- Carole Highlands, Maryland
Carole Highlands,
Maryland ,USA (zip code 20912) is a residential neighborhood partially overlapping the municipal boundaries of the City of Takoma Park. Theneighborhood is located inside the Capital Beltway, about a mile from theDistrict of Columbia ( [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=15th+pl+and+Erskine,+20912&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=11&ll=38.980896,-76.984892&spn=0.277025,0.714111&t=h map] ).Physical geography
Carole Highlands got its name because much of it is literally on "high land." At the very top of the neighborhood is a
water tower .Elevation abovesea level (topo map [http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?lat=38.9797&lon=-76.9841&s=25&size=l&u=4&datum=nad27&layer=DRG25 here] ) reaches a maximum of convert|220|ft|m at the water tower, and slopes downhill to its minimum of convert|95|ft|m on Elson Street along Sligo Creek Park.A convert|200|ft|m|sing=on-high dendritic ridge runs north and south through the neighborhood just west of 16th Place. The ridgeline divides the [http://www.fosc.org/Maps/section1PG.jpgSligo Creek watershed] from the [http://www.anacostia.net/maps/map_northwestbranch(lower.htm Northwest Branch watershed] . When the leaves are off the trees, from various points on the ridge there is a clear view of the
Shepherd Park and Brightwood neighborhoods of Washington, D.C. (3 miles west); of theBasilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (3 miles south-southwest); and ofCarmody Hills, Maryland (8 miles southeast).Roads, hiker-biker trails, and political geography
Carole Highlands is bounded by MD-650 (
New Hampshire Avenue ) to the west; by Sligo Creek Park to the southwest; by MD-410 (East-West Highway) to the south; by MD-212 (Riggs Road) to the east; and by MD-193 (University Boulevard, a.k.a. "Maryland's International Corridor") to the north. The only direct road access into the neighborhood is via Erskine Avenue (from New Hampshire Avenue) or Drexel Avenue (from Riggs Road).Elson Street and Sligo Parkway East give Carole Highlands two access points to
Sligo Creek Trail , which was designated aNational Recreation Trail in 2006 (external link [http://www.americantrails.org/nationalrecreationtrails/trailNRT/SligoCreek-MD.html here] ). The paved andshade d hiker-biker trail links directly to the Anacostia Trail System and thus to theAmerican Discovery Trail that crosses theUnited States fromDelaware toCalifornia . However, most Carole Highlands residents use Sligo Creek Trail less frequently as an access point for coast-to-coast tours than forbicycle commuting , family outings andjogging .The neighborhood straddles the border between Montgomery and Prince George's counties. On maps, the neighborhood is right where the county line just north of DC bulges slightly east of its otherwise straight path. The homes in Montgomery County are part of the City of Takoma Park. The homes in Prince George's County are in an
unincorporated area of the county.Plants and animals
The neighborhood is lined with a canopy of mature
tree s. For this reason, Carole Highlands appears as a darkgreen patch on [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=15th+pl+and+Erskine,+20912&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=11&ll=38.980896,-76.984892&spn=0.277025,0.714111&t=h satellite images] of the Washington area.Many of the trees belong to species native to the local ecological region, the Piedmont region of Maryland. Some of the local tree species are
oak ,maple ,birch ,beech ,elm ,wild cherry , weeping cherry,spruce ,pine ,sassafras and floweringdogwood .Mammals :Squirrels ,raccoons andopossums are commonly seen and badgers anddeer are seen occasionally.Some
bird species that have been spotted in local backyards are cardinals, titmice, robins,osprey s,crows ,woodpeckers , flickers, mockingbirds,wood thrush es,gray catbird s,cowbird s,chickadee s,blue jay s,mourning dove s,towhee s,summer tanager s, goldfinches, house andpurple finch es and the ubiquitous speciesstarling andsparrow .Kingfishers ,heron s andhawks are seen near Sligo Creek.History
The largest section of the neighborhood was developed as a
planned community by Carl M. Freeman Associates, Inc. (now the Carl M. Freeman Companies) in 1947. According to the company's website ( [http://www.freemancompanies.com/About/Our-History.aspx here] ), the development won an award. Thehouse s included traditional two-story models as well as the then-new California Cottage home, designed by Carl Freeman as a "truly livable space" with a naturally-flowing connection with the outdoors. Some of the Freeman houses have since been enlarged withdormer s or other extensions, while others are still in their "virgin" state in the current day.In 1960, the neighborhood Citizen's Association successfully brought a legal case against the Board of County Commissioners of Prince George's County. As a result, it became prohibited to erect a
gas station on lot C-2.Before 1997, the region between New Hampshire Avenue and 14th Avenue was both in Prince George's County and in the municipality of Takoma Park. In 1997, Takoma Park residents voted to be under the sole jurisdiction of Montgomery County. The county line was shifted, changing Prince George's County's boundaries for the first time since 1791.
Home ownership in the neighborhood experienced considerable turnover after the year 2000, as many long-term residents
retired and sold their homes to younger newcomers. Today, the typical Carole Highlands resident works in nearby DC or Silver Spring.Education
Primary and secondary schools
Public schools
The part of Carole Highlands in Takoma Park and Montgomery County is assigned to the
Montgomery County Public Schools .The section is zoned to:
* [http://montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/sligocreekes/ Sligo Creek Elementary School]
* [http://montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/ssims/ Silver Spring International Middle School]
*Montgomery Blair High School The unincorporated section in Prince George's County is assigned to
Prince George's County Public Schools .The section is zoned to:
* [http://www.pgcps.org/~carole Carole Highlands Elementary School]
* [http://www.pgcps.org/~blms Buck Lodge Middle School]
*High Point High School Public libraries
The closest public
library to Carole Highlands is the [http://www.takomapark.info/library/libhist.html Takoma Park Library] . This library is at Philadelphia and Maple Avenues, about one and a half miles west of Carole Highlands viabicycle path s and residential streets. The Takoma Park Library is a department of the City of Takoma Park, and is the only independent (not county-run) municipal library in the state of Maryland. It has a children's book room, an adults' book room and a periodicals reading area. Residents of the City of Takoma Park automatically have borrowing privileges, and Prince George's County residents may obtain full borrowing privileges for an annual fee of $10.The second closest public library to Carole Highlands is the [http://www.prge.lib.md.us/Lib/Branches/hy.html Hyattsville Library] . This library is on Adelphi Road to the east of the Prince George's Plaza shopping mall, about two miles (3 km) east of Carole Highlands via MD-212 and MD-410. It has a children's book room, an adults' book room, a computer area and a periodicals reading area. The Hyattsville Library is also the site of the [http://www.prge.lib.md.us/SpColl/Maryland/MarylandRoom.html#history Maryland Room] , decorated in the style of a
parlor in a Colonialmanor house of the 18th century and housing a historical and genealogical collection that focuses onMaryland .Current issues of interest to residents
Purple Line and associated development
One issue of interest to Carole Highlands residents is the status of the [http://www.purplelinemd.com/ Purple Line] transit project.
Purple Line stations are planned at MD-650/MD-193 (Takoma-Langley station) and at MD-212/MD-193 (Riggs Road station). These two intersections delimit Carole Highland's two north corners. To see the locations, click [http://media3.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/graphic/2007/05/31/GR2007053101451.gifhere] for a map of the proposed Purple Line route, published by the Washington Post, May 31, 2007, and [http://maps.google.com/maps?tab=il&client=safari&hl=en&rls=en&q=carole%20highlands here] for a street map with a pointer to Carole Highlands. To see the official planning maps, click on CFG-06-03 (Riggs Road Station) or CFG-06-02 (Takoma/Langley Station) at the [http://www.purplelinemd.com/pages/cfg_maps.html Maryland Transit Authority] website.
transit-oriented development associated with Purple Line construction would change, and possibly enrich, Langley Park's commercial zone. The transit line itself would provide morecommuting options to residents. One disadvantage to residents might be increasedtraffic along University Boulevard. However, because there is no direct access into Carole Highlands from University Boulevard, it is unlikely that the transit line would alter the quiet character of the neighborhood.In March 2007, the administration of recently-inaugurated Maryland Governor O'Malley announced that the previous administration had underestimated likely ridership on this and two other potential new transit lines (e.g. this [http://www.gazette.net/stories/030707/bethnew204032_32325.shtml March 7, 2007 article] from Gazette.Net). Accurate ridership estimates are important to secure federal funding for new transit projects.
ligo Master Plan
Another issue of interest to Carole Highlands residents is the potential development of some commercial land at the intersection of Sligo Creek Parkway and New Hampshire Avenue. According to the "Sligo Master Plan" article in the May 2007 issue of the [http://www.takomaparkmd.gov/news/newsletter/index.html Takoma Park Newsletter] , nearby residents "enthusiastically" expressed desires for such
business es on the lots as a small neighborhoodpub , acafe , abicycle shop and rental business and ahardware store.Statistics and elected officials
Latitude : 38.98139 N
*Longitude : 76.98361 W
*County Council ::For current Montgomery County councilmembers, check MC District 5 [http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/csltmpl.asp?url=/content/council/mem/members.asp externally] .:For current Prince George's County councilmembers, check PG District 2 [http://www.goprincegeorgescounty.com/Government/LegislativeBranch/index.asp?nivel=foldmenu(0) externally] .
*Maryland House of Delegates ::District 20 (Montgomery County):District 47 (Prince George's County):For current Maryland state delegates, check district on this list or [http://mdelect.net/electedofficials/ externally] .
*Maryland State Senate ::District 20 (Montgomery County):District 47 (Prince George's County):For current Maryland state senators, check district on this list or [http://mdelect.net/electedofficials/ externally] .
*United States House of Representatives ::Maryland District 8 (both counties):Chris Van Hollen , current U.S. representative.
*United States Senate ::Barbara A. Mikulski andBen Cardin , current U.S. senators.
*Governor ofMaryland ::Martin O'Malley
*Lieutenant Governor ofMaryland ::Anthony G. Brown External links
* [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=15th+pl+and+Erskine,+20912&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=11&ll=38.980896,-76.984892&spn=0.277025,0.714111&t=h Location in the DC Metro area]
* [http://media3.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/graphic/2007/05/31/GR2007053101451.gifMap of proposed Purple Line route] , published by the Washington Post, May 31, 2007
* [http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?lat=38.9797&lon=-76.9841&s=25&size=l&u=4&datum=nad27&layer=DRG25 Topo map with streets, elevation contours and landmarks]
* [http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.pgcps.org/~pasb/Boundary0607/Maps/CHIGH.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.pgcps.org/~pasb/Boundary0607/Maps/CHIGH.HTM&h=754&w=807&sz=301&hl=en&start=4&tbnid=IN4uqzQs6krTEM:&tbnh=134&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcarole%2Bhighlands%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN Map of the Carole Highlands Elementary School District]
* [http://www.gazette.net/stories/011107/princou181315_31982.shtml Gazette.net article 01/11/2007] "At Carole Highlands [Elementary School] , small groups spell success on MSA"
* [http://www.freemancompanies.com/About/Our-History.aspx The original builders, Carl M. Freeman Associates]
* [http://www.mc-mncppc.org/trails/trails_maps/sligo.shtm Sligo Creek Trail]
* [http://www.fosc.org/fosc.htm Friends of Sligo Creek]
* [http://www.google.com/url?sa=U&start=4&q=http://www.pgcedc.com/files/pdfs/brochure.ez.pdf&e=9797&sig=__ka74DPc3xheP-viOrCD7GM9mxCE= the nearby International Corridor/Gateway Arts District]
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