

Noa may refer to:



  • Noa is a popular traditional Hawaiian name, meaning "free" and "freedom". *Noa (Hebrew: נועה, Noa; or נעה, Nōʿā), is the most popular[1] feminine Hebrew name, derived from a root that means "movement". Noa is a biblical name; she was one of the Daughters of Zelophehad. Noa is commonly confused with Noah (Hebrew: נח), an unrelated masculine name known from the biblical story about Noah's ark.
  • Noa is used by native Egyptians residing on the Mediterranean in their common dialect to refer to "the strong wind coming from the sea".[citation needed]
  • Noa means "from love" in Japanese[2].
  • NOA (Night Owl Association.) Is a world wide underground community working towards social justice, equality, animal welfare and in support of environmental groups and principles.
  • NOA (NOA Street Team) Protective Enforcers and Street level advocates and activists for the 'Night Owl Association' with known catch phrases such as; "Pay it Forward", "HOOT!", "Getcha Pull", and "You Can't Kill The Revolution!"


  • Loveman Noa, a US Naval officer killed during the Philippines Insurrection
  • NOA (singer), Australian singer-songwriter
  • Noa (singer), the chosen appellation of singer Achinoam Nini
  • Noa Tishby (born 1977), an Israeli actress
  • Noa Nadruku (born 1967), Ethnic Fijian Rugby player
  • Kaipo-Noa Kaheaku-Enhada, Quarterback, U.S. Naval Academy, Hawaiian


  • Noa, one of the Daughters of Zelophehad
  • Noa, a common misspelling of Noah (spelled and pronounced differently in Hebrew), the biblical builder of the Ark
  • Noah (ノーア Nōa?), a character from Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa
  • Noa, a character in Star Wars
  • Noa, a protagonist in the video game Legend of Legaia
  • Noa (dog) a dog in the manga Inubaka: Crazy for Dogs
  • Noa (Kiba), a character from the anime Kiba
  • Noa Izumi, a character from the anime and manga series Patlabor
  • Noa Takahashi, the lead character of the manga series Betting On Love
  • Ultraman Noa, from Ultraman Nexus



  • The Natural Ontological Attitude, a philosophy of science proposed by Arthur Fine
  • Net Operating Assets
  • An Arabic term (_نوى) that means "long distance or separation"
  • A Polynesian term for replacing names to avoid summoning something; a form of euphemism
  • A Māori term referring to the opposite of tapu; it means "common", "non-sacred", or "free from tapu" (sometimes because tapu has been broken); literally means "safe"

Organizations and companies


  • Naturally occurring asbestos, which is the unprocessed form of Asbestos (common in California, Montana, and Turkey)
  • Norma Ortográfica Andaluza, a Spanish transcription method in actual commercial use for popular songs with flamenco lyrics which aims to reflect more phonetically the actual speech features of the Andalusian region
  • North Atlantic oscillation, an ocean variability
  • Notice of Action, a printed form (I-797) which the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services sends out to document processing milestones on petitions


  1. ^ Israel Faxx (November 17, 2006). "Most Popular Names: Uri and Noa". High Beam. Retrieved August 7, 2010. 
  2. ^ "Meaning of Noa". ParentsConnect. Retrieved April 27, 2011. 

See also

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  • Noa — bezeichnet einen Kurznamen von Achinoam Nini, einer israelischen Musikerin noa bank, ein deutsches Geldinstitut USS Noa (DD343), Zerstörer der US Navy (Stapellauf 1918) eine Progressive Rock Band aus Nantes aus den 70er Jahren des 20.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Noa —  Pour l’article homophone, voir Noah. Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. NOA peut faire référence à : NOA Audio Solutions, une entreprise autrichienne, fabriquant du soft et …   Wikipédia en Français

  • NOA — bezeichnet die argentinische Großregion Región Noroeste Argentino die Berechnungsgröße der Investitionsrechnung Net Operating Assets die neuroonkologische Arbeitsgruppe den Nautischen Offiziersassistenten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Noa — Noa, so v.w. Noara …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Noa — Noa,   polynesischer Begriff, der im Gegensatz zu dem sakralen Meidungsbegriff Tabu das Profane, Alltägliche und frei zu Gebrauchende bezeichnet. Noawörter sind erlaubte Ausdrücke, die ersatzweise für Benennungen gebraucht werden, die… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • noa — noá interj. – (Trans., Banat) Bine, să mergem! sb., slov. no (Tiktin). Trimis de blaurb, 31.05.2008. Sursa: DER …   Dicționar Român

  • noa — polynes.> frei (zum Gebrauch bestimmt, nicht tabu) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • noa — |ô| s. f. [Religião católica] Parte do ofício divino que precede as vésperas …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • noa — nȍa ž DEFINICIJA antrop. 1. riječ koja označava da u čemu nema natprirodne snage ili da je ima vrlo malo, opr. tabu 2. riječ koja označava da je što dopušteno ETIMOLOGIJA havaj …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Noa — Nȍa m <G Nȍe, I Nȍom> DEFINICIJA bibl. jedini čovjek koji je sa svojom obitelji preživio opći potop u arci što ju je izgradio na Božju zapovijed; praotac svih ljudi ETIMOLOGIJA hebr. noaḥ …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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