- Category of abelian groups
mathematics , the category Ab has theabelian group s as objects andgroup homomorphism s asmorphism s. This is the prototype of anabelian category .The
monomorphism s in Ab are theinjective group homomorphisms, theepimorphism s are thesurjective group homomorphisms, and theisomorphism s are thebijective group homomorphisms.The
zero object of Ab is the trivial group {0} which consists only of itsneutral element .Note that Ab is a
full subcategory of Grp, the category of "all" groups. The main difference between Ab and Grp is that the sum of two homomorphisms "f" and "g" between abelian groups is again a group homomorphism::("f"+"g")("x"+"y") = "f"("x"+"y") + "g"("x"+"y") = "f"("x") + "f"("y") + "g"("x") + "g"("y") : = "f"("x") + "g"("x") + "f"("y") + "g"("y") = ("f"+"g")("x") + ("f"+"g")("y")
The third equality requires the group to be abelian. This addition of morphism turns Ab into a
preadditive category , and because thedirect sum of finitely many abelian groups yields abiproduct , we indeed have anadditive category .In Ab, the notion of kernel in the category theory sense coincides with kernel in the algebraic sense, i.e.: the kernel of the morphism "f" : "A" → "B" is the subgroup "K" of "A" defined by "K" = {"x" in "A" : "f"("x") = 0}, together with the inclusion homomorphism "i" : "K" → "A". The same is true for
cokernel s: the cokernel of "f" is thequotient group "C" = "B"/"f"("A") together with the natural projection "p" : "B" → "C". (Note a further crucial difference between Ab and Grp: in Grp it can happen that "f"("A") is not anormal subgroup of "B", and that therefore the quotient group "B"/"f"("A") cannot be formed.) With these concrete descriptions of kernels and cokernels, it is quite easy to check that Ab is indeed anabelian category .The product in Ab is given by the product of groups, formed by taking the
cartesian product of the underlying sets and performing the group operation componentwise. Because Ab has kernels, one can then show that Ab is acomplete category . Thecoproduct in Ab is given by thedirect sum of groups; since Ab has cokernels, it follows that Ab is alsococomplete .Taking
direct limit s in Ab is anexact functor , which turns Ab into anAb5 category .We have a
forgetful functor Ab → Set which assigns to each abelian group the underlying set, and to each group homomorphism the underlying function. This functor is faithful, and therefore Ab is aconcrete category . The forgetful functor has a left adjoint (which associates to a given set thefree abelian group with that set as basis) but does not have a right adjoint.An object in Ab is injective if and only if it is divisible; it is projective if and only if it is a free abelian group. The category has a projective generator (Z) and an
injective cogenerator (Q/Z).Given two abelian groups "A" and "B", their
tensor product "A"⊗"B" is defined; it is again an abelian group. With this notion of product, Ab is a symmetric strict monoidal category.Ab is not cartesian closed (and therefore also not a
topos ) since it lacksexponential object s.
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