List of professional organizations

List of professional organizations

This is a list of professional organizations.


* AABB (formerly American Association of Blood Banks)
* Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE International)
* American College of Forensic Examiners - International (ACFEi)
* Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS)
* Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
* Association for Operations Management (APICS)
* Association of Clinical Research Professionals(ACRP)
* Association of International Product Marketing & Management(AIPMM)
* Association of Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA International)
* Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society (CSDS)
* Commonwealth Lawyers Association
* Drug Information Association(DIA)
* Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
* Institute of Food Technologists
* Chartered Clinical Trialist Institute (CCTI)
* Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
* Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)
* Institute of Professional Psychologists (IPP) []
* Institute of Transportation Engineers
* Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA)
* International Association for Bridge & Structural Engineering (IABSE)
* International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT)
* International Association of Forensic Linguists (IAFL)
* International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC)
* Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)
* International Facility Management Association (IFMA)
* International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
* International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)
* [ International Public Health Forum (IPHF)]
* International Project Management Commission (IPMC)
* Knowledge Management Professional Society (KMPro)
* Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
* NACE International
* National Academic Advising Association (NACA
* Painting and Decorating Contractors of America (PDCA)
* Parenteral Drug Association (PDA)
* Professional Association of Intuitive Consultants (PAIC)
* Professional Information Security Association (PISA)
* Professional Photographers of America
* Professional Risk Manager's International Association
* Regulatory Affairs Professional Society (RAPS)
* Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE International)
* Society for Clinical Data Management (SCDM)
* Society for Technical Communication (STC)
* Society of Clinical Research Associates (SoCRA)
* Society of Indexers (SI)
* Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals (SPCP)
* Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC)
* Urban Land Institute (ULI)
* Usability Professionals' Association (UPA)
* World Organization of Web Professionals (WOW)


* Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS)
* Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists (CCTT)
* Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS)
* Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA)
* Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP)
* Canadian Linguistics Association (CLA)
* Chartered Association of Business Administrators (CABA)
* Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)
* Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE)
* Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC)
* Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians (OAVT)

New Zealand

* Chartered Secretaries New Zealand
* Financial Services Institute of Australasia
* New Zealand Computer Society
* Pharmaceutical Society Of New Zealand

United Kingdom

* List of British professional bodies, British professional qualifications


* EFFAS (European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies)
* Transilvania Guitar Association

United States

* American Academy of Financial Management
* American Accounting Association
* American Anthropological Association (AAA)
* American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
* American Bar Association
* American Board of Forensic Experts
* American Congress on Surveying & Mapping (ACSM)
* American Counsel Association
* American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)
* American Chemical Society
* American Copy Editors Society
* American Dental Association
* American Economic Association
* American Evaluation Association (AEA)
* American Finance Association
* American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)
* American Hospital Association
* American Institute of Architects
* American Institute of Building Design
* American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
* American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD)
* American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP)
* American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG)
* American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)
* American Library Association
* American Marketing Association (AMA)
* American Mathematical Society
* American Medical Association
* American Nursing Association
* American Physical Society (APS/physics)
* American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
* American Planning Association & American Institute of Certified Planners
* American Political Science Association
* American Psychological Association
* American Public Health Association (APHA)
* American Public Works Association (APWA)
* American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)
* American Security Association
* American Society for Public Administration
* American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
* American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
* American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
* American Society of Indexers (ASI)
* American Society of Manufacturing Engineers
* American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
* American Water Resources Association (AWRA)
* American Water Works Association (AWWA)
* Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG)
* Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFM)
* Association for Strategic Planning
* Association of American Geographers
* Art Museum Partnership
* Construction Specifications Institute
* Engineers Without Borders (EWB-USA)
* Georgia Political Science Association
* Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
* Music Teachers National Association (MTNA)
* National Apartment Association (NAA) [ NAA Web site]
* National Association of Fleet Administrators
* National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
* National Association of Industrial & Office Properties (NAIOP)
* National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses
* National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP)
* National Association of Systems and Recovery Professionals (NASRP) Official [ website]
* National Council on Interpreting in Health Care
* National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
* National Rural Water Association (NRWA)
* National Society of Accountants
* National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
* National Society of Professional Engineers
* Naval Intelligence Professionals
* Professional Association of Intuitive Consultants (PAIC)
* Sigma Xi
* Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA)
* Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)
* Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development (SHSMD)
* Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
* Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM)
* Society of Manufacturing Engineers
* Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS)
* Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists (MAES)
* Society of Professional Journalists
* Society of Vacuum Coaters
* Society of Women Engineers
* The Executive Company (TEC)
* Turnaround Management Association (TMA)
* Water Environment Federation (WEF)
* Western States Roofing Contractors Association (WSRCA)
* Wedding and Event Videographers Association International (WEVA)

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