State Prize of the Russian Federation

State Prize of the Russian Federation

Infobox award
name = State Prize of the Russian Federation

imagesize = 200px
caption =
description = Outstanding contributions in "Science and Technology", "Literary and Arts", "Humanitarian Work"
presenter = President of Russia
country = Russia
year = 1992

State Prize of the Russian Federation ( _ru. Государственная Премия Российской Федерации) is a state honorary prize established in 1992 as the substitute for the USSR State Prize. In 2004 the rules for selection of laureates and the status of the award was significantly changed making them closer to such awards as Nobel Prize or the Soviet Lenin Prize [ Order of President of Russian Federation N785 on reform of state awards] 21 June 2004]

Every year seven prizes are awarded:
*Three prizes in science and technology (according to newspaper Kommersant there was fourth 2008 State Prize for Science and Technology awarded by a special decree of President Dmitri Medvedev but the name of the winner is kept secret because of the confidential character of the work );
*Three prizes in literature and arts;
*One prize for the humanitarian work (established in 2005 [ Президент России ] ] ).Only three prizes for the humanitarian work were awarded so far: to Patriarch Alexius II of Russian Orthodox Church (2005) , to Russian writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (2006) and to French President Jacques Chirac (2007).

Each prize amounts for 5 mln Russian rubles (approximetly $200 thousand) the winner also gets the medal and the diploma. If a number of coauthors equally contributed to a winning work the prize is divided between no more than three authors.

The prize is usually presented by the President of Russia in a ceremony held in Moscow Kremlin.


The medal for the State Prize was developed by the artist Yevgeny Ukhnalyov (Евгений Ухналёв). The design is based on the Coat of arms of Russia. It shows a gold double-headed eagle with a scepter and a Globus cruciger with a red shield showing St. George with the dragon. The eagle is crowned by two small and one large crown and put on a silver wreath consisted of palm and laurel branches joined by a red ribbon. The design was adopted in 2005 [ [ Soviet Heraldy] ru icon ]



cience and Technology

*Alexander Kvasnikov, Valery Kolinko, Arkady Vershkin - creation of optics-electronic complex for control of the outer space [ Президент России ] ]
*Vyachelav Molodin and Natalia Polosmak for discovering of the Pazyryk culture
*Ludvig Faddeev for development of Mathematical Physics

Literary and Arts

*Bella Akhmadulina - for poetry;
*Leonid Krasnochyev and Ninel Kuzmina for restoration the Assumption Church in Great Novgorod;
*Anna Netrebko - for her opera works;


Humanitarian work

*Patriarch Alexius II for his enlightening and peacemaking activities [ Президент России ] ]

cience and Technology

*Igor Gorynin for development of new construction materials; [ Президент России ] ]
*Alexander Skrinsky, director of the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics for development in High Energy Physics;

Literary and Arts

*Aleksey Batalov for cinema works;
*Nurlan Khanetov, Leonid Lyubavsky, Renat Kharis for developing of national epic traditions ;
*Mikhail Pletnyov for his performances and innovations in music culture ;


Humanitarian work

*Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - for his humanitarian work [ Президент России ] ]

cience and Technology

*Yury Vasiliyevich Gulyayev and Vladislav Pustovoyt for developments in acousto-electronics and acousto-optics; [ Президент России ] ]
*Sergey Nikitich Kovalyov and Igor Spassky (both from the Rubin Design Bureau), David Pashayev for development of Nuclear submarines ;
*Alexander Nikolayevich Konovalov, director of Burdenko Central neurosurgical institute for new methods neurosurgery;

Literary and Arts

*Nikolay Borodacheyov, Irina Vasina, Vladimir Dmitriev from Gosfilmofond
*Olga Borodina for her contributions to the world musical art;
*Svetlana Zakharova for her ballet works.


Humanitarian work

*Jacques Chirac - President of France (1995-2007) [ Ширак стал лауреатом Государственной премии РФ] ru icon ]

cience and Technology

*Vladimir Arnold - Russian mathematician; [ Госпремии в области науки получили Владимир Арнольд и Андрей Зализняк] ]
*Alexey Khokhlov - Polymer scientist;
*Andrey Zaliznyak - Russian linguist.

According to newspaper Kommersant there was fourth State Prize for Science and Technology awarded by a special decree of President Dmitri Medvedev but the name of the winner is kept secret because of the confidential character of the work [ Названы лауреаты Государственной премии РФ] Kommersant 20 May 2008 ] .

Literary and Arts

*Alisa Freindlich - actress of the Tovstonogov Theater in Saint Petersburg [ Алисe Фрейндлих присудили Государственную премию] ] ;
*Andrey Kovalchuk - Russian sculptor ;
*Researchers from the Museum of Battle of Kulikovo.


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