- History of the Jews in Poland
The history of the Jews in Poland dates back over a
millennium . [ [http://polishjews.org/ polishjews.org] ]Poland was home to the largestJew ish population inEurope and served as the center forJewish culture , ranging from a long period ofreligious tolerance and prosperity among the country'sJew ish population, to its nearly complete genocidal destruction byNazi Germany in the twentieth century during the German occupation of Poland andthe Holocaust .From the founding of the Kingdom of Poland in the eleventh century through the early years of the
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth created in 1569,Poland was one of the most tolerant countries in Europe."Poland, at that time, was the most tolerant country in Europe" "From Counter-Reformation to Glorious Revolution" by Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper University of Chicago Press 1992, page 51] Known as "paradisus Iudaeorum" (Latin for Jewishparadise ) it became unique shelter for persecuted and expelled European Jewish communities and a home to one of the world's largest and most vibrant Jewish communities. With the weakening of the Commonwealth and growing religious strife (due to theProtestant Reformation and CatholicCounter-Reformation ), Poland’s traditional tolerance"In accordance with its tradition of religious tolerance, Poland refrained from participating in the excesses of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation" "Central Europe: Enemies, Neighbors, Friends" by Lonnie R. JohnsonOxford University Press 1996] began to wane from the seventeenth century onward. Although traditional narrative holds that as a consequence, the predicament of the Commonwealth’s Jewry worsened, declining to the level of other European countries by the end of the eighteenth century, recent scholarship by Gershon Hundert, Moshe Rosman, Edward Fram, and Magda Teter, suggest that the reality was much more complex. See for example, the following works, which discuss Jewish life and culture, as well as Jewish-Christian relations during that period: M. Rosman "Lords' Jews: Magnate-Jewish Relations in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the Eighteenth Century" (Harvard University Press, new ed. 1993), G. Hundert "The Jews in a Polish Private Town: The Case of Opatów in the Eighteenth Century" (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992), E.Fram "Ideals Face Reality: Jewish Law and Life in Poland, 1550–1655" (HUC Press, 1996), and M. Teter"Jews and Heretics in Pre-modern Poland: A Beleaguered Church in the Post-Reformation Era" (Cambridge University Press, 2006).] After thepartitions of Poland in 1795 and the destruction of Poland as asovereign state , Polish Jews were subject to the laws of the partitioning powers, primarily the increasingly anti-SemiticRussian Empire , [ [http://www.friends-partners.org/partners/beyond-the-pale/index.html Beyond the Pale] Online exposition] but alsoAustro-Hungary andKingdom of Prussia (later known as theGerman Empire ). Still, as Poland regained independence in the twentieth century, in theaftermath of World War I , it was the center of the European Jewish world with one of world's largest Jewish communities of over three million.Anti-Semitism , however, both political establishment and from the general population, common throughout contemporary Europe, was a growing problem. [William W. Hagen , Before the "Final Solution": Toward a Comparative Analysis of Political Anti-Semitism in Interwar Germany and Poland,The Journal of Modern History , Vol. 68, No. 2 (Jun., 1996), 351–381.]At the start of
World War II , Poland was divided between Germany and the Soviet Union. It was during this time of war that the genocidal Holocaust occurred whose death toll was 90% of the Polish Jewry, about three million people, along with approximately three million non-Jewish Poles. Overall, the Second World War resulted in the death of one-fifth of the Polish population. Although the genocide occurred largely in German Nazi-occupied Poland there was little Polish collaboration with Germans. The Nazis made no attempt to set up a collaborationist government in Poland, [Norman Davies. [http://books.google.com/books?id=M0UknKj4xZkC&pg=PA464&dq=%22polish+quisling%22&ei=Q7uTSMK0C5yMjAHL6NjyAQ&sig=ACfU3U06ohIYpEvtY-vBj7Jb9jDlUuFacg "God's Playground: God's Playground: A History of Poland in Two Volumes."] Oxford University Press, 2005.] [István Deák, Jan Tomasz Gross, Tony Judt. [http://books.google.com/books?id=s82F2H0FEHQC&pg=PA25&dq=%22poland+did+not+have+its+quisling%22&ei=a7yTSMnSD5yMjAHL6NjyAQ&sig=ACfU3U36mix0Xh2Zal2lZaEMfbUMJIQvyw The Politics of Retribution in Europe.] Princeton University Press, 2000.] [Adam Michnik, " [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B07E2DC153DF934A25750C0A9679C8B63&n=Top/Reference/Times%20Topics/People/W/Walesa,%20Lech Poles and the Jews: How Deep the Guilt?] ", New York Times, March 17, 2001] and they rejected overtures by Polish fascists and anti-semites. [>Klaus-Peter Friedrich. Collaboration in a "Land without a Quisling": Patterns of Cooperation with the Nazi German Occupation Regime in Poland during World War II. "Slavic Review". Vol. 64, No. 4 (Winter, 2005):711-746.:"Because of a lack of interest on the part of the Nazi leadership, there was no basis for state collaboration. On the contrary, overtures even by Polish fascists and other staunch anti-Semites were rebuffed by the occupiers."] Collaboration by individual Poles with the Nazis has been described as being less than that in other European countries. [cite book |last=Paulsson |first=Gunnar S |title=Secret City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw, 1940-1945 |year=2002 |publisher=Yale University Press |location=New Haven |isbn=0-300-09546-5 |pages=p. 245 |quote=There were people everywhere who were prepared, for whatever motives, to do the Nazis' work for them. And if there was more antisemitism in Poland than in many other countries, there was also less collaboration.... The Nazis generally preferred not to count on outbursts of 'emotional antisemitism', when what was needed to realize their plans was 'rational antisemitism', as Hitler himself put it. For that, they neither wanted nor received significant help from the Poles. ] [http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=252691081495762 Unveiling the Secret City] H-Net Review: John Radzilowski] The attitude of non-Jewish Poles ranged from extreme cases of participation in massacres through extortion, [ [http://www.holocaustresearch.pl/publikacje(en).htm "I know this Jew!" Blackmailing of the Jews in Warsaw 1939-1945.] Polish Center for Holocaust Research] indifference to Jews' plight to risking one's live to save Jews. [ [http://www.savingjews.org/ Polish Righteous, Those Who Risked Their Lives] ]In the postwar period, many of the approximately 200,000 Polish Jewish survivors chose to emigrate from the
communist People's Republic of Poland to the nascentState of Israel ,United States andSouth America , their departure hastened by the destruction of most Jewish institutions,post-war pogroms in Poland , and the hostility of the communist party to both religion and to private enterprise. Most of the remaining Jews left Poland in the late 1960s as the result of the Soviet state-sponsored anti-Semitic anti-Zionist campaign. After the fall of the communist regime in Poland in 1989, the situation of Polish Jews became normalized and Jews who were Polish citizens before World War II were allowed to renew Polishcitizenship . Religious institutions were revived, largely through the activities of Jewish foundations from the United States. The contemporary Polish Jewish community is generally estimated to have approximately 8,000 to 12,000 members, though the actual number of Jews, including those who are not actively connected to Judaism or Jewish culture, may be several times larger.Early history to Golden Age: 966–1572
Early history: 966–1385
The first Jews arrived in the territory of modern Poland in the tenth century. Travelling along the trade routes leading eastwards to
Kiev andBukhara , the Jewish merchants (known asRadhanites ) also crossed the areas ofSilesia . One of them, a diplomat and merchant from the Moorish town ofTortosa in SpanishAl-Andalus , known under his Arabic name ofIbrahim ibn Jakub , was the first chronicler to mention the Polish state under the rule of prince Mieszko I. The first actual mention of Jews in Polish chronicles occurs in the eleventh century. It appears that Jews were then living inGniezno , at that time the capital of the Polish kingdom of thePiast dynasty . The first permanent Jewish community is mentioned in 1085 by a Jewish scholarJehuda ha-Kohen in the city ofPrzemyśl .The first extensive Jewish emigration from
Western Europe to Poland occurred at the time of theFirst Crusade in 1098. Under Boleslaus III (1102–1139), the Jews, encouraged by the tolerant régime of this ruler, settled throughout Poland, including over the border intoLithuania n territory as far asKiev . At the same time Poland saw immigration ofKhazars , a Turkic tribe that had converted toJudaism . Boleslaus III on his part recognised the utility of the Jews in the development of the commercial interests of his country. The Jews came to form the backbone of the Polish economy and the coins minted by Mieszko III even bear Hebraic markings. Jews enjoyed undisturbed peace and prosperity in the many principalities into which the country was then divided; they formed the middle class in a country where the general population consisted oflandlord s (developing into "szlachta ", the unique Polish nobility) and peasants, and they were instrumental in promoting the commercial interests of the land.The tolerant situation was gradually altered by the
Roman Catholic Church on the one hand, and by the neighbouring German states on the other. There were, however, among the reigning princes some determined protectors of the Jewish inhabitants, who considered the presence of the latter most desirable insofar as the economic development of the country was concerned. Prominent among such rulers wasBoleslaus the Pious ofKalisz , Prince ofGreat Poland . With the consent of the class representatives and higher officials, in 1264 he issued a General Charter of Jewish Liberties, theStatute of Kalisz , which granted all Jews the freedom of worship, trade and travel. During the next hundred years, the Church pushed for the persecution of the Jews while the rulers of Poland usually protected them.In 1334, Casimir III the Great (1303–1370) amplified and expanded Bolesław's old charter with the
Wiślicki Statute . Casimir was especially friendly to the Jews, and his reign is regarded as an era of great prosperity for Polish Jewry, and was surnamed by his contemporaries "King of theserf s and Jews." Nevertheless, while for the greater part of Casimir’s reign the Jews of Poland enjoyed tranquillity, toward its close they were subjected to persecution on account of theBlack Death . In 1347 the first blood libel accusation against Jews in Poland recorded,and in 1367 the first pogrom, inPoznań . [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=E5YSAAAAIAAJ&q=1367+pogrom+Poznan&dq=1367+pogrom+Poznan&pgis=1 1367 pogrom Poznan. Google Books] ] Later the massacres occurred atKalisz ,Kraków ,Głogów , and other Polish cities along the German frontier, and it is estimated that 10,000 Jews were killed. Compared with the pitiless destruction of their co-religionists inWestern Europe , however, the Polish Jews did not fare badly; and the Jewish masses of Germany fled to the more hospitable lands of Poland.The early Jagiellon era: 1385–1505
As a result of the marriage of Wladislaus II to Jadwiga, daughter of
Louis I of Hungary , Lithuania was united with the kingdom of Poland. Although, in 1388, rights were extended toLithuanian Jews as well, it was under the rule of Wladislaus II and those of his successors that the first extensive persecutions of the Jews in Poland commenced, and the king did not act to stop these events. There were a number ofblood libel s and riots against the Jews, and official persecution gradually increased, especially as the clergy pushed for less tolerance. Hysteria caused by Black Death led to additional fourteenth-century outbreaks of violence against the Jews. Traders and artisans fearing Jewish rivalry supported the harassment.The decline in the status of the Jews was briefly checked by
Casimir IV the Jagiellonian (1447–1492), but to increase his power he soon issued theStatute of Nieszawa . [ [http://www.bartleby.com/67/556.html The Encyclopedia of World History 1447-92. 2001] ] Among other things it abolished the ancient privileges of the Jews "as contrary to divine right and the law of the land." The policy of the government toward the Jews of Poland was not more tolerant under Casimir's sons and successors,John I Olbracht (1492–1501) andAlexander the Jagiellonian (1501–1506), who expelled the Jews from theGrand Duchy of Lithuania in 1495.Center of the Jewish world: 1505–72
Alexander reversed his position in 1503, just as the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, as well as from
Austria ,Bohemia andGermany , thus stimulating the Jewish emigration to much more tolerant Poland. Indeed, with the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, Poland became the recognized haven for exiles from western Europe; and the resulting accession to the ranks of Polish Jewry made it the cultural and spiritual center of the Jewish people.The most prosperous period for Polish Jews began following this new influx of Jews with the reign of Zygmunt I (1506–1548), who protected the Jews in his realm. His son, Zygmunt II August (1548–1572), mainly followed in the tolerant policy of his father and also granted autonomy to the Jews in the matter of communal administration and laid the foundation for the power of the "
Kahal ", or autonomous Jewish community. This period led to the creation of a proverb about Poland being a "heaven for the Jews". By the mid-16th century, eighty percent of the world's Jews lived in Poland. Jewish religious life thrived in many Polish communities. In 1503, the Polish monarchy appointed Rabbi Jacob Polak, the official Rabbi of Poland, marking the emergence of the Chief Rabbinate. By 1551, Jews were given permission to choose their own Chief Rabbi. The Chief Rabbinate held power over law and finance, appointing judges and other officials. Some power was shared with local councils. The Polish government permitted the Rabbinate to grow in power, to use it for tax collection purposes. Only thirty percent of the money raised by the Rabbinate served Jewish causes, the rest went to the Crown for protection. In this period Poland-Lithuania became the main center for Ashkenazi Jewry and its yeshivot achieved fame from the early 1500s.One the great talmudic scholars of the 1500s was
Moses ben Israel Isserles (1525-1572). He founded a religious academy in Cracow. Beyond Talmudic study, he was also familiar with many of the Greek philosophers and was one of the forerunners of the Jewish enlightenment.Additionally, some Polish words may reveal that the exiled Jews coming from Spain brought with them onions (and possibly more then-exotic plants or foods), as onions are called "Cebula" in Polish ("Cebolla" in Spanish).
The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: 1572–1795
The Warsaw Confederation
Following the childless death of Zygmunt II, the last king of the
Jagiellon dynasty , Polish and Lithuanian nobles (szlachta ) gathered atWarsaw in 1573 and signed a document of limited toleration in which representatives of all the major religions pledged each other mutual support and tolerance. The edict did not include the Polish Brethren, an anti-Trinitarian that would later become known as Socinians, who formed roots for the modern Unitarian church in the US.Increasing isolation: The traditional view and recent scholarly challenges
The earlier narrative of Jewish life in Poland emphasized the rise of antisemitism by focusing on the rise of anti-Jewish libels (host desecration and ritual murder accusations).Fact|date=July 2008 That narrative tended to highlight persecution, and Jewish isolation and autonomy. Yet, recent scholarly works (Fram, Hundert, Rosman, Teller, and Teter) have shown that Jews were not isolated from their Christian neighbours. For example, Jews spoke local languages (although they did retain Yiddish), shared sense of fashion (for example Christian borrowed clothes from Jews to go to church, see a responsum no. 86 by Benjamin Slonik), they shared spaces too (rabbis and the clergy were increasingly worried that Jews and Christians lived together under the same roof). Contrary to the common view of total Jewish autonomy and isolation, historical evidence shows that Jews often used gentile courts against other Jews, and frequently summoned Christians both to lay and Church courts (see works by Judith Kalik, Adam Teller, and Magda Teter). The existence of the
Council of Four Lands has often been cited as a pinnacle of Jewish autonomy and self-government in Poland. Yet both the creation and the dissolution of the council are linked to the fiscal transformations of the Polish state. Similarly, while traditional scholarship has promoted an idealized view of Jewish rabbinic culture and self-government, focusing on rabbinic sources, recent works by scholars have shown that this was also a period of transformation if not outright decline of rabbinic authority (see for instance books and articles by Adam Teller). In short, scholars in recent decades have created a much more textured picture of Jewish life in premodern Poland-Lithuania that has gone far away from the view of isolation and persecution. Since late XIV century native Polish merchants became powerful enough to compete with Jewish businessmen, and in the XVI century Jews were barred from the guilds, and large Polish towns limited Jewish entrepreneurship.The Cossack uprising and the Deluge
In 1648 the Commonwealth was devastated by several conflicts, in which the Commonwealth lost over a third of its populations (over three million people), and Jewish losses were counted in hundreds of thousands. First, the
Chmielnicki Uprising whenBohdan Khmelnytsky 'sCossack s massacred tens of thousands of Jews and Poles in the eastern and southern areas he controlled (today's Ukraine). It is recorded that Chmielnicki told the people that the Poles had sold them as slaves "into the hands of the accursed Jews". The precise number of dead may never be known, but the decrease of the Jewish population during that period is estimated at 100,000 to 200,000, which also includes emigration, deaths from diseases and "jasyr" (captivity in theOttoman Empire ).The Jewish community suffered greatly during the 1648 Cossack uprising which had been directed primarily against the Polish nobility. The Jews, perceived as allies of the nobles, were also victims of the revolt, during which about twenty per cent of them were killed.Then the incompetent politics of the elected kings of theHouse of Vasa brought the weakened state to its knees, as it was invaded by theSwedish Empire in what became known as The Deluge. The kingdom of Poland proper, which had hitherto suffered but little either from theChmielnicki Uprising or from the recurring invasion of the Russians, Crimean Tatars and Ottomans, now became the scene of terrible disturbances (1655–1658).Charles X of Sweden , at the head of his victorious army, overran Poland; and soon the whole country, including the cities of Kraków and Warsaw, was in his hands. The Jews of Great and Little Poland found themselves torn between two sides: those of them who were spared by the Swedes were attacked by the Poles, who accused them of aiding the enemy. The Polish generalStefan Czarniecki , in his flight from the Swedes, devastated the whole country through which he passed and treated the Jews without mercy. The Polish partisan detachments treated the non-Polish inhabitants with equal severity. Moreover, the horrors of the war were aggravated bypestilence , and the Jews and townsfolk of the districts ofKalisz , Kraków,Poznań , Piotrków, andLublin perished "en masse" by the sword of the besieging armies and the plague.As soon as the disturbances had ceased, the Jews began to return and to rebuild their destroyed homes; and while it is true that the Jewish population of Poland had decreased and become impoverished, it still was more numerous than that of the Jewish colonies in Western Europe; and Poland remained as the spiritual center of Judaism, and through 1698, the Polish kings generally remained supportive of the Jews, despite a hostile clergy and nobility. It also should be noted that while Jewish losses in those events were high, estimated by some historians to be close to 500,000, the Commonwealth lost one third of its population — approximately three million of its citizens.
Decline under the Saxon dynasty
With the accession to the throne of the Saxon dynasty the Jews completely lost the support of the government. The "
szlachta " and the townsfolk were increasingly hostile to the Jews, as the religious tolerance that dominated the mentality of the previous generations of Commonwealth citizens was slowly forgotten. In their intolerance, the citizens of the Commonwealth now approached the "standards" that dominated most of the contemporary European countries, and many Jews felt betrayed by the country they once viewed as their haven. In the larger cities, like Poznań and Kraków, quarrels between the Satins and the Jewish inhabitants were of frequent occurrence. Attacks on the Jews by students, the so-called "Schüler-Gelauf ," became everyday occurrences in the large cities, the police regarding such scholastic riots with indifference. In the XVI and XVII centuries Jews were expelled from the number of Polish towns, and victimized by pogroms usually organized by local merchants and artisans. [Frederic Cople Jaher "A Scapegoat in the New Wilderness: The Origins and Rise of Anti-semitism in America",Harvard University Press, 1994, p.79–80 ]The partitions
There were three partitions of Poland in 1772, 1793 and in 1795. Poland was divided among Russia, Prussia and Austria; Poland-Lithuania no longer existed. The majority of Poland’s one-million Jews became part of the Russian empire. Poland became a mere client state of the Russian empire. In 1772, Catherine II, empress of Russia, discriminated against the Jews by forcing them to stay in their
shtetl s and barring their return to the towns they occupied before the partition.Disorder and anarchy reigned supreme in Poland during the second half of the eighteenth century, from the accession to the throne of its last king, Stanislaus II Augustus Poniatowski (1764–1795). In 1772, in the aftermath of theConfederation of Bar , the outlying provinces of Poland were divided among the three neighboring nations, Russia,Austria , andPrussia . Jews were most numerous in the territories that fell to the lot of Austria and Russia.The permanent council established at the instance of the Russian government (1773–1788) served as the highest administrative tribunal, and occupied itself with the elaboration of a plan that would make practicable the reorganization of Poland on a more rational basis. The progressive elements in Polish society recognized the urgency of popular education as the very first step toward reform. The famous "
Komisja Edukacji Narodowej " ("Commission of National Education"), the first ministry of education in the world, was established in 1773 and founded numerous new schools and remodeled the old ones. One of the members of the commission, "kanclerz "Andrzej Zamoyski , along with others, demanded that the inviolability of their persons and property should be guaranteed and that religious toleration should be to a certain extent granted them; but he insisted that Jews living in the cities should be separated from the Christians, that those of them having no definite occupation should be banished from the kingdom, and that even those engaged in agriculture should not be allowed to possess land. On the other hand, some "szlachta" and intellectuals proposed a national system of government, of the civil and political equality of the Jews. This was the only example in modern Europe before theFrench Revolution of tolerance and broadmindedness in dealing with the Jewish question. But all these reforms were too late: a Russian army soon invaded Poland, and soon after a Prussian one followed.A second partition of Poland was made on
July 17 ,1793 . Jews, in a Jewish regiment led byBerek Joselewicz , took part in theKościuszko Uprising the following year, when the Poles tried to again achieve independence, but were brutally put down. Following the revolt, the third and final partition of Poland took place in 1795. The great bulk of the Jewish population was transferred to Russia, and thus became subjects of that empire, although in the first half of the nineteenth century some semblance of a vastly smaller Polish state was preserved, especially in the form of theCongress Poland (1815–1831).Jews were represented in the November Insurrection (1830 - 1831), the January Insurrection (1863), as well as in the revolutionary movement of 1905. Many Polish Jews were enlisted in the Legions, commanded by , which fought for the Polish independence finally achieved in 1918.
The development of Judaism in Poland and the Commonwealth
The culture and intellectual output of the Jewish community in Poland had a profound impact on Judaism as a whole. Some Jewish historians have recounted that the word Poland is pronounced as "Polania" or "Polin" in Hebrew, and as transliterated into Hebrew, these names for Poland were interpreted as "good omens" because "Polania" can be broken down into three Hebrew words: "po" ("here"), "lan" ("dwells"), "ya" ("God"), and "Polin" into two words of: "po" ("here") "lin" (" [you should] dwell"). The "message" was that Poland was meant to be a good place for the Jews. During the time from the rule of Sigismund until the Nazi
Holocaust , Poland would be at the center of Jewish religious life.Jewish learning
"Yeshivot" were established, under the direction of the rabbis, in the more prominent communities. Such schools were officially known as gymnasiums, and their rabbi principals as
rector s. Important "yeshivot" existed in Kraków, Poznań, and other cities. Jewish printing establishments came into existence in the first quarter of the sixteenth century. In 1530 a HebrewPentateuch (Torah ) was printed in Kraków; and at the end of the century the Jewish printing houses of that city andLublin issued a large number of Jewish books, mainly of a religious character. The growth of Talmudic scholarship in Poland was coincident with the greater prosperity of the Polish Jews; and because of their communal autonomy educational development was wholly one-sided and along Talmudic lines. Exceptions are recorded, however, where Jewish youth sought secular instruction in the European universities. The learned rabbis became not merely expounders of the Law, but also spiritual advisers, teachers, judges, and legislators; and their authority compelled the communal leaders to make themselves familiar with the abstruse questions of Jewish law. Polish Jewry found its views of life shaped by the spirit of Talmudic and rabbinical literature, whose influence was felt in the home, in school, and in the synagogue.In the first half of the sixteenth century the seeds of Talmudic learning had been transplanted to Poland from
Bohemia , particularly from the school ofJacob Pollak , the creator of "Pilpul " ("sharp reasoning").Shalom Shachna (ca. 1500–1558), a pupil of Pollak, is counted among the pioneers of Talmudic learning in Poland. He lived and died inLublin , where he was the head of the "yeshivah" which produced the rabbinical celebrities of the following century. Shachna's son Israel became rabbi of Lublin on the death of his father, and Shachna's pupilMoses Isserles (known as the "ReMA") (1520–1572) achieved an international reputation among the Jews as the co-author of the "Shulkhan Arukh ", (the "Code of Jewish Law"). His contemporary and correspondentSolomon Luria (1510–1573) of Lublin also enjoyed a wide reputation among his co-religionists; and the authority of both was recognized by the Jews throughout Europe. Heated religious disputations were common, and Jewish scholars participated in them. At the same time, the "Kabbalah " had become entrenched under the protection of Rabbinism; and such scholars asMordecai Jaffe andYoel Sirkis devoted themselves to its study. This period of great Rabbinical scholarship was interrupted by theChmielnicki Uprising and The Deluge.The rise of Hasidism
The decade from the Cossacks' uprising until after the Swedish war (1648–1658) left a deep and lasting impression not only on the social life of the Polish-Lithuanian Jews, but on their spiritual life as well. The intellectual output of the Jews of Poland was reduced. The Talmudic learning which up to that period had been the common possession of the majority of the people became accessible to a limited number of students only. What religious study there was became overly formalized, some rabbis busied themselves with quibbles concerning religious laws; others wrote commentaries on different parts of the Talmud in which hair-splitting arguments were raised and discussed; and at times these arguments dealt with matters which were of no practical importance. At the same time, many miracle workers made their appearance among the Jews of Poland, culminating in a series of false "Messianic" movements, most famously as Sabbatianism was succeeded by Frankism.
In this time of
mysticism and overly formal rabbinism came the teachings ofIsrael ben Eliezer , known as the "Baal Shem Tov", or "BeShT", (1698–1760), which had a profound effect on the Jews ofEastern Europe and Poland in particular. His disciples taught and encouraged the new fervent brand ofOrthodox Judaism based on "Kabbalah " known as Hasidism. The rise ofHasidic Judaism within Poland's borders and beyond had a great influence on the rise ofHaredi Judaism all over the world, with a continuous influence through its many Hasidic dynasties including those ofChabad-Lubavitch , Aleksander, Bobov, Ger, Nadvorna, among others. More recent "rebbes" of Polish origin include RabbiYosef Yitzchok Schneersohn (1880–1950), the sixth head of theChabad Lubavitch Hasidic movement, who lived in Warsaw until 1940 when he moved Lubavitch from Warsaw to the United States. See also:List of Polish Rabbis Jews of Poland within the Russian Empire (1795–1918)
Official Russian policy would eventually prove to be substantially harsher to the Jews than that under independent Polish rule. The lands that had once been Poland were to remain the home of many Jews, as, in 1772,
Catherine II , the "tzarina" of Russia, instituted thePale of Settlement , restricting Jews to the western parts of the empire, which would eventually include much of Poland, although it excluded some areas in which Jews had previously lived. By the late 19th Century, over four million Jews would live in the Pale.Initially, Russian policy towards the Jews of Poland was confused, alternating between harsh rules and somewhat more enlightened policies. In 1802, the Tsar established the
Committee on the Improvement of the Jews in an attempt to develop a coherent approach to the Empire's new Jewish population. The Committee in 1804 suggested a number of steps that were designed to encourage Jews to assimilate, though it did not force them to do so. It proposed that Jews be allowed to attend school and even to own land, but it restricted them from entering Russia, banned them from thebrewing industry , and included a number of other prohibitions. The more enlightened parts of this policy were never fully implemented, and the conditions of the Jews in the Pale gradually worsened. In the 1820s, theCantonist Laws passed by Tsar Nicolas kept the traditional double taxation on Jews in lieu of army service, while actually requiring all Jewish communities to produce boys to serve in the military, where they were often forced to convert. Though the Jews were accorded slightly more rights with the emancipation reform of 1861, they were still restricted to thePale of Settlement and subject to restrictions on ownership and profession. Thestatus quo was however shattered with the assassination ofTsar Alexander II in 1881, an act falsely blamed upon the Jews.Pogroms
The assassination prompted a large-scale wave of anti-Jewish riots, called "
pogroms ", throughout 1881–1884. In the 1881 outbreak, pogroms were primarily limited to Russia, although in a riot in Warsaw twelve Jews were killed, many others were wounded, women were raped and over two million rubles worth of property was destroyed. The new czar, Alexander III, blamed the Jews for the riots and issued a series of harsh restrictions on Jewish movements. Pogroms continued in large numbers until 1884, with at least tacit government approval. They proved a turning point in the history of the Jews in Poland and throughout the world. The pogroms prompted a great flood of Jewish immigration to the United States, with almost two million Jews leaving the Pale by the late 1920s, and the pogroms set the stage forZionism .An even bloodier wave of pogroms broke out from 1903 to 1906, and at least some of the pogroms are believed to have been organized or supported by the Tsarist Russian secret police, the
Okhrana . Some of the worst of these occurred on Polish territory, where the majority of Russian Jews lived then, and included theBiałystok pogrom of 1906, in which up to a hundred Jews were killed and many more wounded.Haskalah and Halakha
The Jewish Enlightenment, "
Haskalah ", began to take hold in Poland during the 1800s, stressing secular ideas and values. Champions of "Haskalah", the "Maskilim ", pushed for assimilation and integration into Russian culture. At the same time, there was another school of Jewish thought that emphasized traditional study and a Jewish response to the ethical problems of anti-Semitism and persecution, one form of which was the "Mussar " movement. Polish Jews generally were less influenced by "Haskalah", rather focusing on a strong continuation of their religious lives based onHalakha ("rabbis's law") following primarilyOrthodox Judaism ,Hasidic Judaism , and also adapting to the newReligious Zionism of theMizrachi movement later in the 1800s.Politics in Polish territory
By the late 1800s, "Haskalah" and the debates it caused created a growing number of political movements within the Jewish community itself, covering a wide range of views and vying for votes in local and regional elections. Zionism became very popular with the advent of the "
Poale Zion " socialist party as well as the religiousPolish Mizrahi , and the increasingly popularGeneral Zionists . Jews also took upsocialism , forming the Bundlabor union which supported assimilation and therights of labor . TheFolkspartei (People's Party) advocated for its part cultural autonomy and resistance to assimilation. In 1912, "Agudat Israel ", a religious party, came into existence.Since Jews were treated badly by the Russians, many decided to become in involved in the Polish insurrections. Jews participated in a number of Polish insurrections against the Russians, including the Kościuszko Insurrection (above), and the
January Insurrection (1863) as well as the Revolutionary Movement of 1905.In 1897, fourteen percent of Polish citizens were Jewish. Jews were represented in government with seats in the Sejm, municipals councils and in Jewish religious communities. Jews developed many political parties and associations, ranging in ideologies from Zionist to socialist to Anti-Zionist. The Bund, a socialist party, spread throughout Poland in the early 20th century. Many Jewish workers in Warsaw and Lodz joined the Bund.
In 1914 German Zionist have founded
German Committee for Freeing of Russian Jews , which main goal was establishment of a buffer state ("Pufferstaat") within the Jewish Pale of Settlement, composed of the former Polish provinces annexed by Russia, being "de facto"protectorate of theGerman Empire and hence to make impossible resurrection of independent Poland. [ [http://www.kki.pl/piojar/polemiki/land/land3.html Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski Jews in Poland - New York 1998, p. 297.] ]Zionism also became popular among Polish Jews, who formed the Poale Zion. Another group, the Folksists (People's Party) supported assimilation and trade unions. The Polish Mizrahi, a Zionist orthodox political party, had a large following. General Zionists became popular in the inter-war period. In the 1919 election of the Sejm, the General Zionists received 50 percent of the votes for Jewish parties.
Interwar period 1918–39
Independence and Polish Jews
, "1920 Diary", Yale, 2002, ISBN 0-300-09313-6, ex. pp. 4, 7, 10, 26, 33, 84]
Just after the end of World War I, the West became alarmed by reports about alleged massive pogroms in Poland against Jews. Pressure for government action reached the point where U.S. President
Woodrow Wilson sent an official commission to investigate the matter. The commission, led byHenry Morgenthau, Sr. , concluded in its report that the reports of pogroms were exaggerated, and noted that the violence against Jews had been produced by a "widespread anti-semitic prejudice against Jews" in Poland. [Neal Pease. [http://books.google.com/books?id=fhK5QebocBkC&pg=RA1-PA74&dq=Morgenthau+issued+his+report&sig=ACfU3U0m8P7SjCtsLTiy-ymrSiVxJQi2kA 'This Troublesome Question': The United States and the 'Polish Pogroms' of 1918-1919.] In: Ideology, Politics and Diplomacy in East Central Europe, ed. M. B. B. Biskupski. University of Rochester Press, 2003.] (). It identified eight major incidents in the years 1918–1919, and estimated the number of victims at 280 Jews. Four of these were attributed to the actions of deserters and undisciplined individual soldiers; none were blamed on official government policy. Among the incidents, inPińsk a commander of a local Polish military garrison accused a group of Jewish civilians of plotting against the Poles (a claim the Morgenthau report found "devoid of foundation") and ordered the execution of thirty-five Jewish men, women and children. (SeePinsk massacre ). InLviv (then Lwów) in 1918, after thePolish Army captured the city, the report concluded that 64 Jews had been killed (other accounts put the number at seventy-two Jews who were killed by officers and soldiers of theBlue Army ). [Herbert Arthur Strauss. [http://books.google.com/books?id=SOFkWX8EC4cC&pg=PA1048&dq=jews+pogrom+poland+pinsk&lr=&ei=Xa29SPLPLonaygSnr8X3Bw&sig=ACfU3U3_we9A4fDthOTMaEkX3amxAmMMGw "Hostages of Modernization: Studies on Modern Antisemitism, 1870-1933/39."] Walter de Gruyter, 1993.] [Joanna B. Michlic. [http://books.google.com/books?id=t6h2pI7o_zQC&pg=PA110&dq=pogroms+poland+1919+joanna&ei=-au9SNrDNoyYyATTvd3ACQ&sig=ACfU3U0IF815fVgmrHgu7WsMLiphrNtCGA#PPA111,M1 "Poland's Threatening Other: The Image of the Jew from 1880 to the Present".] University of Nebraska Press, 2006.] InWarsaw , soldiers ofBlue Army assaulted Jews in the streets, but were punished by military authorities. Many other events in Poland were later found to have been exaggerated, especially by contemporary newspapers such as "The New York Times ", although serious abuses against the Jews, including pogroms, continued elsewhere, especially inUkraine . [Andrzej Kapiszewski, [http://www.studiajudaica.pl/sj14kapi.pdf Controversial Reports on the Situation of Jews in Poland in the Aftermath of World War I: The Conflict between the US Ambassador in Warsaw Hugh Gibson and American Jewish Leaders.] Studia Judaica 7: 2004 nr 2(14) s. 257-304 (pdf)] The result of the concern over the fate of Poland's Jews was a series of explicit clauses in the Versailles Treaty protecting the rights of minorities in Poland. In 1921, Poland'sMarch Constitution gave the Jews the same legal rights as other citizens and guaranteed them religious tolerance.Jewish and Polish culture
The newly independent
Second Polish Republic had a large Jewish minorityndash by the timeWorld War II began, Poland had the largest concentration of Jews in Europe but most Polish Jews had a cultural and ethnic identity totally different from that of Polish Catholics. It has been estimated that more than 80 percent of Polish Jews were easily recognizable.According to the 1931 National Census there were 3,130,581 Polish Jews measured by the declaration of their religion. Estimating the population increase and the emigration from Poland between 1931 and 1939, there were probably 3,474,000 Jews in Poland as of
September 1 ,1939 (approximately 10% of the total population). Jews were primarily centered in large and smaller cities: 77% lived in cities and 23% in the villages. In 1939 there were 375,000 Jews in Warsaw or one third of the city's population. Only New York City had more Jewish residents than Warsaw.The overwhelming majority of Polish Jews at that time worked in commerce industry. In some areas the Jews constituted a majority of shopkeeppers and merchants. Tailoring and shoemaking were also typical Jewish occupations. At the same time 56 per cent of all doctors, 43 per cent of teachers, 33 per cent of lawyers, and 22 per cent of journalists were Jewish.
Jewish youth and religious groups, diverse political parties and Zionist organizations, newspapers and theatre flourished. In addition to small businesses, Jews owned real estate and export and manufacturing enterprises. Religious practices ranged from Hasidism to modern "Progressive" Judaism. Most Warsaw Jews spoke Yiddish, but Polish was increasingly used by the young who have not had a problem in identifying themselves fully as Jews, Warsavians and Poles. Polish Jews were entering the mainstream of Polish society, though many thought of themselves as a separate nationality within Poland.More than half the Jewish children attended special Jewish schools. Enrollment in religious school, in turn, discouraged mastery of the Polish language. Thus, in answer to a 1931 census inquiry, the overwhelming majority of Jews mentioned Yiddish as their native tongue (79 per cent) and only 12 percent gave Polish as their first language. The rest chose Hebrew. During the school year of 1937–1938 there were 226 elementary schools [http://www1.yadvashem.org/Odot/prog/image_into.asp?id=7270&lang=EN&type_id=&addr=/IMAGE_TYPE/7270.jpg] and twelve high schools as well as fourteen vocational schools with either
Yiddish or Hebrew as the instructional language. TheYIVO (Jidiszer Wissenszaftlecher Institute) Scientific Institute was based in Wilno before transferring to New York during the war. Jewish political parties, both theSocialist General Jewish Labor Union (The Bund) [http://www1.yadvashem.org/Odot/prog/image_into.asp?id=7694&lang=EN&type_id=&addr=/IMAGE_TYPE/7694.jpg] , as well as parties of the Zionist right and left wing and religious conservative movements, were represented in the "Sejm " (the Polish Parliament) as well as in the regional councils.The Jewish cultural scene [http://books.google.com/books?id=APRYwrQWy-AC&dq=jews+in+polish+culture&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=ImJwov2t8l&sig=YrZWIk7w0UazrB1PJlaiaQa9Bik#PPP1,M1] was particularly vibrant and blossomed in pre-World War II Poland. There were many Jewish publications and over 116 periodicals. Yiddish authors, most notably
Isaac Bashevis Singer , went on to achieve international acclaim as classic Jewish writers, and in Singer's case, win the 1978Nobel Prize . Other Jewish authors of the period, likeJanusz Korczak ,Bruno Schulz ,Julian Tuwim ,Jan Brzechwa (a favorite poet of Polish children) andBolesław Leśmian were less well-known internationally, but made important contributions to Polish literature. SingerJan Kiepura was one of the most popular artist of that era and pre-war songs of Jewish composers likeHenryk Wars orJerzy Petersburski are still widely known in Poland today. ScientistLeopold Infeld , mathematicianStanislaw Ulam or professorAdam Ulam contributed to the world of science. Others areMoses Schorr ,Ludwik Zamenhof - the creator ofEsperanto ,Georges Charpak ,Samuel Eilenberg ,Emanuel Ringelblum ,Arthur Rubinstein just to name a few from the longlist of Polish Jews who are known internationally. The term "genocide " was coined byRaphael Lemkin (1900-1959), a Polish-Jewish legal scholar.Leonid Hurwicz was awarded the 2007Nobel Prize in Economics . The Main Judaic Library and the Institute of Judaic Studies were located in Warsaw, religious centers had at their disposal Talmudic Schools (Jeszybots), as well as synagogues, many of which were architecturally outstanding.Yiddish theatre also flourished; Poland had fifteen Yiddish theatres and theatrical groups. Warsaw was home to the most important Yiddish theater troupe of the time, theVilna Troupe , which staged the first performance of "The Dybbuk " in 1920 at theElyseum Theatre .Some future Israeli leaders studied at
University of Warsaw -Menachem Begin ,Yitzhak Shamir .Growing anti-Semitism
Polish attitudes regarding Jews and Jewish regarding Poles have been shaped by a complex and long history.Antisemitism in Poland had reached high proportions in the immediate years before the
Second World War , although Jews enjoyed unprecedented liberties during the Middle Ages, at a time when their brethren suffered persecution in the rest of Europe.Jews were often not identified as true Poles; a problem caused by both Polish nationalism, supported by theEndecja government, and the fact that a substantial proportion of Jews lived separate lives from the Polish majority: 85% of Polish Jews listedYiddish or Hebrew as their native language, for example. The matters improved for a time under the rule ofJózef Piłsudski (1926–1935), who opposedanti-Semitism . Piłsudski replaced "Endecja's" 'ethnic assimilation' with the 'state assimilation' policy: citizens were judged by their loyalty to the state, not by their nationality.Timothy Snyder , "The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569–1999", Yale University Press, ISBN 0-300-10586-X [http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN030010586X&id=xSpEynLxJ1MC&pg=PA144&lpg=PA144&dq=stanislaw+grabski&sig=5kSKOnXipwsTitk7w_hotRTooPQ Google Books, p.144] ] The years 1926–1935 were favourably viewed by many Polish Jews, whose situation improved especially under the cabinet of Pilsudski’s appointeeKazimierz Bartel .Feigue Cieplinski , "Poles and Jews: The Quest For Self-Determination 1919–1934", Binghamton Journal of History, Fall 2002, Last accessed on2 June 2006 .] However a combination of various reasons, including theGreat Depression , meant that the situation of Jewish Poles was never too satisfactory, and it deteriorated again after Piłsudski's death in May 1935, which many Jews regarded as a tragedy. [ [http://davidhorodok.tripod.com/4a.html DavidGorodok - Section IV - a ] ]With
Endecja party influence growing antisemitism gathered new momentum in Poland and was most felt in smaller towns and spheres in which Jews came into direct contact with Poles, such as in Polish schools or on the sports field. Further academic harassment, such as the introduction of likeghetto benches , which forced Jewish students to sit in section of the lecture halls reserved exclusively for them, anti-Jewish riots, and semi-official or unofficial quotas ("Numerus clausus ") introduced in 1937 in some universities halved the number of Jews in Polish universities between independence and the late 1930s. The restrictions were so inclusive that while in 1921 Jews made up 24.6% of the student population by 1938 their share was down to only 8%.Although many Jews were educated, they were excluded from most of the relevant occupations, including the government bureaucracy. A good number therefore turned to the liberal professions, particularly medicine and law. In 1937 the Catholic
trade union s of Polish doctors and lawyers restricted their new members toChristian Poles. A series of professional and trade unions, including those for lawyers and physicians, enacted "Aryan clauses" expelling Polish Jews from their ranks. [Herbert Arthur Strauss. [http://books.google.com/books?id=SOFkWX8EC4cC&pg=PA1059&dq=catholic+trade+factors+jews+lawyers+poland&ei=VmF2SM2JNKaojgGI5snoBw&sig=ACfU3U0mcj8Yhe1MbDD4JGsuV99o07hSVQ Hostages of Modernization: Studies on Modern Antisemitism, 1870-1933/39.] Walter de Gruyter, 1993.] The bulk of Jewish workers were organized in Jewish trade unions under the influence of the Jewish Labor Bund, which recognized the special cultural needs of the Jewish population, as well as special conditions arising from official descrimination against Jews in certain professions. [Zvi Y. Gitelman. The Emergence of Modern Jewish Politics: Bundism and Zionism in Eastern Europe. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2002.] Jews were virtually excluded from Polish government jobs during this period. [Joseph Marcus. [http://books.google.com/books?id=82ncGA4GuN4C&pg=PA228&vq=discrimination&dq=poland+antisemitism+discrimination+employment+1939&source=gbs_search_s&cad=5&sig=ACfU3U1dLN98chbQpC3nccx_N2z0YAtQPg Social and Political History of the Jews in Poland, 1919-1939.] Mouton Publishers, Berlin-New York-Amsterdam, 1983.]This discrimination was accompanied by physical violence: in the years between 1935 and 1937 seventy-nine Jews were killed and 500 injured in anti-Jewish incidents, there were also victims among anti-semites. ["The Routledge Atlas of the Holocaust" by
Martin Gilbert , pp.21. Relevant page viewable via [http://print.google.ca/print?id=PnE6TXjt4hkC&pg=PA21&lpg=PA21&dq=przytyk&prev=http://books.google.ca/books%3Fq%3Dprzytyk&sig=jEQAOuMFlU-bpQ7HrOwt5L32ceA&pli=1&auth=DQAAAHMAAADoGHL8UPzl4BxqOnp0nqPBt7QdKqWbFVdbX1MB9JNkRwn8CDivtdqczFu_puyfeEypgRuETto4qwwZ5BQQfBMMkneN6PoEK1RDqV3a9MxAA2AaxszU7fKfbs3L7LNdRxcaxS_7tOnUnZoCAbWWgWvYDDXgdQWZjYy2IIXMLQjMxA Google book search] ] National policy was such that jobless Jews, who larhely worked at home or in small shops due to discrimination in employment, were excluded from welfare benefits. [Herbert Arthur Strauss. Hostages of Modernization: Studies on Modern Antisemitism, 1870-1933/39. Walter de Gruyter, 1993:1081-1083.]The Endecja party promoted a national boycott of Jewish merchants. The term "Christian shop" was introduced, and, in the late 1930s, even some carriage drivers bore the inscription "Christian carriages" on their caps. Under the guise of animal rights there was a national movement to forbid the Jewish ritual slaughter or koshering of animals. [Celia Stopnicka Heller. [http://books.google.com/books?id=GmVt-O3AR34C&pg=PA107&dq=slaughter+kosher+poland+jews&ei=pl92SIC7G6HQjgHikuXBBA&sig=ACfU3U1yGsoM5Otl5tOTduJdseLBhvQ7Xg On the Edge of Destruction: Jews of Poland Between the Two World Wars.] Wayne State UniversityPress, 1993.] Violence was also frequently aimed at Jewish stores and many of them were looted. At the same time, persistent economic boycotts and harassment including property-destroying riots, combined with the effects of the
Great Depression that had been very severe on agricultural countries like Poland, reduced thestandard of living of Polish Jews to the extent that by the end of the 1930s, a substantial portion of Polish Jews lived in grinding poverty. [Ezra Mendelsohn. The Jews of East Central Europe Between the World Wars. Indiana University Press, 1983.] The result was that at the eve of the Second World War, the Jewish community in Poland was large and vibrant internally, yet (with the exception of a few professionals) also substantially poorer and less integrated than the Jews in most of Western Europe.Fact|date=July 2008Poland was also a strict Catholic country and the Poles were passionately devoted to the Catholic religion which at that time taught them that the Jews were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus [Celia Stopnicka Heller. [http://books.google.com/books?id=GmVt-O3AR34C&pg=PA133&dq=jews+poland++anti-semitism+christ&sig=ACfU3U2k23NwIzGgVIObTBJde2YRgrQSCg On the Edge of Destruction: Jews of Poland Between the Two World Wars] . Wayne State UniversityPress, 1993.] On the eve of World War II, many typical Polish Christians believed that there were far too many Jews in the country and the Polish government became increasingly concerned with the "Jewish Question." The favored solution was mass Jewish emigration. By the time of the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany in 1939, antisemitism in Poland was escalating, and hostility towards Jews was a mainstay of the Catholic church, right-wing political forces, and the post-Piłsudski regime. Discrimination and violence against Jews had rendered the Polish Jewish population increasingly destitute, as was the case throughout much of Central and Eastern Europe. Despite the impending threat to the Polish Republic from Nazi Germany, there was little effort seen in the way of reconciliation with Poland's Jewish population. In July of 1939 the pro-government "Gazeta Polska" wrote "The fact that our relations with the Reich are worsening does not in the least deactivate our program in the Jewish question-there is not and cannot be any common ground between our internal Jewish problem and Poland's relations with the Hitlerite Reich." [Edward D. Wynot, Jr., 'A Necessary Cruelty': The Emergence of Official Anti-Semitism in Poland, 1936-39. A"merican Historical Review", no. 4, October 19711035-1058.] [
William W. Hagen . Before the "Final Solution": Toward a Comparative Analysis of Political Antisemitism in Interwar Germany and Poland. "Journal of Modern History" July, 1996: 1-31.] Escalating hostility towards Polish Jews and an official Polish government desire of removing Jews from Poland continued right up until the Nazi invasion of Poland. [Celia Stopnicka Heller. [Celia Stopnicka Heller "On the Edge Of Destruction: Jews of Poland Between the Two World Wars". Wayne State UniversityPress, 1993.][
"the Sheltering of Escaping Jews".
....There is a need for a reminder, that in accordance with paragraph 3 of the decree ofOctober 15 ,1941 , on the Limitation of Residence inGeneral Government (page 595 of the GG Register) Jews leaving the Jewish Quarter without permission will incur thedeath penalty .----....According to this decree, those knowingly helping these Jews by providing shelter, supplying food, or selling them foodstuffs are also subject to the death penalty
----....This is a categorical warning to the non-Jewish population against:
.........1) Providing shelter to Jews,
.........2) Supplying them with Food,
.........3) Selling them Foodstuffs.
Dr. Franke - Town Commander - Częstochowa 9/24/42]World War II and the destruction of Polish Jewry (1939–45)
The Polish September campaign
The number of Jews in Poland on September 1st 1939 amounted to about 3,474,000 people. [http://www.ess.uwe.ac.uk/genocide/gcpol5.htm] One hundred thirty thousand soldiers of Jewish descent served in Polish Army at the outbreak of the Second World War, thus being among the first to launch armed resistance against the Nazi Germany. [http://www.zchor.org/meirtchak/meirtchak.htm] It is estimated that during the entirety of
World War II as many as 32,216 Jewish soldiers and officers died and 61,000 were taken prisoner by the Germans; the majority did not survive. [http://www1.yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft%20Word%20-%206566.pdf] The soldiers and non-commissioned officers who were released ultimately found themselves in the ghettos and labor camps and suffered the same fate as other Jewish civilians.For the duration of the war, many Jews were in the
Polish Armed Forces in the West , in thePolish People's Army formed in theSoviet Union , as well as in civilian resistance movements and guerilla detachments. Many lost their lives or were wounded; very many received the highest combat distinctions.Territories annexed by the USSR
On August 23, 1939, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany entered into a Nonaggression Pact, so-called Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact with a secret protocol providing the partition of Poland. Germany attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and the Soviet Union on September 17, 1939. In newly partitioned Poland, according to the
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact , (according to 1931 census) 61.2% of Polish Jews found themselves under German occupation while 38.8% were in thePolish areas annexed by the Soviet Union . Based on population migration from West to East during and after the Invasion of Poland the percentage of Jews in the Soviet-occupied areas was probably higher than that of the 1931 census.The Soviet annexation was accompanied by the widespread arrests of government officials, police and military personnel, teachers, priests, judges, border guards, etc., followed by executions and massive deportation to Soviet interior and forced labour camps were many perished as a result of harsh conditions. 1.450 million people inhabiting the region were deported by the Soviet regime. The largest group of all those deported (63.1%) were ethnic Poles but Jews accounted for 7.4% of all the prisoners.
Jewish refugees from Western Poland who registered for repatriation back to the German zone (people in the Soviet occupation zone had little knowledge of what was going on in the German occupation zone since the Soviet media did not report on their Nazi ally's misdeeds), wealthy Jewish capitalists, prewar political and social activists were labelled "class enemies" and deported for that reason. Jews caught for illegal border crossings or engaged in illicit trade and other "illegal" activities were also arrested and deported. Several thousand, mostly captured Polish soldiers were executed on the spot, some of them were Jewish.
Private property, land, banks, factories, businesses, shops, and large workshops were nationalized. Political activity ceased and political prisoners filled the jails, many of whom were later executed. Zionism was designated as counter-revolutionary and forbidden. All Jewish and Polish newspapers were shut down within a day of the entry of the Soviet forces and anti-religious propaganda was conducted mainly through the new Soviet press which attacked religion in general and the Jewish faith in particular. Although the synagogues and churches were not shut down, they were heavily taxed. Sovietization of the economy affected the entire population. However, the Jewish communities were more vulnerable because of their distinctive social and economic structure.
Red Army also brought with them new and different economic norms expressed in low wages, shortages in materials, rising prices, and a declining living standard. The Soviets also implemented a new employment policy that enabled many Jews to find jobs as civil servants while Poles were denied access to them and former Polish senior officials and leading personalities were arrested and exiled to remote regions of Russia together with their families. [http://www.polandsholocaust.org/memoir2.html]While most Poles of all ethnicities had anti-Soviet and anti-communist sentiments, a portion of the Jewish population, along with ethnic Belorussians, Ukrainians and communist Poles had initially welcomed Soviet forces. [Joshua D. Zimmerman. [http://books.google.com/books?id=uHJyoGiep2gC&pg=PA62&dq=jews+poland+soviet+invasion&sig=ACfU3U1D5uwHCDVij-eGCadVXxHoiXqxrQ#PPA63,M1 Contested Memories: Poles and Jews During the Holocaust and Its Aftermath.] Rutgers University Press, 2003.] [http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/rogatin/roh032e.html The Death of Chaimke] Yizkor Book Project, JewishGen: The Home of Jewish Genealogy] en icon cite book |author=Tadeusz Piotrowski |coauthors= |title=Poland's Holocaust: Ethnic Strife, Collaboration with Occupying Forces and Genocide... |year=1997 |editor= |pages=p. 49-65|chapter= | chapterurl = |publisher=McFarland & Company |location= |id=ISBN 0-7864-0371-3 |format= |accessdate=] The general feeling amongst Polish Jews was a sense of relief in having escaped the dangers of falling under Nazi rule, as well as from the overt policies of discrimination against Jews which existed in the Polish state, including discrimination in education, employment and commerce, as well as antisemitic violence that in some cases reached pogrom levels. [Joshua D. Zimmerman. [http://books.google.com/books?id=4Iiw0KB31rgC&pg=PA57&lpg=PA57&dq=%22The+majority+of+the+youth+expressed+great+enthusiasm%22&source=web&ots=SfTBtyI2_4&sig=cchcFNLnKlLxvpM5N3jCbDWdMz0&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result#PPA63,M1 Contested Memories: Poles and Jews During the Holocaust and Its Aftermath.] Rutgers University Press, 2003.] [Joanna B. Michlic. [http://books.google.com/books?id=t6h2pI7o_zQC&pg=PA174&dq=polish+jews+soviet+invasion+poland&lr=&sig=LY7BlXUUVk9NqDeOC7w7OzVwpa4#PPA174,M1 Poland's Threatening Other: The Image of the Jew from 1880 to the Present.] University of Nebraska Press, 2006.] The Polish poet and former communist
Aleksander Wat has stated that Jews were more inclined to cooperate with the Soviets http://books.google.com/books?id=A4FlatJCro4C&pg=PA51&dq=Norman+Davies+Jews+NKVD&lr=&sig=ACfU3U2NR9gC3zptwuZb5zw0_XlJSbA3mg] [http://books.google.ca/books?id=A4FlatJCro4C&pg=PA49&lpg=PA49&dq=Jewish+collaboration+with+the+Soviet+invaders&source=web&ots=0JfNJ6SH-V&sig=5h-DyCYRCoEOnbZ2YFgeHkaq4oA&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=5&ct=result]Norman Davies claimed that among the informers and collaborators, the percentage of Jews was striking, and they prepared lists of Polish "class enemies" , while other historians have indicated that the level of Jewish collaboration could well have been less than that of ethnic Poles. [Marek Jan Chodakiewicz. [http://books.google.com/books?id=TvUErL-MnV8C&pg=PA306&vq=jews+nkvd&dq=poland+jews+nkvd&lr=&source=gbs_search_s&sig=ACfU3U16igzUfU2Wd1oD6gOqrOVEnGzvEw Between Nazis and Soviets: Occupation Politics in Poland, 1939-1947.] Lexington Books, 2004.] Holocaust scholar Martin Dean has written that "few local Jews obtained positions of power under Soviet rule." [Martin Dean. [http://books.google.com/books?id=tdzTU1Uj3zcC&pg=PA13&dq=poland+jews+martin+dean+few+local+Jews+obtained+positions+of+power+under+Soviet+rule&lr=&ei=-wZtSNGnI4iSjgHR2OjxCg&sig=ACfU3U1HH4IRq644kiL_OKN5ZWR9dCwscA Collaboration in the Holocaust: Crimes of the Local Police in Belorussia and Ukraine, 1941-44. ] Macmillan, 1999.]The issue of Jewish collaboration with the Soviet occupation remains controversial. A large group of scholars note that while not pro-communist, many Jews saw the Soviets as the lesser threat compared to the Nazis. They stress that stories of Jews welcoming the Soviets on the streets are largely impressionistic and not reliable indicators of the level of Jewish support for the Soviets. Additionally, it has been noted that ethnic Poles were as prominent as Jews were in filling civil and police positions in the occupation administration, and that Jews, both civilians and in the Polish military, suffered equally at the hands of the Soviet occupiers. [Samuel D. Kassow. [http://books.google.com/books?id=zJ3IzEy8sB0C&pg=PA476&dq=poland+jews+collaboration+soviet&lr=&ei=f-5sSJDgPIXUjgHJ1oi2Cw&sig=ACfU3U1aiQfySOfgu099X3qnYvgAfOqhAw#PPA476,M1 Who Will Write Our History: Emmanuel Ringelblum, the Warsaw Ghetto and the Oyneg Shabes Archive ] Indiana University Press, 2007.] Whatever initial enthusiasm for the Soviet occupation Jews might have felt was soon dissipated upon feeling the impact of the suppression of Jewish societal modes of life by the occupiers. [Jonathan Frankel. [http://books.google.com/books?id=Rzp51R5WHtIC&pg=PA205&dq=poland+jews+collaboration+soviet&lr=&ei=f-5sSJDgPIXUjgHJ1oi2Cw&sig=ACfU3U169mKCMx5PWZDIcqjHV1WHGOQxmQ#PPA205,M1 The Fate of the European Jews, 1939-1945: Continuity Or Contingency?] Oxford University Press, 1998.] The tensions between ethnic Poles and Jews as a result of this period has, according to some historians, taken a toll on relations between Poles and Jews throughout the war, creating until this day, an impasse to Polish-Jewish rapprochement.
Only a small percentage of the Jewish community had been members of the
Communist Party of Poland during the inter-war era, though they had occupied an influential and conspicuous place in the party's leadership and in the rank and file in major centres, such as Warsaw, Lodz and Lwow. A larger number of younger Jews, often through the pro-MarxistBund (General Jewish Workers' Union) or some Zionist groups, were sympathetic toCommunism and Soviet Russia, both of which had been enemies of thePolish Second Republic . As a result of these factors they found it easy after 1939 to participate in the Soviet occupation administration in Eastern Poland, and briefly occupied prominent positions in industry, schools, local government, police and other Soviet-installed institutions. The anitisemitic Polish concept of "Judeo-communism" was reinforced during the period of the Soviet occupation (seeŻydokomuna ). [Joanna Michlic. [http://www.lehigh.edu/~inber/sovietoccupation.pdf The Soviet Occupation of Poland, 1939–41, and the Stereotype of the Anti-Polish and Pro-Soviet Jew.] "Jewish Social Studies: History, Culture, and Society".Spring/Summer 2007, Vol. 13, No. 3:135-176.]Krzysztof Szwagrzyk "Żydzi w kierownictwie UB. Stereotyp czy rzeczywistość?" (Jews in the authorities of the Polish Secret Security. Stereotype or Reality?), Bulletin of theInstitute of National Remembrance (11/2005), p. 37-42, [http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/getdocument.aspx?logid=5&id=CA8899B4-7AC6-42B8-BADF-CE18E478D525 online article] , [http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/issuedetails.aspx?issueid=ffbb5b1f-0fe0-4413-b2a2-e672938ede75&articleId=ca8899b4-7ac6-42b8-badf-ce18e478d525 entire issue] ]There were also many Jews, who regardless of some negative Jewish experiences in the prewar years, considered themselves both good Poles and good Jews and demonstrated loyalty toward Poland, assisting Poles during brutal Soviet occupation. Among Polish officers killed by the
NKVD in 1940 in theKatyń massacre there were 500–600 Jews. From 1939 to 1941 between 100,000 and 300,000 Polish Jews were deported from Soviet-occupied Polish territory into theSoviet Union . Some of them, especially Polish Communists (e.g.Jakub Berman ), moved voluntarily; however, most of them were forcibly deported or imprisoned in "Gulag ". Small numbers of Polish Jews (about 6,000) were able to leave the Soviet Union in 1942 with theWładysław Anders army, among them the futurePrime Minister of Israel Menachem Begin . During the Polish army's II Corps' stay in theBritish Mandate of Palestine , 67% (2,972) of the Jewish soldiers deserted, many to join the "Irgun ". General Anders decided not to prosecute the deserters. The others fought in Italy, so the cemetery of Polish soldiers who died during theBattle of Monte Cassino contains also headstones bearing aStar of David .The Holocaust: German-occupied Poland
The Polish Jewish community suffered the most in
the Holocaust . About six million Polish citizens perished during the war [http://www1.yadvashem.org/Odot/prog/image_into.asp?id=3428&lang=EN&type_id=&addr=/IMAGE_TYPE/3428.gif] , half of them (three million) Polish Jews - all but about 300,000 of the Jewish population - who were killed at the Naziextermination camp s of Auschwitz, Treblinka,Majdanek , Belzec, Sobibór, Chełmno or died ofstarvation inghettos . [ [http://www.ushmm.org/research/library/index.php?content=faq/index.php%23topic01-question02 Death tolls in the Holocaust, from the US Holocaust Museum] ] Poland became the largest site of the German Nazi extermination program, since this was where most of the intended victims lived. In 1939 several hundred synagogues were blown up or burnt by the Germans who sometimes forced the Jews to do it themselves. In many cases Germans turned the synagogues into factories, places of entertainment, swimming-pools or prisons. Jewish rabbis were ordered to dance and sing in public with their beards cut or torn. Some rabbis were set on fire or hung.Within a few days,Fact|date=August 2008 Germans ordered all Jews to register with them and the word "Jude" was stamped on their identity cards. Jews were placed outside the law and their lives were regulated by German orders or edicts. Series of restrictions and prohibitions were introduced and brutally enforced. Jews were forbidden to walk on the sidewalks, use public transport, enter places of leisure, sports arenas, theaters, museums and libraries. On the street, Jews had to lift their hat to passing Germans. By the end of 1941 all Jews in German occupied Poland, except the children, had to wear an identifying badge with a blue Star of David. [http://www1.yadvashem.org/Odot/prog/image_into.asp?id=4414&lang=EN&type_id=&addr=/IMAGE_TYPE/4414.jpg] The German-controlled Polish language press ran anti-Jewish articles that urged people to adopt an attitude of indifference towards the Jews.
Operation Barbarossa , many Jews in what was then Eastern Poland fell victim to Nazideath squad s called "Einsatzgruppen ", which massacred Jews, especially in 1941. Some of these German-inspired massacres were carried out with help from, or active participation of Poles themselves: for example, themassacre in Jedwabne , in which between 300 (Institute of National Remembrance 's Final Findings [ [http://info-poland.buffalo.edu/classroom/J/final.html Summary of IPN's final findings on Jedwabne] (English)] ) and 1,600 Jews (Jan T. Gross ) were tortured and beaten to death by part of local population. The full extent of Polish participation in the massacres of the Polish Jewish community remains a controversial subject, in part due to Jewish leaders' refusal to allow the remains of the Jewish victims to be exhumed and their cause of death to be properly established. The Polish Institute for National Remembrance identified twenty-two other towns that hadpogrom s similar to Jedwabne. [ [http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,669067,00.html Discussion of IPN findings] ] The reasons for these massacres are still debated, but they includedanti-Semitism , resentment over alleged cooperation with the Soviet invaders in the Polish-Soviet War and during the 1939 invasion of theKresy regions, greed for the possessions of the Jews, and of course coercion by the Nazis to participate in such massacres [http://www.holocaustresearch.pl/index1(en).htm] . Some historians have written of the negative attitudes of Poles towards Jews during the Holocaust. [See e.g., Yisrael Gutman and Shmuel Krakowski. Unequal Victims: Poles and Jews During World War H (New York: Holocaust Library, 1986)] While members of Catholic clergy risked their lives to assist Jews, these efforts were made in the face of strong anti-semitic attitudes from the Polish Catholic Church hierarchy during the course of the German occupation and destruction of Polish Jewry. [Klaus-Peter Friedrich. Collaboration in a "Land without a Quisling": Patterns of Cooperation with the Nazi German Occupation Regime in Poland during World War II. "Slavic Review". Vol. 64, No. 4 (Winter, 2005):711-746.] [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=rT6qx6hi8C4C&pg=PA277&vq=catholic+clergy&dq=David+Engel,+In+the+Shadow+of+Auschwitz+antisemitism&source=gbs_search_s&cad=5&sig=ACfU3U03-UBri8wcOceba4epiaDvWklrvQ#PPA233,M1 Antisemitism, Anti-Judaism, and the Polish Catholic Clergy during the Second World War.] In: Robert Blobaum. Antisemitism and Its Opponents in Modern Poland. Cornell University Press, 2005.] Anti-Jewish attitudes also existed in the London-based Polish Government in Exile. [David Engel. "In the Shadow of Auschwitz: The Polish Government-In-Exile and the Jews, 1939-1942". University of North Carolina Press. 1987; David Engel. "Facing a Holocaust: The Polish Government-in-Exile and the Jews, 1943-1945". University of North Carolina Press. 1993.] SomeHolocaust survivors have rather negative attitudes toward the Poles based on their experiences. They claim that vast majority of Christian Poles were passive witness, sometimes even glad that the Jews were being removed and did nothing to aid their neighbours. It is hard to know how many Christian Poles, who were also victims ofNazi crimes Richard Lukas 'Forgotten Holocaust", Hippocrene Books, 2nd revised ed., 2001, ISBN 0-7818-0901-0.] , had sympathy for their Jewish neighbours but were paralyzed into inaction by fear.Emanuel Ringelblum , a Polish-Jewish historian of the Warsaw Ghetto, wrote in 1944 in his [http://books.google.com/books?id=42sz6MifjMEC&dq=Emanuel+Ringelblum+Polish-Jewish+Relations+during+the+Second+World+War&pg=PP1&ots=fGjgpSj_Nl&sig=XPN_hBzP2d4eqtk2SNGWdrdCUIA&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result Polish-Jewish Relations during the Second World War] of the indifferent and sometimes joyful responses in Warsaw to the destruction of Polish Jews in the Ghetto. ["Was it inevitable that the Jews, looking their last on this world as they rode in the death trains speeding from different parts of the country to Treblinka or other places of slaughter, should have had to witness indifference or even joy on the faces of their neighbors? In the summer of 1942, when carts packed with captive Jewish men, women and children moved through the streets of the capital, did there really need to be laughter from the wild mobs resounding from the other side of the ghetto walls, did there really have to prevail such blank indifference in the face of the greatest tragedy of all time?" Quoted in Antony Polonsky & Joanna B. Michlic, editors. [http://books.google.com/books?id=a_49GjK8ovMC&dq=The+Neighbors+Respond:+The+Controversy+Over+the+Jedwabne+Massacre+in+Poland&pg=PP1&ots=1mbNVQL_J_&sig=ovL81jlptdaL7zy4AzcUII6Ha-Q&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result#PPA4,M1 "The Neighbors Respond: The Controversy over the Jedwabne Massacre in Poland".] Princeton University Press, 2003.] However despite that, as another scholar (Gunnar S. Paulsson ) in his work on the Jews of Warsaw has demonstrated, Polish citizens of Warsaw managed to support and hide the same percentage of Jews as did the citizens of cities in reportedly less anti-semitic and safer countries in Western Europe.By the spring of 1942, the German Nazis had established six killing centers (death camps) in Poland: Chelmno (Kulmhof),
Belzec ,Sobibor ,Treblinka ,Maidanek andAuschwitz located near railway lines so that Jews could be easily transported daily. A vast system supported the death camps. The purpose of these other camps varied: some were slave labor camps, some transit camps, others concentration camps and their subcamps, and still others thedeath camps . Some camps combined all of these functions or only a few of them. All the camps were intolerably brutal. Many healthy, young strong Jews were not killed immediately. The Germans war effort and the "Final Solution " required a great deal of manpower, so the Germans reserved large pools of Jews for slave labor in German munitions and other factories wherever the Nazis needed laborers. They were worked from dawn until dark without adequate food and shelter and thousands perished worked to death.The German concentration camps depended on the cooperation of trustee inmates who supervised the prisoners. Known as Kapos, these trustees carried out the will of the Nazi camp commandants and guards, and were often as brutal as theirSS counterparts. Some of these Kapos were Jewish, and even they inflicted harsh treatment on their fellow prisoners. After the war, the prosecution of Kapos as war criminals, particularly those who were Jewish, created an ethical dilemma which continues to this day.The Germans also established a number of ghettos in which Jews were confined, slowly starved and cruelly offered hopes of survival but eventually ended up being killed. The
Warsaw Ghetto was the largest, with 380,000 people and theŁódź Ghetto , the second largest, holding about 160,000. Other Polish cities with large Jewish ghettos includedBiałystok ,Częstochowa ,Kielce , Kraków,Lublin , Lwów, andRadom . Ghettos were also established in smaller settlements.Living conditions in the Ghettos, most hermetically sealed and without ability to leave, were terrible. Overcrowding, dirt and lice resulted in lethal epidemics such as
typhoid . Hunger was also a permanent fixture and resulted in countless deaths.Jews who tried to escape were shot to death with their bodies to be left in public view until dusk as a warning. Many of those who fled to the Aryan side without connections with Christian Poles willing to risk their lives in order to help, returned to the ghettos when they were unable to find a place to hide. Since Nazi terror reigned throughout the Aryan districts, the chances of remaining successfully hidden undoubtedly depended on a fluent knowledge of the language and on having close ties with the community. Generally Poles were not willing to hide Jews who might have escaped ghettoes or who might have been in hiding due to fear for ones own life. The murder of Polish inhabitants by the Nazis was common even for lesser infractions, let alone for rendering assistance to Jews. The criminal ruthlessness of the Germans towards the Jews, regardless of sex or age, was accompanied by the very same ruthlessness towards the Poles who helped them, no matter for what reasons. In any apartment block or area where Jews were found to be harboured, everybody in the house was immediately shot by the Germans. Hundreds of Polish families died as a result of helping Jews. [http://zyciezazycie.pl/index.php?lang=en]For Jews to hide in Christian society was a daunting task. A new identity required being familiar with Christian religious customs of which Jews had no knowledge. Jews with the physical characteristics of curly black hair, dark eyes, dark complexion, a long nose were in special jeopardy and most Jews spoke Polish with an accent or used expressions derived from Yiddish which gave them away. Money or items of value were needed to pay those rescuers who required payment, to purchase food on the black market (hidden Jews did not have ration books), to purchase counterfeit documents or to pay bribes to blackmailers. Some individuals took advantage of a hiding persons desperation by collecting money, then reneging on their promise of aid—or worse, turning them over to the Germans for an additional reward. The
Gestapo routinely offered a bounty for those who turned in Jews who were hiding. This bounty consisted of a quart of liquor, four pounds of sugar, a carton of cigarettes, or, at times, small cash payments. Many Jews were robbed and handed over to the Germans by "szmalcownik "s many of whom practiced blackmail as an "occupation". Those criminals were condemned by thePolish Underground State and fight against these informers was organized byArmia Krajowa (Underground State's military arm), with the death sentence being meted out on a scale unknown in the occupied countries of Western Europe [ [http://www.polishresistance-ak.org/2%20Article.htm The Polish Undergroud State and Home Army] ]Hidden Jewish children were kept in cellars and attics, where they had to keep quiet, even motionless, for hours on end. [http://www1.yadvashem.org/Odot/prog/image_into.asp?id=4334&lang=EN&type_id=2&addr=/IMAGE_TYPE/4334.jpg] In rural areas, hidden children lived in barns, chicken coops, and forest huts. Any noise—conversation, footsteps—could arouse neighbors suspicion and perhaps even prompt a Gestapo raid. During bombings, Jewish children had to remain hidden, unable to flee to the safety of shelters. Under these conditions, the children often suffered from a lack of human interaction and endured boredom and fear.
Some religious Jews believed that their suffering was preordained and would bring about the
Messiah . There were also many religious Jews involved in heroic acts. One famous leader wasJanusz Korczak , the director of the Jewish orphanage, who chose to accompany the children he cared for when they were deported.Poland was the only occupied country during World War II where the Nazis formally imposed the
death penalty [http://www1.yadvashem.org/Odot/prog/image_into.asp?id=2743&lang=EN&type_id=&addr=/IMAGE_TYPE/2743.jpg] for anybody found sheltering and helping Jews.Donald L. Niewyk, Francis R. Nicosia, "The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust", Columbia University Press, 2000, ISBN 0231112009, [http://books.google.com/books?id=lpDTIUklB2MC&pg=PA114&dq=death+penalty+for+hiding+jews+poland&sig=wumrr-KOP-ClsiD4N789kSI_yEo Google Print, p.114] ] Antony Polonsky, " 'My Brother's Keeper?': Recent Polish Debates on the Holocaust", Routledge, 1990, ISBN 0415042321, [http://books.google.com/books?id=uceq22StcZUC&pg=PA149&dq=death+penalty+for+hiding+jews+poland&sig=QPuzs4vLrWKyx2agq189mJBjYxc Google Print, p.149] ] This penalty was widely announced by the occupying authorities and was quite often imposed not only on the rescuer, but also on his/her family, neighbors, and on whole towns or villages. [ [http://isurvived.org/Frameset4References-3/-PolishRighteous.html Holocaust Survivors and Remembrance Project: Polish Righteous] ] Failure to inform on a neighbor hiding Jews was punished by deportation to a concentration camp.The Germans believed in collective responsibility making Poles the most terrorized populations after the Jews and the Gypsies.Food rations for Poles were very small (669 kcal per day in 1941) andblack market prices of food were high, factors which made it difficult to hide people and almost impossible to hide entire families, especially in the cities. Despite these draconian measures imposed by the Nazis, Poland has the highest number ofRighteous Among The Nations awards at theYad Vashem Museum (6,066). [ [http://www1.yadvashem.org/Odot/prog/image_into.asp?id=3195&lang=EN&type_id=&addr=/IMAGE_TYPE/3195.jpgPoland, Members of the Malkiewicz Family, Who Were Awarded the Title of Righteous Gentiles After the War (image)] ]The
Polish Government in Exile was the first (in November 1942) to reveal the existence of Nazi-run concentration camps and the systematic extermination of the Jews by the Nazis, through its courierJan Karski [http://www1.yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft%20Word%20-%206425.pdf] and through the activities ofWitold Pilecki , member of Armia Krajowa who was the only person to volunteer for imprisonment inAuschwitz and who organized a resistance movement inside the camp itself. [ [http://www.republika.pl/unpack/1/dok03.html Note ofDecember 10 1942 , addressed by the Polish Government to the Governments of the United Nations concerning the mass extermination of Jews] ] One of the Jewish members of the National Council of the Polish government in exile,Szmul Zygielbojm , committed suicide to protest the indifference of the Allied governments in the face ofthe Holocaust in Poland. The Polish government in exile was also the only government to set up an organization (Żegota ) specifically aimed at helping the Jews in Poland.Warsaw Ghetto and its uprising
Warsaw Ghetto [http://polishjews.org/shoah/shoahwrs.htm] and its uprising in 1943 represents what is likely the most known episode of the wartime history of the Polish Jews. The ghetto was established by the German Governor-GeneralHans Frank onOctober 16 ,1940 . Around 138,000 Jews were forced into the ghetto from various districts around the city of Warsaw, whilst 113,000 Poles were forced to leave the area and were assigned quarters in so-called 'Aryan' districts. The German authorities allowed a Jewish Council ("Judenrat ") of 24 men, led byAdam Czerniaków , [http://www1.yadvashem.org/Odot/prog/image_into.asp?id=1361&lang=EN&type_id=&addr=/IMAGE_TYPE/1361.jpg] [http://warsawghetto.epixtech.co.uk/20Chlodn.htm] to form its own police to maintain order in the ghetto. Some Jewish policemen distinguished themselves with their fearful corruption and immorality. Judenrat was also responsible for organizing the labour battalions demanded by the Germans. At the beginning the Judenrat served as a representative of the Jewish community, trying with bribes and submission to soften the Nazi blows. With the passage of time the Germans imposed new and more brutal demands on the Judenrat. The slightest sign of insubordination by the Judenrat was punished by death. In many towns the Judenrat refused cooperation and were subsequently executed with another group taking their place. The President of Warsaw JudenratAdam Czerniakow , cooperated with the German authorities until he was ordered to compile daily lists of Jews destined for "resettlement". Knowing what resettlement meant, he refused and committed suicide.At this time, the population of the ghetto was estimated to be about 380,000 people, about 30% of the population of Warsaw. However, the size of the Ghetto was about 2.4% of the size of Warsaw. The Germans then closed off the Warsaw Ghetto from the outside world on
November 16 of that year, building a wall around it. During the next year and a half, Jews from smaller cities and villages were brought into the Warsaw Ghetto, while diseases (especiallytyphoid ) and starvation kept the inhabitants at about the same number. Average food rations in 1941 for Jews in Warsaw were limited to 253 kcal and 669 kcal for Poles as opposed to 2,613 kcal for Germans. OnJuly 22 ,1942 , the mass deportation of the Warsaw Ghetto inhabitants began; during the next fifty-two days (untilSeptember 12 ,1942 ) about 300,000 people were transported by train to theTreblinka extermination camp . The deportations were carried out by fifty GermanSS soldiers, 200 soldiers of theLatvia n "Schutzmannschaften" Battalions, 200 Ukrainian Police [http://www1.yadvashem.org/exhibitions/warsaw_ghetto/stroop_collection/stroop_8.html] , and 2,500Jewish Ghetto Police . Employees of the "Judenrat ", including the Ghetto Police [http://www1.yadvashem.org/Odot/prog/image_into.asp?id=866&lang=EN&type_id=&addr=/IMAGE_TYPE/866.jpg] , along with their families and relatives, were given immunity from deportations in return for their cooperation. Additionally, in August 1942, Jewish Ghetto policemen, under the threat of deportation themselves, were ordered to personally "deliver" five ghetto inhabitants to theUmschlagplatz train station. OnJanuary 18 ,1943 , some Ghetto inhabitants, including members of ŻOB ("Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa", Jewish Combat Organisation), resisted, often with arms, German attempts for additional deportations to Treblinka.The first
ghetto uprising is believed to have occurred in 1942 in the small town of Łachwa in thePolesie Voivodship .The final destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto came four months later after the crushing of one of the most heroic and tragic battles of the war, the 1943
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising led byMordechaj Anielewicz . He recruited more than 750 fighters, but amassed only 9 rifles, 59 pistols and a couple of grenades. A developed network of bunkers and fortifications were formed. The Jewish fighters also received support from the Polish Underground (Armia Krajowa ). The Germans assembled a force of 2,842 men to enter the ghetto and brought 7,000 security forces into Warsaw. Their greatest fear was that the rebellion would spread to the Polish side of the city. Germans were unable to defeat the Jews in open street combat. After several days, the Germans switched tactics and began burning down houses. TheZOB headquarters on 18 Mila Street fell on May 8, 1943; at this time Mordechai Anielewicz died fighting. The battle raged for 27 days, when it was over German generalJürgen Stroop claimed to have destroyed 6,065 Jews. As a "celebration"Heinrich Himmler ordered the Great Synagogue on Tlomacka Street (which was outside the ghetto) blown up as a symbol of the fact that "the Jewish quarter of Warsaw no longer exists."A group of fighters escaped from the ghetto through the sewers and reached the Lomianki forest. About 50 ghetto fighters were saved by the Polish "People's Guard" and later formed their own partisan group, named after Anielewicz. There were still hundreds of Jews living in the ruins of the ghetto after May 16, 1943. Many succeeded in making contact with Poles in other parts of the city. The Warsaw Ghetto uprising empowered Jews throughout Poland. After the ghetto was liquidated, Jewish leaders continued to work underground on the "Aryan " side by hiding Jews and issuing forged documents. Many Jews became active in thePolish underground of Greater Warsaw.The 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which reverberated throughout Poland and the rest of the world as an example of courage and defiance, was followed by other failed
Ghetto uprising s in Nazi occupied Poland. As late as the 1944Warsaw Uprising , when the Poles rose up against the Germans in anticipation of the entry of theSoviet Army , there were still a few Jews eking out an existence in the ruins of the former ghetto. Some of the survivors of 1943Warsaw Ghetto Uprising , still held in camps at or near Warsaw were freed during 1944 Warsaw Uprising, led by Polishresistance movement Armia Krajowa and immediately joined Polish fighters. Only few of them survived. Polish commander of one Jewish unit, Waclaw Micuta, described them as one of the best fighters, always at the front line. It is estimated that over 2,000 Polish Jews, some as well known asMarek Edelman orIcchak Cukierman , and several dozen Greek [http://www1.yadvashem.org/Odot/prog/image_into.asp?id=8301&lang=EN&type_id=2&addr=/IMAGE_TYPE/8301.jpg] , Hungarian or even German Jews freed byArmia Krajowa fromGesiowka concentration camp in Warsaw, men and woman, took part in combat against Nazis during 1944Warsaw Uprising . During 1944 Warsaw Uprising as many as 17,000 Polish Jews, who either fought with the AK units (Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński ) or had been discovered in hiding, lost their lives. After the failed 1944 Warsaw Uprising, the city of Warsaw was razed to the ground by the Germans and more than 150,000 Poles were sent to labor or concentration camps. On January 17, 1945, theSoviet Army entered destroyed and inhabited Warsaw. Some 300 Jews were found hiding in the ruins on the Polish part of the city (Wladyslaw Szpilman ).The fate of the Warsaw Ghetto was similar to that of the other ghettos in which Jews were concentrated. With the decision of
Nazi Germany to begin theFinal Solution , the destruction of the Jews of Europe,Aktion Reinhard began in 1942, with the opening of the extermination camps ofBełżec ,Sobibór , andTreblinka , followed byAuschwitz-Birkenau where people were killed in gas chambers and mass executions (death wall). Many died from hunger, starvation, disease, torture or by pseudo-medical experiments. The mass deportation of Jews from ghettos to these camps, such as happened at the Warsaw Ghetto, soon followed, and more than 1.7 million Jews were killed at the Aktion Reinhard camps by October 1943 alone.Communist rule: 1945–89
Between 40,000 and 100,000 Polish Jews survived the Holocaust in Poland by hiding or by joining the Polish or Soviet partisan units. Another 50,000–170,000 were repatriated from the Soviet Union and 20,000–40,000 from Germany and other countries. At its postwar peak, there were 180,000–240,000 Jews in Poland settled mostly in
Warsaw ,Łódź , Kraków,Wrocław andLower Silesia , e.g.,Legnica ,Dzierżoniów andBielawa .The character of Poland had changed however. Poland was left with a government-in-exile that had failed to negotiate a plan for postwar liberation and reconstruction and had no coherent policy towards the encroaching Soviet Union. In spite of the major
Polish contribution to World War II , Poland was placed under direct Soviet control due to British and the US dependence on the Soviet military commitment to the defeat ofHitler andFranklin D. Roosevelt 's unwillingness to confront Stalin over his future plans for Poland. The Soviet style Communism was established and the boundaries of Poland were moved west. The Soviet Union swallowed the eastern regions, which had many ethnic minorities including Jewishshtetl communities.For the survivors, returning to life as it had been before the Holocaust was impossible. Jewish communities no longer existed in Poland. When people tried to return to their homes from camps or hiding places, they found that, in many cases, their homes had been looted or taken over by others who were not happy to see survivors return.
Soon after the end of the Second World War, Jews began to flee Poland. The exodus took place in stages. After the war, the vast majority of survivors left for various reasons, often more than one. Many left simply because they did not want to live in a communist country. Some left because the refusal of the Communist regime to return prewar property. Others did not wish to rebuild their lives in the places where their families were murdered. Yet others wanted to go to
British Mandate of Palestine , which soon becameIsrael . Some of the survivors had relatives abroad.The attitude of Christian Poles toward Jews hardened significantly, since many Poles believed that all Jews were Communists, the new oppressors of the Polish state.
Postwar Poland was also a chaotic country in which Communists and post
Home Army anti-Communist formations fought each other. High proportion of Jews among the Communist leadership and Communist Secret Service (UB) fanned prejudices and many Christian Poles viewed Jews with deep hostility. Ordinary Polish Jews sometimes incurred lethal risks. Anti-Jewish riots broke out in several Polish cities and hundreds of Jews were murdered in anti-Jewish violence (see:Anti-Jewish violence in Poland, 1944-1946 ) [http://www1.yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft%20Word%20-%203128.pdf] . The best-known case is theKielce pogrom of 1946 [http://www1.yadvashem.org/Odot/prog/image_into.asp?id=3048&lang=EN&type_id=&addr=/IMAGE_TYPE/3048.jpg] , in which thirty seven Jews were brutally murdered. The massacre at Kielce was a turning point in the attempt to rebuild a Jewish community and convinced most survivors that they had no future in Poland. The Kielce tragedy has been variously described as an event stage-managed by the Communists and the outcome of old religious hostilities exacerbated by the war and the participation of Jews in the postwar Communist-dominated administration.The Communist government's response to the pogrom was initially decisive. Special investigators were despatched to the town on the same day and military tribunals assumed responsibility for the prosecutions that followed. Under investigation were not only those who had directly participated in the pogrom. The local administration as well as the responses of the
Milicja Obywatelska and theMinistry of Public Security of Poland were scrutinized. The heads of the MO and the UB were both arrested and questioned. Nine participants in the pogrom were sentenced to death; three were given lengthy prison sentences. [http://www.ushmm.org/uia-cgi/uia_query/photos?hr=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FMordechaj_Anielewicz&query=dc6o7] Until today the debate in Poland continues whether the murderers were leftists or rightists and who inspired the killings.Between 1945 and 1948, 100,000–120,000 Jews left Poland. Their departure was largely organized by the Zionist activists in Poland such as
Adolf Berman andIcchak Cukierman under the umbrella of a semi-clandestine organization "Berihah " ("Flight"). [http://www1.yadvashem.org/Odot/prog/image_into.asp?id=8069&lang=EN&type_id=2&addr=/IMAGE_TYPE/8069.jpg] "Berihah" was also responsible for the organized emigration of Jews fromRomania ,Hungary ,Czechoslovakia , andYugoslavia totaling 250,000 (including Poland) Holocaust survivors.A second wave of Jewish emigration (50,000) took place during the liberalization of the Communist regime between 1957 and 1959. The last mass migration of Jews from Poland took place in 1968-69, after Israel's 1967 War, because of the anti-Jewish policy adopted by Polish communist party, which closed down Jewish youth camps, schools and clubs. One might call this event as an expulsion of Jews of 1968. Thereafter almost all Jews who decided to stay in Poland "stopped" being Jewish.
The Bund took part in the post-war elections of 1947 on a common ticket with the (non-communist)
Polish Socialist Party (PPS) and gained its first and only parliamentary seat in its Polish history, plus several seats in municipal councils. Under pressure from Soviet-installed Communist authorities, the Bund's leaders 'voluntarily' disbanded the party in 1948–1949 against the opposition of many activists.The Soviet Union's secret police essentially governed Poland and Stalin's anti-Semitic regime stifled Jewish cultural and religious activities. Jewish schools were nationalized in 1948-49 and Yiddish was no longer used as the language of instruction.For those Polish Jews who remained, the rebuilding of Jewish life in Poland was carried out between October 1944 and 1950 by the Central Committee of Polish Jews ("Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich", CKŻP) which provided legal, educational, social care, cultural, and propaganda services. A countrywide Jewish Religious Community, led by
Dawid Kahane , who served aschief rabbi of the Polish Armed Forces, functioned between 1945 and 1948 until it was absorbed by the CKŻP. Eleven independent political Jewish parties, of which eight were legal, existed until their dissolution during 1949–50.The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and ORT opened schools and hospitals for the Jewish communities in Poland.Some Jewish cultural institutions were established including the Yiddish State Theater founded in 1950 and directed byIda Kaminska , theJewish Historical Institute , an academic institution specializing in the research of the history and culture of the Jews in Poland, and the Yiddish newspaper "Folks-Shtime " ("People's Voice").Stalin’s death in 1953 eased the situation for the Jews, who then were allowed to reestablish connections with Jewish organizations abroad and began producing Jewish literature. In this 1958-59 period, 50,000 Jews emigrated to Israel, which was the only country Jews were able to migrate to under Polish law.
A number of Polish Jews participated in the establishment of the Communist regime in the
People's Republic of Poland between 1944 and 1956 and played an important role in the apparatus of oppression, holding, among others, prominent posts in thePolitburo of thePolish United Worker's Party (e.g.Jakub Berman ,Hilary Minc ndash responsible for establishing a Communist-style economy), and the security apparatus "Urząd Bezpieczeństwa " (UB) and in diplomacy/intelligence. After 1956, during the process ofdestalinisation in Poland underWładysław Gomułka 's regime, some "Urząd Bezpieczeństwa" officials includingRoman Romkowski (born Natan Grunsapau-Kikiel),Jacek Różański (born Jozef Goldberg), andAnatol Fejgin were prosecuted for "power abuses" including the torture of Polish anticommunists (among them,Witold Pilecki ), and sentenced to long prison terms. A UB official,Józef Światło , (born Izaak Fleichfarb), after escaping in 1953 to the West, exposed throughRadio Free Europe the methods of the UB which led to its dissolution in 1954.Solomon Morel a member of theMinistry of Public Security of Poland and commandant of the Stalinist eraZgoda labour camp , fled Poland for Israel to escape prosecution for genocide.Helena Wolińska-Brus , a former Stalinist prosecutor, now a British citizen living in Oxford, is fighting being extradited to Poland on charges related to the execution of a Second World War resistance heroAugust Fieldorf .1967–1989
In 1967, following the
Six-Day War betweenIsrael and theArab states, communist Poland broke off diplomatic relations with Israel. The Israeli victory over the Soviet backed Arab states in 1967 was greeted by Poles with glee; "Our Jews have given the Soviet Arabs a drumming!"By 1968 most of Poland's 40,000 remaining Jews were assimilated into Polish society, but over the next year they became the center of a Soviet backed, centrally organized campaign, equating Jewish origins with Zionist sympathies and thus disloyalty to Poland.In March 1968 student-led demonstrations in Warsaw ("see
Polish 1968 political crisis ") gave Gomułka's government an excuse to channel public anti-government sentiment into another avenue. Thus his security chief,Mieczysław Moczar , used the situation as a pretext to launch an anti-Semitic press campaign (although the expression "Zionist" was officially used). The state-sponsored "anti-Zionist" campaign resulted in the removal of Jews from thePolish United Worker's Party and from teaching positions in schools and universities. Due to economic, political and police pressure, 25,000 Jews were forced to emigrate during 1968–1970. The campaign, though ostensibly directed at Jews who had held office in the Stalinist era and at their families, affected most of the remaining Polish Jews, whatever their backgrounds.There were several outcomes of the "
March 1968 events ". The campaign damaged Poland's reputation abroad, particularly in the U.S. Many Polish intellectuals, however, were disgusted at the promotion of official anti-Semitism and opposed the campaign. Some of the people who emigrated to the West at this time founded organizations which encouraged anticommunist opposition inside Poland.In 1977, communist Poland began to try to improve its image regarding Jewish matters. Partial diplomatic relations were restored in 1986 — the first of the communist bloc countries to take this step — full diplomatic relations were not restored until 1990, a year after Poland ended its communist rule.
During the late 1970s some Jewish activists were engaged in the anticommunist opposition groups. Most prominent among them,
Adam Michnik (founder of "Gazeta Wyborcza ") was one of the founders of theWorkers' Defence Committee (KOR). By the time of the fall of Communism in Poland in 1989, only 5,000–10,000 Jews remained in the country, many of them preferring to conceal their Jewish origin.ince 1989
With the fall of Communism in Poland, Jewish cultural, social, and religious life has been undergoing a revival. Many historical issues, especially related to World War II and the 1944–89 period, suppressed by Communist censorship have been re-evaluated and publicly discussed (like the
Massacre in Jedwabne , theKoniuchy Massacre , theKielce pogrom , theAuschwitz cross , and Polish-Jewish wartime relations in general).According to the
Coordination Forum of Countering Antisemitism there were eighteen anti-Semitic incidents in Poland in the period from January 2001 to November 2005. Half of them was propaganda, eight were violent incidents such as vandalism or desecration (the last of them took place in 2003), and one was verbal abuse. There were no anti-Semitic attacks by means of weapons in Poland [http://www.antisemitism.org.il/frontend/english/index.htm] . However, according to a 2005 survey, the portion of the population holding anti-Semitic views is somewhat higher than in some European countries [http://www.adl.org/PresRele/ASInt_13/4726_13.htm] . According to a [http://www.cbos.pl/SPISKOM.POL/2005/K_001_05.PDF survey] carried out byCBOS and published in January, 2005, in which Poles were asked to assess their attitudes toward other nations, 45% claimed to feel antipathy towards Jews, 18% to feel sympathy, while 29% felt indifferent and 8% were undecided. Those surveyed were asked to express their feeling on the scale from -3 (strong antipathy) to +3 (strong sympathy), with 0 taken to indicate indifference. The average score for attitude towards Jews was -0.67. Another contemporary nationwide survey indicated that as of January 2004 40 percent of Poles believed that their country with the Jewish population of less that 20,000 out of 39 million populations is still "being governed by Jews".Jan T. Gross , "Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland After Auschwitz", Random House, 2006, ISBN 0-375-50924-0.] Page number|date=July 2008 "Cultural Anti-Semitism" is still in existence in Poland today. It is exemplified in the saying "Don't be a Jew". Even the word "Zyd" ("Jew" in Polish) has a pejorative connotation.Football stadiums are a recruiting ground for extremist organizations, and neo-fascist symbols are a common sight there and often seen as graffiti in major Polish cities.
Poland has many legal provisions to combat antisemitism, neo-fascism, extremism and has ratified all the major international conventions pertaining to human rights protection and anti-discrimination.Jewish religious life has been revived with the help of the
Ronald Lauder Foundation , the Polish Jewish community employs two rabbis, operated a small network of Jewish schools and summer camps, and sustains several Jewish periodicals and book series events. In 1993 theUnion of Jewish Religious Communities in Poland was established with the aim of organizing the religious and cultural life of the members of the communities in Poland.Synagogues can be found in Warsaw, Cracow, Zamosc, Tykocin, Lesko, Lanco, Rzeszow, Kielce and Gora Kalwaria, but not all are functioning today. The oldest synagogue in Poland, Stara Synagoga, built in the early 15th century, can be found in Cracow. Today, it hosts a Jewish museum. The Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin was reopened in Lublin in 2007, the first synagogue to be renovated and dedicated in Poland since World War II solely through funding from Polish Jewry, without government or charitable support. Prior to World War II, the yeshiva was Europe's largest.
The leading Jewish publications are the monthly "Midrasz", "Dos Jidische Wort", "Jidele" for youth and "Sztendlach" for primary school children. All of these publications are printed in Polish except for "Dos Jidische Wort", which is published in a bi-lingual Yiddish-Polish edition. Jewish Institutions include the Jewish Historical Institute, the E.R. Kaminska State Yiddish Theater in Warsaw, and the Jewish Cultural Center in Cracow.
Academic Jewish studies programs were established at
Warsaw University and theJagiellonian University in Kraków. Kraków became home to theJudaica Foundation , which has sponsored a wide range of cultural and educational programs on Jewish themes for a predominantly Polish audience. The building of the newMuseum of the History of Polish Jewry in Warsaw will be based on a design of a Finnish architect, Rainer Mahlamaecki. The plot of land for the museum and an additional $13 million were donated by the city of Warsaw and additional $13 million were donated by the Polish government.Of the
Communist Bloc countries that interrupteddiplomatic relations with Israel in 1967 (i.e. all communist countries exceptRomania ), Poland was the first to restart them again in 1986, and to fully restore them in 1990. Government relations between Poland and Israel are steadily improving, resulting in the mutual visits of the presidents and the ministers of foreign affairs.It is also possible to visit the extermination camps of
Auschwitz-Birkenau , Majdanek and Treblinka. Auschwitz currently houses the Oswiecim State Museum, exhibiting documents fromNazi crimes . Block Number 27 is set aside for martyrology of the Jews and the millions who were killed there. All that remains ofTreblinka is a mausoluem and monument consisting of thousands of shards of broken stone. AtMajdanek , there is a museum and a monument, which incorporates a mound of human ashes commemorating the 350,000 people who were murdered there.Besides the camps, Poland also has the largest Jewish burial ground in Europe, which is found in Łodz. Historic grave sites can be found in Gora Kalwaria (the Ger) and Lesajsk (Lezensk). Poles have preserved and catalogued the graves in Jewish cemeteries.
In June 2004, during an excavation of the site of the Great Synagogue in
Oświęcim , archeologists uncovered a unique collection of Jewish treasures. Oświęcim's population was 70 percent Jewish, but was wiped out after the German invasion of Poland. It is also where the Auschwitz death camp was built. In this project initiated by a young Israeli named Yariv Nornberg, archaeologists dug at the site based on the testimony of Holocaust survivor Yishayahu Yarod, who remembered the relics being hidden by the Jews before the Nazis razed the synagogue. Many Jewish ritual objects were found at the site, including three bronze candelabras, a bronze menorah, ten chandeliers and a ner tamid. Tiles, marble plaques and charred wood from the synagogue were also discovered. The objects will most likely go through a year-long restoration process and then be displayed in the Auschwitz Jewish Center.The Memorial of the Heroes of the
Warsaw Ghetto is located on a square which was once the site of one the main bunkers of theJewish Combat Organization . This monument is the work ofNatan Rappaport ; it is made of the bronze and granite (labradorite) ordered by Hitler from Sweden in 1942 for a monument "honoring the victory of Germany." TheWarsaw Ghetto Memorial was unveiled on April 19th, 1948 - the fifth anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw ghetto Uprising.On July 4, 2006, a memorial to Holocaust survivors killed and wounded in Kielce, Poland after World War II will was unveiled. The city of Kielce and the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad financed the memorial. On that day in 1946, residents killed more than 40 Jews who had returned to the town after the war to reclaim their property.POV-statement|date=July 2008 The massacre consolidated the perception among survivors that they couldn’t return to Poland.
Today there is greater awareness of Poland's rich Jewish past as well as of the tragedies of the Holocaust. Interest in learning about and preserving the artifacts of Jewish culture is quite strong, especially among the young. Zaglada, a journal devoted to the Holocaust, was first published in 2005 by a special division of the
Polish Academy of Sciences . Other publications have also been published recently dealing with the subject, most notably from theInstitute of National Remembrance .There have been a number of Holocaust remembrance activities in Poland in recent years. In September 2000, dignitaries from Poland, Israel, the United States, and other countries (including
Prince Hassan of Jordan ) gathered in the city of Oświęcim (the site of theAuschwitz concentration camp ) to commemorate the opening of the refurbished "Chevra Lomdei Mishnayot synagogue " and theAuschwitz Jewish Center . The synagogue, the sole synagogue in Oświęcim to survive World War II and an adjacent Jewish cultural and educational center, provide visitors a place to pray and to learn about the active pre–World War II Jewish community that existed in Oświęcim. The synagogue was the first communal property in the country to be returned to the Jewish community under the 1997 law allowing for restitution of Jewish communal property. Additionally, in April of each year, theMarch of the Living from Auschwitz toBirkenau to honor victims of the Holocaust, draws young people from Israel and elsewhere, as well as Poles, as marchers to mark two of the most significant dates:Holocaust Remembrance Day andIsrael Independence Day . The purpose of this trip is to give students a first hand look at history and the evils of mankind. There are also more general activities, like theJewish Culture Festival in Kraków .In 2000, Poland's Jewish population is generally estimated to have risen to somewhere between 8,000 and 12,000 — most living in Warsaw,
Wrocław ,Kraków , andBielsko-Biała , though there are no census figures that would give an exact number. According to the PolishMoses Schorr Centre and other Polish sources, however, this may represent an undercount of the actual number of Jews living in Poland, since many are not religious. The Centre estimates that there are approximately 100,000 Jews in Poland, of which 30,000 to 40,000 have some sort of direct connection to the Jewish community, either religiously or culturally.Poland will ease the way for Jews to reclaim citizenship 40 years after the start of massive expulsions. In a letter released March 3, 2008, Polish Interior Minister Grzegorz Schetyna said he would "order the implementation of the appropriate procedures today." Piotr Kadlcik, the president of the Union of Religious Jewish Communities in Poland, told JTA he had already received verbal confirmation that Schetyna endorsed the plan to re-naturalize Jews who fled between 1968 and 1970. Some 15,000 Polish Jews were deprived of their citizenship. [http://www.jta.org/cgi-bin/iowa/breaking/107260.html]
ee also
Timeline of Jewish Polish history
*List of Polish Jews
*Jewish history
*Jewish ethnic divisions Notes
Marek Jan Chodakiewicz , "After the Holocaust",East European Monographs , 2003, ISBN 0-88033-511-4.
*Marek Jan Chodakiewicz , "Between Nazis and Soviets: Occupation Politics in Poland, 1939–1947",Lexington Books , 2004, ISBN 0-7391-0484-5.
*William W. Hagen , "Before the 'Final Solution': Toward a Comparative Analysis of Political Anti-Semitism in Interwar Germany and Poland", "The Journal of Modern History ", Vol. 68, No. 2 (Jun., 1996), 351–381.
*Gershon David Hundert , "Jews in Poland-Lithuania in the Eighteenth Century: A Genealogy of Modernity",University of California Press , 2004, ISBN 0-520-23844-3 [http://print.google.com/print%3Fq%3DLiberty%27s%2Bfolly:%2Bthe%2BPolish-Lithuanian%2Bcommonwealth%2Bin%2Bthe%2Beighteenth%2Bcentury%26lr%3D%26start%3D10 Google Print]
*Antony Polonsky andJoanna B. Michlic . "The Neighbors Respond: The Controversy over the Jedwabne Massacre in Poland",Princeton University Press , 2003 ISBN 0-691-11306-8. ( [http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/chapters/i7632.html The introduction is online] )
*Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski , "Jews in Poland. A Documentary History",Hippocrene Books , Inc., 1998, ISBN 0-7818-0604-6.
*David Vital , "A People Apart: A Political History of the Jews in Europe 1789–1939",Oxford University Press , 2001.
*M. J. Rosman , "The Lord's Jews: Magnate-Jewish Relations in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth During the Eighteenth Century", Harvard University Press, 1990, ISBN 0-916458-18-0
*Edward Fram , "Ideals Face Reality: Jewish Life and Culture in Poland 1550–1655", HUC Press, 1996, ISBN 0814329063
*Magda Teter , "Jews and Heretics in Premodern Poland: A Beleaguered Church in the Post-Reformation Era", Cambridge University Press, 2006, ISBN 0521856736Further reading
Alvydas Nikžentaitis , Stefan Schreiner, Darius Staliūnas (editors). "The Vanished World of Lithuanian Jews". Rodopi, 2004, ISBN 90-420-0850-4 [http://print.google.com/print%3Flr%3D%26q%3DPolish-Lithuanian%2Bcommonwealth%26start%3D20 Google print]
See also
Stanisław Krajewski , "Poland and the Jews: Reflections of a Polish Polish Jew" (Kraków : Austeria P, 2005).Glenn Dynner, "Men of Silk: The Hasidic Conquest of Polish Jewish Society" (NY: Oxford University Press, 2006)
External links
* [http://www.routledge.com/textbooks/0415236614/resources/maps/map48.jpgThe Cossak Uprising and its Aftermath in Poland] , [http://www.routledge.com/textbooks/0415236614/resources/maps/map47.jpgJewish Communities in Poland and Lithuania under the Council of the Four Lands] , [http://www.routledge.com/textbooks/0415236614/resources/maps/map50.jpgThe Spread of Hasidic Judaism] , [http://www.routledge.com/textbooks/0415236614/resources/maps/map65.jpgJewish Revolts against the Nazis in Poland] (All maps from Judaism: History, Belief, and Practice)
History of Polish Jews
* [http://polishjews.org The Polish Jews Home Page]
* [http://www.friends-partners.org/partners/beyond-the-pale/index.html Beyond the Pale] : A History of the Jews in Russia. See especially: [http://www.friends-partners.org/partners/beyond-the-pale/english/18.html Jews of Lithuania and Poland]
* [http://members.core.com/~mikerose/history.html Mike Rose's History of the Jews in Poland before 1794] and [http://members.core.com/~mikerose/history2.htm After 1794]
* [http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/vjw/Poland.html Virtual Jewish History Tour of Poland]
* [http://www.myjewishlearning.com/history_community/Medieval/TheStory6321666/Expulsion/Poland.htm Early History of the Polish Jewish Community] from Medieval Jewish Civilization: An Encyclopedia
* [http://www.cyberroad.com/poland/jews.html Jews in Poland] from the LNT Travel company.
* [http://depts.washington.edu/baltic/papers/judaismmiller.htm Judaism in the Baltic: Vilna as the Spiritual Center of Eastern Europe]
* [http://www.zydziwpolsce.edu.pl/aindex.html The Jews in Poland. Saving from oblivion - Teaching for the future]
* [http://jewish.sites.warszawa.um.gov.pl/wstep_a.htm Historical Sites of Jewish Warsaw]
* [http://krakow.zaprasza.net/fkz/szeroka_street.html Kazimierz in Kraków - History and Jewish Festivals]
* [http://www.jewishmemory.gliwice.pl/ Jewish presence in the history of Gliwice]
* [http://www.polandembassy.org/Links/p7-10.htm Polish-Jewish Relations section of the Polish Embassy in Washington]
* [http://www.polandembassy.org/Links/under_one_heaven/content/08_OnTheRole.html Facts and Myths: on the Role of the Jews during the Stalinist Period]
* [http://www.ce-review.org/00/4/rohozinska4.html A Complicated Coexistence:Polish-Jewish relations through the centuries] ,Joanna Rohozinska ,Central Europe Review ,28 January 2000
* [http://www.earlymodern.org Primary sources for the premodern period in Jewish history and video presentations by scholars, including: Edward Fram, Moshe Rosman, Adam Teller, and Magda Teter on Jews in Poland-Lithuania]World War II and the Holocaust
* [http://www.vilnaghetto.com/index.html Chronicles of the Vilna Ghetto: wartime photographs & documents - vilnaghetto.com]
* [http://www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/focus/uprising/ Warsaw Ghetto Uprising] from the US Holocaust Museum. From the same source see:
** [http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/ Non-Jewish Polish Victims of the Holocaust]
**Bibliography of [http://www.ushmm.org/research/library/index.php?content=bibliography/index.php%3fcontent=poles Polish Jewish Relations] during the War
* [http://www.humboldt.edu/~rescuers/book/Makuch/conditionsp.html Chronology of German Anti-Jewish Measures] during World War II in Poland
* [http://www.kimel.net/jewpol.html THE JEWS AND THE POLES: HOLOCAUST UNDERSTANDING & PREVENTION] byAlexander Kimel
* [http://letters.krakow.pl/books/mojzesz.html The Catholic Zionist Who Helped Steer Israeli Independence through the UN]
* [http://www.economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=E1_VPNRQSN Poland's Jews:A light flickers on] ,The Economist ,20 December 2005
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