

Infobox Ort in Deutschland
Wappen = Wappen_Trebur.pnglat_deg = 49 |lat_min = 55 |lat_sec = 30
lon_deg = 08 |lon_min = 24 |lon_sec = 20
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Hessen
Regierungsbezirk = Darmstadt
Landkreis = Groß-Gerau
Höhe = 85
Fläche = 50.14
Einwohner = 13028
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 65468
Vorwahl = 06147
Kfz = GG
Gemeindeschlüssel = 06 4 33 014
Straße = Herrngasse 3
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Jürgen Arnold

Trebur is a community in Groß-Gerau district in Hesse, Germany. It is 13 km southeast of Mainz, and 8 km south of Rüsselsheim.



Trebur lies in the Frankfurt Rhein-Main Region. The cities of Mainz, Wiesbaden, Frankfurt am Main and Darmstadt all lie within 30 km of Trebur.

Neighbouring communities

Trebur borders in the north on the community of Ginsheim-Gustavsburg and the town of Rüsselsheim, in the east on the community of Nauheim and the town of Groß-Gerau, in the south on the town of Riedstadt, and in the west on the town of Oppenheim and the communities of Nierstein, Nackenheim and Bodenheim (all four in Mainz-Bingen)..

Constituent communities

Trebur consists of the four centres of Astheim, Geinsheim, Hessenaue and Trebur, as well as the rural area of Kornsand, and is home to some 13,000 inhabitants in 3,500 households.


Trebur's first documentary mention came in 829 in one of King Louis the Pious's documents. Since the 9th century, a "Pfalz", or Imperial Palace, has stood in Trebur. It arose from a royal court with an extensive taxation region, to which belonged, among other places, the constituent community of Astheim. Between 829 and 1077, 57 kingly stays are known to have taken place, a few of which are notable in the Empire's history. King Henry IV was especially strongly connected to Trebur. He was elected King here in 1053, and he also wed here in 1066. In 1076 he was forced by opposing princes at the "Fürstentag" in Trebur to settle his conflict with the Pope, which gave rise to Henry's "Walk to Canossa"

Trebur subsequently lost its importance as a royal court. Other than the antiking ("Gegenkönig") Rudolf of Rheinfeld, no other king ever visited the Pfalz again. Together with the Pfalz, Trebur was pledged to the County of Katzenelnbogen in 1248. The pledge was never honoured, and the Counts managed to acquire further sovereign rights in 1422. The Katzenelnbogen inheritance passed along with Trebur to the Landgraviate of Hesse in 1479.

Together with Astheim and Geinsheim, Trebur became part of the Hessian "Amt" of Dornberg, from which arose in 1932 the Groß-Gerau district.


Coat of arms

The charge in Trebur's civic coat of arms is a symbol that first appeared on village limit markers in the 18th century, and then on the mayor's chain of office in the next century. Its origin, however, is unknown, although it has been suggested that it might symbolize the local geography, to wit, the meeting of the rivers Rhine, Neckar and Main. []


* Verneuil-sur-Avre, France, "département" of Eure, snce 1982


In Trebur stands the T1T, which with a 120 cm-diameter mirror is one of Europe's biggest telescopes open to the public. The T1T is run by the Trebur Astronomy Foundation's ("Astronomie Stiftung Trebur") Michael Adrian Observatory.

In Trebur begins the Hessian stretch of the "Deutsche Fachwerkstraße" or "German Half-Timbered Road". Actually a series of different roads, it highlights Germany's many examples of half-timbered houses and buildings.


* Gerold Reichenbach, state and federal politician (SPD), Geinsheim
* Wilhelm Diehl, Hessian historical researcher and Evangelical Prelate, Kornsand
* Irmgard Schäfer dialectal poet, language researcher and columnist, Geinsheim


External links

* [ Trebur]
* [ T1T: Observatory]

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