- List of philosophers born in the centuries BC
Philosopher s born in the centuries BC "(and others important in the history of philosophy)", listed alphabetically:::"Note: This list has a minimal criteria for inclusion and the relevance to philosophy of some individuals on the list is disputed."
"See also:"
* "List of philosophers born in the centuries BC"
* "List of philosophers born in the first through tenth centuries "
* "List of philosophers born in the eleventh through fourteenth centuries "
* "List of philosophers born in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries "
* "List of philosophers born in the seventeenth century "
* "List of philosophers born in the eighteenth century "
* "List of philosophers born in the nineteenth century "
* "List of philosophers born in the twentieth century "
* "List of living philosophers and academics of philosophy "
Aenesidemus , (1st century BC)fn|R
*Alcibiades , (c. 450-404 BC)
*Alcmaeon of Croton , (5th century BC)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Anacharsis , (6th century BC)
*Anaxagoras , (died 462 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Anaxarchus , (fl. 340 BC)fn|R
*Anaxilaus , (1st century BC)
*Anaximander , (c. 610-c. 546 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Anaximenes of Miletus , (585-525 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Andronicus of Rhodes , (c. 70 BC)fn|C
*Anniceris , (fl. 300 BC)fn|C
*Antiochus of Ascalon , (c. 130-68 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Antiphon, (480-403 BC)fn|R
*Antisthenes , (c. 444-365 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Arcesilaus , (316-241 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Archimedes , (d. 212 BC)
*Archytas , (428-347 BC)fn|Cfn|Rfn|S
*Aristippus the Elder of Cyrene, (c. 435-366 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Aristo of Chios , (fl. 250 BC)fn|R
*Aristotle , (384 BC-322 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Aristoxenus , (4th century BC)
*Asclepiades of Bithynia , (129-40 BC)
*Titus Pomponius Atticus , (110-32 BC)B
Blossius , (2nd century BC)C
Callicles , (late 5th century BC)fn|Rfn|S
*Carneades , (c. 214-129 BC)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Cebes of Thebes, (5th century BC)
*Chaerephon , (c. 460-c. 400 BC)
*Chanakya (or "Kautilya") (321-296 BC)fn|R
*Chia Yi (or "Jia Yi" or "Chia I"), (201-169 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Chrysippus , (279-207 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Cicero , (106 BC-43 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Cleanthes , (301-232 BC)fn|R
*Cleobulus , (fl. 560 BC)
*Clitomachus, (187-109 BC)
*Confucius , (551 BC - 479 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Crantor , (4th century BC)
*Crates of Thebes , (4th century BC)
*Cratylus of Athens, (c. 400 BC)fn|O12fn|RD
Democritus , (born 460 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Diagoras , (5th century BC)
*Diodorus Cronus , (3rd century BC)fn|O2fn|Rfn|S
*Diogenes Apolloniates , (c. 460 BC)fn|R
*Diogenes the Cynic of Sinope, (412-323 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Dong Zhongshu (or "Tung Chung-shu"), (c. 176-c. 104 BC)fn|Cfn|RE
Ellopion of Peparethus , (4th century BC)
*Empedocles , (490 BC-430 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Epicharmus , (c. 540-450 BC)fn|R
*Epicurus , (341 BC-270 BC)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Epimenides , (6th century BC)
*Eubulides of Miletus , (4th century BC)
*Euclid of Alexandria, (c. 365-275 BC)
*Euclid of Megara , (c. 400 BC)
*Eudoxus of Cnidus , (410 or 408 BC - 355 or 347 BC)fn|Cfn|RF
Gaozi , (c. 420 BC)fn|C
*Aksapada Gautama , (c. 2nd century BC)fn|R
*Siddhartha Gautama (or "Buddha"), (ca. 563-483 BC)fn|Cfn|O2fn|R
*Geminus , (c. 110-c. 40 BC)
*Gongsun Longzi , (c. 300 BC)fn|C
*Gorgias , (c. 483-375 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Guan Zhong (or "Kuan Tzu" or "Kwan Chung" or "Guanzi") (740-645 BC)fn|Cfn|RH
Han Feizi , (d. 233 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Hecato of Rhodes , (135-50 BC)
*Hegesias of Cyrene , (c. 300 BC)
*Heraclides Ponticus , (387-312 BC)fn|R
*Heraclitus of Ephesus, (ca. 535-475 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Hicetas , (400-335 BC)
*Hipparchia the Cynic , (4th century BC)
*Hippasus , (c. 500 BC)
*Hippias , (5th century BC)fn|R
*Hippocrates , (460-380 BC)fn|Cfn|O12
*Hsu Hsing , (c. 300 BC)fn|C
*Huai Nun Tzu (or "Huainanzi" or "Liu An"), (179-122 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Hui Shi , (4th century BC)fn|CI
Isocrates , (436-338 BC)fn|CJ
Lao Zi (or "Lao Tzu"), (4th century BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|S
*Leucippus , (5th century BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Li Si , (c. 280-208 BC)
*Liezi (or "Lieh Tzu"), (c. 440 BC-c. 360 BC)fn|Cfn|O2
*Lucretius , (c. 99-55 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|SM
Mahavira , (599-527 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Melissus of Samos , (late 5th century BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Mencius (or "Meng K'o" or "Meng-tzu" or "Mengzi"), (372-289 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Menedemus , (c. 350-278 BC)
*Metrocles , (c. 300 BC)
*Metrodorus of Lampsacus (the elder) , (5th century BC)
*Metrodorus of Chios , (4th century BC)
*Metrodorus of Lampsacus (the younger) , (331–278 BC)
*Metrodorus of Stratonicea , (late 2nd century BC)
*Mozi (or "Mo Tzu", or "Mo Ti", or "Micius"), (c. 470-c. 390 BC)fn|Cfn|O2fn|RN
Panaetius , (c. 185-c. 110 BC)fn|R
*Parmenides , (5th century BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Patañjali , (2nd century BC)fn|R
*Pherecydes of Syros , (6th century BC)
*Philo Judaeus of Alexandria, (20 BC-AD 40)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Philo of Larissa , (1st century BC)fn|Rfn|S*
*Philo the Dialectician , (c. 300 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Philodemus of Gadara, (1st century BC)fn|Rfn|S*
*Philolaus of Croton, (c. 480-c. 405 BC)fn|Cfn|Rfn|S
*Plato , (c. 427 BC-c. 347 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Plutarch of Athens , (5th century BC)
*Polyaenus of Lampsacus , (died 278 BC)
*Posidonius , (c. 135-51 BC)fn|R
*Prodicus , (c. 450-399 BC)fn|R
*Protagoras , (c. 481-420 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Pyrrho , (c. 360-c. 270 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Pythagoras , (582 BC-496 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|SQ
Seneca the Younger , (c. 4 BC-AD 65)fn|O12fn|R
*Shang Yang (or "Gongsun Yang"), (d. 338 BC)fn|C
*Shen Buhai , (d. 337 BC)fn|C
*Shen Dao (or "Shen Tzu"), (c. 350-275 BC)fn|C
*Socrates , (470 BC-399 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Speusippus , (410-339 BC)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Stilpo , (380-330 BC)
*Strato of Lampsacus , (c. 340-c. 268 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Sun Tzu , (4th century BC)
*Sung Hsing (or "Sung Tzu"), (360-290 BC)fn|CT
Thales , (c. 635 BC-543 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Theodorus of Cyrene , (c. 465-398 BC)
*Theophrastus , (372-287 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Thrasymachus , (5th century BC)fn|Cfn|O2fn|Rfn|S
*Thucydides , (c. 460-c. 400 BC)fn|R
*Timaeus of Locres , (5th century BC)
*Timon of Phlius, (c. 300 BC)fn|Rfn|SU
Xenocrates , (396-314 BC)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Xenophanes of Colophon, (570-480 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Xenophon , (427-355 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Xun Zi (or "Hsun Tzu"), (c. 310-237 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*Y
Yajnavalkya , (c. 1800 BC)
*Yang Chu , (370-319 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Yang Xiong (or "Yang Hsiung") (53 BC-AD 18)fn|Cfn|RZ
Zeno of Citium , (333 BC-264 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Zeno of Elea , (circa 495 BC-circa 430 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Zeno of Sidon , (1st century BC)
*Zeno of Tarsus , (3rd century BC)
*Zhuang Zi (or "Chuang Tzu" or "Chuang Chou"), (circa 300 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|S
*Zou Yan , (3rd century BC)fn|CNotes
* - For more information about this person's contribution to philosophy, see his/her entry in "
The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy , (Second Edition)". Cambridge University Press; 1999. ISBN 0-521-63722-8
* - For more information about this person's contribution to philosophy, see his/her entry in "The Oxford Companion to Philosophy ". :"1": Oxford University Press; 1995. ISBN 0-19-866132-0:"2": Oxford University Press; 2005. ISBN 0-19-926479-1
* - For more information about this person's contribution to philosophy, see his/her entry in the "Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy ". Routledge; 2000. ISBN 0-415-22364-4
* - This person is featured in the peer-reviewed online "Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ". Subjects with an asterisk have an article solicited about them, but not yet published at the encyclopedia (as of 2-22-2006).
compactTOC__NOTOC__See also
List of philosophers
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