Korean Air incidents and accidents

Korean Air incidents and accidents

These accidents occurred with Korean Air. Korean Air's Disasters perished more than 715 people

* 16 February 1958 – (Douglas DC-3) departed from Busan for Seoul when eight hijackers commandeered the aircraft and forced it to fly to Pyongyang, North Korea.(source: http://aviation-safety.net ) Damagenone,Injuries- none,Deaths- none,Airframewritten off

* 11 December 1969 – (NAMC YS-11-125) departed from Kangnung for Seoul when hijackers commandeered the aircraft and forced it to fly to Pyongyang, North Korea.(source: http://aviation-safety.net ) Damagesevere on landing, Injuries- none,Deaths- none, Airframewritten off

*23 January 1971 – (Fokker F27 Friendship 500) departed from Kangnung for Seoul when a lone hijacker attempted to commandeer the aircraft with hand grenades. The Fokker crash-landed on a beach near Sokcho. The hijacker and co-pilot were killed by grenade explosions. (source: http://aviation-safety.net )Damagesevere landing,Injuries- multiple, Deaths- 2 (one crew, one hijacker), Airframewritten off

* 2 August 1976 – (Boeing 707) cargo flight departed from Tehran for Seoul when, on takeoff from runway 29, the aircraft inexplicably deviated from the Standard Instrument Departure (SID) procedure and drifted to the right instead of performing a left turnout. It continued and struck mountains at an altitude of 2,020m (6,630 feet). (source: http://aviation-safety.net) Damagetotal destruction, InjuriesN/A, Deaths- 5 (five of five crew), Airframewritten off

*20 April 1978Flight 902 (Boeing 707) departed from Paris for Anchorage and flew to within 780 km of the North Pole when Canadian officials alerted the crew they were off course. They changed course, but worsened the situation by setting a course directly across the Barents Sea and Soviet airspace. The plane was initially recognized by Soviet anti-aircraft defense radars as a Boeing 747. Sukhoi Su-15TM jets were sent to intercept. When both jets were flying next to the Korean airliner, the Korean captain claimed he slowed the plane and initiated landing lights. Nevertheless the Su-15 crews were ordered to shoot down the plane. According to US intelligence sources the Soviet pilot tried for several minutes to convince his superiors to cancel the attack on the civilian airliner. After an additional order two P-60 rockets were launched. The first missed but the second severely damaged the left wing and shrapnel punctured the fuselage, causing rapid decompression that killed two passengers. The Korean pilot initiated an emergency descent to 5,000 feet and entered clouds. Both Soviet jets lost the Korean plane in the clouds. The aircraft continued at low altitude, crossing the Kola Peninsula while searching for a landing opportunity. With night quickly coming on, several unsuccessful attempts were made before the plane landed on the ice of Lake Korpijärvi, near Kem, Russia. All occupants were rescued by Russian helicopters. (source ; www.airsafe.com )Damagesevere, Injuriesmultiple, Deaths- 2 (two of 197 passengers), Airframewritten off

*19 November, 1980Flight 015 (Boeing 747) departed from Anchorage for Seoul when the aircraft struck a retaining embankment on the edge of the airport. The plane bounced back on to runway 14, broke apart, and caught fire and was incinerated. (source ; www.airdisaster.com) Damagetotal air frame break up, Injuries- multiple, Deaths- 15 (one on the ground, six of 14 crew, eight of 198 passengers, Airframewritten off

*1 September 1983Flight 007 (Boeing 747-230B) departed from Anchorage for Seoul. At 5:00 AM the flight was cleared directly to the Bethel VOR beacon and then on to the Romeo 20 route. The pilot mistakenly diverted from its intended course and passed 12 miles north of the Bethel beacon. While approaching the Kamchatka peninsula, six Soviet MiG-23 fighters were scrambled. Because a U.S. Air Force Boeing RC-135 intelligence plane was flying in the area east off Kamchatka, the Soviets may have assumed the 747 radar echo to be the RC-135. The flight left Soviet airspace over the Okhostk Sea and the fighters returned to their base. Passing abeam the Nippi beacon (four hours after take-off), the aircraft was 185 miles off course and headed for Sakhalin. Two Soviet Su-15 'Flagon' fighters were scrambled from the Dolinsk-Sokol airbase. At 18:16 UTC flight 007 re-entered Soviet airspace. At 18:22, for the second time, Soviet command ordered destruction of the target. Two air-to-air missiles were launched by one of the fighters and struck the Boeing at 18:26. Cabin pressure was lost and the aircraft suffered control problems, causing the plane to spiral into the sea. The event was denounced by the US Reagan Administration as a deliberate and wanton act of murder by anevil empire.” (source: http://aviation-safety.net) Damagetotal air frame break up, InjuriesN/A, Deaths- 269 (23 of 23 crew, 246 of 246 passengers), Airframewritten off

*23 December 1983Cargo Flight 084 (McDonnell Douglas DC-10 ) from Anchorage to Los Angeles, while taxiing out in fog, the Korean crew became disoriented and ended up on the wrong runway. During the takeoff run, the aircraft collided head-on with South Central Air Flight 59, a Piper Pa-31 which was taking off from runway 6L-24R for a flight to Kenai. The nine occupants of the South Central Air flight were injured. The flight overran the runway by 1,434 feet and came to rest 40 feet right of the extended centerline. Federal Investigators determined that the Korean pilot had failed to follow accepted procedures during taxi - causing disorientation while selecting the runway. The pilot also failed to use the compass to confirm his position. Ultimately the pilots decision to proceed with takeoff without ever knowing if he was on the correct runway caused the impact. Damagetotal air frame break up, InjuriesN/A, Deaths- 0(0 of three crew), Airframewritten off [http://aviation-safety.net/database/record.php?id=19831223-0]

*18 May 1985 – (Boeing 727) from Seoul to Cheju, while in flight a lone hijacker demanded to be taken to North Korea. Subsequently the hijacker was eliminated. (source ; www.airdisaster.com )DamageN/A, InjuriesN/A, Deaths- 1 hijacker, AirframeN/A

*29 November 1987Flight 858 (Boeing 707-3B5C) from Abu Dhabi to Bangkok, 122 km (76.3 miles) northwest of Tavoy, Burma (in the Andaman Sea) the aircraft exploded and disintegrated. Investigation revealed that a bomb explosion aboard caused the crash. Two saboteurs disguised as passengers, who had deplaned at Abu Dhabi, left a radio and liquor bottle containing hidden explosives in the overhead rack at row 7. South Korea accused Kim Jong-Il, son of then-North Korean leader Kim Il-sung, of ordering the 1987 bombing of Flight 858. No direct evidence has emerged to link Kim to the bombing, but a North Korean agent, Kim Hyon Hui, confessed to planting a bomb, saying the operation was ordered by Kim Jong-Il personally.(source ; http://dnausers.d-n-a.net/dnetGOjg/Research.htm )Damagetotal destruction, InjuriesN/A, Deaths- 115 (11 of 11 crew, 104 of 104 passengers), Airframewritten off

*27 July 1989Korean Air Flight 803 (McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30) from Jeddah to Tripoli. The aircraft initially departed Seoul on a flight to Tripoli with intermediate stops at Bangkok and Jeddah. Visibility was varying between 100-800 feet and the runway 27 ILS had been reported unserviceable. On final approach to runway 27 the aircraft crashed short of the runway, striking 4 houses and a number of cars.(source: http://aviation-safety.net) Damagetotal destruction, Injuriesmultiple, Deaths- 79 (4 ground fatalities, 3 of 18 crew, 72 of 181 passengers), Airframewritten off

*25 November 1989 – (Fokker F-28 Fellowship 4000) on a regularly scheduled flight from Seoul to Ulsan, improper flight preparation caused wing icing which, in turn, cause the number one engine to lose power on take-off. The pilot immediately lost directional control and aborted the take-off. However, the abort was so abrupt that the aircraft overran the runway and exploded in flames. The airframe was not salvageable after the fire was eventually extinguished. (source ; http://dnausers.d-n-a.net/dnetGOjg/Research.htm) Damagetotal destruction, Injuriesmultiple, Deaths- 0, Airframewritten off

*13 June 1991 – (Boeing 727) from Cheju to Taegu, the aircraft performed an unexpected gear-up landing at Taegu. The crew failed to read out the landing procedure checklist and therefore didn't select the gear down option. Subsequent investigation revealed that the pilot instructed the co-pilot to pull the fuse from the warning system because the repeated warnings that the landing gear was not deployed were, "irritating and distracting," him as he attempted to land. With the warning horn disabled, the Korean pilot brought the plane in and slid down the length of the runway on the central structural rib in the belly of the aircraft. (source ; www.airlinesafety.com) Damagetotal destruction, InjuriesN/A, Deaths- 0, Airframewritten off

*10 August 1994Flight 2033 (Airbus A.300) from Seoul to Cheju, the flight approached too fast and touched down 1,773 meters beyond the runway threshold. The aircraft couldn't be stopped on the remaining 1,227 meters of runway and overran at a speed of 104 knots. After striking the airport wall and a guard post at 30 knots, the aircraft burst into flames and was incinerated. (source ; www.airlinesafety.com) Damagetotal destruction, InjuriesN/A, Deaths- 0, Airframewritten off

*22 September 1994Flight 916F (Boeing 747) from Zurich to Pusan. Eight days prior the aircraft had encountered a severe hailstorm over Elba, Italy. The aircraft sustained severe damage to the radome, cockpit windows and engines but managed to reach Zurich safely. Some repair work was done, but the aircraft needed to be ferried to Pusan for final repairs. Boeing released the aircraft with some take-off performance changes, which included a limited gross weight by 70,000 pounds and increased takeoff speeds for V1, V2 and VR by 15, 17 and 14 knots respectively. The aircraft was cleared for a Runway 14 takeoff and ZUE 5P departure. After a long take-off run, the aircraft lifted off the runway at the very end and climbed slowly. At 900 meters beyond the runway end the aircraft cleared some adjacent buildings at fewer than 50 meters. Subsequent investigation found that despite clear instructions to reduce weight, the crew had overloaded the aircraft by 86,700 pounds. (source ; www.airlinesafety.com) DamageN/A, InjuriesN/A, Deaths - 0, AirframeN/A

*6 August 1997Korean Air Flight 801 (Boeing 747-3B5) from Seoul to Agana, Guam, The crew attempted a night-time approach to Guam runway 06L. Flight 801 had descended 800 feet below the prescribed altitude, struck the 709 foot Nimitz Hill at a height of 650 feet and crashed in a jungle valley, breaking up and bursting into flames. Subsequent investigation found that the captain's failure to adequately brief and execute the imprecise approach and the first officer's and flight engineer's failure to effectively monitor and cross-check the captain's execution of the approach were directly responsible for the crash. Contributing factors were the captain's fatigue and Korean Air's inadequate flight crew training. (source ; http://users.d-n-a.net/dnetGOjg/) Damagetotal destruction, Injuriesmultiple/severe, Deaths- 228 (22 of 23 crew, 206 of 231 passengers), Airframewritten off

*5 August, 1998Flight 8702 (Boeing 747) from Tokyo to Seoul. The flight departed Tokyo at 16:50 for a flight to Seoul, scheduled to arrive there at 19:20. Inclement weather at Seoul forced the flight crew to divert to Cheju. The aircraft took off from Cheju at 21:07 bound for Seoul. On landing in Seoul, the 747 bounced multiple times and slid 100 meters off the runway before coming to a stop in a grassy area. (source ; www.airlinesafety.com) DamageComplete destruction of air frame, Injuriesminor, Deaths- 0, Airframewritten off

*15 March 1999Korean Air Flight 1533 (McDonnell Douglas MD-83) from Seoul to Pohang departed for Pohang. Weather at Pohang was poor with degraded visibility and gusty 25 knot winds. The pilot failed at the first attempt to land. After the second approach the plane touched down, but overran the runway. The aircraft skidded through 10 antennas, a reinforced barbed wire fence and came to rest against an embankment. The landing snapped the fuselage in half. (source ; www.planecrashinfo.com) DamageComplete destruction of air frame, Injuriesmultiple, Deaths - 0, Airframewritten off

*15 April 1999Korean Air Cargo flight 6316 (McDonnell Douglas MD-11) from Shanghai to Seoul took off despite the Korean co-pilots repeated misunderstanding and miscommunication with the tower and the pilot. The aircraft climbed to 4,500 feet and the captain, after receiving two wrong affirmative answers from the first officer that the required altitude should be 1,500 feet, thought that the aircraft was 3,000 feet too high. The captain then pushed the control column abruptly forward causing the aircraft to start a rapid descent. Neither was able to recover from the dive. The airplane plummeted into an industrial development zone 10 kilometers (6 miles) southwest of Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport. The plane plunged to the ground, hitting housing for migrant workers, and exploded. (source ; http://users.d-n-a.net/dnetGOjg/) (source ; http://aviation-safety.net/database/record.php?id=19990415-0) DamageComplete destruction of air frame, Injuries37 on ground, Deaths - 8 (three of three crew, five on ground), Airframewritten off

*22 December 1999Korean Air Cargo flight 8509 (Boeing 747-2B5F) from London to Milan The crew banked the aircraft into the ground while multiple audible warnings were sounding. Subsequent investigation revealed that the pilots did not respond appropriately to warnings during the climb after takeoff despite prompts from the flight engineer. The commanding pilot maintained a left roll control input, rolling the aircraft to approximately 90 of left bank and there was no control input to correct the pitch attitude throughout the turn. The first officer either did not monitor the aircraft attitude during the climbing turn or, having done so, did not alert the commander to the extreme unsafe attitude that developed, and the maintenance activity at London/Stansted was misdirected. Investigators subsequently suggested, among other things, that Korean Air alter training materials and safety education to meet theuniqueKorean culture.(source ; www.planecrashinfo.com ) DamageComplete destruction of air frame, InjuriesN/A, Deaths- 4 (four of four crew), Airframewritten off

*11 September 2001 - Korean Air Flight 85 from Seoul to Anchorage, with continued service to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York was intercepted by U.S. and Canadian fighter jets and escorted into Whitehorse International Airport during Operation Yellow Ribbon, on possible hijacking concerns. That was not the case. The plane was low on fuel and there was a communication problem, according to a public affairs official at the airport. When the plane landed, witnesses reported that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ordered the crew out at gunpoint. The entire incident was a misunderstanding by a malfunctioning transponder.


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