- Pattillo Higgins
Pattillo Higgins (December 5, 1863 - June 5, 1955) was a businessman as well as a self-taught
geologist . He would eventually earn the nickname the "Prophet of Spindletop". His endeavors in theoil business would accrue a fortune for many. He would partner to form the "Gladys City Oil Gas and Manufacturing Company" and later, he would establish the "Higgins Standard Oil Company".Early life
He was born to Robertoo James and Sarah (Raye) Higgins on December 5, 1863, in
Sabine Pass, Texas . His family moved to Beaumont when he was at the age of six. He attended school until he reached the fourth grade, after which he apprenticed as agunsmith under his father’s direction. In his youth, he was a violent troublemaker, pulling pranks and harassing black people. Tracé Etienne-Gray. " [http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/HH/fhi7.html Higgins, Pattillo] ." "Handbook of Texas Online ." Accessed October 9, 2006. Retrieved on 2006-10-09.] One night when he was 17 he pulled a prank on a black Baptist church that got the attention of a sheriff deputy. The deputy fired a warning shot over his head, after which Pattillo fired back and delivered what would later turn out to be a fatal hit. The wounded deputy managed to fire again, striking Higgins lower left arm. Pattillo's arm would later become severely infected, requiring amputation from the elbow down.
Higgins was put on trial for the murder of the deputy, but he would be found not guilty by a jury that perceived his act as self defense. After his acquittal, he worked as a logger along theTexas -Louisiana border, apparently unhindered by his lack of an arm. It was in 1885 that he attended a Baptist revival meeting where he made the decision to become aChristian . Realizing that the lumber camps were not the ideal place to maintain a good morality, he decided to return toBeaumont, Texas to establish himself as a businessman.Higgins’ venture into business
He ventured in real estate at first, and with the money that he saved as a logger, he started the "Higgins Manufacturing Company" to make bricks. It was this business that sparked his interest in the fuels of oil and gas for his
kiln s that burn evenly." [http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112442/higgins.html Who Was Patillo Higgins?] ." "Thinkquest.org." Accessed October 9, 2006. Retrieved on 2006-10-09.] He decided to travel toPennsylvania to learn about these fuels and study the geographical features that give signs to the presence of underground oil. Studyinggeology on his own, he dedicated himself to finding these clues by reading all theUnited States Geological Survey reports and books that he could get his hands on.Alva Ellisor. " [http://www.hgs.org/en/articles/printview.asp?8 Looking Back-ward - The Texas Oil Boom Sets the Stage for the Rockhounds] ." "Houston Geological Society" Published August 1, 1998. Retrieved on 2006-10-17.] The details he learned reminded him of what some Beaumont locals back home referred to as "Sour Hill Mound", a place where he frequently brought his Sunday school students for outings. This mound was described as "sour" due to the unpleasantsulfur smell that came out of the springs around it. Convinced that thissalt dome mound had oil below it, Higgins first partnered with George O'Brien, George Carroll, Emma John, and J.F. Lanier to form the "Gladys City Oil, Gas, and Manufacturing Company" in 1892. Archie P. McDonald, PhD. " [http://www.texasescapes.com/DEPARTMENTS/Guest_Columnists/East_Texas_all_things_historical/OilIndustryHistory1200AMD1.htm When Oil Became An Industry] ." "TexasEscapes.com" Accessed October 9, 2006. Retrieved on 2006-10-09.] It was during this time that other formally trained geologists dismissed the idea of finding oil along the gulf coast region of the United States. Pattillo Higgins’ personal integrity was even challenged by the local newspaper. Mary Fritz. " [http://www.aapg.org/explorer/special/spIndletop.html One Day That Shook the World – After Spindletop, Everything Changed] ." "American Association of Petroleum Geologists " Accessed October 9, 2006. Retrieved on 2006-10-09.] However, his informal training in geology influenced his belief that theSpindletop field contained oil below due to the presence ofmineral water and gas seepage, and he managed to convince the partners to proceed with the venture. Work began the following year, but all three of the shallow drilling attempts failed to locate oil due to the shifting sands and unstable clay under the hill.Robert L. Gaston. " [http://www4.drillinginfo.com/tiles/community/main.do?selected=wanderings1 Wanderings Around the Patch - Discovery of the Spindletop Oilfield] ." "DrillingInfo Community" Accessed October 9, 2006. Retrieved on 2006-10-09.] Higgins held onto his ownership and leases of land over the salt dome, but resigned from the company.Partnership with Anthony Lucas
Unwilling to give up hope of striking oil, Higgins placed numerous ads in industrial magazines and trade journals in an effort to spark other’s interests in the prospect of hitting a successful well at this site. Only one man responded to the ads, a Croatian-American named
Anthony Francis Lucas . Lucas signed agreements with the Gladys City Company and also with Higgins in 1899, and in June of the following year, he began to drill. The first well Lucas made with his light equipment collapsed after reaching convert|575|ft|m.Robert Wooster. " [http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/LL/flu4.html Lucas, Anthony Francis] ." "Handbook of Texas Online ." Accessed October 9, 2006. Retrieved on 2006-10-09.] This failure exhausted the partners finances, so Lucas turned to John H. Galey and James M. Guffey of Pittsburgh for backing. The terms set forth by Guffey (who held and controlled the funds) limited Lucas’ percentage cut to a small amount, and eliminated Higgins cut completely from the deal.The Lucas Gusher at Spindletop
In late October 1900, with the help of the experienced crew of Al and Curt Hamill from Corsicana, drilling began again. This time, the drilling would be done using a newer, heavier, and more efficient rotary type bit.Robert Wooster and Christine Moor Sanders. " [http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/SS/dos3.html Spindletop Oilfield] ." "
Handbook of Texas Online ." Accessed October 9, 2006. Retrieved on 2006-10-09.] Over the next several months, work was difficult maintaining the drilling through the underground sands. On January 10, 1901, the six tons of four-inch (102 mm) drilling pipe began to shoot up out of the hole, sending the roughnecks fleeing for safety. The geyser shot oil over convert|150|ft|m high and flowed an estimated convert|100000|oilbbl/d|m3/d. This well was at a depth of convert|1020|ft|m, and as it turns out, was at the precise location as initially predicted by Pattillo Higgins. This well would not have struck oil if it had been drilled just 50 feet (15 m) to the south.Staff Writer. " [http://www.priweb.org/ed/pgws/backyard/spindletop/spindletop_oil2.html What's Oil Doing on the Spindletop Dome? (cont’d)] ." "Paleontological Research Institution." Accessed October 9, 2006. Retrieved on 2006-10-09.] This well, which was dubbed "Lucas 1", had an initial flow rate greater than all of the oil wells in the United States combined in that day.Staff Writer. " [http://www.priweb.org/ed/pgws/history/spindletop/spindletop2.html More About the History of Spindletop, Texas (cont’d)] ." "Paleontological Research Institution." Accessed October 9, 2006. Retrieved on 2006-10-09.] The Spindletop oilfield churned out over convert|3|Moilbbl|m3 the first year of operation, and over convert|17|Moilbbl|m3 the following year. This effectively brought an end toJohn D. Rockefeller ’s worldmonopoly .Staff Writer. " [http://www.spindletop.org/history/3.htm The History of Oil in Southeast Texas (pg 3)] ." "Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown Museum" Accessed October 9, 2006. Retrieved on 2006-10-09.]Lawsuit against Lucas and the Gladys City Company
Higgins sued Lucas and "Gladys City Oil, Gas and Manufacturing Company" for royalties, using the basis that the second lease was invalid due to the fact the first lease had not yet expired when the second was enacted. After the parties settled out of court, Higgins formed the "Higgins Oil and Fuel Company" located at the center of Spindletop. This company was vulnerable to takeover bids due to Pattillo’s over-zealous land prospecting, which enabled the
lumber baron and businessmanJohn Henry Kirby to overtake his ownership in 1902 by purchasing his shares of the company for three million dollars. Higgins maintained his leasing rights to his land, and would establish the "Higgins Standard Oil Company". He later established other wells with various investors, with an eccentric habit of pulling his interests out, leaving the majority of the profits for others.It was funnyHiggins’ later life
His lifestyle was varied in interests and occupations. Along with working as a wildcatter, his diverse activities involved drafting, work as an
inventor , anartist , as well as anengineer to name a few. His religious beliefs kept him away from public entertainment and resorts, as well as maintaining a strong belief against the selling of alcohol. In addition to residing in Beaumont, he owned estates in Houston and San Antonio. He remained a bachelor until the age of 45. In 1905, he adopted a young woman named Annie Johns, who at the time was fifteen. Three years later Higgins married her, and later had three children with her, despite the scandal. On June 5, 1955, he died inSan Antonio, Texas .References
External links
* [http://www.spindletop.org/history/index.html Spindletop History and Biographies]
* [http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=10633038 "Pattillo Higgins" - Find a Grave website]
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