List of African writers by country

List of African writers by country

This is a list of prominent and notable writers from Africa, including poets, novelists, children's writers, essayists, and scholars, listed by country.


*Jean Amrouche (1907–1962)
*Marguerite Taos Amrouche (1913–1976)
*Rachid Boudjedra (1941– )
*Albert Camus (1913–1960)
*Hélène Cixous (1937–)
*Jacques Derrida (1930–2004)
*Mohammed Dib (1920–2003)
*Tahar Djaout (1954–1993)
*Assia Djebar (1936– )
*Frantz Fanon, originally from Martinique (1925–1961)
*Mouloud Feraoun (1913–1962)
*Mouloud Mammeri (1917–1989)
*Latifa Ben Mansour (1950– )
*Jorge McDoogal (1907–1962)
*Rachid Mimouni (1945–1995)
*Ahlam Mostaghanemi (1953– )
*Leïla Sebbar
*Jean Sénac (1926–1962)
*Kateb Yacine (1929–1989)


*José Eduardo Agualusa (1960– )
*Mário Pinto de Andrade (1928–1990)
*Arlindo Barbeitos (1940– )
*Mendes de Carvalho
*Dia Kassembe
*Alda Lara (1930–1962)
*Pedro de Gouveia Leite Mateus
*Mbwango (Reis Luis)
*Manuel Rui Monteiro
*Agostinho Neto (1922–1979)
*Pepetela (Artur Carlos Maurício Pestana dos Santos, 1941–)
*Oscar Ribas (1909–2004)
*Paula Tavares (1952– )
*Amplia Veiga, born in Portugal (1931– )
*José Luandino Vieira (1935– )


*Berte-Evelyne Agbo, also connected with Senegal
*Barbara AKPLOGAN (1984 – )
*Francis Aupiais, born in France (1877–1945)
*Olympe Bhêly-Quenum
*Florent Couao-Zotti (1964– )
*Félix Couchoro, also connected with Togo (1900–1968)
*Richard Dogbeh, also connected with Togo, Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire
*Adelaide Fassinou (1955– )
*Béatrice Lalinon Gbado
*Christine Adjahi Gnimagnon, also connected with Senegal
*Flore Hazoumé (1959 – )
*Paul Hazoumé
*Charles M. Hedji, born in Niger
*Colette Senami Agossou Houeto (1939– )
*Gisèle Hountondji (1954– )
*Paulin J. Hountondji (1942– )
*Paulin Joachim (1931– )
*Barnabé Laye
*Lauryn, also connected with Côte d'Ivoire and Togo, born in France (1978– )
*Hortense Mayaba
*José Pliva (1966– )
*Jean Pliya (1931– )
*Alidjanatou SALIOU-AREKPA
*Arnold Sènou


*Galesiti Baruti
*Caitlin Davies, born in Britain (1964– )
*Unity Dow (1959– )
*Bessie Head, born in South Africa (1937–1986)
*Moteane Melamu
*Barolong Seboni, poet (1957– )
*Andrew Sesinyi
*Mositi Torontle

Burkina Faso

*Jacques Prosper Bazié
*Angèle Bassolé-Ouédraogo, also connected with Côte d'Ivoire (1967– )
*François Djobi Bassolet (d. 2001): journalist, historian, and cultural leader.
*Nazi Boni (19091969)
*Sarah Bouyain (1968– )
*Simporé Simone Compaore
*Augustin-Sondé Coulibaly
*Bernadette Sanou Dao (1952– )
*Zarra Guiro (1957– )
*Ansomwin Ignace Hien
*Monique Ilboudo
*Pierre Claver Ilboudo
*Sophie Heidi Kam (1968– )
*Sandra Pierrette Kanzié
*Joseph Ki-Zerbo (1922– )
*Gaël Koné (1976– )
*Honorine Mare (1972– )
*Roger Nikiema
*Suzy Henique Nikiéma (1983– )
*Kollin Noaga
*Dim-Dolobsom Ouedraogo
*Titinga Frédéric Pacéré (1943–)
*Adiza Sanoussi
*Etienne Sawadogo
*Marie-Simone Séri, also connected with Senegal
*Jean-Baptiste Somé
*Malidoma Patrice Some (1956– )
*Maxime Z. Somé


*Donatien Bihute (1940– )
*Antoine Kaburahe (1965– )
*Daniel Kabuto
*Esther Kamatari (1951– )
*Colette Samoya Kiruya (1952– )
*Barbara Kururu Ndimurukundo (1950– )
*David Niyonzima (1959– )
*Marc Rwabahungu (1956– )


* Severin Cecile Abega: Les Bimanes, Le Bourreau, Entre Terre et Ciel
* Marie-Therese Assiga Ahanda
* Paul-Charles Atangana
* Philomene Bassek: author of La Tache de Sang
* Francis Bebey (1929– ) author of Les Trois Petits Cireurs, Agatha Moudio'son, The Ashanti Doll, Enfant Pluie, Ministre et le Griot
* Eno Belinga
* Mongo Beti (pseudonym of Alexandre Biyidi Awala) (1932–2001)
* Calixthe Beyala
* Jacques Bonjawo
* Fernando D'Almeida
* Paul Dakeyo
* Jean Marc Ela (1936-): Author of many books of African liberation theology including "African Cry" and "My Faith as an African"
* Professor Ndumbe Eyoh
* Patrice Kayo
* Werewere Liking
* Claude-Joseph M'Bafou-Zetebeg
* Guillaume Oyono Mbia: Trois Pretendants un mari
* Engelbert Mveng: author of collection of poems Balafon
* Bernard Nanga: Les Chauve-Souris
* Charles Ngande
* Evelyne Mpoudi Ngole (1953-)
* Etienne B. Noume
* Ferdinand Oyono (1929– )
* Rene Philombe (pseudonym of Philippe-Louis Ombede)
* Francois Sengat-Kuo: author of collection of poems Fleurs de Laterite, Heures rouges, and Collier de Cauris
* David Ndachi Tagne
* Elolongue Epanya Yondo

Cape Verde

*Amílcar Cabral (19211973)
*Baltasar Lopes da Silva (19071989)
*Eugénio Tavares (18671930)
*Germano Almeida (1945— )
*Henrique Teixeira de Sousa
*Jorge Barbosa
*Manuel Lopes (19072005)
*Manuel de Novas (1938— )
*Sergio Frusoni (19011975)
*Yolanda Morazzo (1928— )

Central African Republic

*Anurée Blouin (1921– )
*Etienne Goyemide "Le Silence de la Foret"


*Marie-Christine Koundja (1957– )
*Koulsy Lamko (1959– )

= Congo (Brazzaville) =

*Noëlle Bizi Bazouma] (1959– )
*Silvie Bokoko (1960– )
*Adèle Caby-Livannah (1957– )
*Cucile-Ivelyse Diamoneka (1940– )
*Emmanuel Dongala] (1941– )
*Mambou Aimée Gnali
*Floe Hazoume (1959– )
*Justine M'Poyo Kassa-Vubu (1951– )
*Francine Laurans (1962– )
*Binéka Daniele Lissouba, born in France
*Henri Lopes (1937– ), born in Congo-Kinshasa
*Alain Mabanckou (1966– )
*Jean Malonga
*Jean Makouta Mboukou
*Guy Menga
*Victor N'Gembo-Mouanda (1969– )
*Diur N'Thumb
*Theophile Obenga
*Ghislaine Sathoud (1969– )
*Tchicaya U Tam'si (1931–1988)
*Jean-Baptiste Tati-Loutard
*Aleth Felix- Tchicaya (1955– )
*Jeannette Balou Tchichelle (1947– )
*Betty (Elisabeth) Mweya Tol'Ande (1947– )
*Marie-Leontine Tsibinda
*Brigitte Yengo
*Patrice Yengo

= Congo (Democratic Republic)– formerly Zaïre =

*Léonie Abo, (1945– )
*Raïs Neza Boneza (1979– )
*Amba Bongo
*Lima-Baleka Bosekilolo
*Maguy Kabamba (1960– )
*Christine Kalonji
*Kamanda, Kama Sywor (1952– ) []
*V.Y. Mudimbe (1941– )
*Kavidi Wivine N'Landu
*Clémentine Nzuji (1944– )
*Sony Labou Tansi (1947–1995)
*Kabika Tshilolo
*Frederick Kambemba Yamusangie
*Lye M Yoka []

Cote d'Ivoire

*Josette D. Abondio
*Anne-Marie Adiaffi (1951– )
*Marie-Danielle Aka
*Marie Giselle Aka (born in the Lebanon) (1971– )
*Assamala Amoi, born in France (1960– )
*Michele Assamoua, originally from France (1941– )
*Annick Assemian, born in France (1952– )
*Angèle Bassolé-Ouédraogo, also connected with Burkina Faso (1967– )
*Khadi Sy Bizet
*Fatou Bolli
*Tanella Boni
*Isabelle Boni-Claverie
*Marie Anne Caro
*Jeanne de Cavally (1926– )
*Fanny Fatou Cissé (1971– )
*Micheline Coulibaly, born in Vietnam (1950–2003)
*Bernard Binlin Dadié (1916– )
*Henriette Diabate
*Muriel Diallo (1967– )
*Gina Dick
*Richard Dogbeh, also connected with Benin, Senegal and Togo (1932–2003)
*Werewere-Liking Gnepo, also connected with Cameroon (1950– )
*Gilbert G. Groud (1956– )
*Genevieve Koutou Guhl
*Oklomin Kacou
*Simone Kaya (1937– )
*Fatou Kéita
*Alimatou Koné
*Boundou Koné
*Akissi Kouadio
*Adjoua Flore Kouame (1964– )
*Ahmadou Kourouma (1927–2003)
*Lauryn, also connected with Togo and Benin, born in France (1978– )
*Mary Lee Martin-Koné, (born in USA)
*Mariama Méité (1967– )
*Isabelle Montplaisir
*Rosalie Nana (1962– )
*Goley Niantié Lou
*Pascale Quao-Gaudens (1963– )
*Cristiane Remino-Granel, born on Martinique
*Marinette Secco, born in France (1921– )
*Marie-Simone Séri, also connected with Burkina Faso
*Haïdara Fatoumata Sirantou
*Véronique Tadjo (1955– )
*Caroline Angèle Yao
*Regina Yaou (1955– )
*Annie Yapobi
*Marion Diby Zinnanti (1960– )


*Waberi Abdourahman (1965– )
*Mouna-Hodan Ahmed (1972– )
*Emily McInnis (1981– )


*Abbas Mahmoud Alakad
*Ahmed Shawki
*Yehia haki
*Yousef El Sebaey
*Nabil Farok
*Mustafa Mahmoud
*Tharwat Abaza
*Aziz Pasha Abaza
*Fekry Pasha Abaza
*Hafez Ibrahim
*Kamel El Shenawy
*Anis Mansour
*Salama Ahmed Salama
*Tawfik El Hakim
*Ali Ahmed Bakathir
*Abdel Rahman El Sharkawy
*Salah Montaser
*Ihasan Abdel Kouddous
*Gamal Badawi
*Ahmed Bahgat
*Mohamed Hasanin Hekal
*Gamal El Shaer
*Fahmy Hewidy
*Abdel Rahman El Rafey
*Gamal Al-Ghitani (1945– )
*Leila Ahmed (1940– )
*Hayam Abbas Al-Homi
*Muhammad Aladdin
*Samir Amin (1931– )
*Hussein Bassir
*Abdel Rahman El Abnudi (1938– )
*Mustafa Sadek El-Rafey
*Muhammad Husayn Haykal (1909-1956)
*Taha Hussein (1889–1973)
*Sonallah Ibrahim
*Yusuf Idris (1927–1991)
*Edmond Jabès (1912–1991)
*Naguib Mahfouz, (1911–2006), awarded the 1988 Nobel Prize in Literature
*Nawâl El Saadâwi (1931– )
*Salama Moussa (1887–1958)
*Alifa Rifaat (1930–1996)
*Ahdaf Soueif
*Mahmud Taymur
*Tatamkulu Afrika, also connected with South Africa (1920–2002)

Equatorial Guinea

*María Nsué Angüe (1945– )
*Juan Balboa Boneke (1938– )
*Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel (1966– )
*Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo (1950– )


*Reesom Haile


*Innānu Āggonāfir (pseudonym of Nagāsh Gabra Māryām)
*Haddis Alemayehu (1910–2003)
*Michael Daniel Ambatchew (1967– )
*Kidist Bayelegne
*Āfawarq Gabra Iyasus (1868–1947)
*Tsehaye Gabre-Medhin (1936–2006)
*Be'alu Girma
*Ābbe Gubaññā
*Ababa Haylemelekot
*Girmācchaw Takla Hāwāryāt
*Moges Kebede
*Mengistu Lammā (1924–1988)
*Tāddasa Lībān
*Nega Mezlekia (1958– )
*Blattengeta Heruy Welde Selassie (1878–1939)
*Sahle Selassie (1936– )
*Demese Tsege
*Hama Tuma (1949– )
*Mammo Wudneh
*Birhānu Zarīhun


*Jean-Baptiste Abessolo (1932– )
*Nadele Noele Ango Obiang
*Peggy Lucie Auleley
*Bessora (born in Belgium) (1968– )
*Rene Maran, born near Martinique (1887–1960)
*Chantal Magalie Mbazoo-Kassa
*Justine Mintsa (1967– )
*Nadège Noëlle Ango Obiang
*Angèle Ntyugwetondo Rawiri (1954– )

The Gambia

* Lenrie Peters (1932– )
* Alhagi Kah
* Ebou Dibba
* Tijan M. Sallah(1958–)
* Nana Grey-Johnson


*Ama Ata Aidoo (1940– )
*Kofi Aidoo (1950– )
*Kofi Anyidoho
*Anthony Appiah (1954– )
*Ayi Kwei Armah (1939– )
*Raphael Armattoe (1913–1953)
*Genevieve Yaa Asantewa Ofori- alias Sante
*Bediako Asare, also connected with Tanzania
*Meshack Asare (1945– )
*Konadu Asare (1932)
*Kofi Awoonor (1935– )
*Kwakuvi Azasu
*William Boyd (1952– )
*Margaret Busby
*Abena Busia (1953– )
*Akosua Busia (1966– )
*J.E. Casely-Hayford (1866–1930)
*Quobna Ottobah Cugoano, from today's Ghana (1757?–1801?)
*Amma Darko (1956– )
*Michael Dei-Anang
*Efua Dorkenoo
*Safro Kwame
*Fred McBagonluri (1970– )
*Kwame Nkrumah (1909–1972)
*Lawrence Henry Yaw Ofosu-Appiah (1920–1990)
*(John) Atukwei Okai (1941– )
*Frank Kobina Parkes (1932–2005 )
*Nii Ayikwei Parkes (1974– )
*Carl Christian Reindorf
*Efua Theodora Sutherland (1924–1996 )
*Francis Selormey


*Camara Laye (the black child,– )
*Alioum fan touré (Les ecailles du Ciel– )
*Tierno Monénembo ( [The oldest Orphan, Peulorihno,– )
*Boubacar Diallo (La source enchantée–1953)
*Williams Sassine


*Abdullatif Abdalla
*Sayyid Aidarusi
*Karen Blixen aka Isak Dinesen (1885–1962)
*Rocha Chimera
*Yusuf Dawood
*Mwangi Gicheru
*Moraa Gitaa
*Muyaka bin Haji al-Ghassany
*Elspeth Huxley (1907–1997)
*Francis Imbuga
*Billy Kahora
*Parselelo Kantai
*Peter Kareithi
*Jomo Kenyatta (1892?–1978)
*Leonard Kibera
*Marjorie McGoye
*Mwana Kupona binti Msham
*Micere Mugo (1942– )
*Henry Muoria
*Wahome Muthahi (–2003)
*Joseph Muthee
*Meja Mwangi (1948– )
*Ahmad Nassir
*Hilary Ngweno
*Rebeka Njau (1930– )
*Chacha Nyaigotti-Chacha (1952– )
*Asenath Bole Odaga
*Atieno Odhiambo (1945–)
*Margaret Ogola
*Grace Ogot (1930– )
*Henry Ole Kulet (1946-– )
*Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor winner Caine Prize 2003
*Mwangi Ruheni (real Name Nichola Muraguri)
*Halejoetse Tsehlana
*M.G. Vassanji (1950– )
*Ngugi wa Mirii (1951– )
*Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (1938– )
*Koigi wa Wamwere (1949– )
*Daniel Wabala
*Binyavanga Wainaina winner Caine Prize 2002 (1971– )
*Ken Walibora
*Kyallo W. Wamitila [1966, Winner, Jomo Kenyatta Prize (Kiswahili Adult Fiction (2001), (2005) and (2007]
*Gakaara Wanjau


*Moroesi Akhionbare (1945– )
*Thomas Mofolo (1876–1948)
*Mzamane Nhlapo
*Mpho Matsepo Nthunya


*Edwin Barclay (1882–1955)
*Edward Wilmot Blyden (1832–1912), born in the Virgin Islands (see also Sierra Leone)
*Wilton G. S. Sankawulo (1943– )


*Sadiq Al-Naihoum
*Farag Al-Fakhri
*Ibrahiem El-kouni


*Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo (1903–1937)
*Charlotte Arisoa Rafenomanjato (1938 - )
*Michèle Rakotoson (1948 - )
*Flavien Ranaivo (1913 - )
*Elie Rajaonarison


* Chiwoza Bandawe
* Steven Chimombo
* Gospel Kazako
* Lawrence Kadziche
* Kondwani Kamiyala
* Stanley Onjezani Kenani
* Ken Lipenga
* Benedicto Okomaatani Malunga
* Jack Mapanje
* Jack McBrams
* Alfred Msadala
* Adamson Muula
* Jika Nkolokosa
* David Rubadiri
* Paul Tiyambe Zeleza
* Willie Zingani


*Ahmad Baba al Massufi (1556–1627)
*Abdoulaye Ascofaré (1949– )
*Ibrahima Aya (1967– )
*Amadou Hampâté (1900 or 1901–1991)
*Adame Ba Konaré (1947– )
*Massa Makan Diabaté (1938–1988)
*Souéloum Diagho
*Aïda Mady Diallo
*Alpha Mandé Diarra (1954– )
*Oumou Diarra, born in Yugoslavia (1967– )
*Doumbi Fakoly (1944– )
*Aïcha Fofana (1957–2003)
*Aïssatou Guido (1941– )
*Aoua Kéita (1912–1980)
*Fatouma Keïta (1977– )
*Moussa Konaté (1951– )
*Yambo Ouologuem (1940– )
*Bernadette Sanou Dao (1952– )
*Bamekan Soucko Bathily
*Fanta-Taga Tembely (1946– )
*Aminata Traoré (1942– )
*Falaba Issa Traoré (1930–2003)
*Ahamadou Maiga dit Prince (1974– )


*Ahmad ibn al-Amin al-Shinqiti
*Ibn Razqa
*Moussa Diagana
*Moussa Ould Ebnou
*Mohammed al-Shankiti
*Abderrahmane Sissako


*Aime Cesar
*Lilian Berthelot
*Marcel Cabon (1912–1972)
*Raymond Chasle
*Malcolm de Chazal (1902–1981)
*Carl de Souza (1949– )
*Ananda Devi
*Jean Fanchette
*Colleen Lindsay, also connected with South Africa
*Edouard Maunick (1931– )
*Dev Virasawmy



*Paulina Chiziane (1955– )
*Mia Couto (1955– )
*José Craveirinha (1922–2003)
*Luis Bernardo Honwana
*Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa
*Lina Magaia
*Lília Momplé (1935– )
*Amélia Muge (1952– )
*Glória de Santana (1925– )
*Noémia de Sousa (1926– )


*Joseph Diescho
*Giselher Werner Hoffmann
*Anoeschka von Meck


*Boubou Hama
*Djibo Bakary
*Andrée Clair, born and died in France (1916–1982)
*Hélène Kaziende
*Oum Ramatou (1970– )


"See: List of Nigerian writers"


*Maggy Correa
*Emmanuel Habumuremyi (1972– )
*Jeannine Herrmann-Grisius
*Thérèse Muamini
*Immaculée Ilibagiza
*Yolande Mukagasana
*Benjamin Sehene (1959– )
*Marie-Aimable Umurerwa
*Marie Béatrice Umutesi (1959– )
*Alexis Kagame

São Tomé and Príncipe

*Olinda Beja (1946– )
*Sara Pinto Coelho (1913–1990)
*Conceição Lima (1962– )
*Caetano da Costa Alegre (1864–1890)
*M. Manuela Margarido (1925– )
*Alda do Espírito Santo (1926– )
*Mario Domingues (1899– )
*José Francisco Tenreiro (1921–1963)


"See: List of Senegalese writers"

Sierra Leone

* Ishmael Beah (1980– )
* Edward Wilmot Blyden (1832–1912), born in the Virgin Islands (see also Liberia)
* Syl Cheney-Coker (1945– )
* Aminatta Forna
* Africanus Horton (1835–1883)
* Delia Jarrett-Macauley


*Abdi Aziz Ahmed Gurbiye
*Abdinasir Dirie
*Abdisalam Issa-Salwe
*Abdirahman Mohamed Adam (Af-jar)
*Abdi Sheik Abdi
*Abdi Kusow
*Abdul Qader Mohammed Mursal, playwright of Olal iyo Hoyadiis
*Abdulkadir Oromo
*A. Ibraahim AwXirsi, authored 'the Somali court interpreter'
*Ahmed Ahmed
*Ahmed Farah Ali 'Idaja'
*Ayaan Hirsi Ali (1969– ) moved the the Netherlands and became a politician
*Bashir Sheakh Omar Goth
*Cabdulqaadir Xirsi 'Yamyam'
*Cali Xuseen Xirsi (1949– )
*Faarax Maxamuud Maxamed1963
*Faarax Maxamed Jaamac 'Cawl' (1937–1992)
*IIbrahim Ahmed
*Jaamac Cumar Ciise
*Khalid Ali Guul (Wrote more than 54 books)
*Maxamed Daahir Afrax
*Saida Sheikh Ahmed(VIP) Brussels Belgium,
*Mahad Ahmed Dhoore(qaransuge)
*Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac 'Gaariye' (1949– )
*Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi
*Mohamed Haji Mukhtar
*Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame 'Hadrawi' (1941–)
*Musa Galaal
*Nuruddin Farah (1945– )
*Rageh Omaar, journalist
*Said S. Samatar
*Waris Dirie (1965– )
*Yaasiin Cismaan Keenadiid

South Africa

"See: List of South African writers"


"See: List of Sudanese writers"


*Abdulrazak Gurnah
*Mark Behr, also connected with South Africa
*Euphrase Kezilahabi (1944– )
*Robert Bin Shaaban (1902–1962)
*Julius Nyerere (1922–1999)
*Hammie Rajab
*Penina Mlama
*Elvis Musiba
*Godfrey Mwakikagile
*Amandina Lihamba
*Edwin Semzaba
*Shafi Adam Shafi
*Chachage Seith Chachage
* [ Sandra A. Mushi]


*Gad Ami (1958– )
*David Ananou (1917–2000)
*Félix Couchoro, also connected with Benin (1900–1968)
*Richard Dogbeh, also connected with Benin, Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire (1932–2003)
*Kossi Efoui (1962– )
*Emilie Anifranie Ehah, also connected with Senegal
*Christiane Akoua Ekue (1954– )
*Alemdjrodo Kangni (1966– )
*Tété-Michel Kpomassie (1941– )
*Pyabelo Chaold Kouly (1943– )
*Lauryn, also connected with Benin and Togo, born in France (1978– )
*Senouvo Agbota Zinsou (1946– )
*Yves-Emmanuel Dogbe (1939– )
*Jeannette D. Ahonsou (1954– )


*Hédi Bouraoui (1932– )
*Aboul-Qacem Echebbi (1909–1934)
*Gisèle Halimi (1927– )
*Ibn Khaldoun (1332–1406)
*Albert Memmi (1920– )
*Youssef Rzouga (1957– )
*Walid Soliman (1975– )
*Ahmad al-Tifashi (?–1253)


*Okot p'Bitek (1931–1982)
*Robert Serumaga (1939–1980)
*Timothy Wangusa (1942– )
*Ayeta Anne Wangusa
*Moses Isegawa (1963– )
*Catherine Samali Kavuma (1960– )
*China Keitetsi (1967– )
*Timothy Kalyegira
*Mahmood Mamdani (1947– )
*Henry Kyemba
*Rajat Neogy (1938–1995)
*Mary Karooro Okurut
*Tarcis Nsobya
*Gorretti Kyomuhendo
*Arthur Gakwandi
*Emmanuel Acheta
*Charles Lubega Mbidde
*Julius Ocwinyo
* Regina Amollo
* Monica Arac de Nyeko
* Jane J. Bakaluba
* Lilliane Barenzi
* Violet Barungi
* Jackee Budesta Batanda
* Grace Birabwe Isharaza
* Jane Kaberuka
* Hope Keshubi
* Mildred Barya Kiconco
* Susan N. Kiguli
* Barbara Kimenye
* Beatrice Lamwaka
* Jane Musoke-Nteyafas
* Beverly Nambozo
* Margaret Ntakarimize
* Sandra Okoed Aimo
* Mary Karooro Okurutv
* Christine Oryema-Lalobo
* Lillian Tindyebwa
* Hilda Twongyeirwe

Western Sahara


*Solomon Mutswairo (1924– ) (see also Zimbabwe)
*Binwell Sinyangwe (1956– )

Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia)

*Tsitsi Dangarembga (1959– )
*Chenjerai Hove (1956– )
*Doris Lessing, born in Persia (now Iran) (1919– )
*John Marangwanda
*Shimmer Chinodya (1957–– )
*Dambudzo Marechera (1952–1987)
*Nozipa Maraire (1966– )
*Charles Mungoshi (1947– )
*Tinashe Severa (1986– )
*Solomon Mutswairo (1924– ) (see also Zambia)
*Alexander McCall Smith, also connected with Botswana (1948– )
*Stanlake Samkange (1922–1988)
*Andrew Plate (1980– )
*Yvonne Vera, also connected with Canada (1964–2005)
*Musaemura Zimunya (1949– )
*Elias Kudzai Manyara (1981–)
*Obediah Mlilo (?–1995)
*Marrily Runoona Kuzonyei

ee also

* African Writers Series
* Lists of authors

External links

* [ Contemporary African Writers/Authors]
* [,com_ewriting/Itemid,91/func,selectcat/cat,3/ Africa Resource Research Data]
* [ Lire les femmes - African women writers]

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