


Malaya can refer to:

Geographic/former political entities

Malaya including Singapore

  • In Singapore law, Malaya means the States of Malaya (also known as Peninsular Malaysia) together with Singapore (1946-present).[1]

Malaya excluding Singapore

  • The Malayan Union (1946-1948), a post-war British colony consisting of all states in British Malaya except Singapore.
  • The Federation of Malaya (1948-1963), the successor to the Malayan Union (also excluding Singapore), which gained independence within the Commonwealth of Nations in 1957.
  • Present-day Peninsular Malaysia (1963-present), also formally known as the States of Malaya or West Malaysia, includes the states and territories formerly composing the Federation of Malaya.

Other uses

  • Malaya (film), a 1949 American film set in Japanese occupied Malaya.
  • Malayan (film), a 2009 Tamil film
  • HMS Malaya, a Queen Elizabeth class battleship of the Royal Navy
  • Operation Malaya, an ongoing police investigation taking place in Spain
  • Oxana Malaya (born 1983), a feral child who lived most of her life in the company of dogs, picking a number of their habits.
  • Malaya (Philippine newspaper), after the Tagalog word meaning "free" or "freedom".
  • The name of a "National Forest" or sacred garden, comparable to the Garden of Eden, in Shambhala tradition.
  • The Malayan tribe of Kerala State in India
  • In Russian names, малая, feminine singular nominative of the Russian adjective малый = "small"
  • Kiswahili for a "woman of the town".


  1. ^ s. 2, Interpretation Act (Cap. 1), Statutes of the Republic of Singapore

See also

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  • Malaya — steht für: Malaiische Halbinsel Föderation Malaya (1948–1963), 1957 unabhängiger Staat innerhalb des Commonwealth Malaiische Union (1946–1948), Föderation auf der malaiischen Halbinsel, Vorgänger der Föderation Malaya und von Malaysia Föderierte… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Malaya — prop. n. Formerly, an Asian country on Borneo and the Malay Peninsula, now part of Malaysia. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • malaya — f. Chile y Perú. Carne de res vacuna que está encima de los costillares. ah malaya. loc. interj. Col. y Ven. U. para expresar añoranza o deseo vehemente. 2. Ven. U. para expresar alabanza, admiración o lisonja …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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  • Malaya — [mə lā′ə] 1. MALAY PENINSULA 2. former federation of states on the S end of the Malay Peninsula: formerly a British colony, it became independent & a member of the Commonwealth (1957); since 1963 a territory of Malaysia called PENINSULAR MALAYSIA …   English World dictionary

  • Malaya — ► sustantivo femenino Chile, Perú COCINA Corte de carne de vacuno correspondiente a la parte superior de los costillares. * * * malaya (Chi., Perú) f. Carne de la res vacuna que se encuentra sobre las costillas. * * * malaya. f. Chile …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Malaya — /məˈleɪə/ (say muh layuh) noun 1. that part of Malaysia in the southern Malay Peninsula, constituting the region of West Malaysia; corresponding to the former country of Malaya (see def. 2). Official name, States of the Federation of Malaya. 2. a …  

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  • Malaya — Malaysia Malaysia prop. n. A country in Southeast Asia including the former nation of Malaya on the Malay Peninsula, and part of Borneo; sometimes still referred to as {Malaya}. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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