List of philosophers born in the twentieth century

List of philosophers born in the twentieth century

Philosophers born in the twentieth century "(and others important in the history of philosophy)", listed alphabetically:

(For those philosophers still alive and working today, see the companion list: "List of living philosophers and academics of philosophy".)

::"Note: This list has a minimal criteria for inclusion and the relevance to philosophy of some individuals on the list is disputed."



*Nicola Abbagnano, (1901-1990)
*H. B. Acton, (1908-1974)
*Mortimer Adler, (1902-2001)
*Theodor Adorno, (1903-1969)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Rogers Albritton, (1923-2002)
*Virgil Aldrich, (1903-1998)fn|O1
*Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov, (1912-1999)
*Gerda Alexander (1908–1994)
*Louis Althusser, (1918-1990)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Alan Ross Anderson, (1925-1973)fn|O12
*G. E. M. Anscombe, (1918-2001)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Hannah Arendt, (1906-1975)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Raymond Aron, (1905-1983)
*John Langshaw Austin, (1911-1960)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Alfred Jules Ayer, (1910-1989)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S


*Archie J. Bahm, (1907-1996)
*Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, (1915-1975)
*Roland Barthes, (1915-1980)fn|Cfn|O2fn|R
*Jon Barwise, (1942-2000)
*Jean Baudrillard, (1929-2007)fn|O2fn|Rfn|S
*Monroe Beardsley, (1915-1985)
*Jean Beaufret, (1907-1982)
*Lewis White Beck, (1913-1997)
*Gustav Bergmann, (1906-1987)fn|Cfn|O12
*Isaiah Berlin, (1909-1997)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Max Black, (1909-1988)fn|O12
*Maurice Blanchot, (1907-2003)fn|R
*Allan Bloom, (1930-1992)
*Norberto Bobbio, (1909-2004)fn|O12fn|R
*Jozef Maria Bochenski, (1902-1995)
*Dietrich Bonhoeffer, (1906-1945)fn|O2fn|R
*George Boolos, (1940-1996)
*Pierre Bourdieu, (1930-2002)fn|R
*Richard-Bevan Braithwaite, (1900-1990)fn|O12
*Richard B. Brandt, (1910-1997)fn|Cfn|O1
*Justus Buchler, (1914-1991)fn|O1


*Amílcar Cabral, (1924-1973)fn|R
*Albert Camus, (1913-1960)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Georges Canguilhem, (1904-1995)fn|C
*Hector-Neri Castañeda, (1924-1991)fn|C
*Cornelius Castoriadis, (1922-1997)
*Michel de Certeau, (1925-1986)fn|R
*Haridas Chaudhuri, (1913-1975)
*Roderick Chisholm, (1916-1999)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Alonzo Church, (1903-1995)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*L. Jonathan Cohen, (1923-2006)fn|O12
*Lucio Colletti, (1924-2001)fn|O12
*Frederick Copleston, (1907-1994)


*Donald Davidson, (1917-2003)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Simone de Beauvoir, (1908-1986)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Bruno de Finetti, (1906-1985)fn|O12
*Paul de Man, (1919-1983)fn|R
*Guy Debord, (1931-1994)
*Gilles Deleuze, (1925-1995)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Bernard Delfgaauw, (1912-1993)
*Jacques Derrida, (1930-2004)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Miroslaw Dzielski, (1941-1989)


*William A. Earle, (1919-1988)
*James M. Edie, (1927-1998)
*Paul Edwards, (1923-2004)fn|O12
*Mircea Eliade, (1907-1986)fn|R
*Jacques Ellul, (1912-1994)
*Gareth Evans, (1946-1980)fn|O12fn|R
*Ignacio Ellacuria, (1930-1989)


*Emil Fackenheim, (1916-2003)fn|Rfn|S*
*Alan Fairclough, (1990-2008)
*Frantz Fanon, (1925-1961)fn|O12fn|R
*Austin Marsden Farrer, (1904-1968)fn|R
*Herbert Feigl, (1902-1988)
*Joel Feinberg, (1926-2004)fn|O12
*Jose Ferrater-Mora, (1912-1991)fn|O12
*Paul Feyerabend, (1924-1994)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Vilém Flusser, (1920-1991)
*Michel Foucault, (1926-1984)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*William K. Frankena, (1908-1994)fn|Cfn|O12
*Oliver Shewell Franks, (1905-1992)
*Hans Frei, (1922-1988)fn|R
*Northrop Frye, (1912-1991)
*Lon L. Fuller, (1902-1978)fn|R


*Hans-Georg Gadamer, (1900-2002)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Ernest Gellner (1925-1995)
*Gerhard Gentzen, (1909-1945)fn|O12fn|R
*Alan Gewirth, (1912-2004)fn|O12
*Kurt Gödel, (1906-1978)fn|O12fn|R
*Lucien Goldmann, (1913-1970)
*Nelson Goodman, (1906-1998)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*George Grant, (1918-1988)
*Herbert Paul Grice, (1913-1988)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Félix Guattari, (1930-1992)
*Gotthard Günther, (1900-1984)


*Philip Hallie, (1922-1994)
*Charles Hamblin, (1922-1985)
*Stuart Hampshire, (1914-2004)fn|O12
*Norwood Russell Hanson, (1922-1967)fn|R
*R. M. Hare, (1919-2002)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*H. L. A. Hart, (1907-1992)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Werner Heisenberg, (1901-1976)fn|O12fn|R
*Erich Heller, (1911-1990)
*Carl Gustav Hempel, (1905-1997)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Michel Henry, (1922-2002)
*Abraham Joshua Heschel, (1907-1972)fn|R
*Sidney Hook, (1902-1989)fn|O12
*Hsu Fu-kuan, (1903-1982)fn|C
*Jean Hyppolite, (1907-1968)


*Evald Vassilievich Ilyenkov, (1924-1979)fn|R


*Erich Jantsch, (1929-1980)
*Richard C. Jeffrey, (1926-2002)fn|O12
*Hans Jonas, (1903-1993)


*Jerrold Katz, (1932-2002)
*Walter Kaufmann, (1921-1980)
*Martin Luther King, Jr., (1929-1968)
*William Calvert Kneale, (1906-1990)fn|O12
*Arthur Koestler, (1905-1983)
*Alexandre Kojève, (1902-1968)fn|R
*Stephan Körner, (1913-2000)
*Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, (1909-1999)
*Thomas Samuel Kuhn, (1922-1996)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S


*Jacques Lacan, (1901-1981)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, (1940-2007)fn|R
*Imre Lakatos, (1922-1974)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Henri Lefebvre, (1901-1991)fn|R
*Yeshayahu Leibowitz, (1903-1994)fn|R
*Emmanuel Levinas, (1906-1995)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*David Kellogg Lewis, (1941-2001)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Suzanne Lilar, (1901-1992)
*Arthur Lipsett, (1936-1986)
*Knud Ejler Løgstrup, (1905-1981)
*Bernard Lonergan, (1904-1984)fn|R
*Paul Lorenzen, (1915-1995)fn|R
*Jean-François Lyotard, (1924-1998)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R


*John Leslie Mackie, (1917-1981)fn|O12
*Norman Malcolm, (1911-1990)fn|Cfn|O12
*Merab Mamardashvili, (1930-1990)fn|R
*Julián Marías, (1914-2005)
*Ron McClamrock
*Marshall McLuhan, (1911-1980)
*Maurice Merleau-Ponty, (1908-1961)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Vincent Miceli, (1915-1991)
*Richard Montague, (1930-1971)fn|O2fn|R
*Sidney Morgenbesser, (1921-2004)
*Mou Tsung-san, (1909-1995)fn|C
*Iris Murdoch, (1919-1999)fn|O12


*Ernest Nagel, (1901-1985)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*John von Neumann, (1903-1957)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Nishitani Keiji, (1900-1990)fn|O12fn|R
*Kwame Nkrumah, (1909-1972)fn|O12
*David L. Norton, (1930-1995)
*Robert Nozick, (1938-2001)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R


*Michael Oakeshott, (1901-1990)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Albert Outler, (1908-1989)
*Gwilyn Ellis Lane Owen, (1922-1982)fn|O12fn|R


*John Arthur Passmore, (1914-2004)fn|R
*Jan Patočka, (1907-1977)fn|R
*D. Z. Phillips, (1934-2006)
*Louis P. Pojman, (1935-2005)
*Richard Popkin, (1923-2005)
*K. J. Popma, (1903-1986)
*Karl Popper, (1902-1994)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Arthur Prior, (1914-1969)fn|O2fn|Rfn|S
*Harry Prosch, (1917-2005)


*W. V. O. Quine, (1908-2000)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*


*James Rachels, (1941-2003)
*Karl Rahner, (1904-1984)fn|R
*Frank P. Ramsey, (1903-1930)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Ian Thomas Ramsey, (1915-1972)fn|R
*Paul Ramsey, (1913-1988)
*John Rawls, (1921-2002)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Radovan Richta, (1924-1983)
*Paul Ricoeur, (1913-2005)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Richard Rorty, (1931-2007)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Gillian Rose, (1947-1995)
*Gian-Carlo Rota, (1932-1999)
*Joseph Rovan, (1918-2004)
*Gilbert Ryle, (1900-1976)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R


*Wesley Salmon, (1925-2001)fn|O12
*Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, (1921-1990)
*Jean-Paul Sartre, (1905-1980)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Wilfrid Sellars, (1912-1989)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*B. F. Skinner, (1904-1990)fn|R
*Robert C. Solomon, (1942-2007)
*Joseph Soloveitchik, (1903-1993)fn|Rfn|S*
*Herbert Spiegelberg, (1904-1990)
*Edward Stachura, (1937-1979)
*Charles Leslie Stevenson, (1908-1979)fn|O12fn|R
*David Stove, (1927-1994)
*P. F. Strawson, (1919-2006)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R


*T'ang Chun-i, (1909-1978)fn|C
*Alfred Tarski, (1901-1983)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Richard Taylor, (1919-2003)fn|O12
*Placide Tempels, (1906-1977)
*Irving Thalberg Jr., (1930-1988)
*Helmut Thielicke, (1908-1986)fn|R
*Alan Turing, (1912-1954)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S



*Francisco Varela, (1946-2001)
*Henry Babcock Veatch, (1911-1997)
*Michel Villey, (1914-1988)fn|R
*Gregory Vlastos, (1907-1991)fn|O12fn|R
*Eric Voegelin, (1901-1985)fn|R
*Georg Henrik von Wright, (1916-2003)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R


*Hao Wang, (1921-1995)fn|O12
*Geoffrey J. Warnock, (1923-1996)fn|O12
*Alan Watts, (1915-1973)
*Eric Weil, (1904-1977)
*Simone Weil, (1909-1943)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*John Daniel Wild, (1902-1972)
*Bernard Williams, (1929-2003)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Peter Winch, (1926-1997)fn|O12
*John Wisdom, (1904-1993)fn|O12
*Richard Wollheim, (1923-2003)fn|O12
*Jerzy Wroblewski, (1926-1990)fn|R



*Francis Parker Yockey, (1917-1960)
*Arthur M. Young, (1905-1995)


*Aleksandr Zinovyev, (1922-2006)
*Xavier Zubiri, (1898-1983)

ee also

* "List of philosophers born in the centuries BC"
* "List of philosophers born in the first through tenth centuries"
* "List of philosophers born in the eleventh through fourteenth centuries"
* "List of philosophers born in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries"
* "List of philosophers born in the seventeenth century"
* "List of philosophers born in the eighteenth century"
* "List of philosophers born in the nineteenth century"


* - For more information about this person's contribution to philosophy, see his/her entry in "The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, (Second Edition)". Cambridge University Press; 1999. ISBN 0-521-63722-8
* - For more information about this person's contribution to philosophy, see his/her entry in "The Oxford Companion to Philosophy". :"1": Oxford University Press; 1995. ISBN 0-19-866132-0:"2": Oxford University Press; 2005. ISBN 0-19-926479-1
* - For more information about this person's contribution to philosophy, see his/her entry in the "Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy". Routledge; 2000. ISBN 0-415-22364-4
* - This person is featured in the peer-reviewed online "Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy". Subjects with an asterisk have an article solicited about them, but not yet published at the encyclopedia (as of 2-22-2006).


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