List of topics about the Latter Day Saint movement

List of topics about the Latter Day Saint movement

In an effort to bring together pages on various religions, below is a list of articles that are about or reference Latter Day Saint movement topics.

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"See also: ".

ee also


upercategories of the Latter Day Saint movement

Christianity, Gospel, Religion, Religion in the United States, Restorationism

Latter Day Saint movement in general, as a religion or group of religions

Church of Christ (Latter Day Saints), Latter-day Saint, Latter Day Saint, Latter Day Saint movement, LDS Church membership statistics, Mormon, Mormonism, Mormonism and Christianity, Mormonism and Freemasonry, Mormonism and Judaism, Saint

Latter Day Saint denominations

A to M: Aaronic Order, Apostolic United Brethren, Church of Christ (Cutlerite), Church of Christ (Temple Lot), Church of Christ (Whitmerite), Church of Jesus Christ in Zion, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite), Church of Jesus Christ, the Bride, the Lamb's Wife, Church of Christ with the Elijah Message, Community of Christ, Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Kingston clan

N to Z: New Covenant Church of God, Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Restoration Church of Jesus Christ, Restoration Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Restored Church of Jesus Christ, Rigdonite, Sons Aumen Israel, The Church of Jesus Christ, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, True Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days

Organizations related to the Latter Day Saint movement

Bonneville International, Brigham Young University, Deseret Book, Deseret Management Corporation, Deseret Morning News, Excel Entertainment Group, Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS), Intellectual Reserve, John Whitmer Historical Association, KSL-TV, Mormon History Association, Mormon Historic Sites Foundation, Mormon apologetics, Signature Books

Topics that reference the Latter Day Saint movement

Accounts of pre-mortal existence, Baptismal clothing, Beehive, Breastplate, Christian countercult movement, Christian denominations, Cunning folk, Fate of the unlearned, Henotheism, Millerites, Religious perspectives on Jesus, Survivalism, Temple robes, Urim and Thummim, Whore of Babylon

Latter Day Saint doctrines, beliefs, and practices

A to M: Adamic language, Animals in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Angel, Authority and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Blood atonement, Celestial Kingdom, Chosen people, Christian eschatology, Christian view of marriage, City of Zion (Mormonism), Continuous revelation, Ecumenical council, Exaltation (Mormonism), Ex-Mormon, Excommunication, Fast Sunday, fast offering, Gentile, Great and abominable church, Great Apostasy, Holy of Holies (Latter Day Saints), Homosexuality and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Israelite, Kolob, Mormon fundamentalism

N to Z: Native American, Outer darkness, Perfection (Latter Day Saints), Plan of Salvation, Plural marriage, Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact, Pre-existence, Restoration (Mormonism), Revelation (Latter Day Saints), Satan, Seer stone (Latter Day Saints), Separation of church and state, Solemn assembly, Son of Perdition, Spiritual wifery, Telestial Kingdom, Temple garment, Terrestrial Kingdom, Testimony, Urim and Thummim, Word of Wisdom, Word of Wisdom (Latter-day Saint)

Latter Day Saint doctrines regarding deity

Adam-God theory, Creator god, Elohim, Exaltation (LDS Church), God, God and gender, God the Father, Godhead (Christianity), Godhead (Mormonism), Heavenly Mother, Henotheism, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Jesus Christ as the Messiah, Jesus in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Nontrinitarianism, Omnipotence, Trinity, Theosis

Latter Day Saint ordinances, rituals, and symbolism

Anointing of the Sick, Baptism, Baptism for the dead, Blood atonement Eternal Marriage, Marriage, Infant baptism, Light of Christ, Ordinance (Mormonism), Patriarchal blessing, Rebaptism (Mormonism), Sacrament meeting, Sacrament (Mormonism), Sealing (Latter Day Saints),Temple, Temple (Mormonism), Temple architecture (LDS Church)

Latter-day Saint religious clothing

Baptismal clothing, CTR ring, Temple garment, Temple robes, Veil, White clothing (religious)

Latter Day Saint hierarchy

A to M: Aaronic Priesthood, Anointed Quorum, Apostle (Mormonism), Apostolic Succession, Bishop, Bishop (Mormonism), Chapel, Choir, Church of Christ, Clergy, Deacon, Deacon (Mormonism), Elder (Mormonism), First Presidency, General Authority, High Council (Mormonism), High Priest (Mormonism), Melchizedek priesthood, Missionary,

N to Z: Patriarch (Mormonism), Patriarchal Priesthood, Presiding Bishop, Presiding Patriarch (Mormonism), President of the Church (Mormonism), President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Priest, Priesthood, Priesthood (Mormonism), Priesthood Correlation Program, Primary Association, Prophet, Quorum (Mormonism), Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Quorums of the Seventy, Relief Society, Stake (Mormonism), Teacher (Mormonism), Ward (Mormonism), World Church Leadership Council (Community of Christ),

General Conferences of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

LDS Conference Center, General Conference (Mormonism)

Mormonism and controversy

Anti-Mormonism, Controversies regarding The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Common Latter-day Saint perceptions, Cultural Mormon, Jack Mormons, Mormonism Unvailed, Search for the Truth (video), The God Makers (film), The God Makers II

LDS Doctrines concerning the afterlife

Afterlife, Harrowing of Hell, Near-Death Experience, Degrees of Glory

Latter Day Saint texts

Apocrypha, Articles of Faith, Articles of the Church of Christ, Book of Abraham, Book of Commandments, Book of Mormon, Book of Moses, Doctrine and Covenants, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, , Jesus the Christ (book), Joseph SmithHistory, Joseph SmithMatthew, Joseph Smith Papyri, King Follett Discourse, Kirtland Egyptian Papers, Lectures on Faith, Nauvoo Expositor, Peace Maker (pamphlet), Pearl of Great Price (Mormonism), Sacred text, Scriptures, Sefer haYashar (midrash), Standard Works, The Wentworth Letter, The Word of the Lord Brought to Mankind by an Angel, Word of Wisdom

Latter Day Saint movement and the Bible

Bible, Biblical canon, Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, King-James-Only Movement, King James Version of the Bible, Makhshava, New Testament, Old Testament

Book of Mormon

Book of Mormon, Book of Mormon chronology, , Curelom, Gadianton robbers, Egbert Bratt Grandin, Egyptian Names in the Book of Mormon, Paanchi (Book of Mormon), Record of the Nephites, Secret combination (Latter Day Saints), Sword of Laban

Book of Mormon people

Ammaron, Ammon (Book of Mormon), Book of Mormon rulers, Captain Moroni, Coriantumr, Enos (Book of Mormon), Ether (Book of Mormon), Gadianton robbers, Ishmael (Book of Mormon), Jaredite, Joseph (Book of Mormon), King Noah, Korihor, Laban (Book of Mormon), Laman and Lemuel, Lamanite, Lamoni, Limhi, List of Book of Mormon groups, List of Book of Mormon people, Mosiah, Mulek, Nephite, Paanchi (Book of Mormon), Sam (Book of Mormon), Sariah, Sons of Mosiah, Various Book of Mormon people, Zedekiah, Zeniff, Zoram

Book of Mormon artifacts

Breastplate, Liahona, Rameumptom, Seer stones in Mormonism, Urim and Thummim

Book of Mormon places

Bountiful (Book of Mormon), Khirbet Beit Lehi, Lehi-Nephi, Nahom, Zarahemla

Book of Mormon prophets

Abinadi, Alma the Elder, Alma the Younger, Ether (Book of Mormon), Helaman,Helaman, son of Helaman, Jacob (Book of Mormon), Jarom, King Benjamin, Lehi (Book of Mormon), List of Book of Mormon prophets, Mahonri Moriancumer, Mormon (prophet), Nephi, Omni (Book of Mormon), Samuel the Lamanite

Book of Mormon studies

Archaeology and the Book of Mormon, Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, Genetics and the Book of Mormon, Golden Plates, Limited geography model (Book of Mormon), Linguistics and the Book of Mormon, Reformed Egyptian, Studies of the Book of Mormon, The Book of Mormon and the King James Bible

Books of the Book of Mormon

Lost 116 pages, First Book of Nephi, Second Book of Nephi, Book of Jacob, Book of Enos, Book of Jarom, Book of Omni, Words of Mormon, Book of Mosiah, Book of Alma, Book of Helaman, Third Book of Nephi, Fourth Book of Nephi, Book of Mormon (Mormon's record), Book of Ether, Book of Moroni, Large Plates of Nephi, Small Plates of Nephi

Latter Day Saint periodicals

, Elders' Journal, Ensign (magazine), Evening and Morning Star, The Friend (Mormon magazine), Journal of Discourses, Liahona, List of Latter Day Saint periodicals, Messenger and Advocate, Millennial Star, New Era (magazine), Prophwyd y Jubili, Relief Society Magazine, The Seer (periodical), Sunstone Magazine, Times and Seasons, Udgorn Seion, Woman's Exponent

History of the Latter Day Saint movement

Dates: 1831 polygamy revelation, 1843 polygamy revelation, 1890 Manifesto

A to M: Amboy Conference, Authoritarianism and Mormonism, Battle Creek, Utah, Blacks and Mormonism, Burned-over district, Cart, Council of Fifty, Culture of the United States, Danite, Deseret, Deseret alphabet, Execution by firing squad, Extermination Order (Mormonism), First Transcontinental Railroad (North America), First Vision, Forgery, Gallatin Election Day Battle, Haun's Mill Massacre, History of Christianity, History of the Americas, History of the United States, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, History of the Latter Day Saint movement, Honeybee, Indian Placement Program, The Joseph Smith Papers, Joshua tree, Kirtland Safety Society, Miracle of the Gulls, Missouri Mormon War, Mormon Battalion, Mormon handcart pioneers, Mormon Pioneer, Mormon Reformation, Mormon Trail, Mountain Meadows massacre

N to Z: Nauvoo Legion, Nauvoo Expositor, Persecution of Christians, Polygamy, Priesthood Correlation Program, Rigdon's July 4th Oration, Salamander Letter, Salt Sermon, School of the Prophets, Second Great Awakening, Short Creek raid, Succession crisis (Mormonism), United States religious history University of Deseret, Utah War, Women and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Zelph, Zion's Camp

ignificant dates in the Latter Day Saint movement

* December 23, 1805 - birth of Joseph Smith
* Spring of 1820 - Joseph Smith, age 14, claims to be visited by God and Jesus
* September 21, 1823 - Moroni The Angel visits Joseph Smith
* September 22, 1823 - Joseph Smith is shown the gold plates for the first time
* January 18, 1827 - Joseph Smith marries Emma Hale.
* September 22, 1827 - Joseph Smith receives the gold plates.
* May 15, 1829 - John The Baptist The Angel bestows the Aaron Priesthood upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery
* June 1829 - Peter James and John The Angels bestow the Melchizedek Priesthood upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery
* March 26, 1830 - 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon published in Palmyra, New York
* April 6, 1830 - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints founded in Fayette, New York
* July 17, 1831 - The 1831 polygamy revelation in which Christ commands Smith's followers to takewives of the Lamanites and Nephites [Native Americans] .”
* 1832
* November 13, 1838 - birth of Joseph Fielding Smith
* July 12, 1843 - The 1843 polygamy revelation in which Christ commands polygamy in anew and an everlasting covenant.”
* June 27, 1844 - Joseph and Hyrum Smith murdered in a jail in Carthage, Illinois
* August 8, 1844 - Quorum of Twelve is created as the leading body of the Mormon Church
* February 10, 1846 - Many Mormons begin their migration from Nauvoo, Illinois to Great Salt Lake
* July 24, 1847 - Brigham Young arrives in Salt Lake Valley; Salt Lake City established
* 1857 - Mormons abandon Las Vegas
* October 6, 1890 - Wilford Woodruff issues the "Manifesto" halting polygamy.
* 1904 - Joseph F. Smith issues a "Second Manifesto" against polygamy

ignificant places in the Latter Day Saint movement

A to M: Adam-ondi-Ahman, Alberta, Arizona, Auditorium (Community of Christ), Beaver Island, Brigham Young University, Brigham Young University Jerusalem Center, Brigham Young University of Hawaii, Burlington, Wisconsin, Caldwell County, Missouri, Chihuahua (state), Culture of Mexico, Davis County, Utah, Demographics of Greece, Demographics of Kiribati, Demographics of Mexico, Demographics of Niue, Demographics of Palau, Demographics of Swaziland, Demographics of the Marshall Islands, Downtown (Salt Lake City), Endowment House, Far West, Missouri, Finger Lakes, Fort Bridger, Hiram, Ohio, Independence, Missouri, Jackson County, Missouri, Kane County, Utah, Kirtland, Ohio, 'ie, Hawai'i, Las Vegas, Nevada, LDS Church Office Building, LDS Conference Center, Los Angeles, California, Missouri, Morgan County, Utah

N to Z: Nauvoo, Illinois, Palmyra, Platte River, Rich County, Utah, Salt Lake Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah, San Bernardino, California, Seagull Monument, Sharon, Vermont, State of Deseret, St. James Township, Michigan, Temple Lot, Temple Square, University of Utah, Utah, Utah Territory, Voree, Wisconsin, Zion

Latter Day Saint temples

A to M: Apia Samoa Temple, Atlanta Georgia Temple, Bern Switzerland Temple, Cardston Alberta Temple, Chicago Illinois Temple, Freiberg Germany Temple, Guayaquil Ecuador Temple, Hamilton New Zealand Temple, Hong Kong China Temple, Houston Texas Temple, Idaho Falls Idaho Temple, Independence temple, Jordan River Utah Temple, Kirtland Temple, Kona Hawaii Temple, Laie Hawaii Temple, Las Vegas Nevada Temple, Logan Utah Temple, London England Temple, Los Angeles California Temple, Manti Utah Temple, Mesa Arizona Temple

N to Z: Nauvoo Illinois Temple, Nauvoo Temple, Oakland California Temple, Ogden Utah Temple, Orlando Florida Temple, Nuku alofa Tonga Temple, Provo Utah Temple, Raleigh North Carolina Temple, Salt Lake Temple, São Paulo Brazil Temple, Seattle Washington Temple, St. George Utah Temple, Tokyo Japan Temple, Vernal Utah Temple, Washington D.C. Temple

Latter Day Saints

* List of Latter-day Saints
* A - M: Nephi Anderson, Billy Barty, Glenn Beck, Steve Benson, Don Bluth, Shawn Bradley, Hugh B. Brown, Orson Scott Card, James C. Christensen, Kresimir Cosik, Stephen Covey, Mitch Davis, Richard Dutcher, Aaron Eckhart, Philo Farnsworth, Brandon Flowers, Rulon Gardner, Marvin Goldstein, Bo Gritz, Orrin Hatch, Jon Heder, Jared Hess, Ken Jennings, Steven E. Jones, Gladys Knight, Glen A. Larson, Michael O. Leavitt, Jon Peter Lewis, Robert L. Millet, Dale Murphy,
* N - Z: Donny Osmond, Marie Osmond, Olive Osmond, Anne Perry, Sandy Petersen, William Wines Phelps, D. Michael Quinn, Carmen Rasmusen, Harry Reid, Mitt Romney, Elizabeth Smart, Benjamin Urrutia, Olene S. Walker, Steve Young,
* Groups: Jericho Road, The Osmonds,

Historians of the Latter Day Saint movement

* Church Historian and Recorder, Latter Day Saint Historians,
* A - M: Thomas G. Alexander, Edward H. Anderson, Nephi Anderson, Leonard J. Arrington, Valeen Tippetts Avery, Philip Barlow, Davis Bitton, Fawn M. Brodie, Juanita Brooks, Richard Bushman, Todd Compton, Ron Esplin, Dean C. Jessee, Armand Mauss, Dale Morgan,
* N - Z: Linda King Newell, Hugh Nibley, Grant H. Palmer, Gregory Prince, D. Michael Quinn, B. H. Roberts, Stephen E. Robinson, Jan Shipps, Wallace Stegner, Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Wm. Robert Wright
* Groups or Organizations: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, John Whitmer Historical Association, Mormon Historic Sites Foundation, Mormon History Association, September Six,

Notable people in Latter Day Saint history

* A - M: Leonard J. Arrington, Valeen Tippetts Avery, Lilburn Boggs, Gutzon Borglum, Samuel Brannan, Fawn M. Brodie, Juanita Brooks, John Browning, Butch Cassidy, J. Reuben Clark, Kresimir Cosik, Henry Eyring, Mark Hofmann, Sonia Johnson, Gordon Jump, Thomas L. Kane, Gladys Knight, William Law, Mark Madsen,
* N - Z: Hugh Nibley, Natacha Rambova, Stephen E. Robinson, Porter Rockwell, William Shunn, Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Bertel Thorvaldsen
* Groups: September Six,

Mormon pioneers

* Mormon handcart pioneers
* Mormon pioneers
* Mormon Trail
* Perpetual Emigration Fund
* A - M: Elijah Abel, Milo Andrus, Truman O. Angell, John Milton Bernhisel, George Q. Cannon, Martha Hughes Cannon, Albert Carrington, William Clayton, Joseph Fielding, William Harrison Folsom, Emma Lee French, Archibald Gardner, William S. Godbe, Henry Grow, Ephraim Hanks, "Wild Bill" Hickman, Jefferson Hunt, Orson Hyde, William B. Ide, Luke S. Johnson, Heber C. Kimball, Helen Mar Kimball, Dudley Leavitt, John D. Lee, Walker Lewis, Francis M. Lyman, Isaac Morley
* N - Z: Orson Pratt, Parley P. Pratt, Franklin D. Richards, Willard Richards, Brigham Henry Roberts, Porter Rockwell, Charles Roscoe Savage, Bathsheba W. Smith, Joseph F. Smith, Lot Smith, Mary Fielding Smith, Abraham O. Smoot, Eliza Roxcy Snow, Erastus Snow, Lorenzo Snow, Orson Spencer, Edward Stevenson, Levi Stewart, John Taylor (1808-1887), Moses Thatcher, David King Udall, John Van Cott, Daniel H. Wells, Wilford Woodruff, Brigham Young, Brigham Young, Jr., Zina D. H. Young,

Latter Day Saint leaders

* A - M: Elijah Abel, Milo Andrus, Jason W. Briggs, Hugh B. Brown, Oliver Cowdery, Alpheus Cutler, W. A. Draves, Otto Fetting, Zenos H. Gurley, Sr., Martin Harris, George M. Hinkle, Milton R. Hunter, J. Golden Kimball, William Law, John D. Lee, Rex E. Lee, Walker Lewis, William Marks (Mormonism), William E. McLellin,
* N - Z: Warren Parrish, William Wines Phelps, Sidney Rigdon, Brigham Henry Roberts, Alexander Hale Smith, Bathsheba W. Smith, Emma Hale Smith, Frederick Madison Smith, Hyrum Smith, Joseph Smith, Sr., Joseph Smith, Jr., Joseph Smith III, Eliza Roxcy Snow, James Strang, Levi Stewart, David Whitmer, John Whitmer, Elizabeth Ann Whitney, Benjamin Winchester, Zina D. H. Young

Presidents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

* President of the Church (Mormonism)
* A - M: Ezra Taft Benson, Heber J. Grant, Gordon B. Hinckley, Howard W. Hunter, Spencer W. Kimball, Harold B. Lee, David O. McKay, Thomas S. Monson,
* N - Z: George Albert Smith, Joseph Smith, Jr., Joseph F. Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith, Lorenzo Snow, John Taylor (1808-1887), Wilford Woodruff, Brigham Young

Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

* Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
* A - M: Marvin J. Ashton, M. Russell Ballard, David A. Bednar, Ezra T. Benson, Ezra Taft Benson, Albert E. Bowen, Hugh B. Brown, George Q. Cannon, D. Todd Christofferson, J. Reuben Clark, Quentin L. Cook, Richard L. Evans, Henry B. Eyring, James E. Faust, Heber J. Grant, David B. Haight, Robert D. Hales, Alonzo A. Hinckley, Gordon B. Hinckley, Jeffrey R. Holland, Howard W. Hunter, Orson Hyde, Anthony W. Ivins, Luke S. Johnson, Heber C. Kimball, Spencer W. Kimball, Harold B. Lee, Thomas B. Marsh, Bruce R. McConkie, David O. McKay, Thomas S. Monson,
* N - Z: Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, Boyd K. Packer, David W. Patten, Orson Pratt, Parley P. Pratt, Mark E. Petersen, L. Tom Perry, Willard Richards, Richard G. Scott, George A. Smith, George Albert Smith, Hyrum Smith, Hyrum Mack Smith, Joseph F. Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith, William Smith (Mormonism), Reed Smoot, Lorenzo Snow, John Taylor (1808-1887), John Whittaker Taylor, George Teasdale, Daniel H. Wells, Joseph B. Wirthlin, Wilford Woodruff, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Brigham Young

Latter Day Saint art and culture

Scouting in Utah, C.C.A. Christensen, Fireside (Mormonism), Jack Mormon, Jell-O Belt, LDS cinema, LDS fiction, Pioneer Day, Saints Unified Voices, Sunstone Magazine, Undergarment

Portrayals of Mormons in popular media

"" (Tony Kushner), "A Study in Scarlet" (Arthur Conan Doyle), Brigham Young (movie), Go Ask Alice (Beatrice Sparks), ""If This Goes On—"" (Robert A. Heinlein), Jay's Journal (Beatrice Sparks), Latter Days, L. E. Modesitt, Jr., The Man with 80 Wives, Orgazmo, The Other Side of Heaven, , , "Lost Boys (novel)" (Orson Scott Card), St Albion Parish News, "The Memory of Earth" (Orson Scott Card), "Big Love" (HBO Drama)

Latter Day Saint music

Collection of Sacred Hymns (Kirtland, Ohio), I Am A Child Of God, If You Could Hie to Kolob, Joy to the World (Phelps), Maren Ord, Mormon folk music, Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Music of Utah, O My Father (hymn), The Spirit of God Like a Fire Is Burning, Saints Unified Voices

Latter Day Saint films

* LDS cinema
** "The Best Two Years", "Brigham City", "God's Army", "Jack Weyland's Charly", "Mobsters and Mormons", "Out of Step", "", "The R.M.", "The Singles Ward"
* LDS movies
** "", "Legacy", "The Testaments of One Fold and One Shepherd"


Family History Library, GEDCOM, Genealogy

Law related to Mormonism

Edmunds Act, EdmundsTucker Act, Extermination order, Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act, Poland Act, Reed Smoot hearings

Court decisions regarding the Latter Day Saint movement

Intellectual Reserve v. Utah Lighthouse Ministry, Mormon Church v. United States, Reynolds v. United States

Wikipedia Resources

Wikipedia Lists

List of Christian denominations, List of deities, List of initialisms, List of Isms, List of temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President of the Church (Mormonism), List of reference tables, List of religious topics, TLAs from IAA to LZZ



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  • List of Latter Day Saint movement topics — Latter day Saints portal In an effort to bring together pages on various religions, below is a list of articles that are about or reference Latter Day Saint movement topics. As a rule, the links below should direct to existing articles, not empty …   Wikipedia

  • Criticism of the Latter Day Saint movement — encompasses criticism of the doctrines, practices, and histories of the denominations of the Latter Day Saint movement, including the largest denomination, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints (LDS Church). The movement has been the… …   Wikipedia

  • Historians of the Latter Day Saint movement — are a diverse group of historians writing about Mormonism. Historians devoted to the History of the Latter Day Saint movement may be members of an LDS faith or non members with an academic interest. They range from faith promoting historians to… …   Wikipedia

  • Latter Day Saint movement — This article is about this religious movement s origins and general makeup. For treatments of component sects, see List of sects in the Latter Day Saint movement. Part of a series on Christianity …   Wikipedia

  • Latter Day Saint historians — are a diverse group of historians writing about Mormonism. They range from faith promoting historians to anti mormon historians, but also include scholars who make an honest effort at objectivity. Historians devoted to the History of the Latter… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Latter Day Saint periodicals — This article lists periodicals published primarily about institutions, people, or issues of the Latter Day Saint movement. Contents 1 Early periodicals 2 LDS Church 2.1 Official 2.2 Affiliated …   Wikipedia

  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — Classification Latter Day Saint movement Theology Nontrinitarian, Mormonism Governance …   Wikipedia

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  • Criticism of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — This article is about criticism of the modern LDS church. For criticism of the early years of Mormonism, see Criticism of the Latter Day Saint movement. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints has been the subject of criticism since it… …   Wikipedia

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