List of philosophers born in the centuries BC

List of philosophers born in the centuries BC

Philosophers born in the centuries BC "(and others important in the history of philosophy)", listed alphabetically:

::"Note: This list has a minimal criteria for inclusion and the relevance to philosophy of some individuals on the list is disputed."

"See also:"
* "List of philosophers born in the centuries BC"
* "List of philosophers born in the first through tenth centuries"
* "List of philosophers born in the eleventh through fourteenth centuries"
* "List of philosophers born in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries"
* "List of philosophers born in the seventeenth century"
* "List of philosophers born in the eighteenth century"
* "List of philosophers born in the nineteenth century"
* "List of philosophers born in the twentieth century"
* "List of living philosophers and academics of philosophy"



*Aenesidemus, (1st century BC)fn|R
*Alcibiades, (c. 450-404 BC)
*Alcmaeon of Croton, (5th century BC)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Anacharsis, (6th century BC)
*Anaxagoras, (died 462 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Anaxarchus, (fl. 340 BC)fn|R
*Anaxilaus, (1st century BC)
*Anaximander, (c. 610-c. 546 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Anaximenes of Miletus, (585-525 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Andronicus of Rhodes, (c. 70 BC)fn|C
*Anniceris, (fl. 300 BC)fn|C
*Antiochus of Ascalon, (c. 130-68 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Antiphon, (480-403 BC)fn|R
*Antisthenes, (c. 444-365 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Arcesilaus, (316-241 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Archimedes, (d. 212 BC)
*Archytas, (428-347 BC)fn|Cfn|Rfn|S
*Aristippus the Elder of Cyrene, (c. 435-366 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Aristo of Chios, (fl. 250 BC)fn|R
*Aristotle, (384 BC-322 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*
*Aristoxenus, (4th century BC)
*Asclepiades of Bithynia, (129-40 BC)
*Titus Pomponius Atticus, (110-32 BC)


*Blossius, (2nd century BC)


*Callicles, (late 5th century BC)fn|Rfn|S
*Carneades, (c. 214-129 BC)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Cebes of Thebes, (5th century BC)
*Chaerephon, (c. 460-c. 400 BC)
*Chanakya (or "Kautilya") (321-296 BC)fn|R
*Chia Yi (or "Jia Yi" or "Chia I"), (201-169 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Chrysippus, (279-207 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Cicero, (106 BC-43 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Cleanthes, (301-232 BC)fn|R
*Cleobulus, (fl. 560 BC)
*Clitomachus, (187-109 BC)
*Confucius, (551 BC - 479 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Crantor, (4th century BC)
*Crates of Thebes, (4th century BC)
*Cratylus of Athens, (c. 400 BC)fn|O12fn|R


*Democritus, (born 460 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Diagoras, (5th century BC)
*Diodorus Cronus, (3rd century BC)fn|O2fn|Rfn|S
*Diogenes Apolloniates, (c. 460 BC)fn|R
*Diogenes the Cynic of Sinope, (412-323 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Dong Zhongshu (or "Tung Chung-shu"), (c. 176-c. 104 BC)fn|Cfn|R


*Ellopion of Peparethus, (4th century BC)
*Empedocles, (490 BC-430 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Epicharmus, (c. 540-450 BC)fn|R
*Epicurus, (341 BC-270 BC)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Epimenides, (6th century BC)
*Eubulides of Miletus, (4th century BC)
*Euclid of Alexandria, (c. 365-275 BC)
*Euclid of Megara, (c. 400 BC)
*Eudoxus of Cnidus, (410 or 408 BC - 355 or 347 BC)fn|Cfn|R



*Gaozi, (c. 420 BC)fn|C
*Aksapada Gautama, (c. 2nd century BC)fn|R
*Siddhartha Gautama (or "Buddha"), (ca. 563-483 BC)fn|Cfn|O2fn|R
*Geminus, (c. 110-c. 40 BC)
*Gongsun Longzi, (c. 300 BC)fn|C
*Gorgias, (c. 483-375 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Guan Zhong (or "Kuan Tzu" or "Kwan Chung" or "Guanzi") (740-645 BC)fn|Cfn|R


*Han Feizi, (d. 233 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Hecato of Rhodes, (135-50 BC)
*Hegesias of Cyrene, (c. 300 BC)
*Heraclides Ponticus, (387-312 BC)fn|R
*Heraclitus of Ephesus, (ca. 535-475 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Hicetas, (400-335 BC)
*Hipparchia the Cynic, (4th century BC)
*Hippasus, (c. 500 BC)
*Hippias, (5th century BC)fn|R
*Hippocrates, (460-380 BC)fn|Cfn|O12
*Hsu Hsing, (c. 300 BC)fn|C
*Huai Nun Tzu (or "Huainanzi" or "Liu An"), (179-122 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Hui Shi, (4th century BC)fn|C


*Isocrates, (436-338 BC)fn|C




*Lao Zi (or "Lao Tzu"), (4th century BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|S
*Leucippus, (5th century BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Li Si, (c. 280-208 BC)
*Liezi (or "Lieh Tzu"), (c. 440 BC-c. 360 BC)fn|Cfn|O2
*Lucretius, (c. 99-55 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S


*Mahavira, (599-527 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Melissus of Samos, (late 5th century BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Mencius (or "Meng K'o" or "Meng-tzu" or "Mengzi"), (372-289 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Menedemus, (c. 350-278 BC)
*Metrocles, (c. 300 BC)
*Metrodorus of Lampsacus (the elder), (5th century BC)
*Metrodorus of Chios, (4th century BC)
*Metrodorus of Lampsacus (the younger), (331278 BC)
*Metrodorus of Stratonicea, (late 2nd century BC)
*Mozi (or "Mo Tzu", or "Mo Ti", or "Micius"), (c. 470-c. 390 BC)fn|Cfn|O2fn|R




*Panaetius, (c. 185-c. 110 BC)fn|R
*Parmenides, (5th century BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Patañjali, (2nd century BC)fn|R
*Pherecydes of Syros, (6th century BC)
*Philo Judaeus of Alexandria, (20 BC-AD 40)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Philo of Larissa, (1st century BC)fn|Rfn|S*
*Philo the Dialectician, (c. 300 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Philodemus of Gadara, (1st century BC)fn|Rfn|S*
*Philolaus of Croton, (c. 480-c. 405 BC)fn|Cfn|Rfn|S
*Plato, (c. 427 BC-c. 347 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Plutarch of Athens, (5th century BC)
*Polyaenus of Lampsacus, (died 278 BC)
*Posidonius, (c. 135-51 BC)fn|R
*Prodicus, (c. 450-399 BC)fn|R
*Protagoras, (c. 481-420 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Pyrrho, (c. 360-c. 270 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Pythagoras, (582 BC-496 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S




*Seneca the Younger, (c. 4 BC-AD 65)fn|O12fn|R
*Shang Yang (or "Gongsun Yang"), (d. 338 BC)fn|C
*Shen Buhai, (d. 337 BC)fn|C
*Shen Dao (or "Shen Tzu"), (c. 350-275 BC)fn|C
*Socrates, (470 BC-399 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Speusippus, (410-339 BC)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Stilpo, (380-330 BC)
*Strato of Lampsacus, (c. 340-c. 268 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Sun Tzu, (4th century BC)
*Sung Hsing (or "Sung Tzu"), (360-290 BC)fn|C


*Thales, (c. 635 BC-543 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|R
*Theodorus of Cyrene, (c. 465-398 BC)
*Theophrastus, (372-287 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Thrasymachus, (5th century BC)fn|Cfn|O2fn|Rfn|S
*Thucydides, (c. 460-c. 400 BC)fn|R
*Timaeus of Locres, (5th century BC)
*Timon of Phlius, (c. 300 BC)fn|Rfn|S





*Xenocrates, (396-314 BC)fn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Xenophanes of Colophon, (570-480 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S
*Xenophon, (427-355 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Xun Zi (or "Hsun Tzu"), (c. 310-237 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|Rfn|S*


*Yajnavalkya, (c. 1800 BC)
*Yang Chu, (370-319 BC)fn|Cfn|R
*Yang Xiong (or "Yang Hsiung") (53 BC-AD 18)fn|Cfn|R


*Zeno of Citium, (333 BC-264 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Zeno of Elea, (circa 495 BC-circa 430 BC)fn|O12fn|R
*Zeno of Sidon, (1st century BC)
*Zeno of Tarsus, (3rd century BC)
*Zhuang Zi (or "Chuang Tzu" or "Chuang Chou"), (circa 300 BC)fn|Cfn|O12fn|S
*Zou Yan, (3rd century BC)fn|C


* - For more information about this person's contribution to philosophy, see his/her entry in "The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, (Second Edition)". Cambridge University Press; 1999. ISBN 0-521-63722-8
* - For more information about this person's contribution to philosophy, see his/her entry in "The Oxford Companion to Philosophy". :"1": Oxford University Press; 1995. ISBN 0-19-866132-0:"2": Oxford University Press; 2005. ISBN 0-19-926479-1
* - For more information about this person's contribution to philosophy, see his/her entry in the "Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy". Routledge; 2000. ISBN 0-415-22364-4
* - This person is featured in the peer-reviewed online "Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy". Subjects with an asterisk have an article solicited about them, but not yet published at the encyclopedia (as of 2-22-2006).


See also

List of philosophers

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