
The ravelin outside the Land Gate at Tilbury Fort
The Moers fortifications, designed by Simon Stevin, where ravelins appear as triangular shapes surrounded by water, with wall (shown in green) facing outwards with no wall on the inner side.
In 16th century Revelin Fortress became the strongest city fortress within Walls of Dubrovnik in Croatia.

A ravelin is a triangular fortification or detached outwork, located in front of the innerworks of a fortress (the curtain walls and bastions). Originally called a demi-lune, after the lunette, the ravelin is placed outside a castle and opposite a fortification curtain.

The edges of the ravelin are placed so that the guns there can sweep fire upon the attacking troops as they approach the curtain. The wall facing the inner fortifications is low and designed so that it will not provide shelter to attacking forces in case the ravelin is overtaken by the attackers or abandoned by the defenders.

The word appears in the Major-General's Song from the comic opera The Pirates of Penzance, by Gilbert & Sullivan, in which General Stanley sings, "In fact, when I know what is meant by mamelon and ravelin..."

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  • Ravelin — der Festung Hulst (Niederlande), Anfang des 17. Jh.s Festung Orsoy …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ravelin — ● ravelin nom masculin (italien ravellino, variante de rivellino) Ouvrage de fortification analogue aux demi lunes (XVe XVIe s.). ⇒RAVELIN, subst. masc. FORTIF. Ouvrage extérieur composé de deux faces faisant un angle saillant et servant à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ravelin —   [ra vlɛ̃; französisch] der, s/ s, Militärwesen: in den Bastionärfestungen des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts der Kurtine (Verbindungswall zwischen zwei Bastionen) vorgelagertes Werk mit dreieckigem Grundriss; Spitze feindwärts gerichtet, rückwärtige… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • ravelin — RAVELIN. s. m. Ouvrage de fortification qui se met ordinairement au devant des portes & de la contrescarpe d une Place, & qui est composé de deux faces qui font un angle saillant. Les flancs des bastions estoient deffendus par un ravelin …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Ravelin — Rave lin (r[a^]v l[i^]n; 277), n. [F.; cf. Sp. rebellin, It. revellino, rivellino; perhaps fr. L. re again + vallum wall.] (Fort.) A detached work with two embankments which make a salient angle. It is raised before the curtain on the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Ravelin — (rawläng), Außenwerk zwischen 2 Bastionen, früher halbmondförmig, jetzt in der Regel mit 2 Seiten …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • ravelin — (ra ve lin) s. m. Terme de fortification. Synonyme de demi lune. •   Il [Charles XII] s arrêta le 21 jusqu à minuit sur un petit ravelin tout ruiné par les bombes et par le canon, VOLT. Charles XII, 8. HISTORIQUE    XVIe s. •   La ville de Gand,… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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