Jesse Macbeth

Jesse Macbeth

Jesse Adam Macbeth (b. Jesse Adam Al-Zaid,[1] in 1984) is an anti-war protester who falsely claimed to be an Army Ranger and veteran of the Iraq War. He lied in alternative media interviews that he and his unit routinely committed war crimes in Iraq.[2][3] Transcripts of the video were made in English and Arabic.[4] According to the U.S. Army, there is no record of Macbeth being a Ranger,[5][6] or serving in a combat unit. He was discharged from the service after having been declared unfit or unsuitable for the Army, or both,[7] before he could complete basic training.[8]

After his release from the Army in 2004, Macbeth presented himself as a veteran, telling war stories and garnering attention from mainstream,[9] alternative[10] and student media outlets. He joined Iraq Veterans Against the War in January 2006,[11] and represented, or was scheduled to represent them, publicly at various events throughout the country before the organization required proof of service.[12][13][14] The organization has since said it does not endorse Macbeth or his accounts of military service.[11] Accounts in Macbeth's name appear on and, and both were used to post claims about military service in Iraq.[15] On September 21, 2007 Macbeth admitted in federal court that he had faked his war record. U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Sullivan declared that Macbeth had been in the Army for just 44 days and had been dismissed as unfit.[16] In 2008 after being released from prison, a statement by a person appearing to be Macbeth explained that he had grown up as a Muslim in Saudi Arabia and felt that he could be an asset who could communicate in Arabic, but he encountered harassment on the basis of his religion.[17]


Allegations and other claims

Macbeth alleged Iraq war atrocities in interviews posted to the Internet as web pages and video. He was featured in the 2006 PepperSpray Productions video, posted at, Jessie Macbeth: Former Army Ranger and Iraq War Veteran.[2] A link to the video was posted May 21, 2006 on the community blog Metafilter.[18]

PepperSpray Productions video

The video begins with narration, explaining that Macbeth "...served in Iraq for 16 months before being wounded..."

Afterward, Macbeth made numerous allegations of executions, including of women and children, and of other atrocities. None of these were true. At the end of the video, he commented that the mainstream media would not cover him, which was why independent media are necessary so that truth could be disseminated.[2]

No other known primary sources have described the atrocities that Macbeth described, all of which would certainly be violations of Geneva Conventions. The video repeatedly referenced Iraq Veterans Against the War, although the organization later stated that the use of its name was unauthorized.[11] IVAW has since required documentation of service in order to protect its members from frauds such as Macbeth.

PepperSpray removed the video from its site on May 23, 2006 after Army spokesman John Boyce said Macbeth had never been an Army Ranger.[5][6] PepperSpray Productions has since issued a retraction statement, noting "when we learned that Macbeth's service records were fraudulent, we immediately pulled the video and are no longer distributing it."[19]

Transcripts of the video were made in English and Arabic.[4]


This photograph of Macbeth was featured in the Pepperspray Productions video, Jessie Macbeth: Former Army Ranger and Iraq War Veteran.

Macbeth's uniform as worn in the video was inconsistent with Army regulations,[20] and in some cases, inconsistent with his purported identity. Boyce is quoted in Stars and Stripes as saying "There are... numerous wear and appearance issues with the soldier's uniforma mix of foreign uniforms with the sleeves rolled up like a Marine and a badly floppy tan beret worn like a pastry chef," Stars and Stripes also reported that Macbeth wore his beret with the insignia over the wrong eye[5] and the beret is pulled to the wrong side of his head; all US Army berets are worn with the insignia over the left eye, with the extra material pulled to the right side of the head, and not the left as shown in his picture. His undershirt is black; US Army wears brown undershirts under their BDUs. His mustache is out of regulation by extending past the corner of the mouth. interview

Macbeth was quoted in an April 26, 2006 article as saying "We would leave the bodies in the streets and blame it on the Shi'ites or the Sunnis. [In Fallujah] we were ordered to go into mosques and slaughter people while they were praying."[3]

Macbeth is also quoted as saying he was "stabbed many times," has shrapnel in his knee, has been shot in the back, and that he has received the Purple Heart. He also says his unit was the 3d Ranger Battalion.[3] The unit did not participate in the U.S. occupation of Fallujah. Macbeth also says he was "picked" for Ranger School.[3] Ranger School students are strictly volunteers.[21]

The article was replaced May 26, 2006 with a statement rejecting "use of false statements in the mistaken belief that they can in some way strengthen opposition to the war."[22]

Eastern Arizona Courier article

On November 3, 2003, Pam Crandall, a reporter for the Eastern Arizona Courier, interviewed MacBeth. In the interview he stated his false claims that he had returned from Iraq two and a half months prior - roughly in late August 2003, after sustaining a back injury. The article also quoted MacBeth falsely stating that he had been shot in the back by an M16 rifle while in an Iraqi tunnel, but that a Canadian nurse stitched him up and he continued fighting. (Canada was not a participant in the Multinational force in Iraq at the time of the article's publication.) The article also states that MacBeth falsely claims to have attended a hearing that month about a medical discharge from the Armyclaiming that he had surgeries to remove shrapnel from his back. MacBeth falsely claims in the article that: "The Iraqis would stand in a crowd and shoot at us. We had to kill civilians to get to them because we were ordered to shoot anything that came at us. I keep having nightmares about it."[9] The EA Courier later ran a story detailing Macbeth's fraudulent claims.[23] Pam Crandall stated, "after learning that MacBeth lied about his past, I was shocked and surprised. He seemed very sincere and looked me directly in the eye throughout the interview process. I never suspected that his story might be false, due both to his behavior during the interview and the consequences one would experience for lying about his or her own military service. I would never have willingly repeated his claims had I known they were untrue."

Army service and afterwards

Macbeth's form DD-214, "Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty" record shows he entered U.S. Army service May 1, 2003 and separated from the Army June 13, 2003, without completing basic training, and with no authorization for decorations, medals, badges, citations or campaign ribbons with no service whatsoever in Iraq.[8]

The first known media report of Macbeth representing himself as an Iraq war veteran was the Eastern Arizona Courier article. An April 6, 2004 Arizona Indymedia article places him at the center of a dispute at a coffee shop near a campus of Arizona State University. Macbeth alleged that he was asked to leave the shop because he was wearing his uniform. The dispute eventually became a protest, covered in articles and editorials by the Arizona State University student newspaper, The State Press. An April 23, 2004 guest editorial attributed to Macbeth also appeared in The State Press about the protest and dispute, noting that he had already spent 16 months in Iraq. (The war's duration was only 13 months then.) The writer also asserted that he was about to be redeployed.

On September 28, 2004, Macbeth was convicted of fraudulent use of a credit card in Graham County (Arizona) Superior Court. Court records pertaining to the case also indicate parole activity through May 2006.[24]

Macbeth joined Iraq Veterans Against the War in January 2006, and represented, or was scheduled to represent them on several occasions. The group publicly severed ties with Macbeth on May 27, 2006, noting in a statement that "...Jesse is not what he represented himself to be."

May 23, 2006, Pierce County, Washington Superior Court issued a bench warrant for Jesse Adam Macbeth. Underlying charges of violating a protective court order and fourth degree assault.[25]

Macbeth appeared on the November 17, 2011 episode of "Judge Judy" after ex-girlfriend Tywanna Savage sued him in a dispute over a leased car. Macbeth filed a countersuit. Both cases were dismissed. membership

A user profile for "Jesse a Macbeth" listed among his ribbons a Bronze Star (without a valor device), a Purple Heart, an Army Good Conduct Medal, a National Defense Service Medal, an Army Service Ribbon, and an Overseas Service Ribbon. He also listed among his badges the Ranger tab, the Special Forces tab, two awards of the Combat Infantry Badge (CIB), two awards of the Combat Action Badge (CAB), A Parachutist Badge with three combat service stars, and a marksmanship award.[15]

Decoration with both the CIB and CAB is possible under certain circumstances, though impossible without switching operational specialities. Decoration with two awards of the CIB is not possible without combat service prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom. Decoration with two awards of the CAB was not possible at the time of the profile's posting.[26] A Parachutist Badge with 3 combat stars is not possible without having served in Operation Just Cause or an earlier conflict.

On May 22, 2006, the profile had been updated to remove the decorations, though the profile still asserts service from 2001 to 2005 with the 3rd Battalion, 75th Infantry Regiment, an Army Ranger unit.[15] does not check the identities of any of its users; although the account is associated with Macbeth and features his photograph and mentions an Iraq Veterans Against the War affiliation, it is possible that the account was set up by someone else. The account has been active since 2005. also does not require proof of military service before professing veteran status. False or misleading statements of fact violate the user agreement.[27]

Shadowhart on

On March 24, 2006, a MySpace user Shadowhart (with first name Jesse) posted a blog entry describing the alleged atrocities in Iraq. Some of the details of the alleged mosque atrocity are different from the story related in the video. does not check the identities of any of its users; although the account has posted a rendition of a military document associated with Macbeth, it is possible that the account was set up by someone else. Impersonation is a violation of terms of service.[28]

Military discharge record user Shadowhart posted this form DD-214 purported to belong to Jesse Macbeth.

On May 26, 2006, Shadowhart uploaded an image, which he purported to be his (Jesse Macbeth's) DD-214, the Department of Defense discharge document which summarizes military service. The document was obviously altered, as indicated by misspellings and numerous other inconsistencies.[29] (listing only a Purple Heart but no other ribbons or medals including the Army Service Ribbon which is awarded to any one who completes initial entry training). Unfortunately for Shadowhart/Jesse, he failed to realize just how easily his bogus DD-214 could be captured and forwarded to military authorities, or how easily that the information he attempted to hide on it could be resolved simply by tweaking the image contrast and brightness.

On May 27, 2006, QandO posted what it purports to be Jesse MacBeth's DD-214. The document indicates that MacBeth's discharge was an "entry-level separation."[8][30][31]

Both documents say Macbeth's last duty station was 2nd Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, Basic Combat Training Brigade. The reason for separation was listed as "AR 635-200, Chapter 11." A Chapter 11 Separation could be granted for a broad range of reasons from disciplinary behavior to lack of physical ability. The "Separation Code" of JGA further indicates that ability or performance the reason for MacBeth's discharge. (This code is also used to indicate a non-medical performance discharge of pregnant female recruits.) The Reentry Code of "3" indicates that MacBeth was eligible for reentry but would require a waiver.

Falsification of a military discharge certificate is a serious federal offense.[32]

In custody

Jesse Macbeth had a warrant issued against him, pursuant to which he was apprehended and booked on November 16, 2006.[33] The Pierce County Legal Information Network Exchange lists 2 counts of felony domestic violence court order violation (held on $20,000 cash or bail bonds), 2 counts of assault in the fourth degree ($5,000 cash only bail, as well as being committed to custody) and 2 counts "other concurrent assault in the fourth degree charges", and interfering with the reporting of domestic violence (committed to custody). There were two other charges against Jesse Macbeth were violation of a no contact order and harassment (domestic violence), but were dismissed against him.

Charge and guilty plea

On May 18, 2007, a criminal complaint was unsealed in the United States District Court in Seattle, Washington, charging Macbeth with one count of using or possessing a forged or altered military discharge certificate and one count of making false statements in seeking benefits from the Veterans Administration.[34] The complaint alleged that Macbeth posed as an Iraq war veteran and illicitly collected more than $10,400 in benefits.

On June 7, 2007, Macbeth pleaded guilty to one count of making false statements to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.[35] MacBeth was sentenced September 21, 2007, to 5 months in jail and three years probation.[36]

On January 23, 2008, Macbeth posted on "I am Jesse Macbeth, this my response to the world" in which he explains much of his background and history after being "fresh out of prison". He expressed that he had "wanted to get back at the army for the way they treated me in basic training". He stated that he was "muslim and have been most of my life" who grew up in grew up in Saudi Arabia. He joined the Army as "an american muslim proud of my country and wanting to make a difference" who could speak, read and write Arabic, and was homeless at that point in his life. He complained of serious harassment as "all the other soldiers in my platoon took the quran off my bunk spit in it and threw it across the room" yelling "muslims dont belong in my army" and made him crawl like "the muslim dog I was" to get my holy book.

See also


  1. ^ Jesse Macbeth 1986 name change record at Pima County (Arizona) clerk's office
  2. ^ a b c ""Jessie Macbeth: Former Army Ranger and Iraq War Veteran" video". Archived from the original on 2006-06-16. Retrieved 2006-05-23.  (inactive as of May 24, 2006)
  3. ^ a b c d ""The War the Media is Not ReportingAn Iraqi Veteran Speaks Out" by Justice,". 2006-04-26. Retrieved 2006-05-23.  (replaced with statement rejecting false statements May 26, 2006)
  4. ^ a b Khadduri, Imad (2006-05-27). "By my hands alone, I took out 201 people". Free Iraq. Retrieved 2006-06-01. 
  5. ^ a b c Schogol, Jeff (2006-05-28). "Man who bragged of murdering Iraqis debunked by Army". Stars & Stripes. Retrieved 2006-05-30. 
  6. ^ a b Malkin, Michelle (2006-05-27). "Fake Soldier Tale Debunked". The Washington Times. 
  7. ^ "Army Regulation 635-200, Enlisted Separations (Discharges)" (PDF). United States Army. 2005-06-06. 
  8. ^ a b c McQ (2006-05-27). "Jesse Macbeth's -real- DD-214". Retrieved 2006-05-30. 
  9. ^ a b "Soldier struggles with memories of Iraqi war" by Pam Crandall, Eastern Arizona Courier, Nov. 3, 2003 (subscription required)
  10. ^ "Coffee Plantation Refuses Service to Black Veteran" by Free to Camp Coalition, Arizona Indymedia, April 6, 2004, retrieved May 24, 2006
  11. ^ a b c "Statement on Macbeth Video", Iraq Veterans Against the War, retrieved June 2, 2006
  12. ^ photo of Macbeth carrying Iraq Veterans Against the War banner by Lietta Ruger, Dying to Preserve the Lies, March 21, 2006, retrieved May 23, 2006
  13. ^ Photo of Macbeth at microphone at subsequent rally, by Lietta Ruger, Dying to Preserve the Lies, March 21, 2006, retrieved May 23, 2006
  14. ^ "Halliburton on the Run! Post Rally Event", by davidswanson,, May 13, 2006, retrieved May 24, 2006
  15. ^ a b c "Anti-war video bogus?" by AllahPundit, Hot Air, retrieved May 24, 2006
  16. ^ Brian Ross and Vic Walter (September 21, 2007). "Anti-War YouTube 'Vet' Admits He Is Faker". ABC News. Retrieved 2007-09-22. 
  17. ^ "I am Jesse Macbeth, this my response to the world"
  18. ^ "Vets against war" by c13,, May 21, 2006, retrieved May 30, 2006.
  19. ^ "PepperSpray Productions' Retraction Statement for our Video "Jesse Macbeth: An Iraq Veteran Speaks Out", retrieved June 1, 2006
  20. ^ "Army Regulation 670-1 - Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia"
  21. ^ "75th Ranger Regiment: Overview",, retrieved June 2, 2006
  22. ^ "Statement on Jesse MacBeth interview in Justice", May 26, 2006, retrieved June 2, 2006
  23. ^ [1]
  24. ^ Supreme Court of Arizona Public Access to Court Information (Search "Jesse Macbeth")
  25. ^ Pierce County Superior Court Criminal Case 06-1-01994-8
  26. ^ "U.S. Army Combat Badges", retrieved June 2, 2006
  27. ^ User Agreement, retrieved June 2, 2006
  28. ^ Terms of Use Agreement, retrieved June 2, 2006[dead link]
  29. ^ "Another Jesse Macbeth Puzzle" by Michelle Malkin, Michelle Malkin, May 26, 2006, retrieved June 2, 2006
  30. ^ "Jesse Macbeth's -real- DD-214" by McQ, QandO, May 27, 2006, retrieved May 30, 2006
  31. ^ "Jesse Macbeth's -real- DD-214" by McQ, QandO, May 27, 2006, retrieved May 30, 2006
  32. ^ U.S. Code, Title 18, part I, chapter 25, section 498, retrieved June 2, 2006
  33. ^ Pierce County Corrections Booking 2006319064, retrieved January 2, 2007
  34. ^ Army Times - Man charged with falsifying military record
  35. ^ Seattle Times - Man who lied about actions in Iraq admits faking forms
  36. ^ Seattle Post Intellegencer - Poster soldier for anti-war movement was a fake

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