- Lahar
A lahar is a type of
mudflow /landslide composed ofpyroclastic material andwater that flows down from avolcano , typically along ariver valley .cite web|url= http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/Products/Pglossary/lahar.html|title=Lahar|work=USGS Photo Glossary|accessdate=2007-09-02] The term 'lahar' originated in theJavanese language ofIndonesia . InHindi 'lahar' means 'wave'.Lahars have the consistency of
concrete : fluid when moving, then solid when stopped.cite web|url=http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/Hazards/What/Lahars/lahars.html|title=Lahars and Their Effects|work=USGS Volcano Hazards Program|accessdate=2007-09-02] Lahars can be huge: the Osceola lahar produced 5,600 years ago byMount Rainier inWashington produced a wall of mud Convert|140|m|ft|-1 deep in the White River canyon and extends over an area of over Convert|330|km2|sqmi|-1 for a total volume of 2.3 cubic kilometers (0.55 cubic miles).cite journal|last=Crandall|first=D.R.|date=1971|title=Postglacial Lahars From Mount Rainier Volcano, Washington |journal=U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper|volume=677|url=http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Volcanoes/Rainier/Publications/PP677/osceola_mudflow.html]Lahars can be extremely dangerous, because of their energy and speed. Large lahars can flow several dozen meters per second and can flow for many kilometres, causing catastrophic destruction in their path.cite journal|url=http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Hazards/NRC_Report/nrc_hazards.html|title=Volcanic Hazards with Regard to Siting Nuclear-Power Plants in the Pacific Northwest|last=Hoblitt|first=R.P.|coauthors=Miller, C.D., and Scott, W.E.|journal=U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report|volume=87-297] The lahars from the
Nevado del Ruiz eruption inColombia in 1985 caused theArmero tragedy , which killed an estimated 23,000 when the city ofArmero was buried under Convert|5|m|ft|0 of mud and debris. [cite web|url=http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/Hazards/What/Lahars/RuizLahars.html|title=Deadly Lahars from Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia|work=USGS Volcano Hazards Program|accessdate=2007-09-02]New Zealand 'sTangiwai disaster in 1953, where 151 people died after a Christmas Eve express train fell into theWhangaehu River , was caused by a lahar.Several mountains in the world, including
Mount Rainier in theUSA ,Mount Ruapehu inNew Zealand , andGalunggung inIndonesia , are considered particularly dangerous due to the risk of lahars. Several towns in thePuyallup River valley in Washington state, including Orting, the closest to Mount Rainier, are built on top of lahar deposits that are only about 500 years old. Lahars are predicted to flow through the valley every 500-1,000 years, so Orting, Sumner, Puyallup, Fife, and the Port of Tacoma face considerable risk. TheUSGS has set up lahar warning sirens in Pierce County, so that people can flee an approaching debris flow.A lahar warning system has been set up at Mount Ruapehu by the
New Zealand Department of Conservation and hailed a success after it successfully alerted officials to an impending lahar on18 March 2007 .The 1991
Mount Pinatubo eruption caused lahar as well, but it was due to the passing of a majortyphoon over thePhilippines which resulted in a torrent ofvolcanic ash andwater down to therivers surrounding thevolcano . The lahar was caused by the mixing of settled ash and water from the monsoon which occurred the day after the volcano finished erupting. Although the eruption only killed 6 people, 1500 were killed in the resulting lahar, showing the destructive nature of lahars.ee also
Mudflow References
External links
* [http://www.geography-site.co.uk/pages/physical/earth/volcanoes/pyroclastic%20flows.html Schools page about lahars and pyroclastic flows]
* [http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/Hazards/What/Lahars/lahars.html USGS web page about lahars]
* [http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/About/Highlights/RainierPilot/Pilot_highlight.html Mount Rainier Volcano Lahar Warning System]
* [http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2002/fs034-02/ USGS fact sheet - "Mount Rainier -- Learning to Live with Volcanic Risk"]
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