2006-07 Australian bushfire season

2006-07 Australian bushfire season

The 2006-07 Australian bushfire season had an early start with fires in spring time. Eastern and south-eastern Australia has been suffering below average rainfall for a number of years and the winter and spring rains of 2006 were some of the lowest on record. Major droughts in Australia have often been accompanied by severe bushfires; for example the Black Friday fires of 1939, the 1967 Tasmanian fires and the Ash Wednesday fires of 1983 were all associated with drought.

September 2006

On 24 September 2006, bushfires began burning in various places in the Southern Highlands, Shoalhaven, Hawkesbury River and Hunter Valley regions of New South Wales, Australia.

Declarations under Section 44 of the "Rural Fires Act, 1997" were issued by the New South Wales Rural Fire Service for the Newcastle, Hawkesbury/Baulkham, Redhead (Lake Macquarie), Shoalhaven and Wollondilly bushfires, enabling the "Commissioner is to take charge of bush fire fighting operations and bush fire prevention measures and to take such measures as the Commissioner considers necessary to control or suppress any bush fire in any part of the State...." [ [http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/fragview/inforce/act+65+1997+pt.3-div.1-sec.44+0+N S44 Rural Fires Act link] ]

Seven (7) houses were burned out, four at Picton, and also Thirlmere, and Oakdale. The wind was from the west and north-west and fed the fire conditions, hampering firefighting by the New South Wales Rural Fire Service. [cite news | url= http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200609/s1747424.htm | title= Homes lost in NSW bushfires | publisher= Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date= 2006-09-24 | accessdate= 2006-12-11] [cite news | url= http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,20468177-2,00.html | title= Wild weather claims life, homes | publisher= news.com.au News Limited| date= 2006-09-24 | accessdate= 2006-12-11]

October 2006

On 12 October 2006, bushfires burned through parts of Hobart's eastern shore, encouraged by strong winds and unusually high temperatures. No lives or homes were lost. [cite news|url=http://abc.net.au/news/items/200610/1763696.htm|title=Arson suspected in Hobart bushfire| publisher= Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date= 2006-10-12 | accessdate= 2006-12-12] [cite news|url=http://abc.net.au/news/australia/tas/northtas/200610/s1763823.htm|title=Firefighters battle blazes across south-eastern Australia| publisher= Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date= 2006-10-13 | accessdate= 2006-12-12]

November 2006

In late November Sydney was covered in smoke after raging fires in the Blue Mountains. One of the major fires was lit by a lightning strike near Burra Korain Head inside the Blue Mountains National Park on 13 November. Some people have suggested that the Blue Gum Forest in the Grose River valley was severely damaged by backburning, though this remains to be ascertained scientifically. [cite news | first= Gregg | last= Borschmann | url= http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/the-ghosts-of-an-enchanted-forest-demand-answers/2006/12/10/1165685553891.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap1 | title= The ghosts of an enchanted forest demand answers | work= | publisher= Sydney Morning Herald | date=2006-12-11 | accessdate= 2006-12-12] [cite news | first= Gregg | last= Borschmann | url= http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/the-burning-question/2006/12/10/1165685553945.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap1 | title= The burning question | work= | publisher= Sydney Morning Herald | date=2006-12-11 | accessdate= 2006-12-12]

On 28 November 2006, lightning strikes started 15 fires in the Riverina with the major fires west of Narrandera at Morundah and Tubbo Station were about 10 km² of private property was burnt and Northeast of Narrandera at Colinroobie Ranges over 12 km² of private property and bush land was burnt. [cite news | first= | last= | url= http://www.abc.net.au/news/items/200611/1799847.htm?riverina | title= Praise for firefighters tackling lightning-sparked fires | work= | publisher= Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date=2006-11-29 | accessdate= 2006-12-12] [cite news | first= | last= | url= http://www.riverinamediagroup.com.au/Home/news.asp?publication=The%20Irrigator&articleType=Local&ArticleID=14836 | title= Lightning bolts spark blazes across region | work= | publisher= The Irrigator | date=2006-12-05 | accessdate= 2006-12-12]

December 2006

Fires commenced in north-east Victoria in early December. As at 11 December, 2,500 km² of bushland had burnt but only 3 houses had been lost. On the week end of 9 and 10 December, 3,000 firefighters fought the blazes. [cite news | url= http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200612/s1808348.htm | title= Wind change eases Vic fire threat | work= | publisher= Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date=2006-12-11 | accessdate= 2006-12-11] Settlements at Gaffneys Creek, A1 Mine Settlement, Burns Bridge, Mount Beauty, Bright, Wandiligong and Tawonga were threatened with the fires. [cite news | url= http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200612/s1808429.htm | title= Vic fires burn out of control | publisher= Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date=2006-12-11 | accessdate= 2006-12-11] [cite news | url= http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/homes-razed-as-bush-inferno-rages/2006/12/10/1165685553899.html | title= Homes razed as bush inferno rages | work= | publisher= Sydney Morning Herald | date=2006-12-11 | accessdate= 2006-12-11] On 11 December 4,000 firefighters fought 13 blazes. The fire has destroyed Craig's Hut, an alpine hut that featured in the film "The Man from Snowy River". [cite news | url= http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200612/s1809273.htm | title= Firefighters battle 13 blazes across Victoria | publisher= Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date=2006-12-12 | accessdate= 2006-12-12] In Gippsland on December 14, eighteen homes were destroyed in the Heyfield–Walhalla area in blazes believed to have been deliberately lit. A 48-year-old man was killed falling off the back of a trailer while fighting the Gippsland fires. [cite news | url=http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,20930760-2,00.html | title=Police hunt teens over bushfire | publisher=AAP | date=2006-12-15 | accessdate=2006-12-15]

In South Australia, nearly 1,200 km² was burnt at Bookmark, near Waikerie in South Australia's Riverland region. [cite news | url= http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200612/s1808393.htm | title= Aircraft to monitor Riverland fire | publisher= Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date=2006-12-11 | accessdate= 2006-12-11]

In Tasmania, fires burnt at St Marys on the east coast, Zeehan in the west and in the state's south at Bream Creek and Deep Bay. [cite news | url= http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200612/s1808354.htm | title= Rain fails to dampen Tas bushfires | publisher= Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date=2006-12-11 | accessdate= 2006-12-11] Fires destroyed at least 18 houses near Scamander where in excess of 175 km² were burnt. [cite news | url= http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200612/s1809278.htm | title= Conditions improve for Tasmanian fire crews | publisher= Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date=2006-12-12 | accessdate= 2006-12-12] A further four homes were lost at Four Mile Creek on December 14. [cite news | url=http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200612/s1812174.htm | title=Tas crews monitor Four Mile Creek blaze | publisher=Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date=2006-12-14 | accessdate=2006-12-15]

In New South Wales, a fire near Tumut has burned over 130 km² of pine plantation in the Bondo, Billapaloola and Buccleuch State Forests. [cite news | url= http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200612/s1809258.htm | title= Tumut fire to burn for days: firefighters | publisher= Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date=2006-12-12 | accessdate= 2006-12-12] [cite news | url= http://www.riverinamediagroup.com.au/Home/news.asp?publication=The%20Daily%20Advertiser&ArticleID=14960&articletype=Local | title= Tumut fire may burn into 2007 | publisher= The Daily Advertiser | date=2006-12-12 | accessdate= 2006-12-12] [cite news | url= http://www.abc.net.au/news/items/200612/1809521.htm?riverina | title= Winds help whip up southern blaze | publisher= Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date=2006-12-12 | accessdate= 2006-12-12]

On December 3, up to 4,000 people were evacuated from Whiteman Park near Perth after a bushfire burnt through about 1 km² of the park. [cite news | url=http://abc.net.au/news/items/200612/1803018.htm?wa | title=Firefighters evacuate up to 4,000 people near Perth | publisher=Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date=2006-12-04 | accessdate=2006-12-16]

On December 12, a man in Western Australia was charged with lighting a fire in the Perth Hills. A home in Kalamunda was completely gutted and several were damaged by flying embers. [cite news | url=http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200612/s1810176.htm | title=Man charged for starting Kalamunda fire | publisher=Australian Broadcasting Corporation | date=2006-12-12 | accessdate=2006-12-13]

January 2007

In January 2007, several new bushfires were burning in the Gippsland region of Victoria. By 18 January, the fires had been burning across Victoria for 48 days and over 10,000 km² had been burnt. Homes and other property and stock as been lost. [cite news |title=Fire crews prepare for horrific conditions |url= http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200701/s1828789.htm |publisher=ABC News |date=2007-01-17 |accessdate =2007-01-18]

There was a significant fire in the Adelaide Hills of South Australia, near the towns of Kangarilla and Echunga, the Mount Bold Reservoir, and in parts of Kuitpo Forest. [cite news |title=Property lost in Adelaide Hills blaze |url=http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200701/s1824847.htm |publisher=ABC News |date=2007-01-11 |accessdate=2007-01-13] See : Mt Bold Fire.

An arsonist lit at least thirteen fires in the eastern hills near Harrogate, but most were contained with minimal damage to property. [cite news |title=Authorities suspect Adelaide Hills bushfire deliberately lit |url=http://abc.net.au/news/items/200701/1821792.htm?sa |publisher=ABC News |date=2007-01-05 |accessdate=2007-01-13]

On the 16th a bushfire burning out of control near the town of Benalla in Victoria's North East caused power to be cut to much of the state when ash and smoke severed major transmission powerlines connecting Victoria to the national power grid. The 40C temperature caused a huge demand for power which, when paired with the severing of the line, forced power company's to impose rolling blackouts across the state, including power loss to parts of Melbourne which resulted in traffic problems across the city. Full power was restored at approximately 12:30 am the following day. [ [http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/2/story.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10419482 Power supplies back to normal in Victoria - 17 Jan 2007 - NZ Herald: World / International News ] ] [ [http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,21073319-1702,00.html Victorians told to go easy on power | The Australian ] ]

On January 17, fires crossed the Murray River into New South Wales and threatened Thredbo. With the fire 12 km from the town, 700 tourists were evacuated. [cite news|title=Thredbo fire threat eases|url=http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/thredbo-fire-threat-eases/2007/01/17/1168709797527.html| publisher=SMH| date=2007-01-17|accessdate=2007-01-05]

On January 21, a large fire began near the F3 Freeway (Freeway which connects Central Coast to Sydney), this resulted in its closure due to the intensity of the flames and smoke levels.

On January 22, the fire broke containment lines and headed north thanks to wind levels and hot conditions, the fire also caused the closure of the Pacific Highway and train line. The suburb of Berowra also came under direct threat with residents urged at the time to prepare their properties. The railway station and a train that had stopped there came perilously close to being consumed by the bushfire. Later on January 22, the fire front was slowly contained, allowing all three avenues to re-open by nightfall.

February 2007

On February 7, the fire complex in eastern Victoria was declared contained. Lasting 69 days and having merged to burn a total of 1,154,828 hectares [cite web|url=http://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/about/history/majorfires.htm|accessdate=2008-06-05|title=Major Fires|publisher=Department of Sustainability and Environment|date=2007-02-07] , the bushfires were the longest in Victoria's history. [cite news |title=Great Divide fires contained after 69 days |url= http://www.abc.net.au/news/australia/vic/gippsland/200702/s1842374.htm|publisher=ABC News |date=2007-02-07 |accessdate =2008-06-05]


* New South Wales Rural Fire Service : [http://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/dsp_content.cfm?CAT_ID=684 Major Fire Updates]

External links

* [http://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au New South Wales Rural Fire Service]
* [http://abc.net.au/nature/bushfire/ Bushfire Summer - ABC TV Nature] ABC TV case study of the 2005-2006 bushfire season
* [http://www.dse.vic.gov.au/CA256F310024B628/0/AD9CEB2C94C2768CCA25727B0011D730/$File/east_vic_mediamap_non_standard_map_20070207_0900.pdf Eastern Victoria Great Divide Fires] Map of the burnt area in Eastern Victoria, from Department of Sustainability and Environment

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