61 Danaë

61 Danaë
61 Danaë
Discovered by H. Goldschmidt
Discovery date September 9, 1860
Named after Danaë
Alternate name(s) A917 SM; 1953 RL1
Minor planet
Main belt
Epoch June 14, 2006 (JD 2453900.5)
Aphelion 520.969 Gm (3.482 AU)
Perihelion 371.280 Gm (2.482 AU)
Semi-major axis 446.125 Gm (2.982 AU)
Eccentricity 0.168
Orbital period 1881.025 d (5.15 a)
Average orbital speed 17.13 km/s
Mean anomaly 91.103°
Inclination 18.218°
Longitude of ascending node 333.774°
Argument of perihelion 13.831°
Physical characteristics
Dimensions 82.0 km
Mass 3.2×1017 kg
Mean density 1.1 g/cm³
Equatorial surface gravity 0.0126 m/s²
Escape velocity 0.0322 km/s
Rotation period 0.4771 d (11.45 h) [1]
Albedo 0.2224±0.025 [2]
Temperature ~155 K
Spectral type S
Absolute magnitude (H) 7.68

61 Danaë (play /ˈdænəj/ dan-ə-yee or /dəˈn.ə/ də-nay) is a moderately large, rocky main belt asteroid. It was discovered by Hermann Goldschmidt on September 9, 1860 from his balcony in Paris.

Goldschmidt was ill when asked to name the asteroid, and requested his fellow asteroid-hunter Robert Luther to name it instead. Luther chose to name it after Danaë, the mother of Perseus in Greek mythology.[1] Danaë was the first asteroid to have a diacritical character in its official name.

In 1985, a study of lightcurve data suggested that Danaë may have a moon. If so, the main body would be an ellipsoid measuring 85×80×75 km, and the moon would orbit 101 km away, measuring 55×30×30 km. The density of both would be 1.1 g/cm³.[3]


  1. ^ Schmadel, Lutz (2003). Dictionary of minor planet names (fifth ed.). Germany: Springer. p. 21. ISBN 3-540-00238-3. http://books.google.com/?id=KWrB1jPCa8AC&pg=PA19. Retrieved 2008-12-29. 

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