- 2006 in Argentina
"See also:"
2005 in Argentina ,
other events of 2006,2007 in Argentina ----Events
3 January : Four years after defaulting on itsexternal debt ,Argentina pays its USD 9.57 billion debt with theIMF .
*24 January :Venezuela buys a further US$312 million of Argentina's national debt, adding to the US$1 billion already purchased. The government ofHugo Chávez says that the scheme will furtherSouth America n integration.
*31 January : After a meeting with executives of the main supermarket chains, the government announces an extension of price agreements until the end of the year (aimed at containing inflation). [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/02/01/um/m-01134318.htm]
** Brazil and Argentina agree on trade barriers (exceptions to the free trade practices of Mercosur) to preserve local industries. [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/02/01/um/m-01134334.htm]
** Santa Fe cancels its water service contract with "Aguas Provinciales de Santa Fe", part of the French corporation Suez.February
6 February : A protest of oil industry workers blocks Provincial Route 43 inLas Heras, Santa Cruz . A violent attempt to free an imprisoned protester ends up with a dead policeman. [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/02/07/um/m-01137935.htm]
*7 February : TheNational Food Safety and Quality Service announces the discovery of 70 head of cattle withfoot-and-mouth disease in theSan Luis del Palmar Department , Corrientes. Major buyers of Argentine meat (such as Chile, Russia, the European Union, Israel, Brazil and Uruguay) totally or partially suspend imports. Initial estimates are 250 million USD in losses for the Argentine meat export sector. [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/02/08/um/m-01138309.htm]
*12 February : A rainstorm causes large floodings in Jujuy, especially in the capital and the cities ofPalpalá and Libertador General San Martín. Over the following days 1,300 people have to be evacuated, and 7 die. [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/780608] [http://www.lacapital.com.ar/2006/02/14/general/noticia_269672.shtml]
*15 February : The Argentine branch ofTelefónica withdraws a suit for 2,384 million USD against Argentina at the CIADI (associated with the World Bank) and announces 300 million USD in investments for 2006. [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/02/15/um/m-01142377.htm]
** The EU announces it will only restrict Argentine meat imports from the parts of Corrientes where foot-and-mouth disease was found. [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/02/15/um/m-01142501.htm]March
7 March : Mayor of Buenos Aires,Aníbal Ibarra , is removed from office by an impeachment jury on accusations related to theRepública Cromagnon nightclub fire . ( [http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=1697604 ABC News] )
*8 March : After several weeks of persistent rises in the cost of red meat, the Minister of Economy announces a suspension of most beef exports for 180 days, attempting to increase internal offer. ( [http://today.reuters.com/investing/financeArticle.aspx?type=bondsNews&storyID=2006-03-09T022703Z_01_N08428504_RTRIDST_0_FOOD-ARGENTINA-BEEF-UPDATE-2.XML Reuters] )
*8 March : An Argentine military aircraft crashes after take off fromEl Alto International Airport inLa Paz, Bolivia , killing all six people on board. The aircraft was aLearjet 35A.
*13 March : The ice bridge of thePerito Moreno Glacier ruptures approximately at 11 p.m., after several days of minor activity that attracted thousands of tourists. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/788695 La Nación] , [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?in_article_id=379836&in_page_id=1811&ito=1490 Daily Mail] )
*15 March : Governor of Santa Cruz, Sergio Acevedo, resigns "for personal reasons" in the midst of a scandal over illegal detention of oil union workers. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/789252 La Nación] )
*19 March : Top officers of the Navy are found to be involved in a vast espionage operation that included dossiers on Minister of Defense Nilda Garré, her children and their regular activities, personal information on the President, data on social activists, etc., as well as files related to the last dictatorship that the Navy had previously denied to possess. The President orders the removal of several officers and shuts off the whole Intelligence Division of the Navy. ( [http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpais/1-64487-2006-03-19.html Página/12] , [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/790588 La Nación] , [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/03/21/um/m-01162533.htm Clarín] )
*21 March : The Environmental Assembly of Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, lifts the blockade of Route 136 that leads to Uruguay, which had started 45 days before in protest for the installation of cellulose plants on the Uruguay River. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/790860 La Nación] )
** The national government cancels the concession with "Aguas Argentinas" (of the Suez Group) for the provision of water to Buenos Aires and its metropolitan area, over low quality of services and other contractual breaches. ( [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/03/22/elpais/p-00301.htm Clarín] )
*24 March : Events throughout the country commemorate the 30th anniversary of the coup d'état that started the military dictatorship of theProceso de Reorganización Nacional . The date is a public holiday since this year.
** Declassified documents in the U.S. reveal that the Argentine military acknowledged 22,000 kidnappings and/or killings between 1975 and mid-1978. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/791532 La Nación] )April
3 April : The government of Buenos Aires City shuts down 18 clandestine clothingsweatshop s that employed around 300Bolivia n immigrants under conditions of near-slavery , following widespread accusations. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/794512 La Nación] )
** The city ofTartagal, Salta , becomes practically isolated from the rest of the province after weeks of increased rainfall cause theTartagal River to destroy or severely damage access roads and bridges. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/794529 La Nación] )
*20 April : Around 60% of the population ofSan Salvador de Jujuy (some 200,000 inhabitants) are left without water by the collapse of a master pipe. The city government delivers bottled water to affected neighbourhoods. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/edicionimpresa/informaciongeneral/nota.asp?nota_id=801277 La Nación] )
*24 April : A collision between a passenger bus and a truck kills 10 people, members of two different families, inMarcos Paz , Argentina.
*30 April : The water service starts to return to San Salvador de Jujuy after 9 days. ( [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/04/30/sociedad/s-05003.htm Clarín] )May
4 May : Argentina accuses Uruguay, before the International Court of Justice, of violating the Uruguay River Statute by unilaterally authorizing the construction of two cellulose plants on its shore. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/802953 La Nación] )
*8 May : The national government announces the opening of bids for the construction of a high-speed railway that will linkBuenos Aires ,Rosario and Córdoba by 2009. ( [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/05/08/um/m-01192090.htm Clarín] , [http://www.lacapital.com.ar/2006/05/09/ciudad/noticia_292165.shtml La Capital] , [http://www.lavozdelinterior.com/2006/0509/economia/nota411416_1.asp La Voz del Interior] )
*23 May : Agricultural and livestock producers of La Pampa protest the national government's measures restricting exports of beef and grains with a 1,600-vehicle parade down the streets of the capital Santa Rosa and a 2,500-people assembly. ( [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/05/23/um/m-01200809.htm Clarín] )
*25 May : Celebration of the 196th anniversary of theMay Revolution . Before some 100,000 people gathered at thePlaza de Mayo , President Kirchner assesses the achievements of the 3rd year of his administration, avoiding partisan discourse. ( [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/05/25/um/m-01202064.htm Clarín] , [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=808942 La Nación] , [http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultimas/20-67352-2006-05-25.html Página/12] )
*26 May : The Ministry of Economy partially lifts the beef export ban set in March, allowing for a quota for June–November equivalent to 40% of the exports of the same period in 2005. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/809256 La Nación] )
**After large losses during the week due to fears that the U.S.Federal Reserve would raise interest rates, theMERVAL index of theBuenos Aires Stock Exchange rebounds, going up by more than 6%. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/809082 La Nación] )June
21 June -26 June : Truckers boycott Chinese-owned stores after a truck driver is shot by a store manager
*21 June : The trial begins ofMiguel Etchecolatz , a former senior police officer accused of murder, torture andforced disappearance during theDirty War
*29 June : Argentina agrees to accept a 56% increase in the price ofnatural gas imported fromBolivia , to 5 USD per million BTU until31 December 2006 , and then to be re-calculated. Bolivia promises to increase exports, eventually to reach 27.7 million m³. The agreement states that Argentina must use the gas for internal consumption only, ostensibly because Bolivia does not want it to be sold toChile . ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/818986 La Nación] )July
2 July : Sudden ice thawing and massive rain on the course of the rivers Grande and Turbio cause floodings in Tierra del Fuego, damaging parts of National Route 3 and leaving 65,000 people in Río Grande without drinking water. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/820006 La Nación] )
** The Argentine government calls the UK's decision to grant broad 25-year fishing licenses to Falklanders "illicit and unilateral", since the area is "subject to a sovereignty controversy". ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/820004 La Nación] )
*20 July : The Summit of the Mercosur starts in Córdoba, for the first time with Venezuela as a full member, and with the presence of invited presidentsMichelle Bachelet (Chile),Evo Morales (Bolivia) andFidel Castro (Cuba). ( [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/07/20/um/m-01237098.htm Clarín] )
*22 July : Agricultural and livestock farmers go on strike, to last four days, against national government policies (lack of a development/assistance plan, exports taxes and restrictions, etc.). ( [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/07/22/um/m-01238445.htm Clarín] )
*24 July : The government launches a plan to expand the stock of cattle by 20% in 4 years, with subsidized credit and tax exemptions for farmers worth nearly 900 million pesos ($290/€225 million). ( [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/07/24/um/m-01239495.htm Clarín] )
*25 July : Argentina raises export taxes for natural gas from 20 to 45% and over a higher price, set by an agreement with Bolivia, in turn sharply increasing costs of imported gas for Chile. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/826169 La Nación] )
*26 July : A strong, unexpected 20-minutehail storm in the Buenos Aires area leaves 15 wounded, hundreds of broken windows, and damage to thousands of vehicles. ( [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/07/26/um/m-01240909.htm Clarín] , [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/826435 La Nación] )
*29 July : Union and business leaders negotiate a raise of the minimum monthly wage from 630 to 800 pesos ($260, €200) in three steps, ending in November. ( [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/07/28/um/m-01241977.htm Clarín] )
** A fire in atransformer station causes a blackout in Buenos Aires City, initially leaving 228,000 without power. ( [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/07/29/um/m-01242681.htm Clarín] )August
4 August :Julio Simón (aka "El Turco Julián") becomes the firstDirty War criminal to be punished by law after the repeal of the Due Obedience and Full Stop laws. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/829171 La Nación] )
*5 August : An earthquake of magnitude 5.7 in the Richter scale, with its epicenter in Barrancas, 25 km from Mendoza City and the strongest in 20 years in the area, is felt in Mendoza, La Rioja, San Juan and Córdoba. A magnitude 3.7 earthquake happens the next day in the same area. Together they cause minor or moderate damage to about 600 buildings and injuries to several people. ( [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/829226 La Nación] , [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/829540 La Nación] )
*10 August : The Senate passes a law that authorizes the performance oftubal ligation andvasectomy without the need of medical reasons or spousal consent. The law mandates that surgical sterilization be done without charge in public hospitals and that it be included in labor union and private health insurance plans. ( [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/08/09/um/m-01249330.htm Clarín] , [http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpais/1-71224-2006-08-10.html Página/12] , [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/830371 La Nación] )eptember
18 September : Argentina and Paraguay agree to settle Paraguay's debt of $11,000 million for the jointYaciretá dam project. Paraguay will pay using its share of hydroelectricity, at the rate of 8,000 GW per year for 40 years. [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/841537]October
5 October : The Senate passes a law that makessex education compulsory in all schools, private and public, starting at the initial level (5 years of age), to be implemented by each establishment respecting "its institutional body of ideas and the convictions of its members". ( [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/10/04/um/m-01284077.htm Clarín] )
*13 October : Cellulose plant conflict: Demonstrators again block border crossings between Argentina andUruguay after theWorld Bank announces its decision to continue funding the disputedpaper mill s. [cite news | url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6050542.stm | title = Mill protests shut Uruguay border | publisher = "BBC" | accessdate=2008-02-28]
*25 October : Argentine prosecutors formally charge theIran ian government and the Lebanesemilitia Hezbollah over the 1994 bombing of aJew ish centre which killed 85 people. [cite news | url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6085768.stm | title = Iran charged over Argentina bomb | publisher = "BBC" | accessdate=2008-02-28]November
3 December :Russia wins the2006 Davis Cup after a 3-2 victory over Argentina. [cite news | url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/tennis/6203988.stm | title = Safin seals Russian Davis Cup win | publisher = "BBC" | accessdate=2008-02-28]Deaths
January 8 : José Luis "Garrafa" Sanchez, 31, football (soccer ) player, from injuries sustained in a biking accident.
*February 9 :José María Mainetti , physician, surgeon and oncologist.
*March 10 :Alberto Migré ,telenovela screenwriter and producer.
*April 5 :Marcelo Real , 48, sportscaster. [http://www.diariobuenosaires.com.ar/nota2.asp?IDNoticia=14647]
*April 14 :Raúl Quijano , 82, former foreign minister. [http://www.rulers.org/2006-04.html]
*May 1 :Raúl Francisco Cardinal Primatesta , Archbishop Emeritus of Córdoba.
*May 4 :Alejandra Boero , actress and director.
*May 16 :Jorge Porcel , actor and comedian.
*May 25 :Aída Luz , theater and film actress.
*May 28 :Fermín Chávez , 82,historian , complications from renal failure. [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/cultura/nota.asp?nota_id=809790] , [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/05/28/um/m-01204061.htm] , [http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultimas/20-67521-2006-05-28.html]
*June 29 :Fabián Bielinsky , film director.
*July 8 :Ana María Campoy , actress.
*July 11 :Oscar Moro , musician.
*August 4 :Leopoldo Bravo , politician and diplomat.
*September 22 :Enrique Gorriarán Merlo , revolutionary and guerrilla leader.
*October 6 :Eduardo Mignogna , 66,film director . [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/Archivo/nota.asp?nota_id=847048]
*November 4 :Delfor Medina , 78,actor . [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/Archivo/nota.asp?nota_id=856637]
*November 16 :Pablo Shilton , 38,actor ,Car accident . [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/Archivo/nota.asp?nota_id=859535]
*November 19 :Julio Ramos , 71, journalist, director of "Ámbito Financiero ",leukemia . [http://www.buenosairesherald.com/argentina/note.jsp?idContent=332123]
*November 20 :Saúl Ubaldini , 69, labor leader and parliamentarian for thePeronist party,lung cancer . [http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/11/20/america/LA_GEN_Argentina_Obit_Ubaldini.php]
*December 22 :Jorge Manuel López , Archbishop Emeritus ofRosario
*December 26 :Nelva Méndez de Falcone , 76, pioneering member of theMothers of the Plaza de Mayo ,lung disease .ports
:"See worldwide
2006 in sports "
*May 7 :Boca Juniors wins the 2006Clausura Argentine Championship.
*September 14 :Boca Juniors wins the 2006Recopa Sudamericana against São Paulo FC in the second match held inSão Paulo .References
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