List of Democratic Republic of the Congo-related articles

List of Democratic Republic of the Congo-related articles

The Democratic Republic of the Congo ( _fr. République démocratique du Congo), often referred to as DR Congo, DRC or RDC, and formerly known or referred to as Congo Free State, Belgian Congo, Congo-Léopoldville, Congo-Kinshasa, and Zaire (or "Zaïre" in French), is the third largest country by area on the African continent. Though it is located in the Central African UN subregion, the nation is economically and regionally affiliated with Southern Africa as a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC). It borders the Central African Republic and Sudan on the north, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi on the east, Zambia and Angola on the south, the Republic of the Congo on the west, and is separated from Tanzania by Lake Tanganyika on the east.cite book |author=Central Intelligence Agency |authorlink=CIA |title=CIA - The World Factbook|chapter=Democratic Republic of the Congo |url=|month=10 January |year=2006|id=ISSN 1553-8133] The country enjoys access to the ocean through a forty-kilometre stretch of Atlantic coastline at Muanda and the roughly nine-kilometre wide mouth of the Congo river which opens into the Gulf of Guinea. The name "Congo" (meaning "hunter") is coined after the Bakongo ethnic group who live in the Congo river basin.

Articles (arranged alphabetically) related to the Democratic Republic of the Congo include:


* 1960 "independence"
* 2005 Lake Tanganyika earthquake


* Aba, DR Congo
* Abacost
* AC Sodigraf
* Administrative divisions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* African Fiesta
* Agence nationale de renseignements
* Ahmat Acyl
* Air Congo
* Air Kasai
* Air Tropiques
* Air Zaïre
* Aka (Pygmy tribe)
* Albertine Rift montane forests
* Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo
* Alliance of the Presidential Majority
* Alur language
* Alur people
* Álvaro I of Kongo
* American School of Kinshasa
* Aouzou Strip
* Armed Forces of the North
* Army for the Liberation of Rwanda
* Aruwimi River
* AS Dragons
* AS Kabasha
* AS Vita Club
* Atoki Ileka
* Authenticité (Zaire)
* Avokaya language
* Avukaya


* Bafuku
* Baka (Cameroon and Gabon)
* Bambuti mythology
* Banana, Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Banda people
* Bandalungwa
* Bandundu Airport
* Bandundu Province
* Bandundu
* Bangala language
* Bangassou
* Bangoka International Airport
* Banque Centrale du Congo "central bank"
* Banyamulenge
* Barumbu
* Basankusu Airport
* Basankusu
* Bas-Congo
* Bas-Uele Province
* Battle of Fada
* Battle of Maaten al-Sarra
* Belgian Congo general election, 1960
* Belgian Congo
* Belgium
* Bemba language
* Bemba people
* Bembe (ethnic group)
* Beni, Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Bikoro
* Bili Forest
* Bills
* Blue Mountains (Congo)
* Boende
* Bolenge
* Boma Airport
* Boma, Congo
* Bondo, DR Congo
* Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti Prefecture
* Boulevard du 30 Juin
* Boyoma Falls
* Bravo Air Congo
* Brazzaville
* Bukavu
* Bumba, Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Bumbu
* Bundu dia Kongo
* Bunia Airport
* Bunia
* Burundi
* Business Aviation
* Buta
* Butembo


* Cabinda
* .cd
* Central African Republic
* Central Bank of the Congo
* Centre National d’Appui au Développement et à la Participation populaire
* Chadian Armed Forces
* Chadian National Armed Forces
* Chadian-Libyan conflict
* Chromium
* Coat of arms of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Cobalt
* Codos
* Colonial heads of Congo
* Colonisation of the Congo
* Comazar
* Communes of Kinshasa
* Communications in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Compagnie Africaine d'Aviation
* Confédération Générale du Travail du Congo
* Congo Airlines
* Congo Crisis
* Congo DR national football team
* Congo Free State
* Chongo si cholo
* Congo Pedicle
* Congo Railroad
* Congo Reform Association
* Congo River
* Congolese franc
* Congolese hip hop
* Congolese National Movement–Lumumba
* Congolese Rally for Democracy
* Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Constitutional Court of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Copper mining
* Copper
* Copperbelt
* Coupe du Congo
* Court of Cassation (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
* Cuisine of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Culture of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Cyangugu
* Congo-Brazzavile (Republic of the Congo)


* Daring Club Motema Pembe
* DC Virunga
* Debout Congolais
* Democratic Confederation of Labour (DRC)
* Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda
* Democratic Republic of the Congo constitutional referendum, 2005
* Democratic Republic of the Congo general election, 2006
* Democratic Republic of the Congo gubernatorial elections, 2007
* Democratic Republic of the Congo Senate election, 2007
* Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Democratic Social Christian Party
* Demographics of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Depara
* Diamonds
* Djokupunda
* DR Congo at the 1968 Summer Olympics
* DR Congo at the 2000 Summer Olympics
* DR Congo at the 2004 Summer Olympics
* DR Congo National Road No. 2
* Dungu, Democratic Republic of the Congo


* Early Congolese history
* East African mountains
* East Sudanian savanna
* Eastern Rift Valley
* Ebola River
* Economy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Efé
* Eglise de Jésus-Christ
* Eglise du Christ au Congo
* Ekosso
* Elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Ottawa
* Emela-ntouka
* Episcopal Baptist
* Équateur
* Équateur Province
* Eric Lenge


* FC Saint Eloi Lupopo
* Federalist Christian Democracy-Convention of Federalists for Christian Democracy
* Fédération Congolaise de Football-Association
* Fédération des Scouts de la République démocratique du Congo
* Fimi River
* First Congo War
* Fizi
* Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Flight Express
* Fondation chirezi
* Force Publique
* Forces for Renewal
* Foreign policy of Mobutu Sese Seko
* Foreign relations of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* French Congo
* French language
* Fwa River


* Gabon
* Garamba National Park
* Garanganze people
* Gbadolite
* Gbadolite Agreement
* Gbadolite Airport
* Gécamines
* Gemena
* Gemena Airport
* Geography of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Gisenyi
* Goma
* Goma International Airport
* Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Grand Kalle
* Grand Kalle et l'African Jazz
* Grand Kalle et l'African Jazz
* Great Lakes refugee crisis
* Great Rift Valley


* Haut-Katanga Province
* Haut-Lomami Province
* Haut-Uele Province
* Heads of state of the Congo Free State
* Heads of state of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Hema people
* Hewa Bora Airways
* History of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* House of Kinlaza
* Hunde
* Hutu
* HVDC Western Power Corridor


* Identity Pieces
* Idjwi
* Ikela
* Ilebo
* Ilebo Airport
* Independent Electoral Commission
* Inga Dam
* Inga Falls
* Inga-Shaba
* Inkisi River
* Inongo Airport
* Isiro
* Islam in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Ituri conflict
* Ituri Province
* Ituri Rainforest


* João I of Kongo


* Kahuzi-Biéga National Park
* Kakwa
* Kalamu (Kinshasa)
* Kalemie Airport
* Kaliko
* Kama Sywor Kamanda
* Kamina
* Kananga
* Kananga Airport
* Kanda Bongo Man
* Kano Accord
* Kaonde language
* Kasai Province
* Kasai region
* Kasai River
* Kasai-Occidental
* Kasai-Oriental
* Kasai-oriental Province
* Kasa-Vubu (commune)
* Kasumbalesa
* Katanga Plateau
* Katanga Province
* Katangan franc
* Kengo Wa Dondo
* Khonvoum
* Kikwit
* Kikwit Airport
* Kiliba
* Kimbanseke
* Kindu
* Kindu Airport
* King Leopold
* King Leopold's Ghost
* Kingdom of Loango
* Kinshasa
* Kinshasa Airways
* Kinshasa Highway
* Kinshasa International Airport
* Kinyarwanda language
* Kipushi
* Kiri Airport
* Kirundi
* Kisangani
* Kisantu
* Kisula Ngoy
* Kitona
* Kituba language
* Kivu
* Kivu Air
* Kole Sur Lukenie Airport
* Kole, Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Kolwezi
* Kolwezi Airport
* Kongo Central
* Kongo language
* Kongo people
* Kongo University
* Konono N°1
* Kuba Kingdom
* Kwango Province
* Kwango River
* Kwassa kwassa
* Kwilu Province


* La Gombe (Kinshasa)
* La Zaïroise
* Lake Albert
* Lake Chamo
* Lake Edward
* Lake Kivu
* Lake Mai-Ndombe
* Lake Mweru
* Lake Tanganyika
* Lake Tumba
* Lamba, Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Languages of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Law enforcement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Leki
* Lendu
* Léopold II of Belgium
* Les Quatre Etoiles
* LGBT rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Libenge
* Lignes Aeriennes Congolaises
* Likasi
* Linafoot
* Lingala language
* Lisala
* List of African writers (by country)#Congo
* List of airports in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* List of amphibians of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* List of birds of the Democratic Republic of Congo
* List of cities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* List of Congolese films
* List of Governors of Kinshasa
* List of governors of the Banque Centrale du Congo
* List of mammals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* List of people on stamps of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* List of political parties of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* List of Prime Ministers of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* List of Provincial Governors of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* List of television stations in Kinshasa
* List of volcanoes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Livingstone Falls
* Lodja
* Lodja Airport
* Lofoi Falls
* Logo people
* Lol Mohamed Shawa
* Lomami Province
* Lomami River
* Loningisa
* Lopango yaba Nka
* Lualaba Province
* Lualaba River
* Luapula River
* Luba people
* Lubaland
* Lubondai
* Lubu River
* Lubumbashi
* Lubumbashi International Airport
* Lugbara language
* Lugbara mythology
* Lukaya River
* Lulonga River
* Lulua Province
* Lunda Empire
* Lunda language
* Lunda people
* Luvua River


* Madiaba
* Maiko National Park
* Mai-Mai
* Mai-Ndombe Province
* Malift Air
* Malloum's military government
* Manganese
* Mangbetu
* Maniema
* Maniema Province
* Masina (Kinshasa)
* Matadi
* Matadi Bridge
* Matadi-Kinshasa Railway
* Matari Airport
* Mbandaka
* Mbandaka Airport
* Mbanza-Ngungu
* Mbo language
* Mbomou River
* Mbuji Mayi Airport
* Mbuji-Mayi
* MIBA Aviation
* Middle Congo
* Military of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Missa Luba
* Mitumba Mountains
* Moba
* Mobaye-Mbongo
* Mobayi-Mbongo
* Mobutism
* Mobutu Sese Seko
* Moise Tshombe
* Mokele-mbembe
* Mongala Province
* Mono language (Congo)
* Mont Fleury, Kinshasa
* Mont Ngafula
* Mount Karisimbi
* Mount Nyamuragira
* Mount Nyiragongo
* Mount Sabyinyo
* Mount Stanley
* Mouvement National Congolais
* Mouvement National Congolais-Kalonji
* Movement for the Liberation of Congo
* Mpinga Kasenda
* Muanda
* Muanda Airport
* Mulungwishi
* Munga Mibindo
* Murara
* Music of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Musumba
* Mutamba Milambo
* MV Liemba
* Mwadi Mabika
* Mwata Yamvo
* Mwene-Ditu
* Mwindo epic
* Myra Ndjoku Manianga


* National Alliance of Democrats for Reconstruction
* National Alliance Party for Unity
* National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* National Union of Congolese Workers
* Nationalist and Integrationist Front
* Negue Djogo
* Ngaliema
* Ngoyo
* Niemba
* Nioki Airport
* Nkutu
* Nomad and National Guard
* Nord-Kivu
* Nord-Kivu Province
* Nord-Ubangi
* Nord-Ubangi Province
* Northern Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
* Nsi Kwilu
* Nsumbu Mazuwa
* Nsundi
* Ntumba Luaba
* Nyanga language
* Nyanga-li language
* Nyangwe
* Nzanga Mobutu


* Office National des Transports (Congo)
* OK Jazz
* Okapi Wildlife Reserve
* Ol Doinyo Lengai
* Olivier Kamitatu Etsu
* Operation Epervier
* Operation Manta
* Operation North Night Final
* Orientale, Congo
* Oscar Kashala Lukumuenda
* Ota Benga
* Ouadi Doum air raid


* Panzi Hospital
* Papi Kimoto
* Parliament of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Patrice Lumumba
* People's Armed Forces
* People's Armed Forces of Congo
* People's Party for Reconstruction and Democracy
* Pierre Mulele
* Pierre Pay-Pay wa Syakasighe
* Politics of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Pool Malebo
* Popular Movement of the Revolution
* Prefecture Apostolic of Welle
* President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Pretoria Accord
* Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Public holidays in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Pygmies
* Pygmy music



* Rain forest
* Rassemblement Démocratique pour le Rwanda
* Republic of the Congo
* Rift Valley lakes
* Roger Lumbala
* Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bukavu
* Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kananga
* Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kinshasa
* Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kisangani
* Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Lubumbashi
* Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Mbandaka-Bikoro
* Roman Catholicism in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Rulers of Kuba
* Rutshuru
* Ruwenzori Range
* Ruzizi River
* Rwanda


* Sake, DRC
* Salonga National Park
* Sango language
* Sankuru Province
* Sankuru River
* Second Congo War
* Semliki River
* Senate of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Shaba I
* Shaba North
* Shaba Province
* Shinkolobwe
* Siege of Jadotville
* Société nationale d'électricité (SNEL)
* Soukous
* South Kasai
* Special Presidential Division
* Stade de Virunga
* Stade des Martyrs
* Stade Municipal de Lubumbashi
* Stade Municipal de Vita Kabasha
* Stade Tata Raphaël
* Stairs Expedition to Katanga
* Sudan
* Sud-Kivu
* Sud-Kivu Province
* Sud-Ubangi Province
* Sumba (Congo)
* Sun City Agreement


* Tagbu
* Tanganyika District
* Tanganyika Province
* Tanzania
* Territories of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Tetela language
* Thangata
* The Rumble in the Jungle
* Théophile Mbemba Fundu
* Tim Biakabutuka
* Tippu Tip
* Toubou
* Toyota War
* TP Mazembe
* Trans Service Airlift
* Transitional Government of National Unity
* Transitional Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Transitional National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Transport in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* True Jesus Church in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Tshela
* Tshikapa
* Tshikapa Airport
* Tshiluba language
* Tshimpi Airport
* Tshombe Airport
* Tshopo Province
* Tshuapa Province
* Twa


* Ubangi River
* Ubundu
* Uele River
* Uganda
* Unified Lumumbist Party
* Union for Democracy and Social Progress
* Union for the Republic National Movement
* Union Minière du Haut Katanga
* Union of Congolese Patriots
* Union of Federalists and Independent Republicans
* United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo
* United Nations Operation in the Congo
* United States Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* University of Goma
* University of Kinshasa
* University of Kisangani
* University of Lubumbashi
* Upemba Depression
* Upemba National Park
* Uranium
* Uvira


* Velours du Kasaï
* Vice Presidents of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Vicky Longomba
* Virunga Mountains
* Virunga National Park
* Vital Kamerhe
* Vivi, Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Volcan Army
* Volcan Rumoka


* Wendo Kolosoy
* Western Congolian swamp forests
* Wildlife of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Willy Kalombo Mwenze
* Wimbi Dira Airways
* Wochua



* Yaka
* Yambuku
* Yeke Kingdom
* Yulu


* Zaiko Langa Langa
* Zaire
* Zaire at the 1984 Summer Olympics
* Zaire at the 1988 Summer Olympics
* Zaire at the 1992 Summer Olympics
* Zaire at the 1996 Summer Olympics
* Zairean zaire
* Zairian Socialist Party
* Zambia
* Zande language
* Zinc
* Zola Matumona
* Zongo
* .zr
* Zyoba


See also

* Lists of country-related topics - similar lists for other countries

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