Quasi-arithmetic mean

Quasi-arithmetic mean

In mathematics and statistics, the quasi-arithmetic mean or generalised "f"-mean is one generalisation of the more familiar means such as the arithmetic mean and the geometric mean, using a function f. It is also called Kolmogorov mean after Russian scientist Andrey Kolmogorov.


If "f" is a function which maps a connected subset S of the real line to the real numbers, and is both continuous and injective then we can define the "f"-mean of two numbers :{x_1, x_2} subset Sas:M_f(x_1,x_2) = f^{-1}left( frac{f(x_1)+f(x_2)}2 ight).

For n numbers :{x_1, dots, x_n} subset S,the f-mean is:M_f x = f^{-1}left( frac{f(x_1)+ cdots + f(x_n)}n ight).

We require "f" to be injective in order for the inverse function f^{-1} to exist. Continuity is required to ensure :frac{fleft(x_1 ight) + fleft(x_2 ight)}2 lies within the domain of f^{-1}.

Since "f" is injective and continuous, it follows that "f" is a strictly monotonic function, and therefore that the "f"-mean is neither larger than the largest number of the tuple x nor smaller than the smallest number in x.


* Partitioning: The computation of the mean can be split into computations of equal sized sub-blocks.:M_f(x_1,dots,x_{ncdot k}) = M_f(M_f(x_1,dots,x_{k}), M_f(x_{k+1},dots,x_{2cdot k}), dots, M_f(x_{(n-1)cdot k + 1},dots,x_{ncdot k}))
* Subsets of elements can be averaged a priori, without altering the mean, given that the multiplicity of elements is maintained.:With m=M_f(x_1,dots,x_{k}) it holds:M_f(x_1,dots,x_{k},x_{k+1},dots,x_{n}) = M_f(underbrace{m,dots,m}_{k mbox{ times,x_{k+1},dots,x_{n})
* The quasi-arithmetic mean is invariant with respect to offsets and scaling of f::forall a forall b e0 ((forall t g(t)=a+bcdot f(t)) Rightarrow forall x M_f x = M_g x).
* If f is monotonic, then M_f is monotonic.


* If we take S to be the real line and f = mathrm{id}, (or indeed any linear function xmapsto acdot x + b, a not equal to 0) then the "f"-mean corresponds to the arithmetic mean.

* If we take S to be the set of positive real numbers and f(x) = ln(x), then the "f"-mean corresponds to the geometric mean. According to the "f"-mean properties, the result does not depend on the base of the logarithm as long as it is positive and not 1.

* If we take S to be the set of positive real numbers and f(x) = frac{1}{x}, then the "f"-mean corresponds to the harmonic mean.

* If we take S to be the set of positive real numbers and f(x) = x^p, then the "f"-mean corresponds to the power mean with exponent p.


Means are usually homogenous,but for most functions f, the "f"-mean is not.You can achieve that property by normalizingthe input values by some (homogenous) mean C.:M_{f,C} x = C x cdot f^{-1}left( frac{fleft(frac{x_1}{C x} ight) + dots + fleft(frac{x_n}{C x} ight)}{n} ight)However this modification may violate monotonicity and the partitioning property of the mean.


* Andrey Kolmogorov (1930) “Mathematics and mechanics”, Moscow — pp.136-138. (In Russian)
* John Bibby (1974) “Axiomatisations of the average and a further generalisation of monotonic sequences,” Glasgow Mathematical Journal, vol. 15, pp. 63–65.

See also

* Generalized mean
* Jensen's inequality

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