- Image (mathematics)
mathematics , the image of a preimage under a given function is the set of all possible function outputs when taking each element of the preimage, successively, as the function's argument.Definition
If "f" : "X" → "Y" is a function from set "X" to set "Y" and "x" is a member of "X", then "f"("x"), the image of "x" under "f", is a unique member of "Y" that "f" associates with "x". The image under "f" of the entire domain "X" is often called the range of "f", and is a subset of the
codomain "Y".The image of a
subset "A" ⊆ "X" under "f" is the subset of "Y" defined by:"f"
[ "A"] = {"y" ∈ "Y" | "y" = "f"("x") for some "x" ∈ "A"}.When there is no risk of confusion, "f"
[ "A"] is simply written as "f"("A"). An alternative notation for "f"[ "A"] that is common in the older literaturemathematical logic and still preferred by some set theorists, is "f" "A".Given this definition, the image of "f" becomes a function whose domain is the
power set of "X" (the set of allsubset s of "X"), and whosecodomain is the power set of "Y". The same notation can denote either the function "f" or its image. This convention is a common one; the intended meaning must be inferred from the context.The preimage or inverse image of a set "B" ⊆ "Y" under "f" is the subset of "X" defined by
:"f" −1
[ "B"] = {"x" ∈ "X" | "f"("x") ∈ "B"}.The inverse image of a singleton, "f" −1
[ {"y"}] , is a fiber (also spelled fibre) or alevel set .Again, if there is no risk of confusion, we may denote "f" −1
[ "B"] by "f" −1("B"), and think of "f" −1 as a function from the power set of "Y" to the power set of "X". The notation "f" −1 should not be confused with that forinverse function . The two coincide only if "f" is abijection ."f" can also be seen as a family of sets indexed by "Y", which leads to the notion of a
fibred category .Uniform arrow notations
The traditional notations used in the previous section can be confusing. An alternative [Blyth 2005, p. 5] is to explicitly write the image and preimage as two functions in their own right: with and with . If we consider the
powerset as aposet ordered by inclusion, then the image and preimage functions are monotone.Examples
1. "f": {1,2,3} → {"a,b,c,d"} defined by
The "image" of {2,3} under "f" is "f"({2,3}) = {"d,c"}, and the "range" of "f" is {"a,d,c"}. The "preimage" of {"a,c"} is "f" −1({"a,c"}) = {1,3}.
2. "f": R → R defined by "f"("x") = "x"2.
The "image" of {-2,3} under "f" is "f"({-2,3}) = {4,9}, and the "range" of "f" is R+. The "preimage" of {4,9} under "f" is "f" −1({4,9}) = {-3,-2,2,3}.
3. "f": R2 → R defined by "f"("x", "y") = "x"2 + "y"2.
The "fibres" "f" −1({"a"}) are
concentric circles about the origin, the origin, and theempty set , depending on whether "a">0, "a"=0, or "a"<0, respectively.4. If "M" is a
manifold and "π" :"TM"→"M" is the canonicalprojection from thetangent bundle "TM" to "M", then the "fibres" of "π" are thetangent spaces "T""x"("M") for "x"∈"M". This is also an example of afiber bundle .Consequences
Given a function "f" : "X" → "Y", for all subsets "A", "A"1, and "A"2 of "X" and all subsets "B", "B"1, and "B"2 of "Y" we have:
*"f"("A"1 ∪ "A"2) = "f"("A"1) ∪ "f"("A"2)
*"f"("A"1 ∩ "A"2) ⊆ "f"("A"1) ∩ "f"("A"2)
*"f" −1("B"1 ∪ "B"2) = "f" −1("B"1) ∪ "f" −1("B"2)
*"f" −1("B"1 ∩ "B"2) = "f" −1("B"1) ∩ "f" −1("B"2)
*"f"("f" −1("B")) ⊆ "B"
*"f" −1("f"("A")) ⊇ "A"
*"A"1 ⊆ "A"2 → "f"("A"1) ⊆ "f"("A"2)
*"B"1 ⊆ "B"2 → "f" −1("B"1) ⊆ "f" −1("B"2)
*"f" −1("B"C) = ("f" −1("B"))C
*("f" |"A")−1("B") = "A" ∩ "f" −1("B").The results relating images and preimages to the (Boolean) algebra of intersection and union work for any collection of subsets, not just for pairs of subsets:
*(here "S" can be infinite, evenuncountably infinite .)With respect to the algebra of subsets, by the above we see that the inverse image function is a
lattice homomorphism while the image function is only asemilattice homomorphism (it does not always preserve intersections).ee also
range (mathematics)
*domain (mathematics)
*bijection, injection and surjection
*kernel of a function
*image (category theory)
*preimage attack (cryptography)Notes
*Citation |authorlink=Michael Artin | last= Artin | first= Michael | title= Algebra | edition=| year=1991 | publisher=Prentice Hall| isbn= 81-203-0871-9
* T.S. Blyth, "Lattices and Ordered Algebraic Structures", Springer, 2005, ISBN 1-85233-905-5.
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