

CER (Serbian: Цифарски Електронски Рачунар - "Digital Electronic Computer") model 203 was an early digital computer developed by Mihajlo Pupin Institute (Serbia) in 1971. It was designed to process data of medium sized businesses:

* In banks, for managing and processing of accounts, bookkeeping, foreign-currency and interest calculations, amortization plans and statistics
* In manufacturing, for production planning and management, market data processing and forecasting, inventory management, financial document management and process modelling
* In utilities, to calculate water and electricity consumption, to produce various reportsand lists and for technical calculations and design
* In construction industry for network planning method design, financial management and bookkeeping
* In trading companies for payment processing, market analysis, inventory management and customer and partner relationship management


Central Processing:
* Type: BMS-203
* Number of instructions: 32
* Performance:
** one 16-cycle instruction: 20 μs
** one single cycle instruction: 5 μs
** addition and/or subtraction of two 15-digit numbers: 20 μs

Primary memory:
* Capacity: 8 kilowords
* Speed (cycle time): 1 μs
* Complete, autonomous memory error checking
* Parity control

Punched tape reader:
* Dielectric-based reading
* Speed: 500 to 1,000 characters per second
* Accepts 5, 7 and 8-channel tapes

"'Tape puncher":
* Speed: 75 characters per second

Parallel Line Printer 667:
* "On the fly" printing
* 128 characters per line
* Removable/replaceable printing cylinder
* Speed:
** 500 lines per minute for a character set of 63 characters
** 550 lines per minute for a character set of 50 characters
* Automatic paper feeder
* Two line spacing settings
* Programamtic tape for discontinous paper movement
* Maximum number of carbon copies: 6

Independent Printer M 30:
* 132 characters per line
* Speed:
** Prints 25 alphanumeric characters per second
** Prints 33 numeric characters per second
** Tabulation speed: 144 characters per second
** Blank printing speed: 100 characters per second
* Maximum number of carbon copies: 6

Magnetic cassettes 4096:
* Capacity: 600,000 characters
* Variable record length
* Transfer rate: 857 characters per second
* Tape speed: 10 inches per second

Magnetic Tape Drives:
* Data format: 9-track ASCII with inter-record space of 0.6 inches (1.524 cm)
* Data density: 556/800 bits per inch
* Capacity per tape: circa 10,000,000 characters
* Tape speed: 24 inches/s, 150 inches/s fast-forward and rewind
* Transfer rate: 19.2 kHz
* Tape width: 1/2 inch (1.27 cm)
* Tape length: 2400 ft (731.52 m)
* Working ambient temperature range: 5°C to 40°C
* Relative humidity: up to 80%
* Integrated circuit control logic
* Separate control panel for each drive
* Read/Write Capabilities:
** Read and Write forward
** Read forward
** Read reverse

ee also

* CER Computers
* Mihajlo Pupin Institute
* History of computer hardware in the SFRY


CER – 200/ 202/203; (Inst. M.Pupin,Belgrade,1966/72.)Cief designers:ing. M. Momčilovic/ing. R.Drobnjakovic/mgr.Miladin Dabić.USERS: "Planika" – Kranj; PIK – Tamis; GIK – Banat; Kanal DTD- N.Sad; Jugodrvo; Ei- Nis; Jugopetrol-Belgrade; VMA;Mehanografija; Poljobanka; I.M.Pupin,Belgrade.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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