This article is about 8 cm DVDs. For other uses, see MiniDVD (disambiguation).
Conventional 12cm disc (left) compared to 8cm disc (right)

MiniDVD (Mini DVD or miniDVD) is a DVD disc having 8 cm in diameter.

The 8 cm optical disc format was originally used for music CD singles, hence the commonly used names CD single and miniCD. Similarly, the manufactured 8 cm DVDs were originally used for music videos and as such became known as DVD single.

MiniDVD is known also as "3 inch DVD", referring to its approximate diameter in inches.

A MiniDVD can be played back in most Blu Ray and DVD players that are tray loaded. The trays on players and DVD drives have an inner ring where the 8 cm disc is centered for loading in the player. Most slot loading players cannot use this format; there are exceptions, however, such as the PlayStation 3 and the Wii, but not the Wii U. Both officially support 8 cm discs.

Recordable 8 cm discs are commonly used in DVD-based camcorders. Depending on variant, these discs can offer up to 5.2 GB of storage space.

Physical size Single layer capacity Dual/Double layer capacity
12 cm, single sided 4.7 GB 8.5 GB
12 cm, double sided 9.4 GB 17 GB
8 cm, single sided 1.4 GB 2.66 GB
8 cm, double sided 2.8 GB 5.2 GB

Nintendo used a disc-based format for their GameCube system, which was a variant of an 8 cm DVD. This format is also supported by the Wii.

See also


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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