Mood swing

Mood swing

A mood swing is an extreme or rapid change in mood.


Associated disorders

Mood swings are commonly associated with mood disorders including bipolar disorder (manic depression)[1] and depression. In patients with cases of bipolar disorder, the patient experiences serious mood swings that last for days or even weeks. These episodes consist of the patient alternating rapidly between depression and euphoria.[2]

Another major cause of mood swings are hyperactivity or hyperactivity/inattentiveness, as they are occasionally seen in individuals diagnosed with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. If the mood swing is not associated with a mood disorder, treatments are harder to assign. Most commonly, however, mood swings can be a result of dealing with daily life and/or unexpected situations.

Other causes of mood swings are due to hormonal changes, temporarily upsetting brain chemistry. As the hormones involved normalize, these mood swings generally subside on their own.


There are many different things that might trigger a mood swing in a person. Everyday people experience small changes in their mood; however, if these mood swings take control of a person's life and prevent normal functioning, medical advice may be appropriate.[citation needed]

Chemical imbalance

If a person has an abnormal level of certain neurotransmitters (NTs) in their brain, it may result to having mood swings or a mood disorder. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that is involved with sleep, moods, and emotional states. A slight imbalance of this NT could result in depression. Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that is involved with learning, memory, and physical arousal. Like serotonin, an imbalance of norepinephrine may also result in depression.

See also


  1. ^ Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
  2. ^ Hockenbury, Don and Sandra (2011). Discovering Psychology Fifth Edition. New York, NY: Worth Publishers. p549.