- Mickey's Polo Team
Mickey's Polo Team is a short animated film, directed by David Hand and first released on January 4, 1936. The short featured a game of polo between four of Disney's animated characters and four animated caricatures of noted film actors. Spectators included regular characters of the Mickey Mouse series, notable characters of the Silly Symphonies series and several film actor caricatures. The short is considered notable for featuring a large number of 1930s entertainment figures.
In detail the characters were:
- Referee Jack Holt
- The "Mickey Mousers" team:
- Mickey Mouse
- Goofy (here referred to as "The Goof")
- Big Bad Wolf
- Donald Duck, riding a donkey
- The "Movie Stars" team:
- Stan Laurel
- Oliver Hardy
- Harpo Marx, riding an ostrich
- Charlie Chaplin
- Spectators:
- Shirley Temple, seated with the Three Little Pigs
- Charles Laughton, dressed as Henry VIII
- Eddie Cantor
- W. C. Fields
- Harold Lloyd
- Greta Garbo, waving a Pom-pon
- Edna May Oliver, seated next to Max Hare, from The Tortoise and the Hare
- Clark Gable, seated with Clarabelle Cow
- Pluto
- Fifi the Peke
- Two Easter Bunnies, from Funny Little Bunnies
- The Wise Little Hen, from The Wise Little Hen
- The Flying Mouse and his mother, from The Flying Mouse
- Peter and Polly Penguin, from Peculiar Penguins
- King Midas and Goldie the Elf, from The Golden Touch
- Ambrose Puss the Cat and Dirty Bill the Dog Robber, from The Robber Kitten
- Cock Robin and Jenny Wren, from Who Killed Cock Robin?
See also
- Mickey's Gala Premiere
- Mother Goose Goes Hollywood
- Hollywood Steps Out
- Hollywood Daffy
- The Autograph Hound
- Slick Hare
- What's Cookin' Doc?
- Felix in Hollywood
External links
Categories:- 1936 films
- Disney animated short films, 1930s
- Mickey Mouse short films
- Donald Duck short films
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