- Casemate
A casemate, sometimes rendered casement, is a fortified gun emplacement or armored structure from which guns are fired [Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary] , originally a vaulted chamber in a
fortress . The word comes from the Italian "casamatta" [Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary] , meaning "armed house", with the origins being in the words for "casa" (house) and "matta" (dull, dark or dim). In civilian use a casemate may be a tunnel cut into a rock face witharmour ed doors, used for storing volatile goods. In civilian architecture the term is also used to describe a hollow molding, used mostly in acornice .In
naval gunnery a casemate is a vertical armour plate with openings for guns. It is less protected than agun turret and allows for a smaller field of fire. It is however much cheaper in terms of money and far lighter in weight for a given level of armor protection.The
American Civil War saw the use of casemateironclads : steel-built or armored steamboats with a very lowfreeboard and their guns on the main deck ('Casemate deck') protected by a sloped armored casemate. Although both sides of the civil war used casemate ironclads, the ship is mostly associated with the southern confederacy, the north more relying on turretted monitors. The most famous naval battle of the war was the duel at Hampton Roads between the Union turretted ironclad USS "Monitor" and the Confederatecasemate ironclad CSS "Virginia" (built from the scuttled remains of the "Merrimack")In 20th century
battleship s, casemates were used to mount secondary guns for defending the ship againsttorpedo boat s. In practice, these guns were generally quite useless; usually mounted close to the water, casemate guns were often awash in spray, and sometimes swamped completely by the ship's rolling. More modern designs did away with casemate weapons entirely, favoring extra topside turret mounts for their secondary batteries.During
World War II , most purpose-built Nazi GermanWehrmacht and SovietRed Army tank destroyers and self-propelled guns essentially had turretless, armored steel casemates mounted onto (or built integrally into) conventional main battle tank chassis to carry heavier, forward firing guns- the German vehicles were dubbedJagdpanzer andPanzerjäger respectively, while their Soviet counterparts all bore an "SU-" prefix in their designations.References
ee also
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