List of mammals in Texas

List of mammals in Texas

This is a list of Texas mammals, those mammals native to or immediately off the coast of the state of Texas in the United States.Having a mild climate and a range of biomes, from plains and grassland in the north, forests and swamps in the east, mountains in the far west, desert in the west and south, and an extensive coastline, makes Texas home to a wide variety of mammal species. Its central location in the United States makes it a convergence point for the ranges of many species found in the east and west, as well, with its proximity to Mexico, Texas serves as a northern range for several Central American species. While there are also many species endemic to Texas itself.

Texas recognizes three species as their official mammal, including the Nine-banded Armadillo, the Texas Longhorn, and the Mexican Free-tailed Bat. State law protects numerous species. Those considered threatened species are denoted by (T) and those considered endangered species denoted by (E). Some species are believed to be extirpated from the state, denoted with (X). Several species have been introduced to Texas, and established permanent populations, denoted with (I).

Armadillos (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae)

*Nine-banded Armadillo ("Dasyppus novemcinctus")

Bats (Chiroptera)

Leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae)

*Hairy-legged Vampire Bat ("Diphylla ecaudata")
*Mexican Long-nosed Bat ("Leptonycteris nivalis") (E)
*Mexican Long-tongued Bat ("Choeronycteris mexicana")

Mormoopid bats (Mormoopidae)

*Ghost-faced Bat ("Mormoops megalophylla")

Vespertilionid bats (Vespertilionidae)

*Big Brown Bat ("Eptesicus fuscus")
*California Myotis ("Myotis californicus")
*Cave Myotis ("Myotis velifer")
*Eastern Pipistrelle ("Pipistrellus subflavus")
*Eastern Red Bat ("Lasiurus borealis")
*Evening bat ("Nycticeius humeralis")
*Fringed Myotis ("Myotis thysanodes")
*Hoary Bat ("Lasiurus cinereus")
*Little Brown Myotis ("Myotis lucifugus")
*Long-legged Myotis ("Myotis volans")
*Northern long-eared myotis ("Myotis septentrionalis")
*Northern Yellow Bat ("Lasiurus intermedius")
*Pallid Bat ("Antrozous pallidus")
*Rafinesque's Big-eared Bat ("Plecotus rafinesquii") (T)
*Seminole Bat ("Lasiurus seminolus")
*Silver-haired Bat ("Lasionycteris noctivagans")
*Southern Yellow Bat ("Lasiurus ega") (T)
*Southeastern Myotis ("Myotis austroriparius")
*Spotted bat ("Euderma maculatum") (T)
*Townsend's Big-eared Bat ("Plecotus townsendii")
*Western Pipistrelle ("Pipistrellus hesperus")
*Western Red Bat ("Lasiurus blossevillii")
*Western Small-footed Myotis ("Myotis ciliolabrum")
*Yuma Myotis ("Myotis yumanensis")

Free-tailed bats (Molossidae)

*Big Free-tailed Bat ("Nyctinomops macrotis")
*Mexican Free-tailed Bat ("Tadarida brasiliensis")
*Pocketed Free-tailed Bat ("Nyctinomops femorosacca")
*Western mastiff bat ("Eumops perotis")

Carnivores (Carnivora)

Canines (Canidae)

*Coyote ("Canis latrans")
*Gray Fox ("Urocyon cineroeargenteus")
*Gray Wolf ("Canis lupus") (E, X)
*Red Fox ("Vulpes vulpes") (I)
*Red Wolf ("Canis rufus") (E, X)
*Swift Fox ("Vulpes velox")

Bears (Ursidae)

*Black Bear ("Ursus americanus") (T)
*Grizzly Bear ("Ursus arctos") (X)

Raccoons, Coatimundi & Ringtails (Procyonidae)

*Common Raccoon ("Procyon lotor")
*Ringtail ("Bassariscus astutus")
*White-nosed Coati ("Nasua narica")

Otters, Weasels, Skunks & Ferrets (Mustelidae)

*American Badger ("Taxidea taxus")
*Black-footed Ferret ("Mustela nigripes") (E, X)
*Common Hog-nosed Skunk ("Conepatus mesoleucus")
*Eastern Spotted Skunk ("Spilogale putorius")
*Hooded Skunk ("Mephitis macroura")
*Long-tailed Weasel ("Mustela frenata")
*Mink ("Mustela vison")
*River Otter ("Lutra canadensis")
*Striped Skunk ("Mephitis mephitis")
*Western Spotted Skunk ("Spilogale gracilis")
*Eastern Hog-nosed Skunk ("Conepatus leuconotus")

Cats (Felidae)

*Bobcat ("Lynx rufus")
*Jaguarundi ("Felis yagouaroundi") (E)
*Jaguar ("Panthera onca") (X)
*Margay ("Felis wiedii")
*Mountain Lion ("Felis concolor")
*Ocelot ("Felis pardalis") (E)

Even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla)

Pigs (Suidae)

*Domestic Pig ("Sus scrofa") (I)

Peccaries (Tayassuidae)

*Collared Peccary ("Tayassu tajacu")

Deer (Cervidae)

*Axis Deer ("Axis axis") (I)
*Fallow Deer ("Cervus dama") (I)
*Mule Deer ("Odocoileus hemionus")
*Red Deer ("Cervus elaphus") (I)
*Sika Deer ("Cervus nippon") (I)
*White-tailed Deer ("Odocoileus virginianus")

Pronghorn (Antilocapridae)

*Pronghorn ("Antilocapra americana")

Sheep & Bison (Bovidae)

*Barbary Sheep ("Ammotragus lervia") (I)
*Bighorn Sheep ("Ovis canadensis")
*Bison ("Bison bison") (X)
*Blackbuck ("Antilope cervicapra") (I)
*Nilgai ("Boselaphus tragocamelus") (I)

Shrews & moles (Insectivora, Soricidae)

*Crawford's Gray Shrew ("Notiosorex crawfordi")
*Eastern Mole ("Scalopus aquaticus")
*Elliot's Short-tailed Shrew ("Blarina hylophaga")
*North American Least Shrew ("Cryptotis parva")
*Southern Short-tailed Shrew ("Blarina carolinensis")

Manatees (Sirenia, Trichechidae)

*West Indian Manatee ("Trichechus manatus") (E)

Opossums (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae)

*Virginia Opossum ("Didelphis virginiana")

Rabbits (Lagomorpha, Leporidae)

*Black-tailed Jackrabbit ("Lepus californicus")
*Desert Cottontail ("Sylvilagus audubonni")
*Eastern Cottontail ("Sylvilagus floridanus")
*Swamp Rabbit ("Sylvilagus aquaticus")

Rodents (Rodentia)

Beavers (Castoridae)

*American Beaver ("Castor canidensis")

Pocket gophers (Geomyidae)

*Attwater's Pocket Gopher ("Geomys attwateri")
*Baird's Pocket Gopher ("Geomys breviceps")
*Botta's Pocket Gopher ("Thomomys bottae")
*Desert Pocket Gopher ("Geomys arenarius")
*Jone's Pocket Gopher ("Geomys knoxjonesi")
*Llano Pocket Gopher ("Geomys texensis")
*Plains Pocket Gopher ("Geomys bursarius")
*Texas Pocket Gopher ("Geomys personatus")
*Yellow-faced Pocket Gopher ("Cratogeomys castanops")

Pocket mice & kangaroo rats (Heteromyidae)

*Banner-tailed Kangaroo Rat ("Dipodomys spectabilis")
*Desert pocket mouse ("Chaetodipus penicillatus")
*Gulf Coast Kangaroo Rat ("Dipodomys compactus")
*Hispid pocket mouse ("Chaetodipus hispidus")
*Merriam's Kangaroo Rat ("Dipodomys merriami")
*Merriam's Pocket Mouse ("Perognathus merriami")
*Mexican Spiny Pocket Mouse ("Liomys irroratus")
*Nelson's Pocket Mouse ("Chaetodipus nelsoni")
*Ord's Kangaroo Rat ("Dipodomys ordii")
*Plains Pocket Mouse ("Perognathus flavescens")
*Rock Pocket Mouse ("Chaetodipus intermedius")
*Silky Pocket Mouse ("Perognathus flavus")
*Texas Kangaroo Rat ("Dipodomys elator") (T)

Mice & rats (Muridae)

*Brush Mouse ("Peromyscus boylii")
*Cactus Mouse ("Peromyscus eremicus")
*Chihuahuan Grasshopper Mouse ("Onychomys arenicola")
*Cotton Mouse ("Peromyscus gossypinus")
*Coues' Rice Rat ("Oryzomys couesi") (T)
*Deer Mouse ("Peromyscus maniculatus")
*Eastern Harvest Mouse ("Reithrodontomys humulis")
*Florida Woodrat ("Neotoma floridana")
*Fulvous Harvest Mouse ("Reithrodontomys fulvescens")
*Golden Mouse (rodent) ("Ochrotomys nuttalli")
*Hispid Cotton Rat ("Sigmodon hispidus")
*House Mouse ("Mus musculus") (I)
*Marsh Rice Rat ("Oryzomys palustris")
*Mexican Vole ("Microtus mexicanus")
*Mexican Woodrat ("Neotoma mexicana")
*Muskrat ("Ondatra zibethicus")
*Northern Grasshopper Mouse ("Onychomys leucogaster")
*Northern Pygmy Mouse ("Baiomys taylori")
*Northern Rock Mouse ("Peromyscus nasutus")
*Norway Rat ("Rattus norvegicus") (I)
*Piñon Mouse ("Peromyscus truei") (T)
*Plains Harvest Mouse ("Reithrodontomys montanus")
*Prairie Vole ("Microtus ochrogaster")
*Roof Rat ("Rattus rattus") (I)
*Southern Plains Woodrat ("Neotoma micropus")
*Tawny-bellied Cotton Rat ("Sigmodon fulviventer")
*Texas Mouse ("Peromyscus attwateri")
*Western Harvest Mouse ("Reithrodontomys megalotis")
*White-ankled Mouse ("Peromyscus pectoralis")
*White-footed Mouse ("Peromyscus leucopus")
*White-throated Woodrat ("Neotoma albigula")
*Woodland Vole ("Microtus pinetorum")
*Yellow-nosed Cotton Rat ("Sigmodon ochrognathus")

Squirrels (Sciuridae)

*Black-tailed Prairie Dog ("Cynomys ludovicianus")
*Eastern Gray Squirrel ("Sciurus carolinensis")
*Fox Squirrel ("Sciurus niger")
*Gray-footed Chipmunk ("Tamias canipes")
*Mexican Ground Squirrel ("Spermophilus mexicanus")
*Rock Squirrel ("Spermophilus variegatus")
*Southern flying squirrel ("Glaucomys volans")
*Spotted Ground Squirrel ("Spermophilus spilosoma")
*Texas Antelope Squirrel ("Ammospermophilus interpres")
*Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel ("Spermophilus tridecemlineatus")

Porcupines (Erethizontidae)

*Porcupine ("Erethizon dorsatum")

Nutria (Myocastoridae)

*Nutria ("Myocastor coypus") (I)

Seals (Pinnipedia, Phocidae)

*Caribbean Monk Seal ("Monachus tropicalis")

Whales & dolphins (Cetacea)

Right whales (Balaenidae)

*Northern Right Whale ("Eubalaena glacialis") (E)

Baleen whales (Balaenopteridae)

*Blue Whale ("Balaenoptera musculus") (E)
*Bryde's Whale ("Balaenoptera edeni")
*Fin Whale ("Balaenoptera physalus") (E)
*Humpback Whale ("Megaptera novaeangliae")
*Minke Whale ("Balaenoptera acutorostrata")

Sperm whales (Physeteridae)

*Dwarf Sperm Whale ("Kogia simus") (T)
*Pygmy Sperm Whale ("Kogia breviceps") (T)
*Sperm Whale ("Physeter macrocephalus") (E)

Beaked whales (Ziphiidae)

*Blainville's Beaked Whale ("Mesoplodon densirostris")
*Cuvier's Beaked Whale ("Ziphius cavirostris") (T)
*Gervais' Beaked Whale ("Mesoplodon europaeus") (T)

Dolphins & toothed whales (Delphinidae)

*Atlantic Spotted Dolphin ("Stenella frontalis") (T)
*Bottlenose Dolphin ("Tursiops truncatus")
*Clymene dolphin ("Stenella clymene"
*Common Dolphin ("Delphinus delphis")
*False Killer Whale ("Pseudorca crassidens") (T)
*Killer Whale ("Orcinus orc") (T)
*Melon-headed Whale ("Peponocephala electra")
*Pantropical Spotted Dolphin ("Stenella attenuata")
*Pygmy Killer Whale ("Feresa attenuata") (T)*Spinner Dolphin ("Stenella longirostris")
*Risso's Dolphin ("Grampus griseus")
*Rough-toothed Dolphin ("Steno bredanensis") (T)
*Short-finned Pilot Whale ("Globicephala macrorhynchus") (T)
*Striped Dolphin ("Stenella coeruleoalba")

See also

*List of Texas amphibians
*List of Texas reptiles


* [ American Society of Mammologists: Mammals of Texas]
* [ Handbook of Texas Online: Mammals]
* [ Texas Parks & Wildlife: Endangered and Threatened Species in Texas]
* [ The Mammals of Texas - Online Edition]

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