CER Computer

CER Computer

CER (Serbian: Cifarski Elektronski Računar - "Digital Electronic Computer") was a series of early computers (based on vacuum tubes and transistors) developed by Mihajlo Pupin Institute (Serbia) in the 1960s and 1970s.


  • CER-10 - 1960, based on vacuum tubes, transistors, electronic relays, and magnetic core memory. First Yugoslav digital computer(developed in "Vinca"-Institute) in (SFRY).
  • CER-2 - 1963, a prototype model
  • CER-20 - 1964, CER-30 - 1966, - the prototypes of the "electronic bookkeeping machine" for EI Niš and RIZ Zagreb;.
  • CER-200 - 1966, series of 18 "electronic bookkeeping computers".
  • CER-202-1968; CER-203 - 1972
  • CER-22 - 1967, based on transistors, MSI circuits, magnetic core memory, punched cards and magnetic disks. Serie of 3 electronic systems, used for on-line banking operations and data processing applications;
  • CER-12 - 1971, "electronic computer for business data processing", based on VLSI technology, wire wrapping boards, magnetic disks and magnetic tapes;
  • CER-11 - 1966, based on transistors, core memory, Teletype printer etc. Mobile military computer (used in the JNA (Yugoslav People's Army);
  • CER-101 Kosmos - 1973, based on VLSI circuits, core memory, magnetic drum, paper tapes, Teletype printers; Mobile computer in special military vehicles (used in the JNA's V.T. Institute);
  • CER-111 - 1975, Mobile military computer, based on VLSI technology, Hard disk drive; Used in JNA until 1989.


TYPE YEARS OF DESIGN; Principal designers; (End of use) USERS REMARKS
#1)CER-10Vinca 1956-60.;Prof.dr Tihomir Aleksic et al; (end of 1966) SKNE-Vinca;DSUP-Tanjug;ETS-N.Tesla; First yugoslav digital computer; El.tubes,transistors;Electronic relays; Core memories; Paper tapes; Teleprinter;
#2)CER-11 1965-66.; Prof.Tihomir Aleksic; Petar Vrbavac;(end of 1988) JNA-GS SSNO

Mobile military computer;Transistors& I.C; Printed circuit plates; Paper tapes;Teletype printer;

#3)CER-20. CER-30 (1963-66);Prof.Tihomir Aleksic;Prof.N.Parezanovic M.P.Institute; Ei-Nis; RIZ(TRS)Zagreb (Programmable calculators)
#4)CER-22 1966-68; Dusan Hristovic; (end of 1975); BeoBanka-Belgrade; Jugopetrol-Belgrade; Belgrade BVK vodovod & kanalizacija . Serie of 3 computers; Transistors and MSI; Magnetic core memories; CDC 854 magnetic disks; Punched cards & tapes; Line printer;
#5)CER-200.202.203 1966-72; M.Momcilovic; R.Drobnjakovic; Miladin Dabic; (1989) Planika-Kranj; PIK-Tamis; GIK-Banat; Kanal DTD-N.Sad; Jugodrvo Belgrade; Ei-Nis; Jugopetrol-Belgrade; VMA; Mehanografija; Poljobanka Belgrade; M. P. Institute. Series of 20 computers; Transistors & I.C. (MSI); Magn.core memories; Printed circuits boards, ribbon connectors; PT reader & puncher; Magnetic cassettes; Teletype printer;
#6)CER-12 1969-71; Branimir Leposavic; Petar Vrbavac; (1997) Vojvodina Bank-Zrenjanin; ERC-M.P.Institute Belgrade. Serie of 2 computers;(VLSI);Wire wrapped boards; CDC.9432 magn.disks; ‘Ampexmagn.tapes; Line printer; Displays;
#7)CER-101Kosmos 1972-73; Bogoljub Milivojevic; (1989) JNA-VTI Institute, Belgrade

Mobile computer in the spec. military vehicle;(VLSI); Paper tapes; Magn.drum type Vermont-1004; Line printer;

#8)CER-111 1974-75; Vladislav Paunovic; (end of 1988) JNA- SSNO Mobile military computer;(VLSI); wire wrapping; Hard Disk Singer Libroskop;

CER-Computers Table (author: Dušan Hristović, M.P.Institute, Belgrade University); GFDL and CCSA 3.0 License.

LITERATURE for CER computers

  1. Rajko Tomović, A.Mandzić, T.Aleksić, P.Vrbavac, V.Masnikosa, D.Hristović i M. Marić: «CIFARSKI ELEKTRONSKI RAČUNARCER INSTITUTA VINČA«, Zbornik V Konf. ETAN1960,tom 1, pp. 305-330, Beograd, 18. November 1960.
  2. Vukašin Masnikosa:«Aritmetički organ eksperiment.numeričke mašine u IBK-Vinča«, ELEKTROTEHNIKA,vol.8,No 8,pp.xx, Belgrade 1959.(takodje: ETAN-1958,pp.303)
  3. Dušan Hristović,Branko Dokmanović:«Napajanje rač.mašine CER«, V Konf.ETAN-60, pp.315-324, Belgrade 1960.
  4. Tihomir Aleksić,P.Vrbavac,J.Opačić: «Magnetno-tranzistorski brojački element i njegova primena u brojačima impulsa«,AUTOMATIKA i ELEKTRONIKA,vol.2,No4,Beograd 1962.
  5. B.Janković,N.Parezanović,S.Rajić,M.Marić:«Analiza jednotakt.prekid.sistema na univ. računarima«,Zbornik 8.Konf. ETAN-1963, tom 1,pp. 211-217, Zagreb,7.Sept.1963.
  6. Dušan Hristović: »Tranzistorski izlazni pojačavači za feritne memorije« , Zbornik 8.Konf. ETAN-1963, tom 1, pp.219-225, Zagreb, 7.September 1963.
  7. Nedeljko Parezanović: «Elektronski računar sa usvajanjem programa«, Zbornik 8.Konf.ETAN-1963,tom 1, pp.199-204, Zagreb, 7.Sept. 1963.
  8. Veselin Potić:«Poluprom. memorija induktivnog tipa«, 9.Kon.ETAN-64,pp.243-246, YU Bled .
  9. M.Hruška,M.Marić:Pristupni sistem brze koincid.mem.vel.kapaciteta”,Zbornik 11.Konf.ETAN-67,tom 1,pp.365-372, Niš 8.June 1967.
  10. Dušan Hristović: »Računar CER22«, journal HPEEA, No 10, pp.5-12, Belgrade, Oktober.1969.
  11. M.Momčilović,D.Hristović,P.Vrbavac et al:»Domaći cifarski el. računari CER«, Zbornik Savetovanja:Mehanografija i AOP u preduzećima, pp.38-58, YU Nova Varoš, 22.May 1969.
  12. Vladislav Paunović: »Jedno rešenje veze linijskog štampača«, časopis HPEEA, No 15, pp.31-35,Belgrade, July 1970.
  13. Vladislav Paunović: »Aritmetička jedinica-AJ računara CER-12«, AUTOMATIKA, No3, pp.161-165, Zagreb, 1971.(v.takodje Konf.ETAN-1972,str.877-886, Velenje, June 1972.)
  14. Veselin Potić,M.Šavikin:«U/I sistem CER-12«,AUTOMATIKA,No 3, pp.166-176,Zagreb,1971.
  15. M.Momčilović, Miladin Dabić:«Domaći el.sistem za obradu podataka CER-203« VI jug.simpozium o automatizaciji obrade podataka, Zagreb, 1972.
  16. Dušan Hristović: »MP struktura digitalnog računara HRS 101«, AUTOMATIKA, No3, pp. 173-179, Zagreb, 1972.
  17. M.Šavikin,V.Potić,M.Timotić,A.Marjanski: «Podsistem čitača-bušača pap.trake u sklopu rač.sistema CER-12«,Zborn.16Kon.ETAN-1972,pp.865-876, Velenje, June 1972.
  18. V.Potić,B.Tanasijević:«Organizacija i rešenje sistema memorije na magnetnom dobošu«,Zbornik 17.Konf.ETAN-1973, tom 2, pp.1030-1035, Novi Sad , 6.June 1973.
  19. B. J. Kogan,P.Vrbavac et al:«Gibr.Vičisl.Sistema GVS-100«, Sbornik IPU, Moskva 1974, pp.5-42; Also:Proc.of the VII.Congress AICA-73, pp.305-316, Prague 27. August 1973.
  20. Dušan Hristović,Borivoj Lazić: «Programsko testiranje eksternih memorija«, Zbornik 18.Konf.ETAN-1974,tom 2, pp.1157-1166, Ulcinj 6. June 1974.
  21. Tihomir Aleksić:Logička sinteza digitalnih sistema«,Naučna knjiga, Belgrade 1971.i 1975.(2 editions).
  22. Veselin Potić,i dr:«Programska detekcija kvarova u disk-memoriji«,Informatika-1974, YU Bled.
  23. Veselin Potić,Dušan Hristović:«Asocijativna struktura za adresiranje spoljnih memorija«, AUTOMATIKA,No 5-6, pp.181-185,Zagreb 1976.(also see: 20.Konf.ETAN-76, pp.1127-1135,YU Opatija).
  24. Dušan Hristović:Interaktivni grafički terminali”,Zbornik ETAN-77,pp.161-168,Banja Luka,6.June 1977.
  25. Tihomir Aleksić:»RAČUNARI-ORGANIZACIJA I ARHITEKTURA«,Naucna knjiga,Belgrade 1982,85,89.i 1991. (4 editions).
  26. Dragoljub Milićević,Dušan Hristović et al: «RAČUNARI TIM«, Naučna knjiga,Belgrade,1990. (pp. 163-169, see the photographies of the CER computers).
  27. Dusan Hristovic: «Computer History,CER-10«, IT Star Newsletter, Vol.7, No.1, pp.6-7, Spring issue 2009.
  28. B.Lazić, D.Živković,Ž.Tošić,M.Stojčev,D.Obradović,V.Kovačević:»50 GODINA RAČUNARSTVA«,Zbornik 39.Konf.ETRAN-95, tom 3,pp.7-20, Zlatibor, 6.June 1995.
  29. Bogdan Janković: »CER NAŠE MLADOSTI«, PC Press - Extra, pp. 4-6, Belgrade, Jan.1996.
  30. Vladislav Paunović, Dušan Hristović: «PRIKAZ I ANALIZA RAČUNARA CER« Zbornik 44.Konf.ETRAN-2000,tom 3, pp.79-82, Sokobanja, 26.June 2000.

See also:

History of computer hardware in the SFRY

List of computer systems from SFRY.

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