Domninus of Fidenza

Domninus of Fidenza
Saint Domninus of Fidenza

Saint Charles Borromeo, Saint Domninus, and Saint Apollonia. Cristoforo Savolini.
Died ~304 AD
Honored in Roman Catholic Church
Major shrine Fidenza
Feast October 9
Attributes dog; cup; palm of martyrdom; depicted as a soldier
Patronage Fidenza; invoked against rabies

Saint Domninus of Fidenza (Italian: San Donnino di Fidenza) is an Italian Catholic saint. According to tradition, he died in 304 AD and was a native of Parma. The cathedral at Fidenza (a town once called Borgo San Donnino) is dedicated to him. The Hieronymian Martyrology commemorates Domninus, but does not include any further information about him, and his feast day is cited as occurring on October 9. He is not commemorated in the martyrologies of Bede, Ado, Notker, or the Parvum Romanum.

Church of San Donnino in Carpineti

His legend states that Domninus was Chamberlain to Emperor Maximian and keeper of the royal crown, and converted to Christianity, thereby incurring the emperor's wrath. Pursued by imperial forces, he rode through Piacenza holding a cross. He was caught and beheaded on the banks of the Stirone, outside of Fidenza, or the Via Aemilia. It is recounted that Domninus picked up his severed head and placed it on the future site of the cathedral of San Donnino.


His relics are enshrined at the cathedral of Fidenza, adding some plausibility to the tradition that he suffered martyrdom in this region. The ancient basilica at Fidenza, rebuilt in the twelfth century, includes a sculpted band sub-divided into five scenes representing the life of the saint. The sculptures are attributed to the school of Benedetto Antelami.

In art, Domninus is depicted in military attire, and holds the palm of martyrdom. Domninus' cult was popular in Northern Italy. He has been from earliest times invoked against rabies; his Passio records that after water and wine was blessed and the saint invoked, anyone who drank this would be cured from rabies.

External links

Gloriole blur.svg Saints portal

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