- Bestiary
A bestiary, or Bestiarum vocabulum is a compendium of beasts. Bestiaries were made popular in the
Middle Ages in illustrated volumes that described various animals, birds and even rocks. Thenatural history and illustration of each beast was usually accompanied by a moral lesson. This reflected the belief that the world itself was the Word of God, and that every living thing had its own special meaning. For example, thepelican , which was believed to tear open its breast to bring its young to life with its own blood, was a living representation ofJesus . The bestiary, then, is also a reference to thesymbol ic language of animals in Western Christian art and literature.Bestiaries were particularly popular in
England andFrance around the12th century and were mainly compilations of earlier texts. The earliest bestiary in the form in which it was later popularized was an anonymous2nd century Greek volume called the "Physiologus ", which itself summarized ancient knowledge and wisdom about animals in the writings of classical authors such asAristotle 's "Historia Animalium" and various works byHerodotus ,Pliny the Elder ,Solinus , Aelian and other naturalists.Following the "Physiologus", Saint
Isidore of Seville (Book XII of the "Etymologiae ") andSaint Ambrose expanded the religious message with reference to passages from theBible and theSeptuagint . They and other authors freely expanded or modified pre-existing models, constantly refining the moral content without interest or access to much more detail regarding the factual content. Nevertheless, the often fanciful accounts of these beasts were widely read and generally believed to be true. A few observations found in bestiaries, such as the migration of birds, were discounted by the natural philosophers of later centuries, only to be rediscovered in the modern scientific era.Two illuminated
Psalter s, the "Queen Mary Psalter" (British Library Ms. Royal 2B, vii) and the "Isabelle Psalter" (State Library,Munich ), contain full Bestiary cycles. That in the Queen Mary Psalter is in the "marginal" decorations that occupy about the bottom quarter of the page, and are unusually extensive and coherent in this work. In fact the bestiary has been expanded beyond the source in the Norman bestiary of Guillaume le Clerc to ninety animals. Some are placed in the text to make correspondences with thepsalm they are illustrating. [ The Queen Mary psalter: a study of affect and audience By Anne Rudloff Stanton, p44ff, Diane Publishing]The Italian artist
Leonardo da Vinci also made his own bestiary.The
Aberdeen Bestiary is one of the best known of over 50 manuscript bestiaries surviving today.Mediaeval bestiaries are remarkably similar in sequence of the animals of which they treat.
In modern times, artists such as
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec andSaul Steinberg have produced their own bestiaries.Jorge Luis Borges wrote a contemporary bestiary of sorts, theBook of Imaginary Beings , which collects imaginary beasts from bestiaries and fiction. Nicholas Christopher wrote a literary novel called "The Bestiary" (Dial, 2007) that describes a lonely young man's efforts to track down the world's most complete bestiary. Writers ofFantasy fiction draw heavily from the fanciful beasts described inmythology ,fairy tales , and bestiaries. The "worlds" created in Fantasy fiction can be said to have their own bestiaries. Similarly, authors of fantasyrole-playing game s sometimes compile bestiaries as references, such as the "Monster Manual " for "Dungeons & Dragons ". It is not uncommon for video games with a large variety of enemies (especially RPGs) to include a bestiary of sorts. This usually takes the form of a list of enemies and a short description (e.g. the "Metroid Prime " and "Castlevania " games, as well as"Dark Cloud " and "Final Fantasy ").Beasts
* Beasts
** Lioness
** Pard
** Panther
** Gryphon
** Wild goat
** Monoceros
** Leucrota
** Yale
** Wolf
* Domestic beasts
** Sheep
** Wether
** Lamb
** Kid
** He-goat
** Sow
** Bullock
** Buffalo
** Cow
** Ass
* Small creatures
** Mole
*Bird s
** Barnacle
** Water-ouzel
** Crane
** Halcyon
** Phoenix
** Cinnomolgus
** Harz bird
** Night-owl
**Siren s
** Dove
** Turtle-dove
** Peacock
** Cock
** Hen
** Kite
* Serpent
** Perindens
*Snake s andReptile s
** Serpent
** Viper
** Asp
** Hydrus
** Boas
** Seps
** Salamander
**Horned Serpent
** Serra
**Dolphin ee also
Allegory in the Middle Ages
*List of mediæval bestiaries References
* " [http://penelope.uchicago.edu/~grout/encyclopaedia_romana/britannia/anglo-saxon/flowers/bestiary.html The Medieval Bestiary] ", by James Grout, part of the "Encyclopædia Romana".
* Payne, Ann. (1990) "Mediaeval Beasts."
* Hassig, Debra (1995) "Medieval Bestiaries: Text, Image, Ideology."
* Hassig, Debra, ed. (1999) "The Mark of the Beast: The Medieval Bestiary in Art, Life, and Literature".
* Benton, Janetta Rebold. (1992) "The Medieval Menagerie: Animals in the Art of the Middle Ages".
* George, Wilma and Brunsdon Yapp. (1991) "The Naming of the Beasts: Natural History in the Medieval Bestiary".
* Clark, Willene B. and Meradith T. McMunn. (1989) "The Bestiary and its Legacy."Notes
External links
* " [http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/HistSciTech.Bestiary The Bestiary: The Book of Beasts] ,"
T.H. White 's translation of a medieval bestiary in the Cambridge University library; digitized by theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison libraries.
* [http://bestiary.ca/ The Medieval Bestiary] online, edited by David Badke.
* [http://bestiary.us/ The Bestiary]
* " [http://www.kb.dk/elib/mss/gks3466/index.htm The Bestiaire of Philippe de Thaon] " at the National Library of Denmark.
* " [http://www.kb.dk/elib/mss/gks1633/index.htm The Bestiary of Anne Walshe] " at the National Library of Denmark.
* " [http://www.abdn.ac.uk/bestiary/bestiary.hti The Aberdeen Bestiary] " at the University of Aberdeen.
* [http://expositions.bnf.fr/bestiaire/expo/index.htm Exhibition (in English, but French version is fuller) at the Bibliothèque nationale de France]
* [http://www.christiansymbols.net/animals_1.php www.christiansymbols.net] Animals and their meanings.
* [http://www.ashesandsnow.org/ "Ashes and Snow"] , Modern day bestiary by Gregory Colbert.
* [http://texts.00.gs/Bestiaries.htm similarities in sequences of animals in mediaeval bestiaries]
* [http://www.theoi.com/Bestiary.html BESTIARY - Monsters & Fabulous Creatures of Greek Myth & Legend with pictures]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.