List of scientific journals in biology

List of scientific journals in biology

This is a representative list of scientific journals in biology and its various subfields.



* "African Invertebrates" [ (journal home)]
* "American Journal of Botany" [ (journal home)]
* "American Midland Naturalist" [ (journal home)]
* "American Naturalist" [ (journal home)]
* "Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics" [ (journal home)]
* "Annual Review of Genetics" [ (journal home)]
* "Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics" [ (journal home)]
* "Annual Review of Microbiology" [ (journal home)]
* "Annual Review of Physiology" [ (journal home)]
* "Annual Review of Plant Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "BioEssays" [ (journal home)]
* "Biological Reviews" [ (journal home)]
* "Biology Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Biology of Reproduction" [ (journal home)]
* "Biometrika" [ (journal home)]
* "Bioscience" [ (journal home)]
* "Biotropica" [ (journal home)]
* "Canadian Journal of Forest Research" [ (journal home)]
* "Cell" [ (journal home)]
* "Central European Journal of Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Disease Models & Mechanisms" [ (journal home)]
* "Ecological Applications" [ (journal home)]
* "Ecological Monographs" [ (journal home)]
* "Ecology" [ (journal home)]
* "Ecology Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Emu" [ (journal home)]
* "European Journal of Human Genetics" [ (journal home)]
* "Evolution" [ (journal home)]
* "Evolution and Development [ (journal home)]
* "Evolutionary Ecology" [,11855,4-10027-70-35681186-0,00.html (journal home)]
* "Evolutionary Ecology Research" [ (journal home)]
* "Faseb Journal" [ (journal home)]
* "Forest Ecology and Management" [ (journal home)]
* "Functional Ecology" [ (journal home)]
* "Genetica" [,1:100267,1 (journal home)]
* "Genetics" [ (journal home)]
* "Genome Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Genome Research" [ (journal home)]
* "Heredity" [ (journal home)]
* "International Journal of Biological Sciences" [ (journal home)]
* "International Journal of Biometeorology" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Applied Ecology" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Animal Ecology" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Ecology" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Evolutionary Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Experimental Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Herpetology" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Mammology" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Molluscan Studies" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Natural History" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Theoretical Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Zoology" [ (journal home)]
* "Molecular Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Molecular Biology and Evolution" [ (journal home)]
* "Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution" [ (journal home)]
* "Molecular Systems Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Nature Protocols" [ (journal home)]
* "Nature Reviews Cancer" [ (journal home)]
* "Nature Reviews Drug Discovery" [ (journal home)]
* "Nature Reviews Genetics" [ (journal home)]
* "Nature Reviews Immunology" [ (journal home)]
* "Nature Reviews Microbiology" [ (journal home)]
* "Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Oecologia" [ (journal home)]
* "Oikos" [ (journal home)]
* "Phytochemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Plant Physiology" [ (journal home)]
* "PLoS Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Quarterly Review of Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Rejuvenation Research " [ (journal home)]
* "Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling" [ (journal home)]
* "Theoretical Population Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Trends in Cell Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Trends in Ecology and Evolution" [ (journal home)]
* "Trends in Genetics" [ (journal home)]
* "Wetlands" [ (journal home)]


*"Animal Production"
*"Annales de Zootechnie
*"Applied Animal Behavioral Science
*"Crop Science"
*"Domestic Animal Endocrinology"
*"Genetic Selection Evolution
*"Journal of Animal Science" [ (journal home)]
*"Journal Dairy Research"
*"Journal of Dairy Science" [ (journal home)]
*"Journal of Food Science"
*"Livestock Production Science"
*"Livestock Science" [ (journal home)]
*"Poultry Science"
*"Worlds Poultry Science Journal


*"Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology"
*"American Journal of Anatomy"
*"Anatomical Record"
*"Anatomy and Embryology"
*"Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology"
*"Cells Tissues Organs"
*"Developmental Dynamics"
*"Journal of Anatomy"
*"Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology"
*"Journal of Morphology"
*"Journal of Pineal Research"
*"Microscopy Research and Technique"
*"Virchows Archiv - A"


*"Annual Review of Biochemistry"
*"Biochemica et Biophysica Acta"
*"Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications"
*"Biochemical Journal"
*"Biochemical Society Transactions"
*"Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry"
*"FEBS Journal"
*"FEBS Letters"
*"Journal of Biochemistry"
*"Journal of Biological Chemistry"
*"Methods in Enzymology"
*"Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry"
*"Nucleic Acids Research"
*"Trends in Biochemistry"


* "Applied Bioinformatics"
* "BMC Bioinformatics" [ (journal home)]
* "Briefings in Bioinformatics" [ (journal home)]
* "Cancer Informatics" [ (journal home)]
* "Evolutionary Bioinformatics" [ (journal home)]


* "Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure"
* "Biochemica et Biophysica Acta"
* "Biophysical Journal" [ (journal home)]
* "FEBS Letters"
* "Journal of Structural Biology"
* "Neurosignals"
* "Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology"
* "Quarterly Reviews in Biophysics"
* "Structure"


* "Genes, Brain and Behavior" [ (journal home)]
* "Nature Reviews Neuroscience" [ (journal home)]
* "Neurogenetics" ( [,,5-10054-70-1126696-0,00.html external link] )
* "Neuron" [ (journal home)]


*"Acta Virologica"
*"Advances in Virus Research"
*"AIDS Care"
*"AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses"
*"Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy"
*"Antiviral Research"
*"Antiviral Therapy"
*"Archives of Virology"
*"International Journal of STD and AIDS"
*"Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes"
*"Journal of Clinical Virology"
*"Journal of General Virology"
*"Journal of Human Virology"
*"Journal of Medical Virology"
*"Journal of Neurovirology"
*"Journal of Viral Hepatitis"
*"Journal of Virology"
*"Journal of Virological Methods"
*"Monographs in Virology"
*"Papillomavirus Report"
*"Reviews in Medical Virology"
*"Topics in HIV Medicine"
*"Viral Hepatitis"
*"Viral Immunology"
*"Virology Journal"
*"Virus Genes"
*"Virus Research"

See also

* List of scientific journals
* List of botany journals

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