List of tornadoes and tornado outbreaks

List of tornadoes and tornado outbreaks


Tornado events

These are some notable tornadoes, tornado outbreaks, and tornado outbreak sequences that have occurred around the globe.

  1. Exact death and injury counts are not possible; especially for large events and events before 1955.
  2. Prior to 1950 in the United States, only significant tornadoes are listed for the number of tornadoes in outbreaks.
  3. Due to increasing detection, particularly in the U.S., numbers of counted tornadoes have increased markedly in recent decades although the number of actual tornadoes and counted significant tornadoes has not. In older events, the number of tornadoes officially counted is likely underestimated.

North America

See: List of North American tornadoes and tornado outbreaks


See: List of European tornadoes and tornado outbreaks


See: List of Asian tornadoes and tornado outbreaks

Southern Hemisphere

See: List of Southern Hemisphere tornadoes and tornado outbreaks

Deadliest tornadoes on record

See: List of tornadoes causing 100 or more deaths

Tornadoes rated F5 and EF5

See List of F5 and EF5 tornadoes

Tornado-related deaths at schools

See List of tornado-related deaths at schools

Tornadoes spawned by tropical cyclones

See History of tropical cyclone-spawned tornadoes

Tornadoes striking the downtown central business district of major cities

See List of tornadoes striking downtown areas

Tornadoes by year

See List of tornado events by year

See also


External links

Significant events
Tornado event data
Weather data archives

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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