List of cities by longitude

List of cities by longitude

The following is a list of cities by longitude.

Each heading corresponds to the exact value, such that the 120°W heading corresponds to exactly 120°0000W and everything further west is listed above this heading while everything further east is listed below it.

180° W

* 176° 38' W Adak, Alaska, USA
* 175° 12' W Nukuʻalofa, TON
* 171° 50' W Apia, SAM

170° W

160° W

* 157° 49' W Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

150° W

* 149° 53' W Anchorage, Alaska, USA
* 149° 36' W Papeete, French Polynesia, FRA

140° W

* 135° 03' W Whitehorse, Yukon, CAN

130° W

* 123° 06' W Vancouver, British Columbia, CAN
* 122° 25' W San Francisco, California, USA
* 122° 20' W Seattle, Washington, USA

120° W

* 118° 15' W Los Angeles, California, USA
* 117° 09' W San Diego, California, USA
* 117° 02' W Tijuana, MEX
* 115° 08' W Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
* 114° 03' W Calgary, Alberta, CAN
* 113° 31' W Edmonton, Alberta, CAN
* 112° 04' W Phoenix, Arizona, USA

110° W

* 109° 26' W Hanga Roa, Easter Island, CHL
* 106° 05' W Chihuahua, Chihuahua, MEX
* 104° 59' W Denver, Colorado, USA
* 103° 21' W Guadalajara, MEX
* 100° 18' W Monterrey, MEX

100° W

* 99° 07' W Mexico City, MEX
* 96° 48' W Dallas, Texas, USA
* 95° 23' W Houston, Texas, USA
* 93° 15' W Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
* 90° 31W Guatemala City, GUA
* 90° 11' W St. Louis, Missouri, USA
* 90° 04' W New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

90° W

* 89° 37' W Mérida, MEX
* 89° 11' W San Salvador, ESA
* 88° 46' W Belize City, BLZ
* 87° 37' W Chicago, Illinois, USA
* 87º 13' W Tegucigalpa, HON
* 86° 15' W Managua, NIC
* 84° 23' W Atlanta, Georgia, USA
* 84º 05' W San José, CRI
* 83º 03' W Detroit, Michigan, USA
* 82° 28' W Tampa, Florida, USA
* 82° 23' W Havana, CUB
* 80º 14' W Miami, Florida, USA

80° W

* 79° 53' W Guayaquil, ECU
* 79° 31' W Panama City, PAN
* 79° 23' W Toronto, Ontario, CAN
* 78° 35W Quito, ECU
* 77° 01' W Lima, PER
* 77° 02' W Washington, D.C., USA
* 76° 48' W Kingston, JAM
* 76° 37' W Baltimore, Maryland, USA
* 75º 48' W Santiago de Cuba, CUB
* 75° 41' W Ottawa, Ontario, CAN
* 75° 34' W Medellín, COL
* 75° 10' W Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
* 74° 04' W Bogotá, COL
* 74° 00' W New York City, New York, USA
* 73° 40' W Montreal, Quebec, CAN
* 73º 13' W Valdivia, CHL
* 72° 20' W Port-au-Prince HAI
* 71º 58' W Cuzco, PER
* 71º 40' W Maracaibo VEN
* 71° 37' W Valparaiso, CHL
* 71° 03' W Boston, Massachusetts, USA
* 70° 39' W Santiago, CHL

70° W

* 69° 55' W Santo Domingo, DOM
* 68º 09' W La Paz, BOL
* 68º 18' W Ushuaia, ARG
* 66º 55' W Caracas, VEN
* 66º 04' W San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
* 64º 11' W Córdoba, ARG
* 63º 10' W Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BOL
* 62° 44' W Basseterre, SKN
* 60º 40' W Rosario, ARG
* 60º 01' W Manaus, BRA

60° W

* 59° 37' W Bridgetown, BRB
* 58° 10' W Georgetown, GUY
* 58° 23' W Buenos Aires, ARG
* 57° 51' W Stanley, Falkland Islands, UK
* 57° 38' W Asunción, PAR
* 55° 10' W Paramaribo, SUR
* 56° 10' W Montevideo, URY
* 52° 43' W St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, CAN
* 52° 20' W Cayenne, French Guiana, FRA
* 51° 45' W Nuuk, Greenland, DEN
* 51° 14' W Porto Alegre, BRA

50° W

* 47° 03' W Campinas, BRA
* 46° 38' W São Paulo, BRA
* 45° 53' W São José dos Campos, BRA
* 43° 56' W Belo Horizonte, BRA
* 43° 12' W Rio de Janeiro, BRA

40° W

* 38° 34' W Fortaleza, BRA
* 38° 30' W Salvador, BRA
* 34° 53' W Recife, BRA

30° W

* 25° 40' W Ponta Delgada, Azores Islands, POR
* 21° 56' W Reykjavík, ISL

20° W

* 17° 27' W Dakar, SEN
* 16° 35' W Banjul, GAM
* 16° 15' W Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, ESP
* 15° 58' W Nouakchott, MRT
* 10° 47' W Monrovia, LBR

10° W

* 9° 08' W Lisbon, POR
* 8° 37' W Porto, POR
* 8° 01' W Marrakech, MAR
* 7° 59' W Bamako, MLI
* 7° 35' W Casablanca, MAR
* 6° 16' W Dublin, IRL
* 5° 56' W Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
* 4° 16' W Glasgow, Scotland, UK
* 4° 02' W Abidjan, CIV
* 3° 43' W Madrid, ESP
* 3° 10' W Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
* 2° 14' W Manchester, England, UK
* 1° 54' W Birmingham, England, UK
* 1° 32' W Ouagadougou, BFA
* 0° 38' W Oran, ALG
* 0° 12' W Accra, GHA
* 0° 07' W London, England, UK

* 2° 07' E Niamey, NIG
* 2° 19' E Paris, FRA
* 2° 10' E Barcelona, ESP
* 3° 24' E Lagos, NGA
* 3° 13' E Algiers, ALG
* 3° 53' E Ibadan, NGA
* 4° 21' E Brussels, BEL
* 4° 29' E Rotterdam, NLD
* 4° 50' E Lyon, FRA
* 4° 54' E Amsterdam, NLD
* 5° 23' E Marseille, FRA
* 6° 09' E Geneva, CHE
* 6° 58' E Cologne, GER
* 7° 25' E Moncao, MON
* 7° 27' E Bern, CHE
* 7° 29' E Abuja, NGA
* 8° 31' E Kano, NGA
* 8° 33' E Zürich, CHE
* 9° 10' E Stuttgart, GER
* 9° 11' E Milan, ITA
* 9° 41' E Duala, CMR

10° E

* 10° 00' E Hamburg, GER
* 10° 11' E Tunis, TUN
* 10° 45' E Oslo, NOR
* 11° 34' E Munich, GER
* 11° 31' E Yaoundé, CMR
* 12° 30' E Rome, ITA
* 12° 34' E Copenhagen, DEN
* 13° 25' E Berlin, GER
* 13° 14' E Luanda, ANG
* 14° 15' E Naples, ITA
* 14° 25' E Prague, CZE
* 15° 17' E Brazzaville, COG
* 15° 19' E Kinshasa, COD
* 15° 59' E Zagreb, CRO
* 16° 22' E Vienna, AUT
* 17° 06' E Bratislava, SVK
* 18° 25' E Sarajevo, BIH
* 18° 26' E Cape Town , RSA
* 18° 40' E Gdańsk , POL
* 18° 04' E Stockholm, SWE
* 19° 03' E Budapest, HUN
* 19° 56' E Kraków, POL

20° E

* 20° 28' E Belgrade, SRB
* 21° 01' E Warsaw, POL
* 21° 26' E Skopje, MKD
* 23° 20' E Sofia, BUL
* 23° 43' E Athens, GRE
* 24° 06' E Riga, LAT
* 24° 45' E Tallinn, EST
* 24° 56' E Helsinki, FIN
* 25° 17' E Vilnius, LTU
* 26° 06' E Bucharest, ROM
* 28° 02' E Johannesburg, RSA
* 28° 11' E Pretoria, RSA
* 28° 58' E Istanbul, TUR

30° E

* 30° 19' E St. Petersburg, RUS
* 30° 31' E Kiev, UKR
* 31° 01' E Harare, ZWE
* 31° 03' E Durban, RSA
* 31° 22' E Cairo, EGY
* 32° 35' E Maputo, MOZ
* 32° 52' E Ankara, TUR
* 33° 21' E Nicosia, CYP
* 33° 36' E Khartoum, SDN
* 35° 13' E Jerusalem, ISR
* 35° 30' E Beirut, LBN
* 35° 56' E Amman, JOR
* 36° 18' E Damascus, SYR
* 36° 48' E Nairobi, KEN
* 37° 38' E Moscow, RUS
* 38° 45' E Addis Ababa, ETH
* 38° 56' E Asmara, ERI
* 39° 10' E Jeddah, SAU
* 39° 17' E Dar es Salaam, TZA

40° E

* 44° 26' E Baghdad, IRQ
* 44° 00' E Nizhny Novgorod, RUS
* 44° 31' E Yerevan, ARM
* 45° 21' E Mogadishu, SOM
* 46° 18' E Tabriz, IRN
* 46° 43' E Riyadh, SAU
* 47° 31' E Antananarivo, MDG
* 49° 53' E Baku, AZE

50° E

* 50° 10' E Samara, RUS
* 51° 25' E Tehran, IRN
* 55° 20' E Dubai, UAE
* 58° 20' E Ashgabat, TKM
* 58° 54' E Muscat, OMN
* 59° 36' E Mashhad, IRN

60° E

* 60° 35' E Yekaterinburg, RUS
* 67° 01' E Karachi, PAK
* 68° 47' E Dushanbe, TJK
* 69° 09' E Kabul, AFG
* 69° 13' E Tashkent, UZB

70° E

* 71° 26' E Astana, KAZ
* 72° 35' E Ahmedabad, IND
* 72° 49' E Mumbai, IND
* 72° 50' E Surat, IND
* 73° 00' E Faisalabad, PAK
* 73° 02' E Rawalpindi, PAK
* 73° 04' E Islamabad, PAK
* 73° 22' E Omsk, RUS
* 73° 51' E Pune, IND
* 74° 20' E Lahore, PAK
* 74° 37' E Bishkek, KGZ
* 75° 49' E Jaipur, IND
* 76° 54' E Almaty, KAZ
* 77° 34' E Bangalore, IND
* 77° 14' E Delhi, IND
* 78° 28' E Hyderabad, IND
* 79° 02' E Nagpur, IND

80° E

* 80° 15' E Chennai, IND
* 80° 20' E Kanpur, IND
* 80° 55' E Lucknow, IND
* 82° 56' E Novosibirsk, RUS
* 85° 09' E Patna, IND
* 85° 22' E Kathmandu, NPL
* 87° 35' E Ürümqi, PRC
* 88° 22' E Kolkata, IND
* 89° 38' E Thimphu, BHU

90° E

* 90° 22' E Dhaka, BGD
* 91° 07' E Lhasa, PRC
* 91° 45' E Guwahati, IND
* 91° 48' E Chittagong, BGD
* 92° 45' E Tezpur, IND
* 94° 55' E Dibrugarh, IND
* 96° 09' E Yangon, MMR
* 98° 40' E Medan, IDN

100° E

* 100° 14' E Penang, MAS
* 100° 31' E Bangkok, THA
* 101° 42' E Kuala Lumpur, MAS
* 102° 36' E Vientiane, LAO
* 103° 48' E Lanzhou, PRC
* 103° 48' E Singapore, SGP
* 104° 04' E Chengdu, PRC
* 104° 45' E Palembang, IDN
* 104° 55' E Phnom Penh, CAM
* 105° 51' E Hanoi, VIE
* 106° 30' E Chongqing, PRC
* 106° 40' E Ho Chi Minh City, VIE
* 106° 55' E Ulaanbaatar, MNG
* 106° 45' E Jakarta, IDN
* 107° 44' E Bandung, IDN
* 108° 54' E Xi'an, PRC

110° E

* 112° 34' E Taiyuan, PRC
* 112° 44' E Surabaya, IDN
* 113° 15' E Guangzhou, PRC
* 113° 32' E Macau, PRC
* 113° 38' E Zhengzhou, PRC
* 113° 43' E Dongguan, PRC
* 113° 53' E Wuhan, PRC
* 114° 06' E Shenzhen, PRC
* 114° 10' E Hong Kong, PRC
* 114° 29' E Handan, PRC
* 114° 55' E Bandar Seri Begawan, BRU
* 115° 51' E Perth, AUS
* 116° 23' E Beijing, PRC
* 116° 59' E Jinan, PRC
* 117° 15' E Tianjin, PRC
* 118° 46' E Nanjing, PRC

120° E

* 120° 10' E Hangzhou, PRC
* 120° 16' E Kaohsiung, TWN
* 120° 20' E Qingdao, PRC
* 120° 58' E Manila, PHL
* 121° 29' E Shanghai, PRC
* 121° 38' E Taipei, TWN
* 121° 46' E Dalian, PRC
* 123° 26' E Shenyang, PRC
* 125° 12' E Changchun, PRC
* 125° 36' E Davao City, PHL
* 125° 45' E Pyongyang, PRK
* 126° 38' E Incheon, KOR
* 126° 38' E Harbin, PRC
* 126° 59' E Seoul, KOR
* 128° 36' E Daegu, KOR
* 129° 02' E Busan, KOR

130° E

* 130° 24' E Fukuoka, JPN
* 130° 50' E Darwin, AUS
* 131° 54' E Vladivostok, RUS
* 135° 12' E Kobe, JPN
* 135° 30' E Osaka, JPN
* 135° 46' E Kyoto, JPN
* 136° 54' E Nagoya, JPN
* 138° 36' E Adelaide, AUS
* 139° 46' E Tokyo, JPN

140° E

* 141° 21' E Sapporo, JPN
* 144° 58' E Melbourne, AUS
* 147° 11' E Port Moresby PNG
* 147° 19' E Hobart, AUS
* 149° 08' E Canberra, AUS

150° E

* 151° 12' E Sydney, AUS
* 153° 02' E Brisbane, AUS
* 158° 39' E Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, RUS
* 159° 57' E Honiara, SOL

160° E

* 166° 27' E Nouméa, New Caledonia, FRA
* 168° 18' E Port Vila, VAN

170° E

* 170° 30' E Dunedin, NZL
* 172° 37' E Christchurch, NZL
* 174° 46' E Auckland, NZL
* 175° 47' E Wellington, NZL
* 178° 26' E Suva, FIJ

ee also

*List of cities by latitude
*List of metropolitan areas by population
*List of urban areas by population
*List of national capitals
*List of towns
*List of neighborhood listings by city
*List of towns and cities with 100,000 or more inhabitants
*List of cities by surface area

External links

* [ Names Files of Selected Countries from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency]
* [ World Gazeteer] (Source)
* [ Latitude & Longitude List] (Source)
* [ Average Latitude & Longitude of Countries]

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