List of scientific journals in chemistry

List of scientific journals in chemistry

There are very many scientific journals in chemistry containing original research, or reviews of other publications, or both. How do we know which are the most prestigious, the most rigorous in accepting articles, and so on? All journal articles reference other journal articles. We can measure how many times articles in one journal, over a period of time such as one, two or three years, are referenced by all other journals. Ranking the journals counting that total number of references gives one list. It gives a measure of how many people visit a journal. Journals with many articles are likely to out-rank journals with few articles. As a consequence the impact factor was introduced. This is essentially the average number of references to each article in a particular journal. Impact factor measures the worth of an average article in a journal. Ranking journals according to the impact factor gives another list.

Top-ranked journals

The journals listed below are the 20 top ranking chemistry journals most frequently referenced in Chemical Abstracts. ["Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index, 1907 - 2004 Cumulative", Part 1, Page 46I. The data is based on a coverage analysis of the two volumes 140 - 141 of "Chemical Abstracts"]

# "Journal of Biological Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of the American Chemical Society" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Chemical Physics" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Physical Chemistry B" [ (journal home)]
# "Tetrahedron Letters" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Applied Polymer Science" [ (journal home)]
# "Langmuir" [ (journal home)]
# "Chemical Physics Letters" [ (journal home)]
# "Chemical Communications" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Physical Chemistry A" [ (journal home)]
# "Acta Crystallographica, Section E, Structure Reports online" [ (journal home)]
# "Macromolecules" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Organic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Chromatography, A" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
# "Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters" [ (journal home)]
# "Tetrahedron" [ (journal home)]
# "Organic Letters" [ (journal home)]
# "Angewandte Chemie International Edition" [ (journal home)]
# "Inorganic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]

A different list based on total citations is below. A search of 2004 "Journal Citation Reports" from the Institute for Scientific Information for journals in subject categories CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL; CHEMISTRY, APPLIED; CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR; CHEMISTRY, MEDICINAL; CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC; CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL, PHYSICS, ATOMIC, MOLECULAR & CHEMICAL. "Physical Review A" was removed from the top 20 as not being sufficiently chemical. ]

# "Journal of the American Chemical Society" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Chemical Physics" [ (journal home)]
# "Angewandte Chemie International Edition" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Organic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
# "Tetrahedron Letters" [ (journal home)]
# "Analytical Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
# "Chemical Communications" [ (journal home)]
# "Inorganic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
# "Langmuir" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Physical Chemistry B" [ (journal home)]
# "Chemical Physics Letters" [ (journal home)]
# "Chemical Reviews" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Chromatography, A" [ (journal home)]
# "Tetrahedron" [ (journal home)]
# "Analytical Biochemistry" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Medicinal Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
# "Organometallics" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of Physical Chemistry A" [ (journal home)]
# "Chemistry of Materials" [ (journal home)]

The journals listed below are the 20 top ranking chemistry journals according to impact factor.

# "Surface Science Reports" [ (journal home)]
# "Chemical Reviews" [ (journal home)]
# "Nature Materials" [ (journal home)]
# "Accounts of Chemical Research" [ (journal home)]
# "Annual Review of Physical Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
# "Chemical Society Reviews" [ (journal home)]
# "Advances in Catalysis" [ (journal home)]
# "Angewandte Chemie International Edition" [ (journal home)]
# "Aldrichimica Acta" [ (journal home)]
# "Nano Letters" [ (journal home)]
# "Medicinal Research Reviews" [ (journal home)]
# "Catalysis Reviews" [ (journal home)]
# "Natural Products reports" [ (journal home)]
# "Progress in Inorganic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
# "Journal of the American Chemical Society" [ (journal home)]
# "Separation and Purification Reviews" [ journal home)]
# "Coordination Chemistry Reviews" [ (journal home)]
# "Progress in Solid State Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
# "Advanced Functional Materials" [ (journal home)]
# "Advances in Organometallic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]

There are only two or three journals in common between the 'impact factor' list and either of the lists based on total counts of citations. The 'impact factor' list contains very many more review journals. Review journals tend to have high impact factors because they publish relatively few articles, but they are referenced many times. For example, "Chemical Reviews" was cited 45129 times and published 183 articles. "Journal of the American Chemical Society" has 231890 citations, but ends up with a lower impact factor because it published many more articles: 3167.

Alphabetic list of titles

The list below presents scientific journals in chemistry and its various subfields.


* "Accounts of Chemical Research" [ (journal home)]
* "Acta Chemica Scandinavica"
* "Acta Crystallographica, Section E, Structure Reports online" [ (journal home)]
* "Advanced Functional Materials" [ (journal home)]
* "Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis" [ (journal home)]
* "Advances in Catalysis" [ (journal home)]
* "Advances in Organometallic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Aldrichimica Acta" [ (journal home)]
* "The Analyst" [ (journal home)]
* "Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Analytical Biochemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Analytical Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Angewandte Chemie International Edition" [ (journal home)]
* "Annual Reports Section A" of the Royal Society of Chemistry [ (journal home)]
* "Annual Reports Section B" of the Royal Society of Chemistry [ (journal home)]
* "Annual Reports Section C" of the Royal Society of Chemistry [ (journal home)]
* "Annual Review of Physical Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Applied Organometallic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Applied Spectroscopy" [ (journal home)]
* "Arkivoc (Archive for Organic Chemistry)" [ (journal home)]
* "Australian Journal of Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Australian Journal of Education in Chemistry" [ (journal home)]


* "Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Biochemical Journal" [ (journal home)]
* "Bioconjugate Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Bioelectrochemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Biomacromolecules" [ (journal home)]
* "Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan" [ (journal home)]


* "Canadian Journal of Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Catalysis Communications" [ (journal home)]
* "Catalysis Reviews" [ (journal home)]
* "Catalysts and Catalysed Reactions" [ (journal home)]
* "Ceramics-Silikaty" [ (journal home)]
* "ChemBioChem" [ (journal home)]
* "Chemical Communications" [ (journal home)]
* "Chemical Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Chemical Physics Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Chemical Reviews" [ (journal home)]
* "Chemical Society Reviews" [ (journal home)]
* "Chemische Berichte" [ (journal home)]
* "Chemistry Education Research and Practice" [ (journal home)]
* "" [ (journal home)]
* "" [ (journal home)]
* "Chemistry Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Chemistry of Materials" [ (journal home)]
* "ChemMedChem" [ (journal home)]
* "ChemPhysChem" [ (journal home)]
* "Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications" [ (journal home)]
* "Comptes rendus Chimie" [ (journal home)]
* "Computers and Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Coordination Chemistry Reviews" [ (journal home)]
* "CrystEngComm" [ (journal home)]
* "Chemistry & Biodiversity" [ (journal home)]


* "Dalton Transactions" [ (journal home)]


* "Education in Chemistry" [ (journal home))]
* "Electrochemistry Communications" [ (journal home)]
* "Electroanalysis" [ (journal home)]
* "Electrochimica Acta" [ (journal home)]
* "Environmental Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "European Journal of Organic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "European Polymer Journal" [ (journal home)]


* "Faraday Discussions" [ (journal home)]
* "Faraday Transactions" [ (journal home)]


* "Geochemical Transactions" [ (journal home)]
* "Green Chemistry" [ (journal home)]


* "Helvetica Chimica Acta" [ (journal home)]


* "Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Inorganic Chemistry Communications" [ (journal home)]
* "Inorganic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Inorganica Chimica Acta" [ (journal home)]
* "International Journal of Hydrogen Energy" [ (journal home)]
* "International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS)" [ (journal home)]
* "International Journal of Quantum Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "International Reviews in Physical Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design" [ (journal home)]
* "Ion Exchange Letters" [ (journal home)]


* "JAAS Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of the American Chemical Society" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Applied Polymer Science" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Biological Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Catalysis" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Chemical Education" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Chemical Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Chemical Research" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of the Chemical Society" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Chromatography, A" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Cluster Science" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Computational Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of the Electrochemical Society" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Environmental Monitoring" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Fluorescence" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry" - see "Polyhedron"
* "Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A Pure and Applied Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part C,Polymer Reviews" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Materials Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Materials Research" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Mathematical Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Molecular Structure" [ (journal home)]
* "" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Medicinal Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Natural Products" [ home)]
* "Journal of Organic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Organometallic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Physical Chemistry A" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Physical Chemistry B" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Physical Chemistry C" [ (journal home)]
* "" [ (journal home)]
* "" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of the Royal Institute of Chemistry" [ (journal home)]


* "Lab on a Chip" [ (journal home)]
* "Langmuir" [ (journal home)]
* "Liebigs Annalen der Chemie" [ (journal home)]


* "Macromolecules" [ (journal home)]
* "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Medicinal Research Reviews" [ (journal home)]
* "Mendeleev Communications" [ (journal home)] [ (RSC journal home)]
* "Methods in Organic Synthesis" [ (journal home)]
* "Molbank" [ (journal home)]
* "Molecular BioSystems" [ (journal home)]
* "Molecular Physics" [,1,1;homemain,1,1; (journal home)]
* "Molecules" [ (journal home)]


* "Nano Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Natural Product Reports" [ (journal home)]
* "Nature Chemical Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Nature Materials" [ (journal home)]
* "Nature Protocols" [ (journal home)]
* "New Journal of Chemistry" [ (journal home)]


* "Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Organic Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Organometallics" [ (journal home)]
* "Outlooks on Pest Managemment" [ journal home)]


* "Perkin Transactions" [ (journal home 1)] and [ (journal home 2)]
* "Pesticide Outlook" [ (journal home)]
* "Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences" [ (journal home)]
* "Photochemistry and Photobiology" [ (journal home)]
* "PhysChemComm" [ (journal home)]
* "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Polyhedron" [ (journal home)]
* "Polymer" [ (journal home)]
* "Proceedings of the Chemical Society" (published 1885-1914) [ (journal home: note drop-down list as the journal published under several names)]
* "Progress in Inorganic Chemistry" [ (journal home)]
* "Progress in Solid State Chemistry" [ (journal home)]


* "Radiochimica acta" [ (journal home)]
* "Radiochemistry" [Russian "Radochimya"] [ (journal home)]
* "Russian Chemical Bulletin" [ (journal home)]
* "Russian Chemical Reviews" [ (journal home)]

* "Scientia Pharmaceutica" [ (journal home)]
* "Separation and Purification Reviews" [ (journal home)]
* "Separation and Purification Technology" [ (journal home)]
* "Separation Science and Technology" [ (journal home)]
* "Soft Matter" [ (journal home)]
* "Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange" [ (journal home)]
* "Spectrochimica Acta" [ (journal home)]
* "" [ (journal home)]
* "" [ (journal home)]
* "Spectroscopy Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Surface Science" [ (journal home)]
* "Surface Science Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Surface Science Reports" [ (journal home)]
* "Synlett" [ (journal home)]
* "Synthesis" [ (journal home)]
* "Sensors and Actuators" [ (journal home)]


* "Talanta" [ (journal home)]
* "Tetrahedron" [ (journal home)]
* "Tetrahedron Asymmetry" [ (journal home)]
* "Tetrahedron Letters" [ (journal home)]
*"Theoretical Chemistry Accounts" [ (journal home)]


* "Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie" [ (journal home)]

See also

* List of scientific journals
* Open access journal
* Scientific literature


External links

* [ Directory of Free Full-Text Journals in Chemistry]
* [ Overview of journals in organic chemistry]
* [ Journal Titles and Abbreviations]
* [ Common Journal Abbreviations from RSC]

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