List of scientific journals in physics

List of scientific journals in physics

This is a representative list of scientific journals in physics and its various subfields.



* "Acta Physica Polonica" Sections [ A] and [ B]
* "Advances in Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "American Journal of Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Anales de Física"
* "Annalen der Physik"
* "Annales de Physique"
* "Annals of Physics"
* "Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics" [ (journal home)]
* "Applied Physics Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Central European Journal of Physics"
* "Doklady Physics"
* "European Physical Journal" - parts A-E, ST, AP [ (journal home)]
* "Europhysics Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Fizika" [ (journal home)]
* "Helvetica Physica Acta" ISSN 0018-0238.
* "Journal de Physique" IV - Proceedings
* "Journal of Physics" - parts A-D, G [ (joint website)]
* "Journal of Applied Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Nature Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Physica Scripta" [ (journal home)]
* "Physical Review" - parts A-E and "Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Physics Reports"
* "Journal of the Physical Society of Japan" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics" [ (journal home)] [ (journal home 2: russian)]
* "Physics Today" [ (journal home)]
* "Reports on Progress in Physics" [,6ZAuq2q6zyurzg/journal/RoPP (journal home)]
* "Progress of Theoretical Physics" [ (journal home)] (in Japanese language edition)
* "Reviews of Modern Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Technical Physics (Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki)" [ (journal home)]
* "Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk" [ (journal home)]


* "Central European Journal of Physics" (section Acoustics)
* "Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology"
* "Ultrasonic Imaging"
* "Ultrasonic Sonochemistry (journal)(Ultrasonic Sonochemistry)"
* "IEEE Transactions On Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, And Frequency Control"
* "Journal of the Acoustic Society of America"
* "Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine"
* "IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing"]
* "Journal of the Audio Engineering Society []
* "Journal of Clinical Ultrasound"
* "Phonetica
* "Wave Motion
* "Technical Acoustics []


* "Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics" [ (journal home)]
* "Astronomical Journal" (AJ) [ (journal home)]
* "Astronomy and Astrophysics" (A&A) [ (journal home)]
* "Astrophysical Journal" (ApJ) [ (journal home)]
* "Central European Journal of Physics" (section Astrophysics)
* "Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society" (MNRAS) [ (journal home)]
* "Icarus" [ (journal home)]

Atomic and Molecular Physics

* "Central European Journal of Physics" (section Atomic and Molecular Physics)
* "European Physical Journal D"
* "Journal of Physics B"
* "Laser Physics"
* "Physical Review A"


* "Central European Journal of Physics" (section Plasma Physics)
* "Journal of Plasma Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Nuclear Fusion" [ (journal home)]
* "Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion" [ (journal home)]
* "Physics of Plasmas" [ (journal home)]
* "Plasma Sources Science and Technology" [ (journal home)]
* "Plasma Science and Technology" [ (journal home)]
* "IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science" [ (journal home)]


* "Measurement Science and Technology" [ (journal home)]
* "Metrologia" [ (journal home)]
* "Review of Scientific Instruments" [ (journal home)]

Nuclear Physics

* "Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables" []
* "Central European Journal of Physics" (section Particle and Nuclear Physics)
* "" []
* "" []
* "Nuclear Physics A" []
* "Nuclear Data Sheets" []
* "" []
* "" []
* "Physical Review C" [ (journal home)]


* "Advances in Atomic, Moceular, and Optical Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Applied Physics" B [ (journal home)]
* "Applied Optics" [ (journal home)]
* "Central European Journal of Physics" (section Optics and Lasers)
* "Journal of Biomedical Optics"
* "" [ (journal home)]
* ""
* "" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of the Optical Society of America A" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of the Optical Society of America B" [ (journal home)]
* "Nature Photonics" [ (journal home)]
* "Optics Communications" [ (journal home)]
* "Optics Express" [ (journal home)]
* "Optics Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Progress in Optics" [ (journal home)]

Computer Physics

* "Central European Journal of Physics" (section Computational Physics)
* "Computational Mechanics"
* "Computational Materials Science"
* "Computer Physics Communications"
* "Computers in Physics"
* "Computing in Science and Engineering"
* "International Journal of Modern Physics" C (Computational Physics, Physical Computations)

Condensed Matter and Materials Science

* "Applied Physics A [ (journal home)]
* "Central European Journal of Physics" (section Condensed Matter Physics)
* "European Physical Journal B"
* "International Journal of Modern Physics B" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids" [ (journal home)]
* "" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Non-crystalline Solids" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials"
* "Modern Physics Letters B"
* "Nature Materials" [ (journal home)]
* "Philosophical Magazine" [ (journal home)]
* "Philosophical Magazine Letters"
* "Physica B" (Condensed Matter)
* "Physica C" (Superconductivity)
* "Physica E" (Nanostructures)
* "Physica Status Solidi (a) and (b) [ (journal home)]
* "Physics of Fluids" [ (journal home)]
* "Physics of the Solid State (Fizika Tverdogo Tela)" [ (journal home)]
* "Semiconductors (Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov)" [ (journal home)]
* "Solid State Communications"
* "Synthetic Metals"

Low Temperature Physics

* "Journal of Low Temperature Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Low Temperature Physics (Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur)" [ (journal home)]

Chemical Physics

* "Chemical Physics Letters" [ (journal home)]
* "Chemical Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Chemical Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics" [ (journal home)]

oft Matter Physics

* "Granular Matter" [ (journal home)]
* "" [ (journal home)]
* "Soft Matter" [ (journal home)]
* "European Physical Journal E"

Medical Physics

* "Central European Journal of Physics" (section Biological Physics)
* "Medical Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Physics in Medicine and Biology" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Radiotherapy and Oncology" [ (journal home)]
* "International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics [ (journal home)]
* "Magnetic Resonance in Medicine" [ (journal home)]

Biological Physics

* "Biophysical Journal" [ (journal home)]
* "Biophysics" [ (journal home)]
* "Central European Journal of Physics" (section Biological Physics)
* "European Biophysics Journal" [ (journal home)]
* "Journal of Biological Physics" [ (journal home)]

tatistical and Nonlinear Physics

* Central European Journal of Physics (section Statistical Physics)
* Chaos [ (journal home)]
* Journal of Statistical Physics [ (journal home)]
* Journal of Statistical Mechanics [ (journal home)]
* Physica A

Theoretical Physics

* "Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" [ (journal home)]
* " Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré A
* "Central European Journal of Physics" (section Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)
* "Classical and Quantum Gravity" [ (journal home)]
* "Communications in Mathematical Physics" [|description&changeHeader=true& (journal home)]
* "International Journal of Modern Physics A"
* "Journal of Mathematical Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Nuclear Physics B" [ (journal home)]
* "Progress of Theoretical Physics" [ (journal home)]
* "Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" [ (journal home)]

See also

* List of scientific journals
* List of fluid mechanics journals

External links

* [ list from CIRS]
* [ EPS recognized physics journals]

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