- Physiologus
The Physiologus is a
didactic text written or compiled in Greek by an unknown author, inAlexandria ; its composition has been traditionally dated to the second century AD by readers who saw parallels with writings ofClement of Alexandria , who is asserted to have known the text, though Alan Scott [Alan Scott, "The Date of the Physiologus" "Vigiliae Christianae" 52.4 (November 1998:430-441).] has made a case for a date at the end of the third or in the fourth century. The "Physiologus" consists of descriptions of animals, birds, and fantastic creatures, sometimes stones and plants, provided with moral content. Each animal is described, and an anecdote follows, from which the moral and symbolic qualities of the animal are derived. Manuscripts are often, but not always, given illustrations, often lavish.The book was translated into Latin in about 400, and into
Ethiopic andSyriac , then into many European and Middle-Eastern languages, and manyilluminated manuscript copies such as theBern Physiologus survive. It retained its influence over ideas of the "meaning" of animals inEurope for over a thousand years. It was a predecessor of bestiaries (books of beasts). Medieval poetical literature is full of allusions that can be traced to the "Physiologus" tradition; the text also exerted great influence on the symbolism of medieval ecclesiastical art: symbols like those of the phoenix rising from its ashes and thepelican feeding her young with her own blood are still well-known.Allegorical stories
The story is told of the lion whose cubs are born dead and receive life when the old lion breathes upon them, and of the phœnix which burns itself to death and rises on the third day from the ashes; both are taken as types of
Christ . Theunicorn also which only permits itself to be captured in the lap of a pure virgin is a type of theIncarnation ; thepelican that sheds its own blood in order to sprinkle its dead young, so that they may live again, is a type of the salvation of mankind by the death of Christ on the Cross.Some allegories set forth the deceptive enticements of the
Devil and his defeat by Christ; others present qualities as examples to be imitated or avoided.Attributions
"Physiologus" is not an original title; [Greek works were not traditionally titled; hence the conventional titles of works in the Greek canon are Latin ones.] it was given to the book because the author introduces his stories from
natural history with the phrase: "the physiologus says", that is, the naturalist says, the natural philosophers, the authorities for natural history say.In later centuries it was ascribed to various celebrated Fathers, especially
Epiphanius ,Basil , and St.Peter of Alexandria .The assertion that the method of the "Physiologus" presupposes the
allegorical exegesis developed by Origen is not correct; the so-called "Letter of Barnabas " offers, before Origen, a sufficient model, not only for the general character of the "Physiologus" but also for many of its details. It can hardly be asserted that the later recensions, in which the Greek text has been preserved, present even in the best and oldestmanuscript s a perfectly reliable transcription of the original, especially as this was an anonymous and popular treatise.Early history
About the year 400 the "Physiologus" was translated into Latin; in the fifth century into
Ethiopic [edited byFritz Hommel with a German translation (Leipzig, 1877), revised German translation in "Romanische Forschungen", V, 13-36] ; into Armenian [edited by Pitra in "Spicilegium Solesmense", III, 374-90; French translation by Cahier in "Nouveaux Mélanges d'archéologie, d'histoire et de littérature" (Paris, 1874)] ; intoSyriac [edited by Tychsen, "Physiologus Syrus" (Rostock, 1795), a later Syriac and anArabic version edited by Land in "Anecdota Syriaca", IV (Leyden, 1875)] .Epiphanius used "Physiologus" in his "Panarion" and from his time numerous further quotations and references to the "Physiologus" in the Greek and the LatinChurch fathers show that it was one of the most generally known works of ChristianLate Antiquity . Various translations and revisions were current in theMiddle Ages . The earliest translation into Latin was followed by various recensions, among them the "Dicta Johannis Chrysostomi de naturis bestiarum", ["Sayings of John Chrysostom on the nature of beasts", edited by Heider in "Archiv für Kunde österreichischer Geschichtsquellen" (II, 550 sqq., 1850). ] A metrical Latin "Physiologus" was written in theeleventh century by a certainTheobaldus , and printed by Morris in "An Old English Miscellany" (1872), 201 sqq.; it also appears among the works ofHildebertus Cenomanensis in "Pat.Lat.", CLXXI, 1217-24. To these should be added the literature of thebestiaries , in which the material of the "Physiologus" was used; the "Tractatus de bestiis et alius rebus", attributed toHugo of St. Victor , and the "Speculum naturale" ofVincent of Beauvais .Translations
Translations and adaptations from the Latin introduced the "Physiologus" into almost all the languages of Western Europe. An eleventh-century German translation was printed by Müllenhoff and Scherer in "Denkmäler deutscher Poesie und Prosa" (No. LXXXI); a later translation (twelfth century) has been edited by Lauchert in "Geschichte des Physiologus" (pp. 280-99); and a rhymed version appears in Karajan, "Deutsche Sprachdenkmale des XII. Jahrhunderts" (pp. 73-106), both based on the Latin text known as "Dicta Chrysostomi." Fragments of a ninth century metrical Anglo-Saxon "Physiologus" still exist; they are printed by Thorpe in "Codex Exoniensis" (pp. 335-67), and by Grein in "Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie" (I, 223-8).
About the middle of the thirteenth century there appeared an English metrical "Bestiary", an adaptation of the Latin "Physiologus Theobaldi"; this has been edited by Wright and Halliwell in "Reliquiæ antiquæ" (I, 208-27), also by Morris in "An Old English Miscellany" (1-25).
Icelandic literature includes a "Physiologus" belonging to the early part of the thirteenth century, edited by Dahlerup (Copenhagen, 1889).In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries there appeared the "Bestiaires" of
Philippe de Thaun , a metricalOld French version, edited by Thomas Wright in "Popular Treatises on Science Written during the Middle Ages" (74-131), and by Walberg (Lund and Paris, 1900); that byGuillaume, clerk of Normandy , called "Bestiare divin", and edited by Cahier in his "Mélanges d'archéologie" (II-IV), also edited by Hippeau (Caen, 1852), and by Reinsch (Leipzig, 1890); the "Bestiare" ofGervaise , edited byPaul Meyer in "Romania" (I, 420-42); the "Bestiare" in prose ofPierre le Picard , edited by Cahier in "Mélanges" (II-IV).An adaptation is found in the old
Waldensian literature, and has been edited byAlfons Mayer in "Romanische Forschungen" (V, 392 sqq.). As to the Italian bestiaries, a Tuscan-Venetian "Bestiarius" has been edited (Goldstaub and Wendriner, "Ein tosco-venezianischer Bestiarius", Halle, 1892). Extracts from the "Physiologus" inProvençal have been edited by Bartsch, "Provenzalisches Lesebuch" (162-66). The "Physiologus" survived in the literatures ofEastern Europe in books on animals written inMiddle Greek , among theSlavs to whom it came from theByzantines , and in a Romanian translation from a Slavic original (edited byMoses Gaster with an Italian translation in "Archivio glottologico italiano", X, 273-304).The manuscript tradition
Modern study of "Physiologus" can be said to have begun with Father Sbordone's edition, 1936, [Fr. Sbordone, 'Physiologus" (Rome: Dante Albrighi) 1936.] which established three traditions in the surviving manuscripts of the text, a primitive tradition, a Byzantine one and a pseudo-Basil tradition. Ben Perry showed [Perry, "Physiologus" "BW" 20"' (1941:1103ff.] that a manuscript Sbordone had missed, at the
Morgan Library , [Morgan codex 397.] was the oldest extant Greek version, a late tenth century manuscript fromGrottaferrata .ee also
List of illuminated manuscripts Notes
* S. Epiphanius ad physiologum, ed.
Ponce de Leon (with woodcuts) (Rome, 1587) another edition, with copper-plates (Antwerp, 1588);
* S. Eustathu ni hexahemeron commentarius, ed.Leo Allatius (Lyons, 1629; cf. I-F van Herwerden, Exerciti. Crstt., pp. 180182, Hague, 1862);
* Physiologus syrus, ed.O. G. Tychsen (Rostock, 1795)
* Classici auctores I ed. Mai, vii. 585596 (Rome, 1835)
*G. Heider , in Archiv für Kunde österreichischer Geschichtsquellen" (II, 550 sqq., Vienna, 1850)
* Cahier and Martin, Mélanges d'archaeologie, &c. ii. 85 seq (Paris, 1851), iii. 203 seq. (1853),iv. 55 seq. (r856);
* Cahier, Nouveaux mélanges (1874), p. 106 seq.
*B. Pitra , "Spicilegium solesmense" Th xlvii. seq., 338 seq., 416, 535 (Paris, 1855)
*Maetzner , Altengl. Sprachproben (Berlin, 1867), vol. i. pt. i. p. 55 seq.
*J. Victor Carus , Gesch der Zoologie (Munich, 1872), p. 109 seq.
*J. P. N. Land , Anecdote syriaca (Leiden, 1874), iv. 31 seq., 115 seq., and in Verslager en Mededeelingen der kon. Akad. van Wetenschappen, 2nd series vol. iv. (Amsterdam, 1874);
* Möbius and Hominel in the publications quoted above.
*Lauchert , Geschichten des Physiologus (Strassburg, 1889)
* Emil Peters: "Der griechische Physiologus und seine orientalischen Übersetzungen" (Festschriften der Gesellschaft für deutsche Philologie ; 15). Berlin, 1898.
* Meinolf Schumacher: "Der Biber – ein Asket? Zu einem metaphorischen Motiv aus Fabel und 'Physiologus'": "Euphorion" 86 (1992) pp. 347-353.Translations
* Emil Peters: "Der Physiologus" (aus dem griech. Orig., mit einem Nachw. vers. von Friedrich Würzbach). München: Musarionverl., 1921
* Christian Schröder: "Der Millstätter Physiologus. Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar" (Würzburger Beiträge zur deutschen Philologie ; 24; zugl.: Würzburg, Univ., Diss., 2004). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2005
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