- List of New England hurricanes
A New England hurricane is a
tropical cyclone originating in the NorthAtlantic Ocean that affects the states ofConnecticut ,Rhode Island ,Massachusetts ,Vermont ,New Hampshire , orMaine in theUnited States . Vermont rarely receives any tropical cyclones, as it does not border the Atlantic coast. However, a few storms have crossed into Vermont with tropical storm strength.
[Hurricane Floyd over New England]More frequent events
On average, a hurricane will make landfall in New England once every 10-20 years. The last hurricane to make landfall in New England was
Hurricane Bob of the1991 Atlantic hurricane season . More commonly, a tropical storm (or former hurricane) will make landfall in New England. The last tropical storm to make landfall in New England was Tropical Storm Hanna of the2008 Atlantic hurricane season .Hurricane Floyd is an example of a hurricane weakening to tropical storm status before making landfall in New England. Uniquely,Hurricane Noel was predicted to landfall on eitherCape Cod and/orMaine at Category 1 strength, but the storm itself transformed into anextratropical cyclone and will not count inNational Weather Service records as a New England hurricane landfall. Only a handful of major hurricanes have made landfall in New England each century, and only a few Category 4 or possibly Category 5 hurricanes have ever reached the area, notably in 1635 and 1815. The 1938 storm produced winds gusting to category 4 & 5 strength in exposed areas of southern Rhode Island and coastal Massachusetts west ofBuzzards Bay , and notably at Blue Hill inMilton, Massachusetts .During most hurricane seasons, New England will be affected by at least one of these cyclones:
tropical depression ,Extratropical cyclone , or the remnant low of a tropical cyclone. These can either travel up the coast or make landfall on the Gulf Coast and travel northeast towards the region. Also, New England commonly experiences fringe effects from passing cyclones. These effects include heavy rain, gusty winds, rough seas, and large waves. Often a storm moving offNantucket will produce hurricane force wind gusts over southern and eastern Massachusetts. The last storm of this type was Hurricane Edouard in September 1996.A
Nor'easter is a large mid-latitude cyclone that forms off the eastern coasts of Atlantic Canada and the United States. These will usually form between November and March and can cause damage similar to that of tropical cyclones. Not to be confused withWarm core tropical cyclones, these systems will exhibit Extratropical Characteristics including having aCold core . One or more of these storms will hit New England during an average winter.List of tropical cyclones
Most of the following are tropical cyclones that passed through the states after weakening from their peak.
Multiple intense hurricanes (Category 3+) hit New England in
pre-Columbian times: between 1100–1150, 1300–1400 (1295–1407), and 1400–1450 (1404–1446), respectively.cite journal |last=Donnelly |first=Jeffrey P. |authorlink= |coauthors="et al." |year=2001 |month= |title=700 yr Sedimentary Record of Intense Hurricane Landfalls in Southern New England |journal=Geological Society of America Bulletin |volume=113 |issue=6 |pages=714–727 |doi= |url=http://www.geo.brown.edu/georesearch/esh/QE/Publications/GSAB2001/JDonnelly/Succotash/Succotash.htm |accessdate= |quote= ] Donnelly, J. P.; Ettinger, R.; Cleary, P. (2001): "Intense hurricane strikes in southeastern New England since A.D. 1000", "American Geophysical Union". Bibcode|2001AGUSM..OS52B05D]1600s
August 4 ,1609 - One ship sank nearBermuda , killing 32 men; inspiredShakespeare to write The Tempest.
*August 25 ,1635 - TheGreat Colonial Hurricane of 1635 struckNarragansett Bay as a possible category 4 or 5 hurricane. It killed 46+ people.
*August 23 ,1683 - A tropical cyclone hitConnecticut and caused tremendous flooding.
*October 29 ,1693 - Another tropical cyclone struck New England and caused flooding so great that new permanent inlets were created.1700s
October 18 ,1703 - A tropical system caused great wind and flood damage; many ships were lost.
*February 23 ,1723 - An off-season storm struck Cape Cod causing a great deal of damage, but no reported deaths. Snow, Edward Rowe. "Storms and Shipwrecks of New England". 2003. ]
*October 8 ,1747 - Seven ships were destroyed and "Many" perished.
*August 1775- TheNewfoundland Hurricane of 1775 apparently brought strong winds and/or waves to New England, though it is not known to have actually made landfall.
*November 1 ,1778 - A late season hurricane struckCape Cod ,Massachusetts , killing 50-70 people.
*August 19 ,1788 - A hurricane struck New England.1800s
October 9 , Snow, Edward Rowe. "Storms and Shipwrecks of New England". 2003. ] 1804- TheStorm of October 1804 crossed New England, cool air was entrained in the circulation, and it became extratropical. The storm brought heavy snow across the Northeast, in some areas up to 2-3 feet, and killed 9 people. This was the first observation of snow from a landfalling hurricane, but not the last. This Category three hurricane was a major one, especially for eastern Massachusetts.
*September 1815- What was once a major hurricane brought Tropical Storm-force winds into New England.
*September 23/24, 1815- TheGreat September Gale of 1815 struck New England as a major hurricane and delivered an 11-footstorm surge that funneled upNarragansett Bay where it destroyed some 500 houses and 35 ships and flooded Providence,Rhode Island . It also caused 38+ deaths all over New England.
*September 4 ,1821 - The1821 Norfolk and Long Island Hurricane became extratropical over Maine.
*October 3 ,1841 - The October Gale of 1841 became an extratropical storm, and hit New England. It led to a storm of snow and sleet in Connecticut, bringing up to 18 feet of snow in some areas. The storm wrecked theGeorges Bank fishing fleet which drowned 81 fishermen and knocked down trees, tore roofs off houses and forced boats to go up on shore. The storm also destroyed a saltworks factory alongCape Cod , sending the economy to a slump. In 1842, a monument was erected to remember the sailors and fishermen lost at sea.
*October 14 ,1846 - TheGreat Havana Hurricane of 1846 likely struck nearHartford, Connecticut , where hurricane-force winds destroyed a trestle bridge. Numerous apple orchards in Massachusetts were reported ruined. No deaths due to the hurricane's passage over New England were reported.
*October 6 ,1849 - A tropical cyclone made landfall in Massachusetts, causing 143 deaths.
*August 1850- A tropical cyclone caused damage in its wake through New England.
*October 19 ,1851 - A tropical storm formed north of theBahamas onOctober 16 . It continued northward and reached a peak intensity of convert|70|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on. But it weakened to a convert|60|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on-storm before it made landfall in Rhode Island on the 19th. Later that day it dissipated on the border between Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
*September 16 ,1858 - A category 1 hurricane made landfall on the Connecticut-Rhode Island border and brought heavy rain to New England before exiting Maine as a tropical storm. It then continued northeast until it dissipated just over the other side of theGulf of St. Lawrence on the 17th.
*September 28 ,1861 - Hurricane 5 hit Connecticut as a convert|60|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on tropical storm. It then continued east-northeast and dissipated in extreme eastern Maine later that day.
*November 3 , 1861- The Expedition Hurricane struck eastern Connecticut as a convert|60|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on tropical storm. It then continued northeast until it dissipated over southern Maine later that day.
*September 19 ,1863 - An Unnamed tropical storm makes landfall in New York and brings strong winds to western New England.
*October 30 ,1866 - The former category one Hurricane 7 makes landfall inNew Jersey ,Long Island , andNew York City and begins to parallel the New York-New England border until it briefly enters Vermont and dissipates.*
October 10 ,1894 - Hurricane 5 struck Connecticut as a category 1 hurricane.
*September 10 ,1896 - Hurricane 2 struck Massachusetts as a category 1 hurricane.
*September 24 ,1897 - Tropical Storm 3 hit Connecticut as a convert|50|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on tropical storm. It continued up through all the New England states except for Vermont.
*October 6 ,1898 - Hurricane 7 came from the west and hit Maine as a tropical depression, then continued east intoAtlantic Canada .
*November 1 ,1899 - Hurricane 8 struck New England as a convert|50|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on+ extratropical storm.1900s
1904 September 15 - category 1/extratropical - Damage in southeast Massachusetts, especiallyMartha's Vineyard . Trees down in Providence, Rhode Island andNew Bedford, Massachusetts . Center moved NE just within coastline from Carolinas with eastern sector intact over ocean. Crossed Long Island and east RI border. Much marine destruction with heavy losses in Buzzards Bay andVineyard Sound and Massachusetts Bay.*
1916 July 21 - category 1 - Center moved north from open Atlantic, crossing Buzzards Bay/Cape Cod area of Massachusetts. Hourly wind reports indicated sustained convert|50|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on but actual winds were higher than hourly observations. Gusts of convert|85|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on recorded in southeast Massachusetts and Cape Cod.*
1924 August 26 - category 2/3 - large center moved over and just east of Cape Cod. Severe hurricane in New Bedford and Martha's Vineyard Massachusetts. New Bedford Newspaper (Mercury) published photo journal of severity. Often overlooked though much material present to include as destructive storm. On Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard andNantucket considered worse than 1938. Widespread wind losses to structures. Very heavy tree damage in New Bedford north to Plymouth Massachusetts. Storm later destructive in Nova Scotia.*
1934 September 8 - tropical storm - weakening hurricane crossed Long Island and lost strength from slow movement as it moved through Connecticut much in a similar manner as Hurricane Belle of August 1976. Trees downed in Providence Rhode Island and New Haven Conn.*
1936 September 18 - category 1 - Eye moved east-northeast overBlock Island and Nantucket Sounds after moving up East Coast of U. S. north ofNorth Carolina and Virginia. Destructive in Providence, Rhode Island and eastern Massachusetts. Boston had convert|80|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on winds at 8am on the 18th as the storm moved east along the south coast ofCape Cod and the Islands . There was much media coverage but this storm was later eclipsed by the extreme hurricane two years later. Heavy wind damage in all of eastern Massachusetts.*
1944 September 14 - 15 - Great Atlantic Hurricane - Category 3 in southern New England. Eye over Conn. /Rhode Island border. Severe wind damage in southeastern Massachusetts and across the Cape and Islands. On Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard considered worse than 1938. Severe wind damage in New Bedford Mass. Much structural damage and much of the forest that had somehow escaped being decimated in 1938 fell victim to this storm.*
1950 September 12 - Hurricane Dog - Major offshore hurricane - largest in size of all Atlantic storms - moved very close to Nantucket. Hurricane conditions over southeast Massachusetts. New Bedford Airport at 11pm observation reported sustained wind from the north at convert|75|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on with gust to convert|100|mi/h|km/h|-1|abbr=on. Very large, intense storm.*
1953 September 7 - Hurricane Carol (the First)-category one. Maine landfall with considerable wind losses in Eastport Maine andNew Brunswick , Canada. This hurricane was eclipsed by the extreme damage of another Carol (the second) the very next year.*1954 - Hurricane Edna - second category 3 hurricane in two weeks in New England made two landfalls, eye over Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod then again on coast of Maine where very severe losses occurred.
1962 October 4 - Hurricane Daisy - offshore-produced hurricane conditions in coastal NE Maine andMt. Desert Island .*
1963 October 30 - Hurricane Ginny - offshore-produced hurricane conditions on Nantucket Island, Mass. and again along coastal NE Maine.*1971 - Doria -
August 28 - was in process of becoming Category one hurricane as it moved into Connecticut from Long Island. Hurricane force winds measured at sea level in Bridgeport Conn. Gusts to convert|80|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on in southeast Massachusetts and Blue Hill.*1972 - Carrie - as transitioning to extratropical storm on crossing Cape Cod produced hurricane force gusts of convert|90|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on in Plymouth and convert|100|mi/h|km/h|-1|abbr=on
Hyannis, Massachusetts .*1991 - Un-named (Former Hurricane Grace:Perfect Storm) - offshore - Wind gusts to convert|77|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on over Cape Cod as far west as
Jamestown, Rhode Island . Coastal damage very high in exposed eastern Massachusetts area from waves and tide. Minor wind damage coming just two months after Hurricane Bob which produced major damage over southeast Massachusetts.*
1996 September 2 - Hurricane Edouard - category 1 - offshore-hurricane force wind gusts from Buzzards Bay east across Cape and Islands.*
1999 September 15 -16 - tropical storm Floyd - wind gusts to convert|76|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on in New Bedford, convert|73|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on Hyannis, Massachusetts. Gust convert|90|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on at Galilee, Rhode Island. Gusts 65-convert|85|mi/h|km/h|0|abbr=on along shorelines ofLake Champlain , Vermont and in high open elevations of Vermont. A tightpressure gradient and northerly flow over Vermont produced the most widespread damage reported in all New England during that storm. Widespread tree and roofing material damage reported in Vermont.2000s
September 6 ,2008 – Tropical Storm Hanna makes landfall at or nearNew Haven, Connecticut and proceeds northeastward, dropping moderate to heavy rainfall and spawning gusty winds across southern New England. [cite web|author=David Roth|title=Rainfall Summary for Hurricane Hanna|year=2008|publisher=National Hurricane Center|accessdate=2008-10-11|url=http://www.hpc.ncep.noaa.gov/tropical/rain/hanna2008.html]
*September 15 ,2008 – The remnants ofHurricane Ike reach northern New England, though no effects are reported. [cite web|author=Tom Skilling|title=Rain finally lets up, but major flooding continues|year=2008|publisher="Chicago Tribune"|accessdate=2008-10-11|url=http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-tom-skilling-explainer_0915sep15,0,326822.story]
*September 28 ,2008 – Hurricane Kyle passes to the east as it heads towardsCanada , affecting Main with heavy rainfall and gusty winds that caused scattered power outages. [cite web|author=Associated Pres|title=Weakened to storm, Kyle hits Canada coast|year=2008|publisher=MSNBC News|accessdate=2008-10-11|url=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26893171/] Up to convert|7.15|in|mm|abbr=on of precipitation falls inHancock County, Maine . [cite web|author=Caribou, Maine National Weather Service|title=Rainfall Totals for 26-29 September 2008|year=2008|publisher=National Weather Service|accessdate=2008-10-11|url=http://www.erh.noaa.gov/car/News_Items/2008-09-29_item001.htm]External links
* [http://www.serve.com/NESEC/hazards/Hurricanes.cfm#history Basic information on hurricanes]
* [http://home.maine.rr.com/mailhot/netrop.html Marine info]Resources
*Bishop Valentine, Sarah. Hurricanes in New England 1635-1996: A Technical Paper. 1996
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.