wristwatch es (i.e. Night watches),gun sight s, and certain emergency and tactical equipment.Early self-powered lighting used
radium paint, which posed serious health risks to the workers who processed and applied it as well as to the users of devices incorporating it. Gaseoustritium , a radioactiveisotope ofhydrogen , has also been used in self-powered lighting applications, such as emergencyexit sign s. More recently, many applications usingradioactive materials have been replaced withphotoluminescent materials.Tritium lighting
Tritium lighting is made using glass tubes with a
phosphor layer in them andtritium (ahydrogen isotope ) gas inside the tube. Such a tube is known as a "gaseous tritium light source" (GTLS).Self-luminous microspheres
patent application was filed by theUS Patent Office in 2007 for sand-grain-sized tritium containers or glass orpolymer "microspheres" that can be applied in self-powered lighting paint. [http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2007/0200074.html Long life self-luminous microspheres]The patent application states that the plurality of individual containment microspheres minimizes the escape of radioactive gas in the event of any physical damage to an assembly of such microspheres. It also states that the radioactive gas has a relatively large contact surface with the phosphor particles, thus causing a relatively efficient light emission from the surface of the particles. [http://www.rexresearch.com/kohnen/kohnen.htm Long life self-luminous microspheres / Litrosphere paint] [http://www.createthefuturecontest.com/pages/view/entriesdetail.html?entryID=567 Litroenergy - New Light Source Material]
Physics behind the light
The tritium in a gaseous tritium light source undergoes
beta decay , releasing electrons which cause the phosphor layer tofluoresce .During manufacture, a length of
borosilicate glass tube which has had the inside surface coated with aphosphor -containing compound is filled with the radioactive tritium. The tube is then fused with a CO2laser at the desired length. Borosilicate is preferred because it is a type of glass noted for its strength and resistance to breakage. In the tube, the tritium gives off a steady stream ofelectron s due to beta decay. These particles excite the phosphor, causing it to emit a low, steady glow. One could use anybeta particle -emitting substance, but in practice tritium is preferred because it is not very hazardous.Various preparations of the phosphorus compound can be used to produce different colors of light. Some of the colors that have been manufactured in addition to the common phosphorus green are red, blue, yellow, purple, and orange.
The types of GTLS used in watches give off a small amount of light—not enough to be seen in daylight, but enough to be visible in the dark from a distance of several metersFact|date=September 2008. The average such GTLS has a useful life of 10–20 years. As the tritium component of the lighting is often more expensive than the rest of the watch itself, manufacturers try to use as little as possible. Being an unstable isotope with a
half-life of about 12.36 years, tritium loses half its brightness in that period. The more tritium that is initially placed in the tube, the brighter it is to begin with, and the longer its useful life. Tritium exit signs usually come in three brightness levels guaranteed for 10, 15, or 20 year useful life expectanciesFact|date=September 2008. The difference between the signs is how much tritium the manufacturer installs.Uses of self-powered lighting
These light sources are most often seen as "permanent" illumination for the hands of
wristwatches intended for diving, nighttime, or tactical use. They are additionally used in glowing noveltykeychain s and in self-illuminated exit signs. They are also favored by the military for critical applications where illumination of the glow-in-the-dark sort is desired but a power source may not be available. Some uses of this sort areanalog dials in aircraft, incompass es, and sights for weapons. They were invented in the 1960s as a reliable self-powered light source forNATO Fact|date=September 2008.Tritium lights are also found in many old
rotary dial telephones, though due to their age they no longer produce any useful amount of lightFact|date=September 2008.Legal issues
Because tritium in particular is an integral part of thermonuclear devices (though in quantities several thousand times larger than that in a keychain), devices containing tritium are considered
dual-use technology in theUnited States , and are therefore illegal for export.Fact|date=September 2008 However, they are readily sold and used in the US and are widely available in the U.K. Some countries,Belgium for example, have outlawed them. [ [http://www.fanc.fgov.be/nl/communiques_glowering.htm Verboden gadgets (Dutch)] ] Tritium lighting is legal in most ofAsia andAustralia .Health concerns
While these devices contain a radioactive substance, it is currently believed that self-powered lighting does not pose a significant health concern. However, a 2007 report by the UK government's Health Protection Agency Advisory Group on Ionizing Radiation declared the health risks of Tritium exposure to be double that previously set by Sweden's International Commission on Radiological Protection. [cite web | title=Healt Protection Agency Advisory Group on Ionizing Radiation | work=press release on Tritium health risk | url=http://www.hpa.org.uk/hpa/news/articles/press_releases/2007/071129_radiation_report.htm| accessdate = 2007-12-02]
Tritium presents no external radiation threat when encapsulated in non-hydrogen-permeable containers; its only danger is its constitution into the human body from direct contact, which may in turn cause long-term, low-dose radiation damage. This is because
beta decay radiation from tritium is not very energetic; it is incapable of penetrating through glass containers or even intact human skin. [cite web | title=www.ehso.emory.edu | work=Nuclide Safety Data Sheet Hydrogen-3 | url=http://www.ehso.emory.edu/radiation/Forms/nuclide_data_safety_sheets.pdf | accessdate = 2006-11-09]Direct, short-term exposure to small amounts of Tritium is relatively harmless. If a tritium tube should break, one should leave the area and allow the gas to diffuse into the air. Tritium exists naturally in the environment, but in very small quantities.
External links
* [http://hps.org/publicinformation/ate/q3753.html Cleanup of a broken tritium sign]
* [http://www.orau.org/ptp/collection/radioluminescent/radioluminescent.htm Radioluminescent items]
* [http://forums.watchuseek.com/archive/index.php/t-144.html Forum discussion on Superluminova vs. Tritium]ee also
List of light sources
*Exit sign
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