- List of Mexican voice actors
This is a list of famous and notable Mexican dubbing voice actors (Voces de Doblaje) in alphabetical order by last names, where applicable. This would include persons who are know to a large number of people and is not based on the extent of their popularity. Neither is the list viewed from the context of the present. Their fame could be brief, what matters is that they were well-known during the peak of their popularity.
It's important to make clear that in the
hispanic community the dubbed voices of famous film actors are remembered better and became widely recognizable (e.g. the Spanish voice of Homer Simpson, performed byHumberto Vélez , is one of the most famous in Latin America).These actors often become stars in the
science fiction or subgenre fandoms (like inanime fandom) and become guests in internationalscience fiction fandom conferences.Famous dubbers
Pre-1970s generation
Francisco Colmenero (voice ofPumbaa , "Templeton" the rat in Charlotte's Web and narrator of Beauty and the Beast) (still active) (born 1926)
*Edmundo Santos (Narrator in The Jungle Book, Sleeping Beauty, Fray Laurence in Romeo and Juliet, and Sir Miles Messervy in theJames Bond films) (1902-1977)
*Pedro D'Aguillon (Voice of Lord Montague in Romeo and Juliet andElvis Presley ) (died 2002)
*Jorge Arvizu (Voice ofBugs Bunny ,Michael Corleone , the narrator inThomas the Tank Engine and Friends (first voice),Fred Flintstone ("Pedro Picapiedra"),Ringo Starr , andGeorge Harrison ) (still active)
*Julio Lucena (Voice ofBugs Bunny andBarney Rubble ("Pablo Marmol")) (1924-1985)
*Carlos Petrel (Voice of Scar inThe Lion King andDr. Demento ) (died 2004)1970s generation
Rocío Garcel (voice ofJulia Roberts andSandra Bullock ) (still active)
*Diana Santos (voice of Belle in Beauty and the Beast,Mihoshi inTenchi Muyo! , Princess Kala in Gummy Bears andMinnie Mouse ) (born 1947) (still active)
*Germán Robles : Voice ofKITT inKnight Rider (still active) (born 1929)
*Esteban Siller : Voice ofGargamel ,James Bond (first voice),Darth Vader , andM. Bison (fourth voice) (still active)
*Enrique Mederos : Voice of theMan With No Name in theDollars trilogy ,James Bond (third voice),Han Solo in ,Mario Mario (first voice),James T. Kirk (second voice),Trapper John inM*A*S*H , andClint Eastwood (died 2004)
*Aracelli de Leon : Voice of Maid Marian in Robin Hood,Counselor Deanna Troi (first voice), andRita Moreno (1951-1999)
*Anabel Méndez : Voice ofUhura (second voice) andLynne Thigpen (still active)
*Víctor Mares Alcalá : Voice ofJames Bond inOn Her Majesty's Secret Service (died 2005)1980s generation
Patricia Acevedo (voice ofLisa Simpson ,Sailor Moon , Hot Lips inM*A*S*H ,Kate Monday inMathnet ,Marlena Evans inDays of Our Lives , andAlly Sheedy ) (still active) (born 1955)
*Arturo Mercado (voice of Beast in Beauty and the Beast,Simba ,Scrooge McDuck , Darkwing duck,Radar O'Reilly ,Luigi Mario (second voice), andGeorge Clooney ) (still active)
*Miguel Angel Ghigliazza : Voice of Sir Miles Messervy in Moonraker,Ikki Yoneda inSakura Wars , andBrian Dennehy (still active)
*Alejandro Villeli : Voice of Admiral Hargreaves in theJames Bond films,Col. Trautman in theRambo films, Sgt. Gorman inM*A*S*H , andStefano DiMera (still active)
*Norma Herrera : Voice of Barbara Mawdsley in theJames Bond films (still active)
*Gerardo Reyero : Voice ofHawkeye Pierce inM*A*S*H ,Jerry Seinfeld , andGene Hackman (still active)
*Jesús Barrero : Voice ofRick Hunter (first voice) inRobotech ,Luke Skywalker in , Pegasus Seiya in Saint Seiya/Caballeros del Zodiaco,Duke Forrest inM*A*S*H , andWeird Al Yankovic (still active) (born 1951)
*Ricardo Mendoza : Voice ofCasshan andBabel II (still active)
*Cristina Camargo : Voice of Natsuko Aki inCutey Honey (still active)
*Maru Guzmán : Voice of Aurora inStarzinger (still active)
*Raúl Aldana : Voice of Kevin Flynn/Clu in Tron,Tony DiMera ,Zangief (first voice), Andrew Clark inThe Breakfast Club , andMichael Paré (still active)
*César Arias : Voice ofRichard Harris (born 1942) (still active)
*Roberto Mendiola : Voice ofPavel Chekov ,Thad Green inMathnet , and KARR inKnight Rider (still active)
*Guillermo Sauceda : Voice ofBatman ,Luigi Mario (first voice), Cosmo inThe Fairly Oddparents , and Malachite inSailor Moon (still active)
*Benjamín Rivera : Voice ofGoemon Ishikawa XIII ,Captain Harlock (first voice),Ryoga Hibiki inRanma ½ ,Chamillionaire ,Paul Winfield , andC. Thomas Howell (still active)
*Belinda Martinez : Voice of Julie Olson Williams inDays of Our Lives ,Fujiko Mine ,Counselor Deanna Troi (second voice), andUhura (first voice) (still active)
*Alejandro Illescas : Voice of Cyberdyne Systems Model 101,M. Bison (first voice), andArnold Schwarzenegger (died 2008)
*Blas García : Voice of Rocky Balboa, John Rambo,M. Bison (second voice), andSylvester Stallone (still active)
*Rossy Aguirre : Voice ofWesley Crusher ,John Connor (first voice),Akane Tendo (first voice), andWil Wheaton (early career) (still active)
*Eduardo Tejedo : Voice of Mendo inUrusei Yatsura ,C-3PO (first voice), Agent 006 (Trevelyan) inGoldenEye , the narrator inThomas the Tank Engine and Friends (second voice), andGuile (first voice) (still active)
*José Lavat : Voice ofSuperman ,Indiana Jones ,Bo Brady inDays of Our Lives , andGuile (second voice) (born 1948) (still active)
*Carlos Hugo Hidalgo : Voice ofC-3PO (second voice),Ranma Saotome (first voice, male),John Connor (second voice), andBill Paxton (still active)
* Víctor Ugarte: Voice ofHo-Jon ,Shinji Ikari , andDaniel Radcliffe (still active)
*Humberto Vélez : Voice ofHomer Simpson (first voice) (born 1955) (still active)
*Víctor Trujillo : Voice ofLion-O inThundercats , James P. Sullivan, (aka "Sulley") inMonsters Inc. (born 1961) (still active)
*Eduardo Fonseca : Voice of Reptilio inThundercats ,James Bond Jr. , Chief Gooley Andrew Francis inDirty Pair ,Edward Elric , andRutger Hauer (born 1967) (still active)
*Jorge Ornelas : Voice ofMoe Szylak (first voice) andGumby (still active)
*Sylvia Garcel : Voice ofLynn Minmei (first voice) (still active)
*Liza Willert : Voice ofCarmen Sandiego (still active)1990s generation
Mario Castañeda (voice ofGoku inDragon Balls ,Luigi Mario in the Super Mario Bros. motion picture, adult Kevin in TheWonder Years and generally ofJim Carrey andBruce Willis in his movies) (still active) (born 1962)
*Cristina Hernández (voice of SenatorPadmé Amidala and Blossom from thePower Puff Girls ) (still active) (born 1977)
*Nancy McKenzie (Marge Simpson ) (still active)
*Eduardo Garza : Voice ofElmo andBig bird forMéxico and Latin America, Xandir inDrawn Together andKrillin inDragon Ball Z (still active) (born 1976)
*Ana Maria Grey : Voice ofNabiki Tendo second voice inRanma 1/2 Officer jenny first voice inPokémon andLúcero Sónico (Judy) inThe Jetsons (still active)
*Ricardo Tejedo : Voice ofLupin III ,Doraemon ,James Bond (fourth voice),Jean-Luc Picard in ,Luigi Mario in theSuper Mario Bros. animated series,James T. Kirk (third voice), andKevin Shinick (still active)
*Luis Daniel Ramírez : Voice of Romeo inRomeo + Juliet ,Tenchi Masaki ,Ranma Saotome (second voice, male),Mario Mario (second voice), Peter Parker in the "Spider-Man " films, andJames Bond (fifth voice) (still active)
*María Fernanda Morales : Voice ofAsh Ketchum (second voice),B'Elanna Torres , Nala inThe Lion King , Natsuko Aki in Cutey Honey Flash, and Luna Kozuki inCasshan (still active)
*Mónica Villaseñor : Voice of Natsuko Aki in The New Cutey Honey, Elaine inSeinfeld , Li Kohran inSakura Wars , andJulia Louis-Dreyfus (still active)
*Isabel Martiñon : Voice ofNaruto (still active)
*Pilar Escandon : Voice ofRanma Saotome (second voice, female), Kei inDirty Pair , andBelle Black inDays of Our Lives (still active)
*Rocío Prado : Voice of Yuri inDirty Pair ,Shinobu Miyake inUrusei Yatsura , Ryoko inTenchi Muyo! , and Ayame Fujieda inSakura Wars (still active)
*Circe Luna : Voice ofLina Inverse ,Belldandy inOh My Goddess ,Rei Ayanami , Gally inBattle Angel , andRyo-Ohki (still active)
*Genaro Vásquez : Voice ofRafiki inLion King ,Tuxedo Mask/Darien (first voice) inSailor Moon ,Screech inSaved by the bell ,Doogie Howser M.D. (still active)
*Irma Carmona : Voice ofRanma Saotome (first voice, female) and Nat-chan in (still active)
*José Carlos Moreno : Voice ofBarney the Dinosaur andGreg Lee (died 2002)
*Monica Estrada : Voice ofHaruhi Fujioka (still active)
*Sergio Bonilla : Voice ofTamaki Suou (still active)
*Gabriel Gama : Voice of Brock (first voice),Kyoya Ootori ,Cosmo Kramer ,Gourry Gabriev , andMichael Richards (still active)
*Enzo Fortuny : Voice ofHikaru Hitachiin , InuYasha,Luigi Mario (third voice), Kevin McCallister inHome Alone , andElijah Wood (still active) (born 1981)
*Alfredo Leal : Voice ofKaoru Hitachiin , Kamui Shiro in X andTracey Sketchit (still active)
*Yamil Atala : Voice of Pink in Pink Floyd La Pared, Puerquito,Obi-Wan Kenobi in , andMitsukuni Haninozuka (still active)
*Salvador Delgado : Voice of Artemis inSailor Moon , the narrator inThomas the Tank Engine and Friends (third voice),Qui-Gon Jinn ,Boromir ,James Bond (Pierce Brosnan ),Rocky Balboa ,Brendan Fraser inThe Mummy ,Gregory House ,Nick Stokes ,Takashi Morinozuka ,Sirius Black ,Russell Crowe inGladiator ,Denzel Washington andNicolas Cage (still active) (born 1961)
*Jesse Conde : Voice ofTigger ,Norman Osborn ,Soun Tendo (third voice), andGeoffrey Rush (still active)
*Mario Filio : Voice ofObi-Wan Kenobi since (still active)2000s generation
Edson Matus : Voice ofRick Hunter (second voice) inRobotech , Tôru Kôno in Princess Princess, and Kotaro Kobayashi inBattle Doll Angelic Layer (still active)
*Gabriel Ramos : Voice ofAsh Ketchum (first voice),Anakin Skywalker (second voice),Seiji Hayami in , andTom Felton (still active) (born 1986)
*Xóchitl Ugarte : Voice of Misty in Pokémon,Cammy White in theStreet Fighter saga,Cutey Honey in The New Cutey Honey and theCutey Honey motion picture,Ayeka inTenchi Muyo! , Leni Milchstraße inSakura Wars , andSami Brady inDays of Our Lives (still active) (born 1979) and Sam inTotally Spies!
*Gaby Ugarte : Voice ofWinry Rockbell (still active)
*Ana Lobo : Voice of May (first voice) in Pokémon,Ayu Tateishi inUltra Maniac ,Kagome Higurashi inInuYasha , Yomi inAzumanga Daioh , andLynn Minmei (second voice) (still active), Clover (Totally Spies! )
*Liliana Barba : Voice of May (second voice) in Pokémon,Sango inInuYasha , and Kagura inAzumanga Daioh (still active)
*Mariana Ortiz : Voice of May (third voice) in Pokémon andMorgan York (still active)
*Leyla Rangel : Voice ofHaruhi Suzumiya ,Kagome Higurashi in theInuYasha movies, and Henrietta inGunslinger Girl (still active)
*Arturo Mercado Jr. : Voice ofMickey Mouse /Tom Cruise in / the fox in Narnia / Shaggy in Scooby Doo movies / Brock (second voice) in Pokémon / the narrator (fourth voice) inThomas & Friends (still active) Lonchoomonee also
List of Mexicans
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