

An inauguration is a ceremony of formal investiture whereby an individual assumes an office or position of authority or power. The term is usually used in reference to a politician's assumption of the duties of head of state or head of government (e.g. the President's inauguration). An "inaugural address" is the presidential speech given at this ceremony which informs the people of their intentions as a leader. Political inaugurations often have ceremonies, in which the politician publicly takes his or her oath of office in front of a large crowd of spectators.The term inauguration may also refer to a formal beginning or introduction (e.g. the inauguration of a new CanadaUnited States border crossing).

State and religious leaders who are inaugurated

* King of Spain
* The Pope
* President of the French Republic
* President of Ireland11 November, unless term of predecessor shortened by death, resignation or removal from office
* President of the United StatesJanuary 20, following an election year (or instantly in case of the preceding President's death, resignation, or removal from office):see|Inauguration Day:seealso|United States presidential inaugurations
* Prime Minister of Canada - two weeks after the general elections or the political party leadership election that made him or her Prime Minister.
* Monarchy of the Netherlands
* President of Ukraine
* President of Russian Federation
* President of Argentina
* President of BrazilJanuary 1, since 1995, unless term of predecessor shortened by death, resignation or removal from office
* President of Italy
* President of the Philippines

ee also

* Coronation

External Links

* [ Gaelic Inauguration]

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  • inauguration — [ inogyrasjɔ̃; inɔgyrasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • v. 1355 « sacre »; rare av. XVIIIe; lat. inauguratio 1 ♦ Cérémonie par laquelle on consacre (un temple, un édifice), par laquelle on livre au public (un édifice, un monument nouveau). Inauguration d une statue …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Inauguration — In*au gu*ra tion, n. [L. inauguratio a beginning: cf. F. inauguration.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of inuagurating, or inducting into office with solemnity; investiture by appropriate ceremonies. [1913 Webster] At his regal inauguration, his old… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Inauguration — Sf feierliche Einsetzung per. Wortschatz fach. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. inaugurātio ( ōnis), einem Abstraktum zu l. inaugurāre ein augurium (Weissagung aus dem Vogelflug) einholen , zu l. augur m. der Augur, Vogeldeuter . Die Auguren …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • inauguration — (n.) 1560s, from Fr. inauguration installation, consecration, and directly from L. inaugurationem (nom. inauguratio) consecration, installment under good omens, noun of action from pp. stem of inaugurare take omens from the flight of birds;… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Inauguration — (v. lat.), 1) feierliche Einweihung zu einem Amte, eines Ortes, bes. unter religiösen Ceremonien, im Alterthum nach Anstellung der Augurien; daher Inaugurationsthaler, Schaumünze auf die Einrichtung eines Collegiums, z.B. ein Ansbachischer halber …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Inauguration — (lat.), bei den Römern eine unter Beobachtung der Vogelzeichen (s. Auspizien) vorgenommene Handlung; dann überhaupt feierlicher Beginn einer Handlung, Einweihung, Einsetzung in eine Würde; im modernen Universitätsleben Erhebung in eine… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Inauguration — (lat.), Einweihung, Weihe, feierliche Einführung in eine Würde, ein Amt; inaugurieren, feierlich einweihen, einführen, einsetzen; Inaugurāldissertation, Schrift zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde; Inaugurāldisputation, s. Disputation …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • inauguration — index birth (beginning), first appearance, inception, installation, nascency, onset (commencement) …   Law dictionary

  • inauguration — INAUGURATION: Sujet de joie …   Dictionnaire des idées reçues

  • Inauguration — Inauguration,die:⇨Amtseinführung …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • inauguration — [n] installation of newcomers commencement, inaugural, induction, initiation, institution, investiture, launch, launching, opening, setting up; concept 386 Ant. adjournment, close, end, finish …   New thesaurus

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