USSR State Prize

USSR State Prize

The USSR State Prize ( _ru. Госуда́рственная пре́мия СССР) was the Soviet Union's state honour. It was established on September 9 1966. After the breakup of the Soviet Union the prize was followed up by the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

The State Stalin Prize (Государственная Сталинская премия), usually called the Stalin Prize, existed from 1941 to 1954 - some sources give an incorrect termination date of 1952. It essentially played the same role, therefore upon the establishment of the USSR State Prize the diplomas and badges of the recipients of Stalin Prize were changed to that of USSR State Prize.

USSR State Prize of 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees was awarded annually to individuals in the fields of science, mathematics, literature, arts, and architecture to honour the most prominent achievements which either advanced the Soviet Union or the cause of socialism. Often the prize was awarded to specific works rather than to individuals.

Each constituent Soviet republic (SSR) and autonomous republic (ASSR) also had a State Prize (resp. Stalin Prize).

The Stalin Prize was a different honour than the Stalin Peace Prize which was created in 21 December 1949 and was usually awarded to foreign recipients rather than to Soviet citizens.

It should also not to be confused with the Lenin Prize.

Recipients of the State Stalin Prize in science and engineering by year


*Nikolai Burdenko: neurosurgeon
*Mikhail Gurevich: for aircraft design
*Aleksandr Khinchin: mathematics
*Andrey Kolmogorov: mathematics
*Olga Lepeshinskaya: ballet []
*Mikhail Loginov: for artillery design
*Dmitri Maksutov: astronomic optics
*Nikolai Myaskovsky: composer
*Nikolai Nikolaevich Polikarpov: for aircraft design
*Nikolay Nikolayevich Semyonov: chemical physics
*Sergei Sobolev: mathematics
*Aleksey Shchusev, architecture
*Sergei Sergeyev-Tsensky, writer


*Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov: mathematics
*Ivan Grave: artillery, for his work "Ballistics of Semiclosed Space"
*Mikhail Koshkin, chief designer of the T-34 tank
*Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Shmuk
*Nikolay Zelinsky work on organic chemistry
*David Fyodorovich Oistrakh Soviet Violinist


*Ivan Knunyants: Chemistry
*Feodosy Krasovsky
*Nikolai Nikolaevich Polikarpov: for aircraft design
*Sergey Ivanovich Vavilov: physics
*Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich: 2nd degree, physics – for works on combustion and detonation


*Nikolay Zelinsky work on chemistry of proteins


* Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov: physics
* Lazar Lyusternik: mathematics
* Eugen Kapp: music composition
* Dmitri Maksutov: 1st degree, astronomic optics
* Anatoly Ivanovich Malcev: 2nd degree, for the research on Lie groups
* Vasily S. Nemchinov
* Pelageya Polubarinova-Kochina: mathematics
* Sergey Ivanovich Vavilov: physics
* Nikolay Zelinsky work on chemistry of proteins


*Manfred von Ardenne: for a table-top electron microscope
*Grigory Eisenberg
*Nikolay Bogolyubov
*Mikhail Gurevich: for aircraft design
*Artem Mikoyan: for aircraft design


*Mikhail Gurevich: for aircraft design
*Artem Mikoyan: for aircraft design
*Nikolai Virta


*Mikhail Gurevich: for aircraft design
*Fyodor Fedorovsky
*Mikhail Kalashnikov: engineering
*Leonid Kantorovich
*Artem Mikoyan: for aircraft design
*Nikolaus Riehl: first class, for contributions to the Soviet atomic bomb project
*Sandro Shanshiashvili: for his poetry and plays
*Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich (Яков Борисович Зельдович): 1st degree, physics – for "special works" (actually, for nuclear technology)


*Leonid Baratov
*Eugen Kapp: music composition
*Aleksei Pogorelov, mathematician
*Dmitri Skobeltsyn (Дмитрий Владимирович Скобельцын ), physics
*Ilia Vekua
*Vasily Yefanov


*Peter Adolf Thiessen: 1st degree, for uranium enrichment techniques
*Sergey Ivanovich Vavilov: physics
*Boris Vannikov: administration of soviet nuclear program
*Suleiman Yudakov: composer, musician (composed the Tajik National Anthem)
*Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich: 1st degree, physics – for "special works"


*Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov: physics
*Eugen Kapp: music composition
*Feodosy Krasovsky
*Leon Theremin: science for inventing eavesdropping equipment
*Sergey Ivanovich Vavilov: physics
*Ivan Efremov, for "Taphonomy and Geological Chronology"
*Yury Nikolaevich Savin: 2nd degree, for the monograph Stress Concentration around Holes


*Nikolay Bogolyubov: physics
*Vitaly Ginzburg: 1st degree, physics
*Bruno Pontecorvo: physics
*Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich: 1st degree, physics – for "special works"
*Manfred von Ardenne: 1st degree, for contributions to the Soviet atomic bomb project


*Andrei Sakharov: 1st degree, physics
*Strela computer: 1st degree, ( V. Alexandrov, Yu. Bazilevsky, D. Zhuchkov, I. Lygin, G. Markov, B. Melnikov, G. Prokudayev, B. Rameyev, N. Trubnikov, A. Tsygankin, Yu. Shcherbakov, L. Larionova (Александров В. В., Базилевский Ю. Я., Жучков Д. А., Лыгин И. Ф., Марков Г. Я., Мельников Б. Ф., Прокудаев Г. М., Рамеев Б. И., Трубников Н. Б., Цыганкин А. П., Щербаков Ю. Ф., Ларионова Л.А.))
*Igor Tamm: physics
*Igor Kurchatov: physics

Recipients of the State Stalin Prize in arts by year


*Alexander Dovzhenko: film "Shchors" (about Nikolay Shchors)
*Isaak Dunayevsky: Music from the films "Circus" and "Volga-Volga"
*Erast Garin for the role of Tarakanov in the film "Musical story".
*Uzeyir Hajibeyov: "Ker oghlu", opera
*Aram Khachaturian: Violin Concerto
*Nikolai Myaskovsky: "Symphony No. 21"
*Vsevolod Pudovkin and Mikhail Doller: film "Suvorov"
*Yuri Shaporin: "On the Field of Kulikovo", cantata
*Dmitri Shostakovich: Piano Quintet
*Mark Reizen: opera singer, bass
*Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov: literature
*Aleksei Nikolaevich Tolstoi: literature, for "Peter I"
*Aleksandr Tvardovsky:literature
*Aleksey Shchusev, architecture


*Tikhon Khrennikov: Music to the film "The Swineherd and the Shepherd"
*Dmitri Shostakovich: "Symphony No. 7"
*Ilya Ehrenburg: literature


*Wanda Wasilewska, for her novel "The Rainbow"
*Mukhtar Ashrafi: Symphony No. 1 "Heroic"
*Aram Khachaturian: "Gayaneh Ballet"
*Feodosy Krasovsky: Astronomy
*Sergei Prokofiev: "Piano Sonata No. 7"
*Vissarion Shebalin: "String Quartet No. 5"
*Aleksei Nikolaevich Tolstoi: literature, for "The Road to Calvary"


*George Formby, English comedian


*Sergei Eisenstein: cinema, for "Ivan the Terrible", Part I
*Mikola Bazhan: literature, for "In the Days of War" (1945?)


*Alexander Fadeyev: literature, for "The Young Guard" (1st edition, 1945)
*Samuil Feinberg: "Piano Concerto No. 2"
*Emil Gilels: pianist
*Reinhold Glière: Concerto for voice and orchestra
*Dmitri Kabalevsky: "String Quartet No. 2"
*Gara Garayev: "The Motherland", opera
*Jovdat Hajiyev: "The Motherland", opera
*Veniamin Kaverin: literature, for "The Two Captains"
*Aram Khachaturian: "Symphony No. 2"
*Tikhon Khrennikov: "At 6 p.m. after the War", music from the film
*Boris Liatoshinsky: Ukrainian Quintet
*Samuil Marshak: literature, for the play "Twelve Months"
*Peretz Markish: literature
*Sulamith Messerer: ballet choreography
*Nikolai Miaskovsky: "String Quartet No. 9" - Cello Concerto
*Vano Muradeli: "Symphony No. 2"
*Vera Panova: literature, for "Sputniki"
*Gavriil Nikolayevich Popov: "Symphony No. 2"
*Sergei Prokofiev: "Symphony No. 5 - Piano Sonata No. 8 - Cinderella Ballet"
*Yuri Shaporin: "Story of the Battle for the Russian Land"
*Andrei Shtogarenko: "My Ukraine", symphony
*Georgi Sviridov: Piano Trio
*Aleksey Shchusev, architecture
*Yevgeny Vuchetich, sculpture
*Stepan Malkhasyants, philologist, for writing "Armenian Explanatory Dictionary"


*Salomėja Nėris: poetry (after death)
*Sergei Prokofiev: "Sonata No. 1 for violin and piano"
*Vissarion Shebalin: "Moscow", cantata
*Sergey Nikiforovich Vasilenko: Mirandoline Suite
*Vera Panova: literature, for "Kruzhilikha"
*Aleksandr Tvardovsky: literature
*Yevgeny Vuchetich, sculpture
*Andrey Vyshinsky: "Theory of Judicial Proofs"


*Boris Asafiev: Monograph on Glinka
*Reinhold Glière: "String Quartet No. 4"
*Gara Garayev: "Leyli and Majnun", symphonic poem
*Ilya Ehrenburg: literature
*Anatoly Rybakov: literature, for "The Dagger"
*Aleksey Shchusev, architecture
*Yevgeny Vuchetich, sculpture
* The crew of the film Secret Agent


*Fikret Amirov: "Symphonic Mughams"
*Alexander Arutiunian: "The Motherland", cantata
*Vasiliy Nikolaevich Azhaev: literature for "Far From Moscow" (1949)
*Dmitri Kabalevsky: Violin Concerto
*Feodor Vasilyevich Gladkov: literature, for "Story of My Childhood" (1949?)
*Vera Panova: literature, for "The Bright Shore"
*Faina Ranevskaya: for outstanding creative achievements on theater stage
*Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov: art
*Yevgeny Vuchetich, sculpture
*Ivan Vasilenko: literature, for "The Little Star"


*Reinhold Glière: "The Bronze Horseman"
*Nikolai Myaskovsky: "Sonata No. 2 for cello and piano"
*Dmitri Shostakovich: "Song of the Forests" - "The Fall of Berlin" for chorus
*Mstislav Rostropovich, cellist
*Yevgeny Vuchetich, sculpture
*Dimitri Arakishvili, composer
*Vadim Sobko, for the novel "Guarantee of Peace"


*Arno Babadzhanian: "Heroic Ballad"
*Vladimir Belyayev: literature for "The Old Fortress: A Trilogy"
*Sergei Bondarchuk: "Taras Shevchenko"
*Nikolai Cherkasov: for the film "Alexander Popov" (the role of Alexander Popov).
*Isaak Dunaevsky: Music to the film "The Kuban' Cossacks"
*German Galynin: "Epic Poem"
*Aleksandras Gudaitis-Guzevičius, book "Kalvio Ignoto teisybė" (The truth of blacksmith Ignotas)
*Bruno Freindlich: for the film " Alexander Popov (film)" (the role of Guglielmo Marconi).
*Dmitri Kabalevsky: "Taras's Family", opera
*Nikolai Miaskovsky: "Symphony No. 27 - String Quartet No. 13"
*Sergei Prokofiev: "On Guard for Peace", oratorio
*Faina Ranevskaya: for the film "U nih est' Rodina" ("They Have Their Motherland")
*Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov: art (second time)
*Anatoly Rybakov: literature
*Otar Taktakishvili: "Symphony No. 1"
*Teofilis Tilvytis, poem "Usnynė"
*Yuri Trifonov, literature for "Students"


*Jovdat Hajiyev: "For Peace", symphonic poem
*Mukhtar Ashrafi
*Yuri Shaporin: Romances for Voice and Piano
*Dmitri Shostakovich: "Ten Poems for Chorus opus 88"
*Andrei Shtogarenko: "In Memory of Lesya Ukrainka", symphonic suite
*Juhan Smuul: literature
*Otar Taktakishvili: "Piano Concerto no 1"
*Aleksey Shchusev, architecture
*Antanas Venclova: literature, "Rinktinė" (Selected Works)

Recipients of the USSR State Prize in science and engineering by year


*Vladimir Veksler: physics


*Hanon Izakson


*Vladimir Chelomei: for missile design


*Pavel Soloviev: for engines design
* Birutė Kasperavičienė, Bronislovas Krūminis, Vaclovas Zubras: for the design of the residential microdistrict Žirmūnai


*Lev Korolyov, computer science
*Evgeny Abramyan, nuclear physics


*Dmitrii Evgenievich Okhotsimsky: space scientist
*Alexander Yakovlevich Bereznyak: for missile design (KSR-5 and Kh-28)


*Alexander Yakovlevich Bereznyak: for missile design (Kh-22M)


*Boris Babaian
*Vladimir Chelomei: for missile design


*Igor Sergeevich Seleznev: for missile design (Kh-22MA)
*Sergei Vonsovsky: physics


*Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov: physics
*Yuri Valentinovich Knorozov (linguistic research)
*Igor Sergeevich Seleznev: for missile design (KSR-5P)


*Grigory Eisenberg
* Viktor Kremenuk - Institute for US and Canadian Studies (ISKRAN)


*Alexei Abrikosov: physics
*Vladimir Chelomei: for missile design
*Sergei Vonsovsky: physics


*Igor Spassky


*Zhores Alferov: physics
*Nikolay Bogolyubov: physics
*Igor Sergeevich Seleznev: for missile design (Kh-59)
*Ilia Vekua
* Yuri Yu. Gleba: biology
* ??? (for project 877 "Varshavyanka" submarine)


*Nikolay Basov: physics

Recipients of the USSR State Prize in literature and arts by year

*Arkady Filippenko: music (1948) for his "Second String Quartet"
*Inna Makarova (1949)
*Anatoly Polyansky, D.S.Vitukhin, Yu.V.Ratskevich, etc.:architecture, for "Pribrezhny" complex of Artek (1967)
*Aleksei Losev (1986) for his "History of Classical Aestetics"
*Aleksandr Tvardovsky: literature (1971)
*Gevorg Emin: literature (1951 and again in 1976)
*Mikael Tariverdiev (1977)
*Andrey Voznenesensky (1978)
*Yuri Norstein: arts (1979)
*Vladimir Shainsky (1981)
*Boris Shtokolov (1981)
*Levonid Yakovlev(1986)
*Bulat Okudzhava (1991)

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