List of schools in Kenya

List of schools in Kenya

Primary schools in Kenya may be designated as follows:
* DEB indicating that they were founded by the now abolished District Education Boards, hence were public schools from the start.
* RC indicating that they were founded and sponsored by the Roman Catholic church as it was known then
* AC indicating that they were founded and sponsored initially by the Anglican Church
* Others may have no designation meaning they were founded well after independence or they have dropped their sponsor designation from their official name.

Primary Schools


* Father Walstra Academy
* Marell Academy
* Bungoma DEB (District Education Board) Primary School
* Chemuche Primary school
* Kakamwe RC (Roman catholic) Primary School
* Kanduyi DEB Primary School
* Khaoya Primary School
* Mukhaweli Primary School
* Muyayi RC Primary School
* Nalutili Primary School
* Ndengelwa RC Primary School
* St. Erastus Primary School, Naitiri
* Chemwa R.C. Primary school
* Kabula R.C. Primary school


* Butere Primary school
* Emasaba Primary
* Emauko Primary School
* Shatsala Primary School
* Shibembe Primary School


* Hill School
* Kaptagat Preparatory
* Uasin Gishu Primary School
* Testimony Primary School
* Nagili girls secondary school
* Wareng High School
*Cheptiret Secondary School
*Keses Secondary School


* Nyaigesa Primary School, Keroka
* kisii primary school
* Genesis preparatory school
* Metembe Primary school
* Nyakeyo primary school
* Motagara Primary School
* St. Mary's Mosocho
* St. Patrick Mosocho
* St. Peter's (Soko) Primary School
* St. Theresa's Asumbi Girls Primary


* Matioli Primary School
* Mwiyenga Primary School
* Eshisango Primary School
* Kilimo Primary School, Bukura
* Ekambwonje Primary School
*Shiswa primary
*Mukulusu primary
*Kakamega primary
* Lwanaswa Primary schoo
* Iremele Primary school
* Kaluni Primary School
* Eregi Primary School
* Madivini Primary School


* Abol Primary School, Kombewa
* Aga Khan Primary School
* Akonya Primary School, Kombewa
* Alango Primary School, Kajulu
* Angira Primary School, Kajulu
* Arina Primary School, Kombewa
* Bonde Primary School, Kombewa
* Bukna Primary School, Kajulu
* Diemo Primary School, Kombewa
* Karanda Primary School, Ahero
* Kit-Mikayi Primary School, Kombewa
* Kosawo Primary School, Manyatta
* Kunya Primary School, Kibos
* Lolgarini Primary School, kipkabus
* Manyatta Primary School, Manyatta
* Muhoroni Furaha Primary School, Muhoroni
* Ndiru Primary School, Kombewa
* Nduru-Kadero Primary, Komewa
* Ng'op-Ngeso Primary School, Kombewa
* Ngutu Primary School, Kombewa
* Obola Primary School, Kombewa
* Obwolo Primary School, Kajulu
* Odienya Kagayi Primary School, Kombewa
* Ogona Primary School, Kombewa
* Ojola Kadero Primary School, Kombewa
* Ong'adi Primary School, Kajulu
* Oruga Primary School, Kombewa
* Otenga Primary School, Kombewa

* victoria primary school, victoria
* pefa primary school
* xaverian primary school
* shaurimoyo primary school,shaurimoyo
* Pap-Othany Primary School, Kombewa
* Kisumu Junior Academy, Kisumu
*kibuye mixed primary school, kibuye
*Kikiini Primary School,Mbooni
*Kyai Primary School,Mbooni


* Limuru Town Primary School, Limuru
* Tigoni Primary School, Tigoni


* [ The Bombolulu School Of Promise]
* MM Shah Primary School
* Kags Joy Academy
* Bombo Primary School
* Kimbunga Primary School
* Kiembeni Estate School
* Baptist Estate School
* Mombasa Light Academy Primary School [ web site]
* Oshwal Academy [ web site]
* Seacrest Preparatory School, Diani Beach, South Coast [ web site]
* Shiekh Nurein Primary School


* St. Peter's Mumias Boys' Boarding primary school
* St. Anne's Mumias girls boarding Primary School


* Aga Khan Junior Academy, Nairobi
* Buru Buru Primary School, Nairobi
* Ayany Primary School, Nairobi
* City Primary School, Ngara
* City High School, Ngara
* Dayspring juniour school
* Doonholm Primary School
* Highridge Primary School, Parklands
* Highway Secondary School, South B
* Hospital Hill Primary School
* Jamhuri Primary School, Government School
* Jamhuri High School
* Kilimani Primary School
* Kileleshwa Primary School
* Kibera primary School, Kibera
* Kongoni Primary School, South C
* Logos Christian School, [ web site]
* Milimani Primary School
* Muslim Girls Nursery, Primary & Secondary School, Park Road
* Nairobi Light Academy Primary School [ web site]
* Nairobi Primary School (Mamlaka Road)
* Nairobi River Primary School (Buru Buru)
* Nairobi South Primary School
* Ngong Forest Primary School
* Olympic Primary School, Kibera
* Oshwal Jain Primary School, Parklands
* Our Lady of Mercy Primary School, South B
* Our Lady Of Mercy Secondary School, South B
* Park Road Primary School
* Parklands Primary School, Parklands
* Serare School [ web site]
* Strathmore School, Lavington [ web site]
* St Mary's School, Nairobi, Nairobi [ web site]
* St George's Primary School, Kilimani
* Tumaini Primary School
* Plainsview Primary School
* Utawala Primary School
* Visa Oshwal Primary School, Parklands
* Westlands Primary School
* Roysambu primary School, Zemmerman
* Mombasa Parents - Nyali Primary School
* MM Chandaria Primay School
* Babadogo Primary School


* Jamhuri Primary School
* Kariba Road Primary School
* Kenyatta Primary School
* Mama Ngina Primary School
* Menengai Primary School
* Moi Primary School
* St. Joseph's Primary School
* St. Mary's Primary School
* St. Xaviers Primary School
* Lions Primary School
* Melvin Johns Primary School


* Consolata Primary School
* Giakanja Primary School, Nyeri
* Ithenguri Primary School
* Kaiguri Primary School
* Kariguini Primary School
* Kiandu Primary School
* Kigwandi Primary School
* Kihora Primary School
* Kwanderi Primary School
* Mount Kenya Academy Primary School
* Nyamachaki Primary School
* Temple Road Primary School
* St.Benedict's Boys' Academy
* Wamagana Primary School


* Amariba Primary School
* Chamakowa Primary School
* Gatunyu Primary School
* Bulla Mpya Primary school (Mandera)
* Getembe Primary School
* Iyego Primary School, Murang'a
* Kiabonyoru Primary School] , Nyamira
* Kimaren Primary School, Kobujoi
* kalulini Primary School, Kibwezi
* Kirindo Primary School
* Kisii Primary School
* Kwatombe Primary School, Tala, Machakos
* Lanet Lighthouse Academy, Lanet, Nakuru
* Legacy Schools [] Kitale, Kenya
* Masogo Primary School, Ahero, Nyando
* Matunwa Primary School
* Mbale Shalom Academy, Mbale
* Mbita Primary School
* Mumias Central Primary School, Mumias
* Nguluni Primary School, Tala, Machakos
* Nyagiki Primary School, Gucha
* Nyakegogi Primary School, Gucha
* Nyanchwa Primary School
* Rabuor Primary School, Rabuor, Nyando
* Roseve Educational Centre, Namgoi
* Samitui Primary School, Kobujoi
* st peters elite boarding school
* Star Rays Education Centre (Nangili) Lugari
* kyanginywa primary school (
* masalani primary school
* kevanda primary school
* katilamuni primary schoolTetu Girls Primary SchoolMary Immaculate Girls Primary
* kisima primary school{laikipia,hillary}

Secondary/ High Schools


* Abrar High School, Kenya, Rift Valley, Eldoret, Uasin Gishu District.
* Ading'o Opanga Secondary SchoolNyando
* Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa
* Aga Khan Academy, Nairobi, Parklands, Nairobi
* Ahero Girls Secondary School, Kisumu
* Aldai Girls High School,
* Alendu Secondary School, Kisumu
* Alliance High School, Kikuyu, est 1926
* Alliance Girls High School, Kikuyu
* Alungo Secondary School, Kombewa, Kisumu
* Alwala Secondary School, Kombewa, Kisumu
*Amasege Secondary School
*Amasago School, School
* Ambira Boys Siaya Nyanza
* Andingo-Opanga Secondary, Nyando
* Arap Moi Girls High School, Vihiga
* Asumbi Girls High School


* Bar Union Kisumu, Nyanza
* Bishop Gatimu Ngandu Girls High School, Nyeri
* Bishop Okoth Miranga, Kisumu
* Bishop Ndingi High School, Machakos
* Bonde Secondary School, Kombewa, Kisumu
* Bunyore Girls Secondary, Vihiga
* Butere Girls high School, KakamegaBisop Okumu, Obuora, Nyandi District
* Akoko secodary school-Bondo District Nyanza


* Cardinal Otunga High School ( Mosocho), Kisii
* Cardinal Otunda Girls High School, Bungoma
* Carmel Girls High School, Mbiuni Machakos
* Chania High School, Thika
* Chebisaas Girls High School,
* Chianda Boys Bondo Nyanza
* Chuluni Girls
* City High School, Nairobi Est 1952 Closed 1995
*Chesamisi high school,kimilili,Bungoma
*chebukwa sec school, Bungoma
*st. pauls Miluki sec school, Bungoma


* D.H.T Secondary, Kisumu
* Dagoretti High School, Nairobi
* Daraja Academy, Nanyuki
* Diemo Secondary School, Kombewa, Kisumu
* Dr. Aloo Gumbi Secondary, Kisumu
* Dzitsoni High School, Kilifi, est 1979
* Darajani high school kibwezi


* Eastleigh High School
* Ebusakami Secondary, Vihiga
* Embakasi Secondary, EmbakasiNairobi
*Eronge Secondary School, Nyamira


* Flamingo Nakuru R.V Province
* Friends School Kamusinga, Western Kenya


* Gatanga Girls' School, Thika
* Gakurwe Secondary School, Murang'a
*Gekano High School, Nyamira
* Giakanja Boys High School
* Gituru Secondary School
* Gulab Lochab Academy,Eldoret
* Gatura Girls' School, Thika


* Hekima Girls High School
* Highway Secondary School, Kisumu
* Highway Secondary School, South B, Nairobi
* Homa Bay High School, Homa Baykariguini secondary school


* Imani School, Thika
* Iyego Secondary School, Murang'a
*Ilbissil girls secondary school


* Jamhuri High School,Nairobi
* Jomo Kenyatta High School, Nakuru District


* Kagumo High School
* Kagwe Girls High School
* Kahuhia Girls' High School, Central Province
* Kakamega High School, Kakamega
* Kalou Secondary School, Ol'Kalou
* Kakamwe Secondary School, Bungoma
* Kamagambo High School, Rongo [Nyanza]
* Kambaa Girls High School, Central Province
* Kanga High School, Rongo Nyanza
* Kangaru High School
* Kanguburi Girls High School, Nyeri
* Kanjuri Secondary School
* Kanunga High School
* Kapsabet Boys High School, Nandi North
* Kapsabet Girls High School, Nandi North
* Kaptumo Boys
* Karura Church School, Kiambu
* Kathiani High School, Machakos District
* Kenton College Preparatory School [ website]
* Kenya High School, Nairobi
* Kenyatta High School Mahiga
* Kenyatta High School, Mwatate, Taita district
* Keng'uso salvation army secondary school, Nyamira district
* Khasoko Boys High School, Bungoma
* Kiambu High School, Kiambu
* Kiambu Township Secondary School, Kiambu
* Kibiko Secondary school, kajiado District
* Kianyaga High School, Kianyaga
* Kibabii Boys High School, Bungoma
* Kianda School, Nairobi, est 1977
* Kijabe Boys High School, Kijabe
* Kijabe Girls High School, Kijabe
* Kimaren Secondary School, Nandi Hills'
* Kilingili Secondary School
* Kinyui High School
* Kirangari High School, Kiambu
* Kirwara Boys High School. Thika
* Kisii High School.
* Kisumu Boys' High, Kisumu
* Kisumu Day Secondary School
* Kisumu Girls High
* Kit-Mikayi Secondary School Kombewa, Kisumu
* Koelel High School, Gilgil
* Komothai Girls High School, Ruiru
* Komothai High School
* A.C.K Kapkolei Girls High School, Kobujoi
* Kyanginywa High School
* Kalulini Boys School
* Kisayani High School
* Kiaoni High School
* Kitui School
* Kabaa boys high school
* Kimaren Secondary School


* Laiser Hill Academy, Rongai, Nairobi
* Lang'ata High School
* Lenana School, Nairobi
* Limuru Girls High School
* Lions Secondary, Kisumu
* Loreto Convent Msongari, Nairobi
* Loreto Convent Valley Road, Nairobi
* Loreto Convent High School - Limuru
* Loreto Convent Kiambu - Kiambu
* Luguru Girls High School (Webuye)
Lwak Girls' High School, Bondo
* Lema Girls secondary school (Machakos)
* Kigama Secondary School, Maragoli
* Vihiga High School

=M=moi girls secondary school
* Mang'u High School, Thika, est 1925 and the top School in the Country
* Michinda Secondary School (Elburgon-Molo)
* Makueni Boys High School, Wote Makueni
* Malindi High School
* Manga Girls High School, Nyamira
* Maraba Secondary School, Nandi Riftvalley
* Maranda Boys, Bondo
* Mary Leakey High School, Kiambu
* Matiliku Boys High school
* Maryhill Girls High School
* Masana Secondary School
* Maseno School, Kisumu
* Masogo Mixed Secondary School, Ahero, Nyando
* Menyenya High School, Nyamira
* Meru School
* Mbita High School
* Metkei Girls School
* Migingo Girls Secondary School, Kisumu
* Moi Equator Girls' School
* Moi Girls School Isinya
* Moi Forces Academy- Nairobi
* Moi High School Kabarak
* Moi Girls School Kamusinga
* Moi Girls School Nairobi
* Moi Sindo Girls, Mbita Nyanza
* Mombasa Light Academy Secondary School, Nyali [ web site]
* Mumbuni High School, Machakos
* Murang'a High School
* musingu high school
* Muslim Secondary, Kisumu
* Langata High School
*Mua hills girls high school
* Muslim Academy (Nairobi)
*Moi Forces Academy-Lanet
*Mbale High School
*Monicah St., Lubao
*Kiambu Township Secondary School, Kiambu.*


* Nairobi Light Academy Secondary School, Off Ngong Road [ web site]
* Nairobi Mixed Secondary School
* Nairobi School, Nairobi, est 1929
* Naki Mixed, Nyando
* Nakuru High School, Nakuru
* Namachanja High School, Bungoma
* Ndiru Secondary School, Kombewa, Kisumu
* Ndururumo High School, Nyahururu
* Ndururi Secondary School, Nyahururu
* Ngara Girls' High School
* Ngere High School, Kombewa, Kisumu
* Ng'iya Girls' High School, Siaya
* Njiiris High School
* Njonjo Girls High School
* Njoro Boys, Nakuru
* Njoro Girls Secondary School
* Nyabondo Boys Secondary School, Kisumu
* Nyabururu Girls High School
* Nyakach Girls Secondary School, Nyando
* Nyambaria High School, Nyamira
* Nyandarua High School Nyandarua Ol kalou
* Nyansiongo, High School, Nyamira
* Nyeri High Nyeri, Nyeri
* Nyahururu High School Ngomo(Muhotetu) secondary school/Nyahuruuru


* Obambo Secondary School, Kisumu
* Ofafa Jericho High, Jericho Estate, Nairobi
* Ogona Sunrise Secondary School, Kombewa, Kisumu
* Ongalo Secondary, Kisumu
* Onjiko Boys Secondary School, Nyando
* Orando Mixed Secondary School, Kisumu
* Oshwal Academy, Mombasa []
* Oshwal High School, 1st Parklands Avenue, Nairobi, Kenya
* Othaya Boys Secondary School, Nyeri
* Otieno Oyoo Secondary School, Rabuor, Nyando


* Pangani Girls High School, Nairobi
* Parklands High School, Nairobi
* Precious Blood Girls High School - Riruta, Nairobi
* Pumwani Secondary school
* Rata Secondary School, Maseno, Kisumu
* Riokindo High School, Kisii
* Riondong'a Secondary School, Kisii.
* Ruiru High School


* Sacho High School
* St. Anthonys Boys High School, Trans-Nzoia District
* St. Barnabas Girls Secondary School, Kombewa, Kisumu
* St. Charles Lwanga Secondary, Mombasa
* St. Georges Secondary School, Nairobi
* St. Joseph’s Mbita
* St Joseph The Worker Secondary School, Mang'u
* St. Mary's School, Nairobi
* [St. Mary's Boys Secondary School] [] , Nyeri
* St Mukasa Secondary School(Chimoi)
* St. Pauls Amukura High School
* St Patrick High School-Iten
* St Peters Mumias Boys High School
* St. Sinclair Secondary School, Nairobi [ web site]
* St. Teresa Girls Secondary, Kisumu
* Sameta High School, Kisii.
* Sawagongo High School [ ] , Siaya
* SDA School, Watamu []
* Serare School, Nairobi [ web site]
* Senior Chief Koinange High School, Kiambaa
* Serem Secondary School
* Simotwo Boys High school
* Singore Girls school
* Sironga Girls High School,Nyamira
* Star of the Sea Secondary School
* St. Marys Girls School (Thange)
* St. Jospeph Girls Kibwezi
* Starehe Boys' Centre and School, Nairobi
* Strathmore School, Lavington, Nairobi, est 1961 [ web site]
* St. Pius Uriri High School Nyanza
* St. Pauls Boys Marsabit Eastern
* St. Paul Seminary, Nyeri
* St. Georges Girls Secondary schoolNairobi
* State House Girls High School, Nairobi
* Sunshine Secondary School, Nairobi


* Temple Road High School, Nairobi
* Thika High School, Thika
* Titsu Secondary School, Nairobi
* Tiengre Secondary School, Kisumu
* Tigoi Girls
* Tom Mboya High School Rusinga, Mbita
* Tumutumu Girls High School, Nyeri
* Timbila High SchoolTaveta
* Thomeandu Boys Secondary SchoolNunguniSt cecilia Girls Aluor


* Ukwala Boys Siaya Nyanza
* Usenge Boys High, Bondo
* Vihiga High School, Vihiga
* Withur Secondary School, Kisumu

International schools

* Brookhouse School, Nairobi, est. 1981
* Greensteds School, Nakuru est 1936 []
* Hillcrest School, Nairobi, est. 1975
* International School of Kenya, Nairobi, est 1976
* Light Academy Schools(IGCSE), Nairobi & Mombasa, (boarding schools) [ web site]
* Nairobi Academy, Nairobi, British Curriculum.
* Rift Valley Academy, Protestant Missionary boarding school located in Kijabe, est. 1906
* Rosslyn Academy, International school, Nairobi, Kenya, est 1967
* St. Andrews School, Turi, boarding school near Nakuru
* Strathmore School, Nairobi, est 1961
* Abrar High School, Eldoret, Kenya. est 1994.
* Urafiki Carovana Primary School, Nairobi
* Braeburn High School, Nairobi, British Curriculum

External links

* [ Schools, Colleges and Universities in Kenya]
* [ Kenya Education Directory]
* [ Jobs and Employment Opportunities in Kenya]

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