

Metrol is the central control centre of the Melbourne suburban rail network. It controls signalling, passenger information, and emergency procedures. It is situated in Transport House (599 Collins Street), in the CBD.



The Metrol building as completed in the 1980s

Metrol has two key functions—train control and signalling. Operations are split, with train control covering the whole suburban area, while control of points and signalling is only over a limited area in the centre of Melbourne. Outside this area, signal-boxes direct trains under the direction of the train controllers at Metrol.

Before Metrol, the points and signals in the Melbourne suburban area were controlled by a series of individual signal-boxes, under the direction of a train controller who coordinated train movements. The original function was to be the main train control facility for the Melbourne suburban railways, as well as to be the signal box for the City Loop, and to control the ventilation and other systems for the tunnels. It was later expanded in function to control points and signals for other stations in the inner Melbourne area.

The current area of point and signal control extends to Clifton Hill, Jolimont, East Richmond, Flinders Street, Spencer Street, North Melbourne Junction, and South Kensington.[1] The outer section of the Hurstbridge line will also be controlled from Metrol after the completion of resignalling works, with work beginning in 2006.[2] Metrol is also where information about cancellations or delayed trains is entered into the MetroSMS disruption alert system.[3]


The original Metrol building on Batman Avenue as proposed in the 1970s.
Proposed Metrol building on Batman Avenue

The Metrol train control complex was built as part of the City Loop project of the 1970s. The original site was beside Jolimont Yard on Batman Avenue and adjacent to Electrol, the control centre for the railway electrical substations and traction power supply. During construction the public discovered that the Metrol building would block the view from Russell Street to the Botanic Gardens and Government House, and that no planning permit being applied for.[4] State Premier Rupert Hamer responded to public outrage and instructed the half built building to be demolished, and instructed all government departments that they must apply for planning permits, whether they were legally needed or not.[4] The building was redesigned to be lower and which resulted in completion being delayed until early 1980.[5] Metrol control of suburban trains commenced on 13 September 1980.[6]

As part of the rationalisation of Jolimont Yard, the Metrol building was demolished in 1999 and was moved to a temporary location pending the replacement of the elderly technology with a new system.[7] The functions of Electrol were relocated to a permanent location elsewhere.

National Express Group, operator of half of the Melbourne suburban network, was required under its contractual obligations to introduce a new Metrol system by June 2001.[8] Work on the Train Management Facility project started when Bombardier Transportation was awarded an $11 million contract and proceeded with design work, with completion due for mid-2001.[9] The project included plans for a back-up "disaster recovery centre" at Melbourne Central Station.[10] In 2003 the State Government cancelled the now $18 million contract, saying it was unhappy with the deal.[11]

On 28 June 2005 a leak in an air-conditioning hose caused Metrol to be shut down for two hours from 11.40am, resulting in 30,000 passengers being stranded and 66 trains cancelled, with 23 more trains cancelled later in the day due to flow on effects. Train operator Connex Melbourne was fined $300,000 by the State Government for failing performance benchmarks.[11]

The second attempt was made for a replacement train control centre was announced in May 2006 as part of the State Government Meeting Our Transport Challenges, and was costed at $88 million.[12] The first stage is a $27 million contract for the design and installation of the new Train Control and Monitoring System that was awarded to Westinghouse Rail Systems Australia in March 2007.[13] They will provide a customised version of the SystematICS control system, with completion expected in November 2010.[14] Separate contracts will be tendered at a later date for a new passenger information system, a new reporting system and to refurbish the central control facility.[15]


  1. ^ "VICSIG - Infrastructure - Signalboxes - Metrol". Retrieved 9 August 2008. 
  2. ^ "$6 MILLION UPGRADE MAKES HURSTBRIDGE LINE MORE RELIABLE". Media Release: MINISTER FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT. 18 October 2006.!OpenDocument. Retrieved 9 August 2008. 
  3. ^ Edmund Tadros (12 October 2004). "Text aims to keep train commuters on track". Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 9 August 2008. 
  4. ^ a b Tervor Huggard. "Siting the Museum of Victoria". Retrieved 5 August 2008. 
  5. ^ S.E. Dornan and R.G. Henderson (1979). Electric Railways of Victoria. Australian Electric Traction Society. p. 94. ISBN 0 909459 06 1. 
  6. ^ Vincent Adams Winter (1990). VR and VicRail: 1962 - 1983. p. 206. ISBN 0 9582069 3 3. 
  7. ^ "Department of Infrastructure: Annual Report 1998-99".$FILE/DOI_AR_2.pdf. Retrieved 26 July 2008. 
  8. ^ Peter Stavropoulos (18 February 2003). "Australia: Near disaster as runaway train crashes at major rail station". World Socialist Web Site. Retrieved 9 August 2008. 
  9. ^ Terry Mulder (8 August 2007). "BRUMBY'S LOUSY SIGNALS DOG TRAIN TRAVELLERS". Archived from the original on 23 July 2008. Retrieved 9 August 2008. 
  10. ^ Dan Silkstone (2 July 2005). "The ball starts rolling on new train control". The Age. Retrieved 9 August 2008. 
  11. ^ a b Dan Silkstone (28 June 2005). "Rail shutdown strands 30,000 commuters". The Age. Retrieved 9 August 2008. 
  12. ^ "GOVERNMENT TO INVEST $88 MILLION ON TRAIN RELIABILITY AND SAFETY". Media release: Premier of Victoria. 10 May 2006. Archived from the original on 29 July 2008.$FILE/7.+METROL+FINAL+ANNOUNCEMENT+DONE.pdf. Retrieved 12 August 2008. 
  13. ^ "NEW TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEM CONTRACT AWARDED". Media Release: MINISTER FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT. 11 March 2007.!OpenDocument&Click=. Retrieved 9 August 2008. 
  14. ^ Invensys Rail Group (1/4/2007). "Win for Westinghouse Rail Systems Australia". Retrieved 9 August 2008. [dead link]
  15. ^ "Public Transport - Rail system safety". Retrieved 9 August 2008. 

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