List of Red vs. Blue special episodes

List of Red vs. Blue special episodes

Infobox Machinima
show_name = " "Red vs. Blue" special episodes "
engine = ""
"Halo 2"
"Halo 3" Beta engine
genre = Comic science fiction
runtime = Three minutes per episode (average)
creator = Burnie Burns Matt Hullum Geoff Ramsey Gustavo Sorola Jason Saldaña
voice_actors = Burnie Burns Jordan Burns
Yomary Cruz Damien Fahey
Dan Godwin Joel Heyman Matt Hullum Geoff Ramsey Jason Saldaña Gustavo Sorola Nathan Zellner
Kathleen Zuelch
website =
formats = DivX, WMV, QuickTime, DVD|

This is a list of special episodes and public service announcements (PSAs) of the machinima comedy series "Red vs. Blue". These episodes exist outside the main storyline of the series. This list is organized primarily by how Rooster Teeth Productions have labelled their videos; as a result, some PSAs may follow the format of a Special, or some videos labelled otherwise may follow a PSA or Special format, but are not categorized as such.

Public service announcements

Presented like the PSAs and end-of-episode morals of various Saturday morning cartoons, the message is delivered out-of-character by the supposed actors of the series, though they retain their regular personalities.


rvbchar|Grif and rvbchar|Simmons attempt to present a warning about weapons of mass destruction as if they were a drug, advising viewers not to fall into peer pressure. However, they are repeatedly interrupted by rvbchar|Church sniping at them.

Armor Cleaning

rvbchar|Tucker explains that there will not be a new video this week (due to the release of a "Halo 2" trailer) while rvbchar|Caboose cleans his armor, following the events of rvbep|14.

Point/Counterpoint: Should You Get a Tattoo?

Church and Grif provide a Point/Counterpoint session on the subject of getting a tattoo. Church argues against tattoos, while Grif argues for them. Using a bulleted list, Church notes simply that tattoos are permanent, and that all people are idiots, so therefore in ten years will regret their decision. Grif in turn counters that as long as viewers make good choices and avoid clichés such as barbed wire, band logos and Asian lettering and symbols, tattoos are cool. After attempting to display Grif's poor expertise on the subject by revealing he has the comic book character Blade tattooed to his neck, Church suggests viewers get tattoos of their "favorite online cartoon", followed by images of Strong Bad and Penny Arcade and Church taking offense.

Notably, Church's voice actor, Burnie Burns, does not have any tattoos, while Grif's voice actor, Geoff Ramsey, has many.

The PDC Video: Hey, Time Out

As the Reds and Blues battle in front of the Red base, Simmons declares his need to leave. Following teasing from Grif and rvbchar|Donut, Simmons reveals his specific reason: to attend the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference back on Earth. As Grif demands an incredulous Donut cease fire, the Blues overhear mention of the corporation, and in turn stop shooting to approach the Reds. While Donut wonders how a single company can briefly stop a war, rvbchar|Sarge arrives to demand why the battle has stopped. He then reveals that he used to write speeches for Steve Ballmer, including the one Ballmer used at the last Conference, in which he chanted "Developers, developers, developers" multiple times. Due to a conflict over the exact number of times in which the word should have been repeated, Sarge was demoted to serve in Blood Gulch.


In a parody of the RIAA, the teams formally announce their intention to sue everybody who has ever visited the official "Red vs. Blue" website. As piracy of free videos is blamed for the declining sales of a then-unavailable DVD, it is said that $45 million is the expected judgment per case. Though Grif is the only one to argue against the logic of such action, his points are immediately ignored, and Church notes the intentions to sue him and other "Red vs. Blue" cast members in the process.

A Message to the Science Community

After an interrupted introduction, the teams complain about the number of NASA-sent space exploration rovers in the gulch, noting it would be much easier to call them using a phone if the they want to find out what the canyon is like. The rovers are seen terrorizing the inhabitants of the gulch, as rvbchar|Caboose is frightened by a rover's large claw, and rvbchar|Sheila must fend off multiple drones hitting on her. All but Grif are annoyed, as he has been able to adjust a rover to effectively make him a high-powered skateboard, and makes a ramp.

Tax Day Tips

rvbchar|Tucker comes across Sarge, who is upset after learning he is in millions of dollars of tax debt to the Internal Revenue Service. rvbchar|Doc attempts to offer advice, but ends up getting shot at when he suggests deducting weapons and vehicles claiming they actually have to use them first.

A Very Special Mother's Day Message

Unhelpful viewers tips are given on what to buy mothers for Mother's Day, beginning with a display of what could go wrong, where Grif has bought his mother, roleplayed by Simmons, a series of gifts the latter despises. A scene is then shown in which Caboose, as the son, has made Donut, as his mother, a coffee mug which has already been broken and left elsewhere. Satisfied with the performances, Sarge then suggests an assortment of possible gifts using a scrolling list which moves too quickly to be read.

4th Of July Safety Tips

Church, Donut, and Caboose present various fireworks safety tips for the 4th Of July. As the scenes progress, Caboose commonly has mistaken a grenade for another object, leading to a large explosion. The safety tips culminate in Caboose accidentally shooting Donut with a bottle rocket, played by Sheila.

Indigestion 2004

For Thanksgiving, Sarge announces his plan to outdo the turducken with his own improbably complex creation, while Grif and Church try to point out the difference between "Red vs. Blue" and Red and Blue states to confused viewers as the 2004 general election loomed.

Cold & Flu Season Tips

Grif and Simmons present various tips to combat the cold and flu, though they have little expert knowledge of the subject. To supplement this, Doc appears to offer his own advice, though it becomes obvious that he considers many of the side effects of rvbchar|O'Malley's possession of him to be common ailments that are met with the cold and flu, along with a series of listed effects. It is revealed that Caboose has been suffering from avian influenza, from which he believes he can fly, and falls off a rock trying to demonstrate his ability. Finally, Donut advises to stay warm and avoid computer viruses. As Grif pretends to be sick himself, Sarge prepares his own unorthodox treatments.

Winter Lames:The Olympics Suck

Church and Simmons appear to suggest improvements to the Olympic Games to attract viewers after the boring 2006 Winter Olympics. First criticizing the new events, new ideas for games and improvements to previous ones are added by Sarge, among them the "Rocket Luge", the slalom using laser gates, and an increase in the number of polar bears.

Lethargy Crisis

The characters give some tips on how to survive the rising price of gasoline, such as the alternative of milk, though it is more expensive.

Planning to Fail

Grif, Simmons and Sarge share their plans for dealing with a zombie invasion with Doc, while the Blue Team pretends to be zombies to scare the Reds so they can capture the Red flag.

Let's All Go to the Movies

Church and Grif introduce a series of common mistakes made by moviegoers. Each of the situations features the characters at a movie theater watching the Halo Wars preview.In Situation #1, Andy complains loudly about the previews.In Situation #2, Caboose drinks too much of a small soda and needs to go to the bathroom, but the others won't let him out into the aisle. Later, he needs to go again, but eventually says he doesn't need to anymore, implying that he has wet himself. In Situation #3, Grif's sister annoys everyone by talking on her cell phone. It turns out she is talking to Donut, who is in the same theater. Finally, in Situation #4, Tucker's alien baby causes a racket, causing Simmons to berate Tucker. The baby responds by tearing out Simmons' spine.The PSA ends with Church describing his intent to go to a movie and videotape it. He and Grif then ironically lament that people who talk during the movie, "ruin the industry".

Go Go Gadget Video

Grif and Simmons complain of the constantly advancing state of current technology, seemingly rendering each device obsolete shortly after release. Sarge argues that the best way for a gadget to remain high-tech is to never make it into the public's hands, and that money should be contributed to items that "don't exist, and hopefully never will". Some examples are HHD DVVDD BVD players, Red-ray discs and MP48s.


Church and Caboose present a series of examples of forum posts they'd like to see people start using, parodying stereotypical forum posts across a number of topics. Periodically, they switch to Sarge talking to Lopez about the plot of Lost.

mall Rewards

Simmons introduces the achievement function from the Xbox 360 into Red vs. Blue, however Grif disapproves of this saying that they are stupid. Sarge arrives and upon discovering that Simmons got an achievement for making fun of Grif, he melee attacks Grif. The first hit earns him an achievement, but upon realizing that they can only be earned once, Sarge becomes upset and leaves. Grif then earns an achievement stating that there is no air in his suit. Subsequently he chokes and Simmons tells him that the achievements see all. They are interrupted by Caboose who declares that he has made "achievables" for Blue Team, and gives them to himself by saying "Bleep Bloop". Simmons becomes angry and leaves. The screen goes to the normal outro, but the video shows the episode goes on. After a few seconds the "secret Bleep Bloop" is discovered, and if the user waits until the end of the video, they earn the "Last two minutes of my life back" achievement.

Rock Bottom

The Red Team discusses the current financial crisis, and prepares to offer suggestions on how to cope with the situation. Instead, Sarge and the Blue Team break in, discussing the bankruptcy of the Blue Team due to unsound financial decisions they had made.


These videos usually feature the cast in-character and may make reference to recent events of the main storyline, but are generally considered non-canon.

The E3 2003 Video

The two teams gather in the Red Base to watch the "Halo 2" E3 2003 trailer, and comment on it.

New York City Film Festival Video 2003: I Love Blood Gulch

Tucker and Church go to the 2003 Machinima Film Festival in New York City.

The E3 2004 Video: Much Ado About What Thing

Sarge gathers the teams to make an announcement about the upcoming campaign: that it’s going to be great.

New York City Film Festival Video 2004: Real Life Vs. Internet

Church and Grif present a series of comparisons between real life and the Internet.

Old Annoyance Be Forgot

Celebrating Christmas 2004 in the wasteland without Church, the teams reminisce about the previous Christmas, and how he ruined it for them all.

Major Players

The teams prepare for the 2005 Sundance Film Festival.

OMG. Humped.

Members of the gulch compete in Halo 2 against Bungie Studios, and are defeated.

Uncharted Territories

The Blue Team traipse through the new maps of Halo 2 in order to find their parked car.

Zero Hour

Grif attempts to leave with Simmons to see the launch of the Xbox 360, only to be sidetracked by Sarge.

Vive la Resolution!

The teams try to come up with resolutions for the first annual "Blood Gulch Resolution-off" as the new year approches The winners will be the team with the best resolutions; the losers will actually have to follow through with their resolutions. The Blues eventually attack when they realize they have little chance of winning.

Rules Of The Game (Grifball)

Caboose, Sarge, Simmons, and Church demonstrates the rules the custom Halo 3 game, Grifball. Grif spontaneously appears when the players grab the bomb, including Caboose. [ [ Grifball · How to Play ] ]

Rock the Veto

Church joins an upcoming game of Halo 3, but disagrees on the type of game that Simmons chose. Church asks Grif to veto, but he is unable to. Several attempts to get Tucker to veto prove fruitless as he fails to respond in time, and the game is accepted. Tucker arrives a moment later, and is dismayed that they were going to have to play Simmons' game. This was the first out of 2 Rock the Vote PSAs made for Xbox live.

Election Night

The people at Rats Nest tell what the election results were. It showed that most teams voted for themselves, and went on till Standoff. Bill(the second announcer) told Jim(first announcer) that Standoff had 7 players said that there will be a winner this time because there is an uneven number(even though Jim interrupted him to say that as well). When he reports it, he says that the vote was 3 to 3, and the 7th player didn't vote. It turns out the person who didn't vote was Grif. He said it was too hard and couldn't do it, even though Church said that Caboose voted for a cat, but still managed to vote. This PSA was the 2nd of the 2 made for Xbox Live, and featured Donut and Tex. At the end, Bill asked if he can switch back to sports, saying that in Grifball, there is always a winner.

DVD videos

These videos are only available on the season DVDs of "Red vs. Blue". Note that this list includes only full episodes, so most Easter Eggs are omitted.

t. Patrick's Day Video

Donut attempts to convince rvbchar|Doc and Tucker that they must pinch him for not wearing green armor on St. Patrick's Day. Available on the rvbep|season 2 DVD.

Flag Day Video

In a similar video to the St. Patrick’s Day Video, Donut now tries to convince Doc and Tucker that he is allowed to pinch them for not having a flag on Flag Day. He then suggests such festive games as "raise the flagpole". Available on the rvbep|season 2 DVD.

Lost Campaign Ads

In a parody of the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election, two campaign ads for Church and one for Sarge have the characters promising improvements to the canyon, or attacking one another. Available on the rvbep|season 3 DVD.

Custom Videos

In response to the frequent requests by fans for custom videos made for specific events, the cast of "Red vs. Blue" prepare generic videos for different situations. Available on the rvbep|season 4 DVD.

Microsoft/Bungie episodes

Go For Launch

In anticipation of the release of Halo 2, this video was released on Bungie’s website. In it, Sarge shows a video of supposed improvements to vehicles, weapons, and bases in reference to their actual updates in the new game, though they are either ineffective or make things worse from the viewpoint of a soldier defending himself.

The Full Circle

After the launch of the Xbox 360, the teams have to deal with various strangers walking through the battle looking to use the console’s special online features. Released exclusively on the Xbox Live Marketplace for download.

Holidays video

Simmons and Grif attempt to wish their viewers a Merry Christmas, but Doc warns them to be politically correct in order not to offend those who do not celebrate Christmas, and succeeds in convincing Simmons. Sarge ignores these warnings, but cannot complete his greeting due to various Xbox 360 features interrupting him, as the video was originally released for download to the console.

Halo 3 Public Beta video

Released in high-definition on the Xbox Live Marketplace and on the general site, Simmons and Sarge, in an attempt to calm down avid fans waiting for the public Beta test of "Halo 3", play them a video introduction in which the cast of "Red vs. Blue" welcome them to the Beta, [The segment in which the features of "Halo 3" were introduced were filmed using the "Halo 3" Beta itself on the map Valhalla, while the opening was filmed using "Halo 2", and a brief flashback gag filmed with "".] and point out many of its features as well as possible problems.

[ Halo 3 Zune video]

Available on limited edition "Halo 3" branded Microsoft Zune media devices, this video was also created with the "Halo 3" Beta engine. The cast go over the various functions of the Zune, though they lament how the local radio stations (in particular three ran by Sarge, Tucker and Doc) they can receive have poor content, and the pictures they can share are only of Sarge injuring Church over and over again.

Moving Day

On July 31, 2007, an unnamed, five-episode series premiered on five retail websites, including those of Best Buy, Circuit City, and Gamestop. These episodes detail the Red Team's transition from "Halo 2" to "Halo 3";cite web| url=|title=All New Red vs. Blue Series||publisher=Microsoft Corporation|accessdate=2007-08-08] Sarge introduces his men to the new graphics, weapons, and vehicles. Segments are intermixed with comments made by Church and Tucker, who are spying on their activities.

Getting the Call

Sarge calls Church, Tucker, Grif and Simmons together to explain Master Chief's image wants to protected and that a new understudy will be chosen. After explaining the various criteria each candidate was judged on, Sarge eventually reveals the new understudy to be Tex. As compensation, he offers the others roles as stunt doubles with screen tests consisting of them being shot or blown up.

Why Are We Here Again?

The Legendary Edition of "Halo 3" contains a bonus disc with vast amount of extra content, including a special re-release of Episode 1 using the same audio, but re-filmed on the Valhalla map in the Halo 3 multiplayer. As the disc containing the video was available to all ages, every curse word was subsequently bleeped.

pecial events

These videos were created for special causes, such as DVDs included with magazines, concerts, or expositions, that are otherwise unlisted.

Computer Gaming World DVD video

Church and Grif explain that, before "Red vs. Blue" was created, Computer Gaming World included a previous Rooster Teeth video on a DVD and people began visiting their website. Wishing to take advantage of the visitors, they went through multiple ideas for a series, mostly clichéd film genres, before settling on "Red vs. Blue".

Barenaked Ladies concert videos

Front Row

Church complains about his poor seats for the concert, and begins to heckle Simmons in the front row.


Church and Tucker introduce a guide to concert-going etiquette.


Church and Simmons attempt to greet the audience, but are interrupted by obvious attempts at subliminal messaging.

=2004 "Penny Arcade" Exposition video=

The crew runs into obstacles while trying to film an introduction to the convention.

Electronic Gaming Monthly DVD videos

The Way We Were

The "Red vs. Blue" cast display stories of Red and Blue battles from throughout history.

Point/Counterpoint: Celebrating the Holidays

In another Point/Counterpoint debate, Church argues against celebrating Christmas, while Grif argues for it.

Total Request Live video

Damien Fahey is visiting the Blue team, and tries to talk Church into letting him drive Sheila, when the Reds show up to berate Church for not following the MTV formula. Created to introduce a music video on the show, as part of a special segment done on Rooster Teeth Productions. video

At Grif's annoyance, Sarge uses his opportunity on the website to push his new video gaming/money making service, with testimonials by Church and Doc.

=Silverlight video=

This video features Scott Guthrie, the General Manager for Microsoft Silverlight. Sarge was expecting Scott to attack the Blue Team but since Sarge considers General Managers as pencil-necked weaklings he decided to paint Donut blue. Scott briefly explains the features of Silverlight before being shown around Blood Gulch. On encountering Donut they let Scott shoot Donut thinking that he would miss. They were surprised to find out that being a General Manager had a lot in common to shooting Donut: being accurate (shooting Donut in the visor), knowledgable (knowing it was Donut), having fun (shooting Donut in the first place) and being thorough (shooting Donut again then using a rocket launcher on him).

News post on episode -

Silverlight projects -

Scott Guthrie's blog -

Video itself (Note requires Silverlight player to watch) -

EIEF video

Church, Grif, and Caboose all prepare to head to Scotland for the EIEF festival. Church asks Grif and Caboose to research Scotland so that they do not seem like tourists. When they are unable to find any satisfactory information, Church gets Headquarters to send them an expert.

=A-Kon video=

Grif and Simmons talk to A-Kon attendees about the rules to follow while at the convention.

European Machinima Festival video

Church and Tucker introduce a series of RvB videos designed for different countries in Europe (and Japan) and comment on them.

Heroic Map Pack

The group journeys through the newest Halo 3 maps. They get a grand tour with Guilty Spark's stunt double, Ralph, exploring the Foundry, Rat's Nest, and Standoff maps, and describing the capabilities of Forge. In Foundry, Simmons creates a mancannon for firing objects at Grif. Ralph explains the layout of Rat's Nest while discouraging Church from touching a twenty megaton warhead. The Reds are impressed by the base in Standoff, which Caboose claims to have created. Ralph concludes by announcing the release date for the maps.

Joke episodes

Episode 28.5

Released on April Fool's Day and the anniversary of "Red vs. Blue"'s first episode, the episode begins with Grif and Donut crying over the graves of Sarge and Simmons, following the events of rvbep|28. Sarge appears and explains that he had only been napping, and had escaped by eating his way out of the ground with his spoon. Simmons' ghost appears to give the Red team a warning, but Donut shoots and kills him, explaining that Simmons' ghost is actually "Ol' Man Caboose". Tucker and Doc appear and announce their engagement, over which a French-speaking Lopez, apparently in love with Tucker, laments. Church awakes and realizes that this episode had "apparently" been merely a dream, when he finds himself confronted by the French-speaking Lopez.

Episode 45.9

Available only to sponsors or on the Season 3 DVD and produced solely by Gustavo Sorola while the rest of the production crew had been out of town. This episode continues or replaces the events of rvbep|45, though is non-canon, and features paper cutouts as characters while portraying Simmons as a hero.


External links

* [ "Red vs. Blue" official site]
* [ The Unofficial "Red vs. Blue" Resource Site]

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