Linear density

Linear density

Linear density, linear mass density or linear mass is a measure of mass per unit of length, and it is a characteristic of strings or other one-dimensional objects. The SI unit of linear density is the kilogram per metre (kg/m). It is defined as:

:mu = frac{partial m}{partial x}

where "μ" is the linear density of the object, "m" is the mass, and "x" is a coordinate along the (one dimensional) object.

For the common case of a homogeneous substance of length L and total mass m, this simplifies to:

:mu = frac{m}{L}

The term linear density also refers to how dense a line is drawn.


Common units include:

*dtex (decitex) - Unit of the SI
*kilogram per metre
*ounce (mass) per foot.
*ounce (mass) per inch
*pound (mass) per foot
*pound (mass) per inch

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