- List of geologists
A geologist is a contributor to the
science ofgeology . Geologists are also known asearth scientist s orgeoscientist s.The following is a list of famous or notable geologists. Many have received such awards as the
Penrose Medal , theWollaston Medal , or have been inducted into the National Academy of Sciences or theRoyal Society .Geoscience specialties represented here include
geochemistry ,geophysics ,geomorphology ,glaciology ,hydrology ,oceanography ,mineralogy ,petrology ,crystallography ,paleontology ,paleobotany ,paleoclimatology ,palynology ,sedimentology ,soil science ,stratigraphy , andvolcanology . In this list, the person listed is ageologist unless another specialty is noted.compactTOC __NOTOC__
Otto Wilhelm Hermann von Abich (1806–1886), Germanmineralogist
*Louis Agassiz (1807–1873), Swiss-American geologist, work onice age s,glacier s,Lake Agassiz
*Georgius Agricola (Georg Bauer) (1494–1555), German naturalist and 'Father ofMineralogy ', author ofDe re metallica
*Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522–1605), Italy,Renaissance naturalist
*Claude Allègre (born 1937), prize-winning Frenchgeochemist
*Walter Alvarez (born 1940), USA, author of "T. Rex and the Crater of Doom"
*J. Willis Ambrose , first President ofGeological Association of Canada
*Roy Chapman Andrews (1884–1960), American explorer and naturalist; Mongolian dinosaurs
*Mary Anning (1799–1847), England, pioneer fossil collector
*Adolphe d'Archiac (1802–1868), prize-winning Frenchpaleontologist
*Giovanni Arduino (1714–1795), Italian, first classification ofgeological time
*Richard Lee Armstrong (1937–1991), American/Canadian geochemist
*Tanya Atwater , California, USAgeophysicist , marine geologist,plate tectonics specialistB
Andrew Geddes Bain (1797–1864), South Africa, prepared first detailed geological map ofSouth Africa
*Robert T. Bakker (born 1945), American dinosaurpaleontologist ; author, "The Dinosaur Heresies "
*Thomas Barger (1909–1986), USA, noted Saudi geologist and CEO ofAramco
*Anthony R. Barringer (born 1925), Canadian/Americangeophysicist and inventor
*Florence Bascom (1862–1945), USA, first woman geologist at theUS Geological Survey
*Robert Bell (1841–1917), considered Canada’s greatest explorer-scientist
*Walter A. Bell (1889–1969), Canadianpaleobotanist andstratigrapher
*Etheldred Benett (1776–1845), England, pioneerpaleontologist
*Jim Berkland ,geologist
*Pierre Berthier (1782–1861), French geologist, discovered the properties ofbauxite
*Selwyn G. Blaylock (1879–1945), Canadian chemist and mining executive with Cominco
*Stewart Blusson (born 1939), Canada, co-discoverer ofEkati Diamond Mine
*Bruce Bolt (1930–2005), USA (born Australia), pioneer engineeringseismologist in California
*José Bonaparte (bor 1928), Argentinepaleontologist , discovered many South American dinosaurs
*Norman L. Bowen (1887–1956), Canada, pioneer experimentalpetrologist
*J. Harlen Bretz (1882–1981), USA, discovered origin ofchanneled scablands
*Wallace S. Broecker (born 1931), Americanpaleoclimatologist and chemical oceanographer
*Robert Broom (1866–1951), South Africanpalaeontologist , discoveredaustralopithecine hominid fossils
*Barnum Brown (1873–1963), USA, famousdinosaur hunter and self-taughtpaleontologist
*Christian Leopold von Buch (1774-1853), Germangeologist andpaleontologist
*William Buckland (1784–1856), England, wrote the first full account of a fossildinosaur
*B. Clark Burchfiel , USA,MIT structural geologist, currently studyingTibetan plateau C
Stephen E. Calvert , Canadian professor, geologist, oceanographer
*Colin Campbell (born 1931), Britishpetroleum geologist andPeak Oil theorist
*Neil Campbell (1914–1978), Canada,Northwest Territories mineral exploration
*Samuel Warren Carey (born 1911), Australia, developed anExpanding Earth theory
*Petr Cerny , Czech/Canadian mineralogist
*Alexandre-Emile Béguyer de Chancourtois (1820–1886), France, geologist and mineralogist
*George V. Chilingar , USA, distinguished internationalpetroleum geologist
*John J. Clague , Canada, Quaternary and geological hazards expert
*Thomas H. Clark (1893–1996), Canada, co-author of "The Geological Evolution of North America" (1960)
*William Branwhite Clarke (1798–1878), Australia (born England), discoveredgold inNew South Wales , 1841
*Peter Clift (1966-Present), United Kingdom, Marine geologist, monsoon researcher
*Hans Cloos (1885–1951), prominent German structural geologist
*Simon Conway Morris (born 1951),palaeontologist and writer
*William Conybeare (1787–1857), England, author of "Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales" (1822)
*Isabel Clifton Cookson (1893–1973), prize-winning Australianpaleobotanist andpalynologist
*Edward Drinker Cope (1840–1897), USA, pioneerdinosaur paleontologist ;Bone Wars competitor
*Charles Cotton (1885–1970), New Zealand, geologist andgeomorphologist
*Georges Cuvier (1769–1832), France, proponent ofcatastrophism D
*G. Brent Dalrymple, USA, author "The Age of the Earth" (1991), winner National Science Medal, 2005
*James Dwight Dana (1813–1895), USA, author of "System of Mineralogy" (1837)
*Charles Darwin (1809–1882), British naturalist, author of "On the Origin of Species "
*George Mercer Dawson (1849–1901), Canada, pioneerYukon geologist
*John William Dawson (1820–1899), Canada, pioneerAcadian geologist
*Henry De la Beche (1796–1855), England, first director of theGeological Survey of Great Britain
*Duncan R. Derry (1906–1987), Canadian economic geologist
*Nicolas Desmarest (1725–1815), France, pioneervolcanologist
*William R. Dickinson (born 1930), Arizona, USA,plate tectonics ,Colorado Plateau
*Robert S. Dietz (1914–1995), USA,seafloor spreading pioneer
*Ignacy Domeyko (1802-1889), Slavic-Chileangeologist andmineralogist
*Robert John Wilson Douglas (1920–1979), Canadianpetroleum geologist
*Aleksis Dreimanis (born 1914), Latvia & Canada, award-winningQuaternary geologist
*Clarence Edward Dutton (1841–1912), USA, author of "Tertiary History of the Grand Canyon District"E
Niles Eldredge (born 1943), Americanpaleontologist ; theory ofpunctuated equilibrium
*Jean-Baptiste Élie de Beaumont (1798–1874), France, prepared first geological map of France
*W. G. Ernst (born 1931), USA,Stanford petrologist andgeochemist
*Robert Etheridge, Junior (1847–1920), Australian (born England)paleontologist , longtime curator of theAustralian Museum
*Maurice Ewing (1906–1974), USA, pioneeringgeophysicist andoceanographer F
Barthélemy Faujas de Saint-Fond (1741–1819), France, pioneervolcanologist
*Mikhail A. Fedonkin (born 1946), awarding winning Russianpaleontologist
*Walter Frederick Ferrier (1865–1950), Canada,mineral collector
*Chuck Fipke , Canada, co-discoverer ofEkati Diamond Mine
*Richard Fortey (born 1946), England,trilobite paleontologist , author
*Yves O. Fortier (born 1914), Canada, HighArctic explorer
*William Fyfe (born 1927, New Zealand), Canada,geochemist G
Hubert Gabrielse , prize-winning Canadian geologist
*Robert Garrels (1916–1988), Americangeochemist , revolutionized aqueousgeochemistry
*Grove Karl Gilbert (1843–1918), USA, influential Western geologist
*James E. Gill (1901–1980), Canada,McGill University professor, explorer
*Victor Goldschmidt (1888–1947), Norway (born Switzerland), a founder of moderngeochemistry
*John Gosse , Canadiangeomorphologist
*Stephen Jay Gould (1941–2002), Americanpaleontologist and writer
*L. C. Graton (1880–1970), USA,Harvard economic geologist
*Alexander Henry Green (1832–1896), England, surveyedDerbyshire andYorkshire
*Henry C. Gunning (1901–1991), Canada (born Northern Ireland),British Columbia geologistH
Julius von Haast (1824–1887), New Zealand (born Germany), founded Canterbury Museum
*Sir James Hall (1761–1832), Scottish geologist, president of theRoyal Society of Edinburgh
*James Hall (1811–1898), USA, influential geologist andpaleontologist
*W. Brian Harland (1917–2003), England, polar geologist
*Geoffrey Hattersley-Smith (born 1923), England and Canada, polar geologist
*James Edwin Hawley (1897–1965), Canada, studiedmineralogy ofore deposit s
*Frank Hawthorne (born 1968), Canadianmineralogist andcrystallographer
*Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden (1829–1887), USA, pioneer Western geologist
*Bruce Heezen (1924-1977), American geologist who first mapped theMid-Atlantic Ridge
*Jean de Heinzelin de Braucourt (1920–1998), Belgium geologist, discoverer of theIshango bone in 1960
*Sue Hendrickson (born 1949), Americanpaleontologist ; discoverer of "Sue", the largest "Tyrannosaurus rex" ever found
*Harry Hess (1906–1969), USA geologist andoceanographer
*Henry Hicks (1837 - 1899), FRS, President of the Geological Society.
*Pattillo Higgins (1863–1955), USA, known as the "Prophet ofSpindletop "
*Eugene W. Hilgard (1833–1916), USA (born Germany), soil scientist
*Claude Hillaire-Marcel , Canada (born France), Quaternary geologist
*Paul F. Hoffman , USA & Canada,Snowball Earth theorist
*Arthur Holmes (1890–1965), England, author of "Principles of Physical Geology"
*Jack Horner (born 1946), famous American dinosaurpaleontologist ;MacArthur Fellowship winner
*Kenneth J. Hsu (born 1929), USA (born China), author of "The Mediterranean was a Desert"
*M. King Hubbert (1903–1989), USA, originator of "Peak Oil " theory
*James Hutton (1726–1797), Scottish geologist, "father of modern geology"I
Edward A. Irving (born 1927), Canadian, usedpaleomagnetism to supportcontinental drift theoryJ
James A. Jensen (1911–1998), USA, distinguished dinosaurpaleontologist and sculptor
*David A. Johnston (1949-1980), USA, volcanologist, killed in the1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens
*Franc Joubin (1911 - 1997), Canada (born USA), discoveredElliot Lake, Ontario uranium districtK
Michael John Keen (1935–1991),Atlantic Canada , award-winning marine geoscientist
*Clarence King (1893–1971), USA, first director of theU.S. Geological Survey
*James Kitching (1922–2003), South Africa,Karoo vertebratepalaeontologist
*SirAlbert Ernest Kitson (1868–1937), Australian (born England)economic geologist , mineral exploration in Africa
*Maria Klenova (1898–1976) Russian marine geologist
*Andrew H. Knoll (born 1951), USA,Harvard geologist andpaleontologist
*Alan S. Kornacki (born 1952), USA, Harvardmeteoriticist and geochemist forRoyal Dutch Shell
*Danie G. Krige , South Africanmining engineer , inventor ofkriging
*M. S. Krishnan (geologist) Indian geologist
*Thomas Edvard Krogh , Canada,geochronologist , revolutionized uranium-leadradiometric dating
*William C. Krumbein (1902–1979), USA, distinguishedsedimentologist
*Nikolai Kudryavtsev (1893–1971), Russianpetroleum geologist L
Andrew Lawson (1861–1952), USA (born Scotland), namedSan Andreas fault
*Richard Leakey (born 1944), Kenyanpaleontologist
*Joseph LeConte (1823–1901), USA, first professor of geology,University of California
*Robert Legget (1904–1994), Canadian non-fiction writer,civil engineer ,pedologist
*Inge Lehmann (1888–1993), Danishseismologist , discoveredLehmann discontinuity
*Luna Leopold (1915–2006), eminent Americanhydrologist
*Xavier Le Pichon (born 1937), Frenchplate tectonics geophysicist
*Waldemar Lindgren (1860–1939), distinguished Swedish-Americaneconomic geologist
*Li Shizhen (1518–1593), Ming Dynasty Chinesemineralogist , author of the "Ben Cao Gang Mu" (Compendium of Materia Medica )
*Martin Lister (c. 1638 – 1712), England, pioneer geologist
*William Edmond Logan (1798–1875), Canada, foundedGeological Survey of Canada
*Fred Longstaffe , Canada, Provost ofUniversity of Western Ontario
*Sir Charles Lyell (1797–1875), Scottish geologist, popularized principle ofuniformitarianism M
Andrija Mohorovičić , c.1880]
*William Maclure (1763–1840), published firstgeologic map of USA (1809)
*J. Ross Mackay (born 1915), Canadianpermafrost geologist
*Othniel Charles Marsh (1831–1899), USA, pioneerdinosaur paleontologist ;Bone Wars competitor
*Sir Douglas Mawson (1882–1958), AustralianAntarctic explorer
*SirFrederick McCoy (c. 1817 – 1899), British and Australianpalaeontologist and museum director
*Dan McKenzie (born 1942), UKgeophysicist ,plate tectonics pioneer
*Digby McLaren (1919–2004), Canadianpaleontologist
*Giuseppe Mercalli (1850–1914), Italianseismologist andvolcanologist , developedMercalli scale for measuringearthquakes
*Hans Merensky (1871–1952), South Africaneconomic geologist , discovered major diamond, platinum, chrome and copper deposits, including theMerensky Reef
*John C. Merriam (1869–1945), USA, vertebratepaleontologist , studied fossils fromLa Brea Tar Pits
*Waman Bapuji Metre (1906–1970), India,petroleum geologist
*Gerard V. Middleton (born 1931), Canada, sedimentologist
*Andrija Mohorovičić (1857–1936), Croatianmeteorologist andseismologist , discoveredMohorovicic Discontinuity
*Friedrich Mohs (1773–1839), Germany, devisedMohs' scale of mineral hardness
*James Monger , CanadianCordillera geologist
*W. Jason Morgan (born 1935), Americanplate tectonics pioneer
*Eric W. Mountjoy , Canadian sedimentologist and petrologist
*Roderick Murchison (1792–1871), Scotland, author of "The Silurian System" (1839)
*Emiliano Mutti (born 1933), Italianpetroleum geologist N
Anthony J. Naldrett , Canadian (born England)nickel ore geologist
*E. R. Ward Neale (born 1923),Atlantic Canada geologist
*John Strong Newberry (1822–1892), USA, pioneer Western geologist and explorer
*Stephen Robert Nockolds (1909-1990), FRS andMurchison Medal list, petrologist.
*Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld (1792–1866), Finland and Russia,mineralogist O
Henry Fairfield Osborn (1857-1935), Americangeologist andpaleontologist
*John Ostrom (1928–2005), American dinosaurpaleontologist , discovered warm-bloodedDeinonychus
*David Dale Owen (1807-1860), American, first state geologist of Indiana, Kentucky, and ArkansasP
Joseph Pardee (1871–1960), USA,channeled scablands
*Clair Cameron Patterson (1922–1995), USA, geochemist, foughtlead poisoning
*R.A.F. Penrose, Jr. (1863–1931), USA, mining geologist,Penrose Medal
*John Phillips (1800–1874),Yorkshire geologist
*John Arthur Phillips , (1822-1887), FRS, Cornish geologist, metallurgist and mining engineer.
*Vladimir Porfiriev (1899–1982), Russianpetroleum geologist
*Henry W. Posamentier (Born 1948), USA, petroleum geologistpetroleum geologist
*John Wesley Powell (1834–1902), USA, ex-soldier who mapped theColorado River , second director of theUSGS .
*Raymond A. Price (born 1933) Canadian structural and tectonic geologist
*Raphael Pumpelly (1837–1923), USA, geologist and explorerR
Frederick Leslie Ransome (1868–1935), USA (born England), prolificUSGS economic geologist
*David M. Raup , USA, mass-extinctionpaleontologist ; author of "Extinction: Bad Genes or Bad Luck?"
*Charles Richter (1900–1985), American seismologist, devisedRichter magnitude scale for earthquakes
*Ferdinand von Richthofen (1833–1905), German geologist and geographer
*Andrés Manuel del Río (1764-1849), Spanish–Mexicanmineralogist , discoverer ofvanadium
*Ralph J. Roberts (1911–2007), American geologist
*Stanley Keith Runcorn (1922-1995), British-American geophysicist and plate tectonics pioneer.*
Donald F. Sangster , Canada, prize-winning lead-zinceconomic geologist
*Harrison Schmitt (born 1935), USA,Apollo 17 moonwalker
*Adam Sedgwick (1785–1873), England, proposedDevonian andCambrian periods
*Nicholas Shackleton (1937–2006), British geologist andclimatologist
*Shen Kuo (1031–1095), Chinesepolymath scientist, magneticcompass pioneer,geomorphology theory
*Eugene Merle Shoemaker (1928–1997), USA, meteoriticist, co-discoveredComet Shoemaker-Levy
*George Gaylord Simpson (1902–1984), USA, eminentpaleontologist
*William Smith (1769–1839), father of English Geology
*Su Song (1020–1101), Chinese naturalist andpolymath , author of treatise onmetallurgy andmineralogy
*Flaxman Charles John Spurrell (1842–1915), Englisharchaeologist , geologist and photographer
*Charles Steen (1919–2006), USA, discovereduranium nearMoab, Utah
*Max Steineke , USA, geologist chiefly responsible for the discovery of oil in Saudi Arabia in the 1930s
*Charles R. Stelck (born 1917), Canada,petroleum geologist , emeritus professor
*Nicolas Steno (1638–1686), Denmark, pioneer in early-modern geology
*Iain Stewart , UK, presenter of several television series on geology in the UK.
*Clifford H. Stockwell , Canadian structural geologist,Geological Survey of Canada
*David Strangway , Canada,geophysicist and university administrator
*Eduard Suess (1831–1914), Austria (born England), namedGondwanaland T
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955), Frenchpaleontologist and philosopher, co-discoveredPeking man
*Karl von Terzaghi (October 2, 1883 – October 25, 1963), geologist and civil engineer, called the "father of soil mechanics".
*Marie Tharp (1920–2006), co-discoverer of theMid-Oceanic Ridge
*Lonnie Thompson (born 1948), USA,glaciologist and ice-coreclimatologist
*Raymond Thorsteinsson (born c. 1930), Canada, prize-winning Arctic geologist
*Phillip Tobias (born 1925), South Africanpalaeoanthropologist ,homo habilis pioneer
*Otto Martin Torell (1828–1900), chief of the Geological Survey of Sweden
*Joseph Tyrrell (1858–1957), Canadianpaleontologist , namesake ofRoyal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology U
Warren Upham (1850–1934), USA, studied glacialLake Agassiz V
Charles-Louis-Joseph-Xavier de la Vallée-Poussin (1827–1903), Belgiangeologist and minerologist
*Jan Veizer , Canadian isotopegeochemist
*Felix Andries Vening Meinesz (1887–1966), Dutchgeophysicist and gravimetricgeodesist
*Vladimir Vernadsky (1863–1945), pioneer Russiangeochemist andbiogeochemist
*Fred Vine (born 1939), British marine geologist,geophysicist ,plate tectonics pioneerW
Lawrence Wager (1904-1965), British geologist and explorer, discovered theSkaergaard intrusion
*Charles Doolittle Walcott (1850–1927), Americanpaleontologist , discoveredBurgess Shale fossils
*Roger G. Walker , prize-winning Canadian sedimentologist, emeritus professor
*Alfred Wegener (1880–1930), Germanmeteorologist ,continental drift pioneer
*Abraham Werner (c. 1749 – 1817), Germany, proponent ofNeptunism
*Josiah Whitney (1819–1896), chief of theCalifornia Geological Survey ;Mt. Whitney
*Harold Williams (born 1934),Atlantic Canada geologist
*Howel Williams (1898–1980), American (born England)volcanologist
*John Williamson (1907–1958), discovered theWilliamson diamond mine , Tanzania
*J. Tuzo Wilson (1908–1993), Canadiangeophysicist andplate tectonics geologist
*Newton Horace Winchell (1839–1914), USA,geology of Minnesota
*William Henry Wright (1876–1951), Canadian prospector and newspaper publisher, discoveredKirkland Lake gold districtY
Ivan Yefremov (1907-1972), Sovietpaleontologist and originator oftaphonomy
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