- List of philosophers born in the twentieth century
Philosopher s born in the twentieth century "(and others important in the history of philosophy)", listed alphabetically:(For those philosophers still alive and working today, see the companion list: "
List of living philosophers and academics of philosophy ".)::"Note: This list has a minimal criteria for inclusion and the relevance to philosophy of some individuals on the list is disputed."
Nicola Abbagnano , (1901-1990)
*H. B. Acton , (1908-1974)
*Mortimer Adler , (1902-2001)
*Theodor Adorno , (1903-1969)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Rogers Albritton , (1923-2002)
*Virgil Aldrich , (1903-1998)fn|O1
*Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov , (1912-1999)
*Gerda Alexander (1908–1994)
*Louis Althusser , (1918-1990)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Alan Ross Anderson , (1925-1973)fn|O12
*G. E. M. Anscombe , (1918-2001)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Hannah Arendt , (1906-1975)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Raymond Aron , (1905-1983)
*John Langshaw Austin, (1911-1960)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Alfred Jules Ayer, (1910-1989)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|SB
Archie J. Bahm , (1907-1996)
*Yehoshua Bar-Hillel , (1915-1975)
*Roland Barthes , (1915-1980)fn|Cfn|O2fn|R
*Jon Barwise , (1942-2000)
*Jean Baudrillard , (1929-2007)fn|O2fn|Rfn|S
*Monroe Beardsley , (1915-1985)
*Jean Beaufret , (1907-1982)
*Lewis White Beck , (1913-1997)
*Gustav Bergmann , (1906-1987)fn|Cfn|O12
*Isaiah Berlin , (1909-1997)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Max Black , (1909-1988)fn|O12
*Maurice Blanchot , (1907-2003)fn|R
*Allan Bloom , (1930-1992)
*Norberto Bobbio , (1909-2004)fn|O12fn|R
*Jozef Maria Bochenski , (1902-1995)
*Dietrich Bonhoeffer , (1906-1945)fn|O2fn|R
*George Boolos , (1940-1996)
*Pierre Bourdieu , (1930-2002)fn|R
*Richard-Bevan Braithwaite , (1900-1990)fn|O12
*Richard B. Brandt , (1910-1997)fn|Cfn|O1
*Justus Buchler , (1914-1991)fn|O1C
Amílcar Cabral , (1924-1973)fn|R
*Albert Camus , (1913-1960)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Georges Canguilhem , (1904-1995)fn|C
*Hector-Neri Castañeda , (1924-1991)fn|C
*Cornelius Castoriadis , (1922-1997)
*Michel de Certeau , (1925-1986)fn|R
*Haridas Chaudhuri , (1913-1975)
*Roderick Chisholm , (1916-1999)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Alonzo Church , (1903-1995)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*L. Jonathan Cohen , (1923-2006)fn|O12
*Lucio Colletti , (1924-2001)fn|O12
*Frederick Copleston , (1907-1994)D
*Donald Davidson, (1917-2003)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Simone de Beauvoir , (1908-1986)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Bruno de Finetti , (1906-1985)fn|O12
*Paul de Man , (1919-1983)fn|R
*Guy Debord , (1931-1994)
*Gilles Deleuze , (1925-1995)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Bernard Delfgaauw , (1912-1993)
*Jacques Derrida , (1930-2004)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Miroslaw Dzielski , (1941-1989)E
William A. Earle , (1919-1988)
*James M. Edie , (1927-1998)
*Paul Edwards, (1923-2004)fn|O12
*Mircea Eliade , (1907-1986)fn|R
*Jacques Ellul , (1912-1994)
*Gareth Evans, (1946-1980)fn|O12fn|R
*Ignacio Ellacuria , (1930-1989)F
Emil Fackenheim , (1916-2003)fn|Rfn|S*
*Alan Fairclough , (1990-2008)
*Frantz Fanon , (1925-1961)fn|O12fn|R
*Austin Marsden Farrer , (1904-1968)fn|R
*Herbert Feigl , (1902-1988)
*Joel Feinberg , (1926-2004)fn|O12
*Jose Ferrater-Mora , (1912-1991)fn|O12
*Paul Feyerabend , (1924-1994)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Vilém Flusser , (1920-1991)
*Michel Foucault , (1926-1984)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*William K. Frankena , (1908-1994)fn|Cfn|O12
*Oliver Shewell Franks , (1905-1992)
*Hans Frei , (1922-1988)fn|R
*Northrop Frye , (1912-1991)
*Lon L. Fuller , (1902-1978)fn|RG
Hans-Georg Gadamer , (1900-2002)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Ernest Gellner (1925-1995)
*Gerhard Gentzen , (1909-1945)fn|O12fn|R
*Alan Gewirth , (1912-2004)fn|O12
*Kurt Gödel , (1906-1978)fn|O12fn|R
*Lucien Goldmann , (1913-1970)
*Nelson Goodman , (1906-1998)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*George Grant, (1918-1988)
*Herbert Paul Grice, (1913-1988)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Félix Guattari , (1930-1992)
*Gotthard Günther , (1900-1984)H
Philip Hallie , (1922-1994)
*Charles Hamblin , (1922-1985)
*Stuart Hampshire , (1914-2004)fn|O12
*Norwood Russell Hanson , (1922-1967)fn|R
*R. M. Hare , (1919-2002)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*H. L. A. Hart , (1907-1992)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Werner Heisenberg , (1901-1976)fn|O12fn|R
*Erich Heller , (1911-1990)
*Carl Gustav Hempel , (1905-1997)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Michel Henry , (1922-2002)
*Abraham Joshua Heschel , (1907-1972)fn|R
*Sidney Hook , (1902-1989)fn|O12
*Hsu Fu-kuan , (1903-1982)fn|C
*Jean Hyppolite , (1907-1968)I
Evald Vassilievich Ilyenkov , (1924-1979)fn|RJ
Erich Jantsch , (1929-1980)
*Richard C. Jeffrey , (1926-2002)fn|O12
*Hans Jonas , (1903-1993)K
Jerrold Katz , (1932-2002)
*Walter Kaufmann , (1921-1980)
*Martin Luther King, Jr. , (1929-1968)
*William Calvert Kneale , (1906-1990)fn|O12
*Arthur Koestler , (1905-1983)
*Alexandre Kojève , (1902-1968)fn|R
*Stephan Körner , (1913-2000)
*Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn , (1909-1999)
*Thomas Samuel Kuhn , (1922-1996)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|SL
Jacques Lacan , (1901-1981)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe , (1940-2007)fn|R
*Imre Lakatos , (1922-1974)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Henri Lefebvre , (1901-1991)fn|R
*Yeshayahu Leibowitz , (1903-1994)fn|R
*Emmanuel Levinas , (1906-1995)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*David Kellogg Lewis, (1941-2001)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Suzanne Lilar , (1901-1992)
*Arthur Lipsett , (1936-1986)
*Knud Ejler Løgstrup , (1905-1981)
*Bernard Lonergan , (1904-1984)fn|R
*Paul Lorenzen , (1915-1995)fn|R
*Jean-François Lyotard , (1924-1998)fn|Cfn|O12fn|RM
*John Leslie Mackie, (1917-1981)fn|O12
*Norman Malcolm , (1911-1990)fn|Cfn|O12
*Merab Mamardashvili , (1930-1990)fn|R
*Julián Marías , (1914-2005)
*Ron McClamrock
*Marshall McLuhan , (1911-1980)
*Maurice Merleau-Ponty , (1908-1961)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Vincent Miceli , (1915-1991)
*Richard Montague , (1930-1971)fn|O2fn|R
*Sidney Morgenbesser , (1921-2004)
*Mou Tsung-san , (1909-1995)fn|C
*Iris Murdoch , (1919-1999)fn|O12N
Ernest Nagel , (1901-1985)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*John von Neumann , (1903-1957)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Nishitani Keiji , (1900-1990)fn|O12fn|R
*Kwame Nkrumah , (1909-1972)fn|O12
*David L. Norton , (1930-1995)
*Robert Nozick , (1938-2001)fn|Cfn|O12fn|RO
Michael Oakeshott , (1901-1990)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Albert Outler , (1908-1989)
*Gwilyn Ellis Lane Owen , (1922-1982)fn|O12fn|RP
John Arthur Passmore , (1914-2004)fn|R
*Jan Patočka , (1907-1977)fn|R
*D. Z. Phillips , (1934-2006)
*Louis P. Pojman , (1935-2005)
*Richard Popkin , (1923-2005)
*K. J. Popma , (1903-1986)
*Karl Popper , (1902-1994)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Arthur Prior , (1914-1969)fn|O2fn|Rfn|S
*Harry Prosch , (1917-2005)Q
W. V. O. Quine , (1908-2000)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*R
James Rachels , (1941-2003)
*Karl Rahner , (1904-1984)fn|R
*Frank P. Ramsey , (1903-1930)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Ian Thomas Ramsey , (1915-1972)fn|R
*Paul Ramsey , (1913-1988)
*John Rawls , (1921-2002)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Radovan Richta , (1924-1983)
*Paul Ricoeur , (1913-2005)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Richard Rorty , (1931-2007)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Gillian Rose , (1947-1995)
*Gian-Carlo Rota , (1932-1999)
*Joseph Rovan , (1918-2004)
*Gilbert Ryle , (1900-1976)fn|Cfn|O12fn|RS
Wesley Salmon , (1925-2001)fn|O12
*Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar , (1921-1990)
*Jean-Paul Sartre , (1905-1980)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Wilfrid Sellars , (1912-1989)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*B. F. Skinner , (1904-1990)fn|R
*Robert C. Solomon , (1942-2007)
*Joseph Soloveitchik , (1903-1993)fn|Rfn|S*
*Herbert Spiegelberg , (1904-1990)
*Edward Stachura , (1937-1979)
*Charles Leslie Stevenson , (1908-1979)fn|O12fn|R
*David Stove , (1927-1994)
*P. F. Strawson , (1919-2006)fn|Cfn|O12fn|RT
T'ang Chun-i , (1909-1978)fn|C
*Alfred Tarski , (1901-1983)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Richard Taylor, (1919-2003)fn|O12
*Placide Tempels , (1906-1977)
*Irving Thalberg Jr. , (1930-1988)
*Helmut Thielicke , (1908-1986)fn|R
*Alan Turing , (1912-1954)fn|O12fn|Rfn|SU
Francisco Varela , (1946-2001)
*Henry Babcock Veatch , (1911-1997)
*Michel Villey , (1914-1988)fn|R
*Gregory Vlastos , (1907-1991)fn|O12fn|R
*Eric Voegelin , (1901-1985)fn|R
*Georg Henrik von Wright , (1916-2003)fn|Cfn|O12fn|RW
*Hao Wang, (1921-1995)fn|O12
*Geoffrey J. Warnock , (1923-1996)fn|O12
*Alan Watts , (1915-1973)
*Eric Weil , (1904-1977)
*Simone Weil , (1909-1943)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*John Daniel Wild , (1902-1972)
*Bernard Williams , (1929-2003)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Peter Winch , (1926-1997)fn|O12
*John Wisdom , (1904-1993)fn|O12
*Richard Wollheim , (1923-2003)fn|O12
*Jerzy Wroblewski , (1926-1990)fn|RX
Francis Parker Yockey , (1917-1960)
*Arthur M. Young , (1905-1995)Z
Aleksandr Zinovyev , (1922-2006)
*Xavier Zubiri , (1898-1983)ee also
* "
List of philosophers born in the centuries BC "
* "List of philosophers born in the first through tenth centuries "
* "List of philosophers born in the eleventh through fourteenth centuries "
* "List of philosophers born in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries "
* "List of philosophers born in the seventeenth century "
* "List of philosophers born in the eighteenth century "
* "List of philosophers born in the nineteenth century "Notes
* - For more information about this person's contribution to philosophy, see his/her entry in "
The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy , (Second Edition)". Cambridge University Press; 1999. ISBN 0-521-63722-8
* - For more information about this person's contribution to philosophy, see his/her entry in "The Oxford Companion to Philosophy ". :"1": Oxford University Press; 1995. ISBN 0-19-866132-0:"2": Oxford University Press; 2005. ISBN 0-19-926479-1
* - For more information about this person's contribution to philosophy, see his/her entry in the "Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy ". Routledge; 2000. ISBN 0-415-22364-4
* - This person is featured in the peer-reviewed online "Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ". Subjects with an asterisk have an article solicited about them, but not yet published at the encyclopedia (as of 2-22-2006).
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