

Infobox Writing system
type=Borderline abugida-alphabet
languages=Dhivehi language
fam1=Proto-Canaanite alphabet
fam2=Arabic , Brāhmī

Thaana, Taana or Tāna (written rtl- _dv. ތާނަ in Tāna script) is the modern writing system of the Divehi language spoken in the Maldives. Taana has characteristics of both an abugida (diacritic vowels, killer strokes) and a true alphabet (all vowels are written), with consonants derived from indigenous and Arabic numerals, and vowels derived from the vowel diacritics of the Arabic abjad. Its orthography is largely phonemic.

The Tāna script first appeared in a Maldivian document towards the beginning of the eighteenth century in a crude initial form known as Gabulhi Thaana. This early script slowly developed, its characters slanting 45 degrees, becoming more graceful. As time went by it gradually replaced the older alphabet Dhives Akuru.

Thaana, like Arabic, is written right to left. It indicates vowels with diacritic marks derived from Arabic. Each letter must carry either a vowel or a "sukun" (which indicates "no vowel"). The only exception to this rule is "nūnu" which, when written without a diacritic, indicates prenasalization of a following stop.

The vowel or diacritical signs are called "fili" in Divehi; there are five "fili" for short vowels (a,i,u,e,o), where the first two look identical to the Arabic vowel signs ("fatha" and "kasra") and the third one (damma) looks somewhat similar. Long vowels (ā, ē, ī, ō and ū) are denoted by doubled "fili" (except ō, which is a modification of the short "obofili").

The letter "alifu" has no sound value of its own and is used for three different purposes:It can act as a carrier for a vowel with no preceding consonant, that is, a word-initial vowel or the second part of a diphthong; when it carries a "sukun", it indicates gemination (lengthening) of the following consonant; and if "alifu"+"sukun" occurs at the end of a word, it indicates that the word ends in /eh/. Gemination of nasals, however, is indicated by "nūnu"+sukun preceding the nasal to be geminated.


The origins of Tāna are unique among the world's alphabets: The first nine letters (h–v) are derived from the Arabic numerals, whereas the next nine (m–d) were the local Indic numerals. (See Hindu-Arabic numerals.) The remaining letters for loanwords (z–ch) and Arabic transliteration are derived from phonetically similar native consonants by means of diacritics, with the exception of y, which is of unknown origin. This means that Thaana is one of the few alphabets not derived graphically from the original Semitic alphabet — unless the Indic numerals were (see Brahmi numerals).

The order of the Tāna alphabet "(, shaviyani, nūnu, , , etc.)" doesnt follow the order of other Indic scripts or of the Arabic alphabet. There is no apparent logic to the order; this has been interpreted as suggesting that the script was scrambled to keep it secret from average islanders. The script was originally used primarily to write magical "(fadinta)" incantations. These included Arabic quotations, written from right to left. Maldivian learned men, who were all well versed in sorcery, saw the advantages of writing in this simplified hidden script, and Tāna was gradually adopted for everyday use. [Xavier Romero-Frias, "The Maldive Islanders, A Study of the Popular Culture of an Ancient Ocean Kingdom". ISBN 84 7254 801 5]

Tāna nearly disappeared for a brief period in recent history.Towards the mid 1970s, during President Ibrahim Nasir's tenure, Telex machines were introduced by the Maldivian Government in the local administration. The new telex equipment was viewed as a great progress, however Tāna was deemed to be an obstacle because messages on the telex machines could only be written in the Latin script.Following this, a rough Latin transliteration for Divehi was officially approved by the Maldive government in 1976 and was quickly implemented by the administration. Booklets were printed and dispatched to all Atoll and Island Offices, as well as schools and merchant liners. This was seen by many as the demise of the Tāna script.

This official Latin script (Dhivehi Letin) made indiscriminate use of "h"s for non-aspirated sounds, inconsistent with the clear phonetic rules of Indic languages. It also used certain combinations of letters and apostrophes for some Arabic sounds which effectively ignored the Arabic transliterations accepted in Academic circles worldwide.The long vowels "oo" and "ee" were introduced from English, reminiscent of colonial transcriptions.

Clarence Maloney, the American anthropologist who was in the Maldives at the time of the change, lamented the crude inconsistencies of the "Dhivehi Letin" and wondered why modern Standard Indic transliteration had not been considered. [Clarence Maloney; People of the Maldive Islands]

The Tāna script was reinstated by President Maumoon shortly after he took power in 1978. However, the substandard Latin transcription of 1976 continues to be widely used.

Character set

Thaana occupies Unicode codepoints 1920-1983 (hexadecimal 0780-07BF). For a sample text, see the article on Gaumii salaam, the Maldives' national anthem.

Transliteration of the name

H. C. P. Bell, the first serious researcher of Maldivian documents, used the spelling "Tāna," as the initial consonant is unaspirated. The spelling "Thana" was adopted in the mid 1970s, when the government of the Maldives embarked on a short period or Romanization. This spelling is confusing, as it implies the name is aspirated.

Disappearance of the letter "naviyani"

Naviyani ޱ represents the retroflex "n" (IPA| [ɳ] ) common to many Indic languages. However this letter was abolished from Maldivian official documents around 1953.

The letter's former position in the Maldivian alphabet was the nineteenth, between Daviyani and Zaviyani. It is still seen in reprints of old books like the "Bodu Tartheebu," and it is used by the people of Addu Atoll when writing songs or poetry in their dialect.



*Bell , H.C.P. The Maldive islands. Monograph on the History, Archaeology and Epigraphy. Reprint 1940 edn. Male' 1986.
*H.C.P. Bell, The Maldive Islands, An account of the physical features, History, Inhabitants, Productions and Trade. Colombo 1883, ISBN 81 206 1222 1
*Bell , H.C.P. Excerpta Maldiviana. Reprint 1922-1935 edn. New Delhi 1998.
*Divehi Bahuge Qawaaaid. Vols 1 to 5. Ministry of Education. Male' 1978.
*Divehīnge Tarika. Divehīnge Bas. Divehibahāi Tārikhah Khidumaykurā Qaumī Majlis. Male2000.
* Gair, James W. & Cain, Bruce D. (1996), "Divehi Writing" in Peter T. Daniels & William Bright, ed., "The World's Writing Systems", New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 564-568. ISBN 0-19-507993-0.
*Xavier Romero-Frias, "The Maldive Islanders, A Study of the Popular Culture of an Ancient Ocean Kingdom". ISBN 84 7254 801 5
*Geiger, Wilhelm. Maldivian Linguistic Studies. Reprint 1919 edn. Novelty Press. Male1986.

External links

* http://www.omniglot.com/writing/thaana.htm
* A brief description of Thaana is available at [http://www.maldivesculture.com/thaana01.html this website]
* [http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode5.0.0/ch08.pdf#G20818 The Unicode 5.0 Standard: 8.4 Thaana]
* [http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0780.pdf Unicode Character Code Charts: Thaana]

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